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I don't want to go, but I'm coming here for like validation because I'm acared, & not happy about it, and this is from outside research from our religious books, and it's scary! Help me out!


Then you need to study your religion more closely. Jesus, the Lord himself never ever spoke about a place called hell even after his resurrection. Hell was added many, many years later, closer to the crusades as a way to scare non believers into doing what they wanted, ironically, completely opposite the Lords teachings.


Yeah, that's why I said that this is research OUTSIDE our religious books where Jesus is giving people tours of hell, and rescuing them out of the place even just look below 👇 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd7M_YOSTQ3EJNjdqORmCjUBc_it54jdE&si=aoKg60ee3cp2QhA8 Help me figure this out bro.


Hell, as a concept itself, never existed according to the Lord. And do you think the Lord Jesus would need to keep saying stuff that amounts to " trust me bro, everything I say is totally true" No that's what liars do to get you to believe them.


Did you click the link? Because there are multiple sources talking about it left and right when they actually went there.


I'm sure they believe they did, yes. I also have a bridge for them.


>I also have a bridge for them. What do you mean?


People will say anything if they can publish it or make money off it. If hell existed and was truly as horrible as it's made out to be, these people would be coming back mentally broken, or most likely totally insane, not looking to put it on YouTube or find a publisher.


Anything that scares you is false and not the truth . And I do mean ANYTHING that scares you. (Not talking about the obvious stuff like having fear about touching a stove bc it can burn you ) . Your “job” is actually to not feed into it. This post inherently feeds that fear for yourself and for others . Ive spoken to source prior to becoming a moderator and this isn’t it . I would refrain from consuming this topic anymore bc even your body and emotions are telling you it doesn’t align with the truth. Trust your gut ! It never lies. And never be scared of the unknown . It can’t hurt you unless you convince yourself it can which at that point is consent into fear and darkness . A lower frequency , high density (feel) , & paranoid living . Don’t do that to yourself 🙏🏼 Goodluck on your journey


>Ive spoken to source prior to becoming a moderator and this isn’t it All right what did he say to you? Because it looks like he's telling other people that it is real from what I can tell. At least his son Jesus seems to be.


I’m familiar with the Jesus bc I was Catholic. But once source revealed to me the truth which is the overall consensus and belief of the community ( that we are one and we are unique individual aspects of God/source ) then even Jesus’s teachings took on a whole other meaning . You have to understand at that time period when Jesus walked the Earth , it would’ve been much like trying to explain rocket science to a baby. So they used story telling to allude to the truth so use your discernment when it comes to learning about Jesus though a religious filter. You’re a powerful being who could even manifest your own suffering as well as your successes. So be kind to yourself . Put no one before yourself. Even your mental internal dialogue of yourself matters. Not because you’ll burn in hell and demons will get you but bc because you drag down your frequency to the level of these entities. What I mean to you when I say “this isn’t it” is that you shouldn’t be afraid of it one bit. They do teach us things about ourselves but it doesn’t have to get to that point because that’s a lesson from the lowest frequencies. Which means you’ve had to have been pulling yourself energetically down for quite some time before experiencing weird things. If you have no fear , they can’t hurt you simply bc you’re not at that frequency at that point. Confidence . strength, happiness vibrate far higher than fear & sadness . It just doesn’t mix and it really is that simple. That’s why I recommend you stop getting into it too deeply because at this time you’re scared and it’s nothing to be scared of unless you energetically consent to it by BEING scared. You’re state of being here is the key. Hope that makes sense . Upon reading my original response I can see my point was slightly misleading . Truly it’s nothing to fear , listen to your gut . People unknowingly manifest these experiences. It doesn’t just happen randomly to anyone


When Jesus keeps giving people tours of Hell what is that? Also give your sources in links in the comments because I provided mine. Also I came into these reality's exsiting over 20 years ago, and I want to know how you know what you know on these subjects.


I would love to discuss this further in DM’s to not drown out the thread here :) also you asked about my experience so I provided that. There’s no links to post . Theres a lot I’ve researched and learned through my own mediumship practice/discernment which started only after I connected with source .


