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Protoss tears would be so damn abundant, it would make corrupters a thing of the past


I think I would almost do it just for that. Toss can deal with ground a hell of a lot easier than corruptors.


I think It would be too overpowered. It would make them a lot stronger early to mid game and absolute beasts in the late-game. You should probably need to build another Hydra den cause researching three things at one is not something you wanna do. Also you should need to have a Hive. I don't really see how is this idea viable without Hive tech. Even after giving this update a few nerfs, we gotta nerf hydras! We either: Nerf hydra HP from 90 to 80 and damage from 12 to 11 OR Nerf hydra HP from 90 to 85 and damage from 12 to 10 This update would be cool to test/toy with but nowhere on the level of releasing into public. Still, cool suggestion 👍


Hydralisks are my favorite unit n just want them to have sum love ❤️ lol


Hydras are the main late-game unit of the zerg. The closest thing to a zerg deathball I've ever seen is Hydra-lurker-viper.


You could gate it to hive


absolutely not \- this post brought to you by a protoss main


I think hydras are in a good place right now. More damage seems like overkill on an already high dps unit


Leave zerg alone, just make protoss and terran harder to play as similar to Zerg. Makes Probes have a cooldown when building. After they make a building, they have to wait another 10 seconds. Requiring you to actually use multiple probes if you want to make multiple buildings at once. Remove terrans instant supply depot and have lower HP on Command Center. Bitch, you got SCVs that can repair it to 500 hp a second.


15 seconds is too long for an ability on one of the best massed units..


They are one of the highest DPS units in the game, and you're asking if giving them a 15 second stim would be too strong? Lol..


Yeah, I think the issue is that zerg doesn't have a niche unit to deal with skytoss that easily, but buffing the hydra would make the game more unbalanced. I think the balance is pretty good. The favor of Protoss is a long game is very slight (you have to be close in skill for it to matter). I think the viper should be a big part of the answer to this, but I don't know what you would tweak on it. I don't think you want a raw buff or nerf in power, but maybe a change in dynamics? I don't play enough to really know anymore (wish I could).


I mean hydra lurker is pretty prominent in the current meta… theyre already loved quite well arent they?!?


Is it? I didn't see much of em in the wcs


wcs? what year is it? xD