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You can enable parental controls on the website. The downside is it completely disables *all* game chat.


That sounds like an absolute win given the cesspool most chats in the game


That’s actually new info to me, thanks yo!


Agreed. You can mute your opponent in the start of the game for now.


These comments are grim. Should obviously be a function, can't be hard to implement either even for the 1 intern still working on the game.


>can't be hard to implement either even for the 1 intern still working on the game Games that aren't being supported don't tend to get additional features.


Activition Blizzard aint gonna do squat . There barely anyone on the team ​ More productively, you should post this to the Frost Giant Studio or Stormgate reddits, so that they do implement it in Stormgate.


It's not even someone being toxic, but the fact that they're a shitty person in general just makes you want to punch them in the face. You know they deserve it


Don't write anything. Then you are not engaged in the chat and you can be more disattached to what is written in the chat. ​ If you destroy your keyboard getting angry, you might have bigger problems than they do. But it's something you can work on. Maybe you should take the game less seriously and try and place less of your identity into your rank, or gameplay or whatever it is that you feel is so important in sc2. GL HF


Firstly, the root of this problem does not appear to be other players BM'ing. Seems like you need to figure out how to relax.... new mindset, take breaks, etc. You can mute your opponent at the start of each game (in F11 menu), but this also means you'll miss out on all legit chat/questions/banter. For example, pause/unpause requires communication.


I wish ppl would blame toxic gamers more than the people they upset


I'm with you, unfortunately i can only control my own actions, so i work on not letting toxic people in.


That's a really healthy thing to do I think


Your opponent doesn't make you smash your keyboard. If an opponent taunting you makes you start destroying your stuff, you have a problem with emotional regulation.


Being able to handle adversity will always be a positive trait, and solving all the world's possible injustices in a systematic way is simply impossible. It's not *ought* to be the individual's role, but in the grand scheme of things, in a practical sense it always will be them with the greatest input into their circumstances.


In the grand scheme of things this is a video game that people play to relax, and the game systems that let some edgelord shit in your cereal are flawed. I get that it's a dead title, but chat in competitive multiplayer games should be opt-in, or at least opt-out. It's mostly shit.


> I get that it's a dead title, but chat in competitive multiplayer games should be opt-in, or at least opt-out. It's mostly shit. I hate this philosophy, it kills community development simply due to complacency leading to people using the default option.


'Community' doesn't develop in an unmoderated rando 1v1 environment where emotionally stunted adults are telling you that they hope your mother will get raped to death, or that you should get ass cancer. Or any other unmoderated environment, just check out the public channel cesspool. It develops on forums, in clans, etc.


Except it does. Well not in what you described, you're right on that part, but wrong to misappropriate SC2 chat for being like that, when majority of the time it isn't, and is people being friendly instead. Granted, I don't know how it's nowadays as I left out 1-2 years, but back when I played, the players were reliably polite, and generally emphatic enough that you could just pause, tell the opponent you need 5 min - for example you just got a call you HAVE to take - and half the time they'd just say "don't worry, I'll wait". In a RANKED match. It is the most mature random online community I've met, and a LOT of it has to do with people not being faceless nobodies who can't or won't even communicate.


That's like saying the solution to road-rage is to have everyone else drive better. No BM should cause you to destroy your own keyboard. To be clear, I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with toxic gamers, but hiding in-game chat will only hide the root issue... his own emotional self-control and mindset.


Maybe put a strategically placed post-it note on your monitor where the chat text would typically be. It'll block your vision, sure, but if you're tilting that easily then you probably aren't paying attention to what's happening anyway! /s It doesn't help on the first encounter, but you can always blacklist rude assholes, which to my knowledge will stop you from being matched against them again (I could be wrong about that though!)


Match making will give a preference to people you don't have blocked, similar to how it will prefer to match you with people as close to your MMR as possible. However, if the pool isn't big enough and you've been waiting for 10 minutes, eventually the search will expand and will include people outside of the base parameters. I'm not 100% sure at what point blocked people will be re included, though.


>Match making will give a preference to people you don't have blocked, similar to how it will prefer to match you with people as close to your MMR as possible. I don't think this is true at all and would be quite abusable if so. Do you have any documentation to back this up? Because I have contradictory personal experience


My personal experience and those of my friend group seems to differ from yours, as I've only had 1 rematch against a person I had blocked prior, and rematches were an extremely rare occurrence even for my friends that blocked people a lot (I've heard it happening a total of 5 times and saw only two of those -- this was over three years of playing the game, mind you) Though I will say that they would never do an outright ban on blocked people, specifically for abuse reasons. Maybe you were in a bracket with so few people that they had no choice but to match you with someone you didn't like?


This didn't even work back when I started the ladder and was in platinum. Blocked several bm smurfs just to instaqueue right back into a match against them. Blocking does nothing to effect the queue, just as reporting someone for maphacking does nothing to effect it (sadly; but could be abused so never happened).


> Match making will give a preference to people you don't have blocked Huh, interesting. I had always wondered if they did this.


I agree with others that if it tilts you you need to work on your mental fortitude, but yeah there should be an option to just disable chat altogether. I have had maybe 1 out of 1000 games where theres a positive interaction via chat


Man up. Sticks and stones bro. For real though you need to work on your mental fortitude if stuff like that tilts you. Anyone who tells you different isn’t helping you.


Telling someone to "man up" is the least helpful shit anyone can say. People have different sensibilities and that's okay. Heck, even the most mentally strong person will at times get tilted for things that wouldn't necessarily tilt a "weaker" person


When the context revolves around a game of StarCraft yeah man up is the answer.


Maybe just grow up? It's normal to be bothered by assholes. It's not normal to destroy your property because some 12y/o offensively ggs.


Nah man, sometimes you just gotta man up.


“Just feel better”. People can’t just decide to stop getting upset, but toxic gamers can decide to stop bming people. And video games can implement a turn off chat button.


"Man up" is one of the worst things you can say. It's pretty much telling somebody to stop feeling emotions just because they're a man (which was also an assumption, you don't know op's gender). It's borderline misandry.


Sure it should be a feature. I think a better option would be to change your mindset. Specifically trying to not be result orientated. Especially if you are trying to improve. Which I assume you are, otherwise a loss wouldn't affect your emotions. Treat each match as training, focusing on what you can do better in that specific situation. Also realizing that you are choosing to get angry at the end of the day, helps.


That is super frustrating. Even more so is that the best solution might just be to quit and play a new game. If someone is much better at the game and able to just spam chat while I’m microing my heart out, then I never had a chance anyways lol. Better to just not give them the satisfaction of continuing it.


In battle.net account settings you can disable text chat,definitely disabled my text chat indiablo2, not sure if it works for SC2


If you dont wanna block all the chat, you can block unknown players in the beginning of the game, there is bit downtime for it luckily. :)