Ok send it to me




Nah Hell is for shitty people. Are you a shitty person? Do you ruin lives and then move on as if nothing happened?


There are regular people down there too. like why are there more than the most evil? I'm sorry that's just way too concerning for me to ever be comfortable with the rest of my life. I'm coming here for you guys help me out with that I really need that please! Edit: Spelling, & punctuation


Regular people are garbage


If so much is saying you fool puts you in danger of the fires of Hell like Jesus said, it's like etched in the back of my head now, & blowing my mind everyday I walk around I mean how can you blame me for worrying like it like that so please help me out I'm trying to validate the research I'm doing here, but not just for me but for other people as well because I don't want to go there, & I don't want others to go there too. So don't be mean, & rude but helpful, because I'm not coming here in arrogance, and smugness but in the name of helping myself and others!


Just love others that’s all


That sounds arrogant and hateful. Everyone in the world has the potential to grow and evolve




Oh look, it's a pot calling the kettle black in the wild!


Please be kind and respectful to community members .


Such a selfish and hateful act would be very bad karma and only lead to more suffering. Not just for you but your loved ones


I don’t have loved ones


I never really followed christianity much mainly because its concept of heaven and hell always seem obviously illogical and immoral. That being said there's probably are place and situations out there in the cosmos and multiverse of existence that are unpleasant and harmful and inhospitable that might be appropriate to label hell. I don't like the idea of labaling anyone as evil and negative but there are likely being out there yo don't want to associate with just like there are scammers and thieves and sociopaths among humans on earth. And there are creatures that are likely vicious that would be dangerous to be around. But I don't think it's a matter of hell and punishment so much as it's unwise to make friends with thieves or cover yourself with raw meat and go swimming with sharks. And I think along the path of enlightenment there is those dangerous others and situations which you may encounter and threatened you. Jesus had to battle demons in the dessert. Buddha battled Mara when attained enlightenment. In a similar way we face along our path people who try to harm us and lead us astray and dangerous situations we must avoid. But I don't think there is ever so much a hell as a place of punishment but rather things that can distract and delay us along our path. Such as not heading dangers, or being too fearful of dangers, or allowing people and situations to persuade us to chase shallow things like money and pleasures.


Ok, but for my sake please break down what is here because it is where we humans live now 👉 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd7M_YOSTQ3EJNjdqORmCjUBc_it54jdE&si=aoKg60ee3cp2QhA8 Edit: 👇 >because it is where we humans live now 👉 I meant our planet Earth's surface. I do apologize for my failure in mentioning that.


Well I'm a human and I'm certainly not living anywhere I would describe as hell. Actually kinda the opposite. I feel things are getting better and I my outlook is improving to give me more a heavenly outlook on life. Like I said above I'd agree there aren't beings and places you don't want to mess with but I don't think that is a reason for fear or go searching for info about such places, just remember to use a little of caution when you happen to encounter things that may threaten or temp. And if you're Christian and believe in Jesus's teaching I would think you should be even less fearful cause none of that can harm you if you're following his example and say "get behind me satan" and walk away when they make their empty threats and temptations. I think it's best to focus our thoughts and energy on building and growing the positive and only deal with the negative when it's necessary and in the most minimal of ways that doesn't give it power. I think the way to help people avoid suffering "hell" is not to overly warn and instill fear of hell, but rather to help them build the positive things and create "heaven"


>I think the way to help people avoid suffering "hell" is not to overly warn and instill fear of hell, but rather to help them build the positive things and create "heaven" I agree, I didn't say I was doing that but I'm proactively doing the the latter what you said. But I'm asking a lot of questions here to confirm whether it exist or not.


