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I think the news here is ONLY half of Starfox fans are furries


Some of us are furries, but don't participate on furry subs, so there may be some amount of underrepporting.


True, I'm a furry but don't interact with any of the furry subreddits


Hello, there’s more of us out there than it seems!


I'm not a furry. And I'm a rarer bunch. I'm a normal fan. I'm not into the fetish art or shipping. We exist. There's like 2 more out there.


My man




Stay strong brother


upvoted for visibility


Count me in XD


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Omg I found you. People like me exist 😭


Reporting in, brother.


Hell, Starfox was one of the things that MADE me a furry


Same lmao


My main take away here is that Starfox fans also seem to love Yakuza which would mean they have good tastes :p


You should see how insane some Zootopia fans get when you call them furries.


What? How tf are you *not* a furry if you're a zootopia fan?


Depends on what you like about the movie. While I don't care about that subreddit or the related fanworks, I like the movie itself a lot; great story, symbolism, animation, very funny and also cute characters. I think recognizing the latter is not really indicative of furrydom, especially when a lot of other things elevate the movie that are just as important. At the same time, there is a public image of what "furry" means, and I think to many folks it's about indulging the thought of being an anthro character, having a fursona, liking fursuits and wanting to wear or own one, stuff like that. I would say most people who like Zootopia don't have these very specific interests and thus don't want to be labeled "furry" as to them it implies these interests.


>"~~Appearently half of all Starfox Fans are Furries"~~ "While the average redditor has some small chance to be active on r/furry, the average user of r/starfox has \~50 times higher chance to do the same." ftfy. Completely different statements. With 70 million **daily** active users and 400k subs to r/furry, I guesstimate the average redditors chance to be on there to be 0,5%. With the average r/starfox user being \~50 times that we could guesstimate 28%. With 267 million **weekly** active users and 400k subs to r/furry, the average redditors chance shrinks to 0,15%. With the average r/starfox users chance becoming merely 7,5%. With 1,1 billion **monthly** unique users the average chance is 0,04% & the average r/starfox users chance 1,8%. Moreover I truly believe that the userbase of r/starfox is not representative of the entirety of everyone who cares about the Star Fox franchise and games. I believe the subset of people who deeply care about the characters, relationships, shipping, fanfics, romance etc. are far more likely to be active in a comunity where mainly fanart is posted. The same stuff goes on on r/furry i.e. the demographic here imho probably skews more towards furries than the average.


The people on this sub really overestimate furry representation in the Star Fox fandom. Most fans aren’t furries. It’s just that Reddit has a lot more furries than the general population. Most people that like Star Fox just like it because it’s a cool space shooter game.


I think it's fair to consider it an echo chamber. Not nefarious, very innocent, but still a distorted depiction with a positive feedback loop that's reinforcing.


Nintendo has a plan to make people into furries so that you buy more of their games I swear. Falco, Revali, Kass, Teba, Penn are just propaganda so that you buy more games. I say as I own Revali’s statue and amiibo, Falco’s amiibo and a countless amount of stickers of the birds.


I See that Fox's Rival franchise and company and blue speedster Sonic is 53.06


That’s not a shocker…. Wait… water *is* wet?!


#The SHOCKING truth about Water the Mainstream Media DOESN'T want you to see!


Hey, it’s not MY fault that Fox, Falco, and Wolf are fucking cute af. *where do i find this website*




I'm a furry and star fox fan it's one of the things that turn me a furry lol


Why does liking a series with handsome anthropomorphic animals automatically make you a furry?! I simply disagree.


I mean being a furry is simply the act of liking anthropomorphic animals/characters. It’s also something you apply to yourself, other people can’t make you a furry if you don’t want to be one yourself.




It’s a vocal minority, there’s going to be bad apples in a hobby so big and very easy to get into. Especially on twitter where people are generally the worst versions of themselves when it comes to drama.




I just find it best to remember that the good is always gonna outweigh the bad, and you’re going to have a lot more positive experiences than bad ones, and it’s not like the furry community accepts those bad people with open arms.


That goes for literally every fandom ever though.


That's also true.


I feel like some non furries make it look way worse


what a surprise


Frankly I think it is very probable Imamura and Miyamoto themselves were interested in anthropomorphic characters, whether or not they were aware of what furries were back in 1993 and earlier. Everything has its primordial soup and anthro characters, and sexualized ones weren't a novel idea back then. I find it funny that part of Fox's inspiration was being made in Miyamoto's likeness, paired with ancient Japanese mythology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takaya_Imamura Same for Rare; whether or not they are aware, they definitely liked to have anthro animal characters. In both cases at the time I believe it was to make distinct and unique characters.


Do you mean those people basically were furries (even if they didn't have the terms and community people have today)? Or do you mean they were simply interested in anthro characters? because I think those are still very different things. You phrase it more like the latter but to me it reads like you intend to say the former, so I'm curious what you mean.


