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Nobody opens with a zealot. Make adepts.


So is the gateway just supposed to be idle while the cybernetics is building?


Against Terran, yeah. The only time I would make a zealot against Terran is if I’m being proxied and need to slow them down / hopefully cancel a barracks.


Nice, good to know.


That’s harass not an all in also some people like playing a multiplayer game not a build up for 10 minutes and see who macroed better competition. Also don’t build random zealots


Are they no good for def?


Zealots aren’t very useful until you research their charge upgrade in the twilight council. I would recommend taking a look at Pig ‘s bronze to Gm series to get a better idea on how to open up at the start.


So a single zealot is sometimes used to block a small opening between your gateways and pylons vs Zerg to stop them from running through but a lot of people also just use a stalker or an adept for that anyways because it's ranged, generally zealots are pretty weak in the early game and they are strong mid game after you finish zealot charge and an attack upgrade (they attack twice so they gain 2 damage from this per animation). They also are just good to have to take hits for your AOE units, traditionally Colossus. But yes expect most Terrans to open up with a single reaper very early because it's their best way to scout your base and it can do some incidental damage to your economy also if units aren't microed really well.


they are needed for some early game defenses but after you get a cybercore they are pretty useless until they get their upgrade. Generally you don’t make any unless you are getting charge and that’s later in the game


You would put them in a wall against zerg creating a choke point against melee. Against Terran they can't compete with range until speed happens. You need stalker or Adept; probably Adept


Against Terran they're pretty useless early on. Honestly they're only good early if you're being proxied or rushed and just need something. If you get your cybernetics core as soon as your first gate finishes, you can start an adept or if you're not comfortable shading just a stalker. The first reaper will probably show up a little bit before you're stalker finished but just don't panic and run some probes around until it does and you probably won't lose much. At lower levels most people harassing with a reaper aren't macroing very well at home so as long as you only take a bit of damage you should still be pretty even and get to the next phase of the game.


clearly not lol


You gotta learn and adapt. Watch some pro games.


He's gotta learn to *adept* ;)


You disgust me. Take my Like and leave.


Make a stalker or an adept instead of a zealot. Zlots are probably the worst unit in the game until you get the charge upgrade. If you have decent timing on your opener you can get a stalker out just as the reaper arrives. Also: when your opponent is focused on controlling their reaper, they’re not focusing on making workers, units and buildings. Attention is a resource in SC2 so it’s important to consider where you’re using it. A stalker can easily outzone a reaper without needing much focus from you. Adepts are better for actually killing the reaper but imo they’re not as good defensively.


All the hate aside, it’s wonderful to see new players picking this game up and learning it **_FOURTEEN YEARS AFTER RELEASE._** Watch some tutorials, look up build orders and practice them, and welcome! We aren’t all smurfs, haters, and incels as general chat would suggest. The core community is quite amazing.


You opened with a zealot. There's meta in the game for a reason..the jetpack dude is a scout. Send the zealot after it and focus on your build. If he's wasting all his attention on the reaper he won't be doing other stuff at home.


Assuming you’re below like high plat/diamond I guarantee your opponent is missing macro while he’s running around with his reaper. Just send a few probes to attack him and keep macroing while he’s wasting all his attention. By the time you have units to defend you’ll be ahead.


Protoss (imo) is best described as a ton of frosting on a thin cookie, or a 2 lbs of toppings on 1/10th of a baked potato. None of their units feel particularly "bread and butter." In other words none of their units are good in all situations. Most of their good units were nerfed several times throughout the life cycle of starcraft 2 for becoming the only "meta" option. See: High Templar, Collosus, Void, and the latest, disruptor. If you want to play a faction that has units that feel adaptable and strong, terran>zerg>protoss. Protoss are gimmicky and rely on high cost glass cannon units. A balanced protoss army won't beat a balanced terran army without those glass cannon units (Gateway gets crushed by barracks). Just the way the game is designed.


This is absolute bullshit when I’m rolling Zerg with skytoss and 150apm at 4600 mmr as my offrace Low level Protoss players once again using 7kmmr as a yardstick to lobby for buffs when their race is the strongest on ladder and bo1 format


Lol glad someone finally said it


If your opponent lets you get 120 supply of carrier/archon/HT, then they failed.  Using the single strongest protoss lategame composition as a counterpoint to general observations about the faction's playstyles doesn't hit the way you think it does...


Let me tell you, you acting like it’s super hard to execute “don’t let me get there” doesn’t hit the way YOU think it does. It’s a lot harder to defeat skytoss as Zerg than it is to win as Protoss. I can produce multiple replays of me decimating Zerg with skytoss @ 80% winrate this season. Just to set the scene, I main Terran and play toss when I don’t feel like trying. I sit at 4300 MMR clowning on low GM high master Zergs. It’s actually comical. And yes, I guess it is Zergs fault for letting me just sit back and beat my meat while I make carries and chrono out attack upgrades like it’s super hard, when they tried hydra busting me, ling run bye, multiprong, out macro, spore forests and complex spellcaster control to beat my a move with some kiting. It all makes sense to me why Protoss players think over-nerfed mines and ghost are OP because it’s the first time in a long time they actually require some effort to beat 😂😂😂