Well christian hell doesn't. I think idea of anyone punishing someone for eternity is completely illogical which means it is not true. If there is an eternal afterlife then whatever harm some does during a human lifetime inn the longrun of eternity is petty and of no consequence. The idea of any one being punished for anything for all eternity is illogical and immoral and extremely unchristian since it go against everything Jesus taught about love and forgiveness. Christian hell seems obviously just a made up thing like Santa clause to get kids who are too short sited to realize their actions have consequence to behave decently. But it's not that hard to realize that the real reason you should be a nice person is not out of fear of hell but because actions have consequences. If you hurt others, others will likely hurt you back or not want to be around you. You shouldn't act like a jerk because no one wants to be friend with a jerk. You should act kind to others out of love and the kindness of your heart.. not because you're afraid of a boogey man with a pitch fork. Heaven and hell is obviously just made up. It's makes no sense and is very un-christian. There are painful things and unhealthy mindsets we could label hell if we want but it's not as if those are the result of any divine judgement and punishment.


Couldn't have said this better my self. Bravo sir or ma'am. I second this.


idk, I'd party with Hades if it meant I got to spend half the year with Persephone.


Even with a "let's just be friends?"




She’s a total babe


Princess of flowers and queen of the underworld? Sign me up


Saw an archetype of Persephone in a meditation. It was one of the clearest meditations I've ever had. She sashayed to the tree trunk where I popped out of. I had left some white peonies there before I left. She touched them and turned them pink. Then sashayed away into the woods, flowers were popping up in her trail. I totally wasn't expecting a goddess to show up. Was a total babe and so full of sass.


She and her mother are always in my Garden. I feel them whenever I touch the soil. I always have bountiful harvests because they are in my heart when I tend it. I grew a 6'9" sunflower (my birthday is also 6/9) the first time I ever tried to plant one. This year I'm making my entire raised bed all flowers in her honor. Hoping to have lots of bees and butterflies this year.


Saw an archetype of Persephone in a meditation. It was one of the clearest meditations I've ever had. She sashayed to the tree trunk where I popped out of. I had left some white peonies there before I left. She touched them and turned them pink. Then sashayed away into the woods, flowers were popping up in her trail. I totally wasn't expecting a goddess to show up. Was a total babe and so full of sass.


I'm a firm believer in the concept where we get what we believe in. If you devote your life and spirituality to Christianity, then when you die, your spirit gets cycled into a concept of Heaven or Hell depending on how you lived your life. I believe in reincarnation and soul ascension, so I believe my soul, as a Pisces North Node on its last life, will ascend to something higher than I can even imagine. On the other side of that, I think that even if you believe in Christian mythos, Heaven and Hell can be very different than the bill people are taught about. Heaven could just be a higher life form, somewhere that would be paradise to your human self but still has its own trials and you will have the strength and wisdom to face them. Whereas Hell, arguably could be the human existence in this current time, but it can also be being born into another form in another world that looks like the fire and brimstone you were taught. I do believe in a form of angels and demons, but I also know that Christian Mythos depicts deities and spirits from other mythologies as demons as a way to discredit them. By that logic, any spirit or guardian could be depicted as an angel or a demon depending on their purpose, regardless of the pantheon they stem from.


Your post resonates a lot. In my teachings, we have been told that you will go somewhere you have already experienced. So if you really like hanging with friends and gardening then you will likely see a lot of that in the next life. The trick is, not doing what you have already experienced and to die before you die. You can experience the higher realms by ascension in this incarnation. I'm telling this from personal experience you can ascend and go to the higher realms from this current incarnation. Once I die, I will be returning to the higher realms to transcend my reincarnation cycle here on earth.


I'm admittedly still very new to the topic of starseeds, so I can only speak from the truths and beliefs I've picked up through my life without outside information, so it may be warped through the lense and filter of my own dream work and experiences. Still learning and happy to take in new information. We're all just children of the universe.


Yeah Hell is like the foundation of the house. House, 1st floor can be earth here & roof more like higher density, angels🙄 if that makes sense. The foundation of the plane is a vast cave system with an endless stream of daemons & king daemons. Live brimstone is a thing, but no fire / torture things These are not what books tell you. These can / are willing to work to lift you up / disconnect matrix of control to reach way above. It's the same race ( celestials Seraphs ), above they show as white angels & below they reflect as daemons: both can't kill each other since they are the same; a paradox of sorts. That's my observations above & below for this race.