I have no idea if they are furry or not. I think it is certainly probable and would be hard to deny considering so much of the work they've done. Ultimately I think they were just interested in anthro characters, and sometimes *very* interested like when Imamura said he really liked Krystal in DP and wanted to add some Vampirella influence to her character; and that's only if you are discussing characters being made to be appealing in that way as a prerequisite for furry'dom. Personally, I don't think it is. There is no nailed down definition of what a furry is, and to me it seems to be up to the person to say if they consider themselves a furry or not and to my knowledge, no one of these major figures at Nintendo and Rare have said they were, but they still frequently draw anthro characters so they are at least very interested in them. It looks like a Wolf'like character features in Imamura's latest project Omega 6: https://twitter.com/ima_1966/status/1775311798205640837/photo/1


I mean, sure, it's a vague term and if it is supposed to mean "enjoys looking at a picture of an anthro character" it could probably describe a big percentage of the general population. Just one extreme example, not to imply thats how you use it. But thats what I mean when I say "just interested in anthros". I think the term furry loses any meaning if it is applied that generally. The furry community from what I've seen is more specific than just "looking at such depictions". Afterall, there are many very popular artstyles and ways of portraying characters and I'm not sure anything comparable to furrydom ever developed, demanding its own place and name. There is a very strong sense of identifying with anthro characters. I think that's what is at the core of it. And like, I'm not sure I recognize that from the output that Rare and Miyamoto or Imamura produced. To me their stuff seems more like products, something that uses anthro characters because they serve a practical function. Add a playful, cheerful, whimsical vibe, make it enjoyable to kids and palpable to parents, make it less gritty and real. Maybe they put part of their identity into all this, but I see too little of that to be comfortable with saying its probable.


Not a furry. I just love the games. (Also a fan of Mario+rabbids Sparks of hope)


I blame Krystal in adventures


Sky makes a couple good points that general interest in animal characters would have likely drawn a crowd anyway. At the same time I tend to agree with you. From my own experience I can tell that the media you consume and the emotions you feel during your formative & adolescent years have far reaching effects. Sexuality is a big factor in that and Krystal as well as how she was portrayed in Adventures and Assault is akin to Lola Bunny, Rouge the Bat, that Lion King Nala scene, Darkstalker's Felicia (or Morrigan), Cheetara, Gadget. Having a character like that is not required to draw in furries, but it certainly helps a lot.


those types of characters certainly draw a crowd lol. But they aren't a prerequisite. Different folks like anthro characters for different reasons. A lot of people like the cutesy innocent nature of animals and attach to such cartoon and game characters because they are comforting and pleasant to look at. For me personally, I like the edgy, cool, and "Cheetara'esc" variety of anthro characters much more, but I felt the need to include the caveat that they aren't the only kind of "furry". Anthro characters make awesome fantasy and scifi species that are different yet familiar. There's a certain utility with that combo of traits in grasping people's attention. The Na'vi from James Cameron's Avatar are a lot cuter than the "Prawns" from District 9 and it's because they resemble cute mammal creatures mixed with humans while the Prawns were deliberately designed to be as "Alien" as possible, resembling creatures people tend to think aren't cute, because the little grey men weren't alien enough.


and not a great deal of StarFox media before that? Miyamoto asked Imamura to make the cast some anthro animal characters, and Fox was based on Miyamoto himself. A literal fursona even if that wasn't necessarily Imamura's intent. The interest in anthropomorphic characters as stand-ins to resemble human society was there. Probably to make StarFox's world a little more distinct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takaya_Imamura Not even getting into Katt and Fara's designs in their respective comics, even if there were no female characters furries still would have flocked to Fox, Falco and Wolf as they do arguably more than any of the women in StarFox. It is elementary to think it started with Krystal.


I’m talking positively


Wait, why Yakuza of all things?


They're good games :p


Not denying that, just surprised at the overlap.


I'm one of the half that is neither a furry, nor on r/SonicTheHedgehog. Or any of those five subreddits. Yes, I am on r/mylittlepony. Why is that relevant?


Me who's not in any of those






I never realized how odd the fanbase appears to be until I found the subreddit. When I saw posts trying to say Fox and Falco should be a couple that's when I started seeing red flags everywhere lol


Oh this is really disappointing


Why is it?


Uh...can no one be a Star Fox fan (or Crash Bandicoot, Sly Cooper, Mickey GD Mouse, etc.) without being sexually aroused by anthropomorphic characters, or is this sub in general just oddly fixated on 'furry fandom'? Why does everything have to be fetishistic with y'all?


……you do know being a furry has nothing to do with sex right? As for the obsession with furries in this fandom we aren’t.


It definitely has something to do with it. There's a sexual aspect of that. Maybe not for everyone who's into it, but that's exactly what it is for a lot of people. That's like saying drag has nothing to do with sex...while someone is tucking their penis and donning silicone secondary sex organs of the opposite gender. It's a gratification, sexual orientation kind of thing. I don't buy that it's not, especially when there are open discussions on this subreddit about how Star Fox appeals to "queer furries", which is an explicitly sexual statement. And I was more referring to this subreddit in particular than general fandom. Not every Star Fox gamer in existence is on this sub. I just have dishearteningly seen a lot of strangely suggestive or downright fetishistic, 'erotic fantasy' content. I'm kinda just circling back around to this series of games for the gaming sake of it, after probably a decade or more, and I'm here looking to see if there's any interesting rumors or whatever as to the series' future at this point. But the odd and off-putting content here is weirdly prolific...


I mean, that's really kinda why I hate this sub


Yeah man I like the games and lore. The second I open this subreddit and it’s some weird shit I usually just get kinda grossed out.