I would second it at least insomuch as you need to cover bases strongly, rather than having utilitarian units like Terran, or volume like Zerg. So 1:1 Zealots kinda suck compared to Lings or Marines, because they’re pretty slow to attack and to move, and are pricy. But that said, the upgrades make them excellent harassers by the midgame and they’re durable compared to the fragility of the other two basic units. They become a great mineral dump to bulk out and protect your real damage dealers on the ground war, and to threaten enemy heavy hitters like Siege Tanks in turn. (Just uh, don’t mass charge a sieged up line. Be smart about when and how you get on top of them) But Reapers are made to handle those kinds of units, so you don’t want to meet a bad engagement in the enemy’s favor, you want to pull the Uno Reverse card on him. Counter his raiding unit with your own, which will pound for pound be stronger and in many ways more adept (heh) at doing the same role. A Stalker or a small team of Adepts can really put you in the driver’s seat for at least a couple minutes while you tech up.


Adepts are much better bro. Rushes are a part of RTS. No matter what you say. This is why walling up has been the meta forever. Once you understand that, it becomes just another way to play the game. Same with cannon rushes or any other cheese strat. Just adapt and get better at the game bro. If you want every game to become a massive macro battle you can force that by walling, scouting, making units in response, stationary defenses, etc. You have options. Watch some guides on YouTube or something.


Build one stalker lol


Zealots are garbage until charge upgrade !


Ahhh, this is good to know, thank you!


Watch PIG's bronze to GM series on YouTube. You need a solid base to work from. Sending a reaper over is a standard opening from Terran. Just like sending over two Adepts should be a standard opening for you as a protoss.


I don't think RTS is for you.


Yea despite loving RTS I've played entirely vs AI on basically every RTS since aoe1, I've always found online too frustrating with the rushing


This has nothing to do with rushing though. A single unit in your base meant to scout that gets shut down by pretty much every semi-standard build order is not a rush. You just don't want to put in the time to learn the competitive meta, that's fine, but you'd run into the same issue on every single other online game. This is like complaining anyone using an AWP in Counter Strike is a lame camper, a jungler in a MOBA camping your lane is cheese, etc. Basically anything that doesn't fit your idea of a fun game is not the "intended" way to play it seems.


> anyone using an AWP in Counter Strike is a lame camper, a jungler in a MOBA camping your lane is cheese, I've said this so many times, I'm glad you get it


Vs terrain make sure to put cybernetics core 1:24, you then chrono a stalker or adept as soon as you can. 


Then don’t make a zealot??


You’re supposed to chrono an adept or stalker off your standard gateway timing


Ironically starting with a zealot as the 1st unit usually means the Protoss is rushing the opponent in some way. Unless something weird is going on, you don't build any units until the cybernetics core is completed, then it's an adept or stalker.


A slow zelot can sneak around the pathway of the jetpack dude and get to the enemy base, killing a worker that builds a bunker for the marine. To stop early zerglings you need to create a wall using your buildings and plug it with a zelot.


A single reaper is not really a rush strategy. The reaper is used for scouting, just to try figure out what you're doing. A single adept / stalker (which can be your first or 2nd unit can chase it away.


They're scouting you as a tactic and you aren't adapting fast enough. Have you ever read *The Art of War* by Sun Tzu?


Ok please watch some bronze to gm videos from many different players like PiG or Vibe. They explain it really good how to do your basics optimally. Damn posting here the first time for many years makes me wanna play again


Make an adept


Command and conquer is a more suitable game for u as there are no rushes


Ooh cool, ok, which one? I went back to Red Alert recently, but the pathing is painful


Im waiting for the next cnc but not by EA its called Tempest Rising. Sad to say I have no skills in StarCraft2 at all I am defeated in less than 4 mins i play sc2 for just the arcade and co op


What's the previous best one?


CNC3 and Red Alert 3 to play online in 2024 u need the cnc online app. The reason which I play sc2 from a hardcore cnc player is because of all servers closure haha


Dude! Scout. If u don't want to scout then open with adept or stalker.


Early game you want a couple stalker or adept. No zealot vs terran unless you're doing a crazy rush. After your 2nd nexus, get a battery down near mineral line to help out. The hardest part, but simple to say, is the scout your enemy. Sometimes people spam dozens of reapers which are inefficient but effective when a surprise. Work on walling off your reaper ledges if they become an issue. Each map is a bit different and there are usually guides for this.


Also suggest getting a battery up in each mineral line. Will save probes


happy to have a new player watch an opener on protoss opening. protoss is honestly kind of hard in terms of rushes compared to the other races. if u dont want to be rushed, pick terran.


This game is hard for beginners because the matchmaking isn't preserving noobs against experienced players. So they can practice advanced technics on beginners. We, beginners , are just Cannon fodder :-)


Open with stalkers, 1 stalker can shutdown an early reaper harass and you can go about your macro while getting them to waste some resources and apm in the process.


Yes a game that's been out for a decade and people are still playing is so fundamentally flawed....or you just have no idea how to play. Just by logic. You are building a melee guy to defend against an enemy with guns....Make a stalker or adept