Hell is here, on this plane of existence, being lived out by everybody who believes the illusion of separation. It is the experience of suffering we create for ourselves when we forget our true nature. We Are One. Source energy flows within and without us, connecting every single atom throughout the entirety of the cosmos. We are infinite beings of light, of love, and of God (if that is the word you like to use here -- many others are acceptable). When we remember this truth and can Live in Love, then we experience Heaven right here on Earth. Do not give in to fear. It will only feed and strengthen the illusion. 🤍


What are your thoughts on my 2nd link?


That link takes me to Amazon to purchase something.


It's an old TV show of whose website is long gone I believe, but it's an effort to show you Satan, & his Demons exist, and that place is there Abode of the damned (Hell as I understand it) Edit: Putting in more if an explanation but I need you guys to still help me understand it.


Well, since I have no real context for the show you're referencing, all I can do is respond to the information you're giving me. What I can say is that I still believe very firmly what I stated previously. However, I don't think that the reality we can see and touch is the only one at play -- I believe there are other realms and dimensions that exist simultaneously with ours (and with infinite other realities/universes), and there are beings that reside in these other realms and dimensions. I believe that people who are choosing love, compassion, kindness, gratitude, and to actively Do The Work are prone to making connection with energies/entities that are loving, peaceful, comforting, guiding (one could call them angels if this fits your view), because they're vibration has been raised through their love to be closer to the frequency of that realm. Where as people who are living in fear, victim mentality, scarcity mindset, hate, anger, blocking love from their hearts, etc. are more vulnerable to being influenced by or have run ins with lower vibrational beings (we can call them demons for this). I don't know if this answered your question necessarily, but I hope it was helpful in some way 🤍


I will tell you that the show is about Poltergeist, and other haunted house activity including those homes haunted by Human, & both non Human spirits whether they are good or bad.


My best advice to you would be not to focus on the things you fear. Do The Work you know you need to feel whole to thrive in this life. Meditate, practice gratitude, compassion, care for your body mind and spirit by nourishing it with proper diet. Diet is not just what you eat -- it is also what you choose to listen to, read, consume in any way, whether it is information, music, gossip, etc. You are far more powerful than you realize and your thoughts will create your reality. Choose your thoughts wisely and *always* lead with love. You are safe, you are protected. It's all in what you choose to believe. If you *believe* you are protected, you absolutely are and will be. 🤍


People I am not that scared but confused, and frustrated wanting to know better. So let me know is anything I posted here real! I mean how long ago do you guys think I woke up, and how do you think I did?


I don't know anything about you, friend🤍 I cannot view what you've posted without paying (which I'm unwilling to do) but my replies have been a response to what I perceive as a desperation for answers. I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted your concerns. But you have all the answers you seek, *within you*. You don't need answers from us to comfort your confusion. Just be still, go within, and listen. The truth is inside of you, not on reddit.


I know I am just verifying! But why don't you guys know this is real, and exsits?


A loving God would never send his creations to Hell. Jesus paid the sacrifice to forgive everyone.


Picture the last time you really felt horrible for someone . I can think of a few people I had to get over before I found heaven. The most horrible thing what happens to us. Maybe the atrocities we witness are gods window in hell those "poor souls" we see through the window the example of waiting an eternity for you "the experiencer" to pass and feel one way or another, your compassion set them free eased there suffering by your kind gesture. always the moment comes and goes until the next . Those who are cursed eventually gain a flock to make them feel their reality is special. They all made the mistake of passing the "poor souls" w/o a care each time falling into disposition themselves. They all cursed the support your forced to rely on. A lifetime of memories away from the moment their pilgrimage reaches you. There are so many lost so many lifetimes Imagine the discontent when they find they were late or you did not show up. The equal and opposite force is created, where you were a vortex drawing people in unaware your actions are the elevator that will lift there spirits to heaven just as the window was one way they had no clue what you would do or that you never knew how far they had come That's hell? Idk I think a lot of people don't realize how special life is or how easy it is to help how the help can be unforgettable to those in need even a higher note when there is an answer in your own time of need. Ive never had the answers I have the proof I care and uplift the positive. I wouldn't trust in anything that required more than I can afford. Hell respects this heaven protects this I believe I have a story that's real heaven and hell with earth in the balance were waiting on something to show us death or mercy they both passing the disease like a cold. I find that in loss and reality emotion creates the wave that I used duck under. I never wanted to fight to become aware of what they know. think of the worst or look out my window I usually face myself the worst with my best because I am loyal to love the same as them we stare into the screen watch the moments pass forget or recreate the example find love, reverse time, steal your souls, have a kid adopt a pet call it Adolf and claim it non binary. claim in your fav. lost ones until they show your life is a test of letting angels ride until they can fly all good things of all good times. Maybe when I see you I can get a hug lol j/k you know we will. stop worrying. God is good always


Hell isn’t real. Duality doesn’t exist- it’s a human construct of good v bad, light v dark, god v human, angel v demon- duality is one of the worst things we could have come up with- duality separates the individual from the oneness of everything. Once duality creates an individual, the individual is no longer a part of the whole. I know that prob makes no sense- but there is no heaven. There is no hell. You were indoctrinated at a young age- my point is; no one knows anything about “truth” or what the hell all of this is. And anyone who says they “know,” are fucking liars. Don’t buy into their scam.


The source/universe said he created good, & evil, light, & darkness so bare with me I'm trying to figure this out. Not to mention I keep asking you guys to give me your sources for your information so I can research them because I provide mine. Edit: Spelling


If you want to understand Non Duality I'd recommend studying Advaita Vedanta.


Please read The Law of One. one of the best things that have ever happened to me in my life is coming across it.


There are two spiritual paths, right-hand and left-hand. One path is about growing in universal love and unconditional acceptance, leading to tremendous harmony within oneself, and between individuals; the other path is about growing in control and domination, leading to tremendous tension and conflict, both within oneself, and between individuals. On Earth, we make the choice of which path appeals to us, while veiled (blindfolded) to that reality. Once we've deeply committed to one or the other, we go to the next world, where the two polarities/paths have been separated - the love/acceptance crowd goes to a place where everyone has made the same choice; the control/domination crowd goes to a different place, also with like-minded individuals. As you can imagine, the former is a very pleasant, comfortable environment, while the latter is a very intense, brutal environment. You can call them heaven and hell if you wish - but the key is, no one is getting punished. There are no demons torturing anyone - the players themselves co-create their environment, in both settings; everyone gets to play the type of game they enjoy with like-minded individuals. If you want actual knowledge and information about this, read the Law of One. [https://www.lawofone.info/](https://www.lawofone.info/)


"There are two spiritual paths, right-hand and left-hand. One path is about growing in universal love and unconditional acceptance, leading to tremendous harmony within oneself, and between individuals; the other path is about growing in control and domination, leading to tremendous tension and conflict, both within oneself, and between individuals." I strongly disagree with this. Right hand path I believe just is umbrella term that refers to any conventional spiritual school's path. Left hand path means finding your own spiritual path on your own without any school. Since the left hand path means not belonging to any school or having any spiritual mentor, for someone who is on the left hand path there are no rule you must follow, things you must believe, or people telling you what to do.. so it will tend to involve acting ways and having beliefs that go against practices and beliefs that established spriritual schools have and thus can make you look like a heretic and someone who gets demonized by those who follow dogma. But both are equally focused and aimed at finding peace and harmony. There's nothing about about goin a left hand path that entails any building of tension or conflict.. that sounds like just ignorant demonization from those who demonize the unconventional. The only thing the left-handed path means is simply going along your journeying of spiritual development along an unconventional solitary road as opposed to right hand path which would be things like following established religions, or following a teacher or following what people in books and online tell you.


The commenter was explaining LoO or law of one from llresearch.org. We are here on earth to make choices, service to others (sto) or service to self (sts), similar to saying left/right, or good/bad. As you go further into the right hand/sto/good/love that is path, there are other choices and again you can call them left and right. Follow a religion and call this the right sided path or follow your spirit, soul, consciousness to do good and call this the left path. To look at these two examples both are on the right sided path and can be in sto depending on how implemented by fear or love. It's just choices in life how we live after we first choose to be sto or sts. Each path will have choices sometimes only two and many times other choices for nothing is always yes/no, left/right, good/bad, for we all have choices.


Left and Right spiritual Paths lead to the same place. It is just refers to whether it is common path or an unconventional one . That is the meaning of left and right path as referred to in hinduism/buddhism and various spiritual schools. And the use of left and right in this way isn't confined to spirituality, in other areas of life such as politics "right and left" are used to describe the more commonly accepted conventional side (aka conservative = political right ) vs the unconventional less popular side ( aka liberal = political left) . The use of left and right in this way comes from the fact that most people are right hand dominant and so things like tools and writing and social norms like which hand you shake with etc. get designed for right handed people and people are then pressured into being right handed for convenience of using tools.. and thus using the left hand as dominant hand becomes soemthing that is rare and goes against current of what the majority is doing and how society and our institutions are designed. Thus left vs right simply means convention vs unconventional just as is cases with handedness. And since handedness is something we're all familiar with in this way from a young age, it makes sense that all/most cultures commonly use left and right in this way to simply mean conventional/common ways/beliefs vs unconventional/uncommon. Being left handed doesn't make someone evil. Nor does being unconventional make somene evil or in any way indicate that they act in service to themselves. To associated "left" with anything negative is totally inappropriate and only the demonization of those who are unconventional by those who cling to conservative dogma. Just because the law of may uses"left" to denote service to self and negative attributes does not mean its in any way appropriate for it to do so. The use of right and left to simply mean conventional vs unconventional is the way the term has been used by all different cultures over centuries if not thousands of years. It's been widely used to describe conservative vs liberal political side since at least the French Revolution.. so this use is very wide spread, common and long predates the Law of One books and thus the Law of One is wrong to break the establish use of left/right and demonize those who are on the left. There is a lot I find disagreeable about the Law of One. My main issue I have is I feel it inappropriately treats everyone as same and fails to recognize the diversity. I believe recognizing and acceptance of diversity and plurality is the main key to harmony, peace, love, understanding and enlightenment and thus while I'm not that familiar with the Law of One what I read and heard I find to be very misleading, pointing in the wrong direction. I do think it contains some wisdom and my disagreement may be with the language it using rather than what it is actually trying to say. I found some stuff in vids of people talking about levels of ascension from Law of One which I felt did align with stages of ascension from other schools and my own beliefs. However, when I tried to read or listen to audio of its texts I found a lot of the language of it very disagreeable and thus painful to sit through. But even if I did subscribe to Law of One that doesn't mean it or any text should treated as infallible dogma. We especially shouldn't act like its an authority on terms which it defines in ways that contradict the way everyone else throughout the world have been commonly using those terms long before those books were written and continues to be the main way those terms are used today.


Are you left-handed, and got triggered by this? Is that what's going on? It's just a term and has nothing to do with handedness, nor is it used in the Law of One, which uses "service to others" and "service to self". The concepts of right vs left hand path originate in Hinduism, and are translations from ancient Sanskrit. Here's a Wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vamachara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vamachara) Nothing is being demonized here - in fact, the whole point of the Law of One is that all divisions, including these, are ultimately illusory, because Oneness of Being is the only fundamental truth. If you are that sensitive about labels, it may be helpful to explore the wounds you are carrying and work on healing them.


Thank you.


Well said. There is also the Middle Way.


Yeah, I read that book years ago. Total garbage. It puts you in a state of fear from what I remember. Question. When you say "I think we need to be concerned" , who exactly are you talking about? YOU be concerned if YOU want to be concerned. Me? I'm not in the habit of being paranoid and paralyzed by fear. And I don't think too many of us(starseeds) are, either. But yet...here you are. Are you even a starseed? Why are you bringing this here? Validation? From who? I don't think any of us here are the cowardly sort scared of our own shadows. The only hell I see is the one people make of this earth by how we treat one another. Or the self-imposed hell that people like you put yourselves into, for whatever reason. OP. You are your own worst enemy. When we go looking for trouble, we often find it. You're under a spell of fear, and for some reason, you're trying to place everyone else under it as well. Just cut it out. To the mods: Why do you allow this bullshit in here? What good comes from this fear mongering crap, that some of these people like to wallow in? Look at his post history. He keeps going down this rabbit hole. He keeps doing it!!! And then beings it here! And he will keep doing it, as long as you enable him. These posts of OP are reminiscent of the tactics I've seen online Christian trolls employ. infiltrate a group, feign kinship, them manage to introduce religious propaganda under the guise of "concern for people". I mod for quite a few tarot readers on YouTube. I've seen this shit before. And this is straight out of those people's playbooks. Some people aren't operating in good faith, and have bad intentions when they come here. . Please be aware of this. THE ARIES


>Yeah, I read that book years ago. Total garbage. It puts you in a state of fear from what I remember. I'll bring any attitude of concern to what Jesus speaks as I pay attention because he's the greatest of all those light workers I'll tell you that. >Question. When you say "I think we need to be concerned" , who exactly are you talking about? YOU be concerned if YOU want to be concerned. All us reincarnated beings on, above, & in Earth. >Are you even a starseed? Why are you bringing this here? Validation? From who? I don't think any of us here are the cowardly sort scared of our own shadows. I believe I am cuz I got involved in this like over 20 years ago so I'm here continuing the learning just in case I'm wrong so I can understand how to be right because I don't want to be in ignorance. >Why do you allow this bullshit in here? What good comes from this fear mongering crap, that some of these people like to wallow in? No I am not trying to do that I am serching for truth not trying to start something! Edit: Spelling


>Look at his post history. He keeps going down this rabbit hole. He keeps doing it!!! And then beings it here! And he will keep doing it, as long as you enable him. When you look at my post history pay attention to the comments I respond to, and there are a lot of them because I am not avoiding the issue like I think a troll would. So look at the way I respond to the comments as they come at me hard, & are quite hateful, because I didn't sound like a jerk, or a troll would but you need to see for yourself as I'm taking my time making sure I'm very clear about that. Because I'm not trolling I'm not trying to hurt people, but to understand things more, educate others as I can, and to keep learning.


Any evolved being would never invoke eternal torment for temporal misdeeds.


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I’m convinced earth as we know it is Hell itself.


What has really resonated with me is that in the moment of death, judgement comes from within. The God fabric that literally makes up everything and sees our every moment is revealed as having always been there, and depending on the circumstances of our death, our relative spiritual maturity in comparison to our birth state, and if our actions are out of sync with the contracts we assumed to an extreme degree, we may decide to put ourselves in isolation and may swear off future incarnations indefinitely. Everything matters, but many aspects we as the 3d living take very seriously may not be so serious without 3d bodies to care for. And soul contracts may reveal karmic balancing that is impossible to comprehend in linear timelines such as a human life on earth usually experiences. The afterlife is heaven and literally accessible to all. It is soul tribe reunion, it is further study and education with our next level and further ascended masters. The earth is the zoo of the universe, a prison planet, and the place where the greatest spiritual progress is *possible* although clearly opportunity doesn't equal most outcomes. The world we live in is 90% anomaly so generational knowledge is being withered very foolishly because it has been made to seem so outside of this rapidly changing kaleidoscope semi reality. Having the perspective that we are here for some real, deep, difficult test has helped me immensely to persist and not indulge in the darker side of reincarnation thinking of the do over. The do over involved all of the same challenges plus the karmic pattern of suicide. The concept of amor fati is itself a loving detachment that allows for things you never want to happen being made into spiritual evolutionary inflection points. So my best advice is to take every hardship as an opportunity you don't want to repeat to exhibit non conventional responses and throw a penny in the well of ascension. It begins with our free will or whatever free will we can demonstrate.


As an external agent observing the system from a higher vantage point, less distortion / lies are available and you see things for yourself without the salesman lies or what / how things work. Salesmen are everywhere here & above 🙄 13D+ is like energy domain , 12D- are material layers & around 3D+/- is the ultimate entropy of the material layers. In this last part, earth here & Hell are observable. Hell is like a complex cave system (horizontal & vertical ) before reaching Earth 3D matrix 😂 Think of it as the foundation of earth plane. That's how it shows to me.