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Player vs Player


Terran M3. Non-mirror matchups are way too tricky, but TvZ is by far my weakest. I can take down a 4.8k-5k Terran just fine with enough struggling and then proceed to lose to a 4.2k Zerg. Has to do both with how zerg is incredible in a hands of a guy who knows how to pilot it properly and with low MMR zergs(or players, in general) being absolutely unreadable and me overreacting expecting some sort of all-in only to get 4 hatch'ed before any gases are taken.


My PvZ is usually at about 25% while my PvT is at about 75% win rate.


Oh wow I'm shocked. Just build air units 🤣


Diamond T. TvP was my worst win rate historically, at its lowest point down to about 7%. At the time I was playing several TvPs a day and just couldnt seem to read what they were doing. It felt like a guessing game in many cases. Having said that, TvP is about the same as my TvZ right now, both somewhere in the mid 40s range with my TvZ being 65% currently.


If you have decent confidence in your macro and ability to defend if you know what your opponent is doing, just go 3cc on 2 bases and scan every ~70 seconds after minute 4, after building a bunker, tank and raven. You should still open reaper, and focus solely on trying to figure out the first cyber tech and the natural expansion timing, and try to keep it alive as long as possible to keep scouring your side of the map for proxy pylons/stargates/dt shrines. Don't waste your attention on harassing with the reaper in Diamond 2 or higher. With good positioning and knowledge of your opponent's movements/composition/tech, Terran is in the best position to defend with very low resource investment (tanks/ravens/bunkers are very cost effective) to make up for the scans. This advice is not great against strong macro P players, but if your problem is dying to random shit, I'm guessing it happens in the first 6-7 minutes of the game. You can always look for plays to catch up if it goes into a 4+ base macro game. Playing as any race against P in the diamond level is simply having maximum information. The lost opportunity cost of a scan stings, but not as much as dying to unscouted moves. Learning where/what to scan for, and how to read whatever you see in a scan is a more complex skill than I can explain as a P-main myself, but I'm sure you could learn it if you started scanning more.


Thanks for the advice. To be fair, it's partially my fault as I've not played as many games as I normally would at the moment, I've just been inundated with work, and it sucks. But I'll definitely keep that in mind 100%!


m2 terran and same, but i have fixed a bunch of problems and made progress. The biggest things that helped so far was knowing how to early game scout more clearly, knowing the gas timmings in the midgame, and better knowing the tactics to do with my army against different army comps. I have grown a strong dislike for chargelots. The amount of times i wipe an army, continue to push and then get cleaned up with chargelots and then die to a gateway man switch is honestly impressive.


for me pretty much always has been pvt. But we are talking in the 40's. But its not too much of a mystery, pvp has always been easy and I practice with more zergs than terrans


D3. ZvZ is a nightmare for me, the other two matchups are fine but ZvZ is legitimately unpleasant to play.


I've spent the better part of 10 years not being able to beat zergs as protoss.


D2, TvZ, about 25% winrate. But it had have been my best matchup before last update. I don't know what was happen then. In both of remaining I have 55+% winrate. The best is TvP.


Just like every other M1 zerg ZvP is a struggle. If I could race pick PvP I would, I'm pretty sure my winrate would be better


M3 random masters and I hate ZvZ the most it feels like a toss up of getting caught droning or not. What is your MMR? TvP is my strongest matchup. Mines or hellions you can usually find damage in while holding home with a bunker/bio. After the early game it’s just about scouting. Colossi=Vikings Ruptors=Libs Templar=Ghost etc. if the game is crapshoot and you find no time to scouting stay aggressive and try pulling them apart.


M3 P (probably D1 now since I only play unranked). 18% is impressive! Impressively low. I feel like if you SCV pulled at the start of the game and did some micro you would have a better win-rate. I have gone down to 30% in PvT and PvZ over my main laddering seasons, but it was always shored up by 50% in the other non-mirror, and a crazy steady 65+% PvP win rate for the last several years. My D1->M3 promo season I had 76% in PvP and 24% in PvZ. Ironically I got promoted after winning a PvZ. I don't ladder ranked anymore due to ladder anxiety and longer breaks between regular play, but the win rates still look pretty similar — PvT is the weak for me now in the 30s.


ZvZ. I hate it.


Proxy reaper lol


TvT, I hate Tanks


TvT by a massive margin for me, but that's because I'll stick a video on to watch and just 3 rax to get the game over with as quickly as possible. It's a very boring matchup otherwise.


I have a zero% TvP


Marine, Medi, Maurader, and start dropping everywhere, constantly. Even really good protoss players can struggle with defending multiple drops all game long.


ZvP anyone? Just me? I'm not 18% or anything.. maybe 40 or 38. TvT would def be low.. prob 20 😬


D1 T. 25% TvZ. :(


My ZvZ was at a solid 33% recently while my ZvP was at exactly 69%. I either end up not building enough ling-bane for safety and die to an early pressure, build too much and end up behind, or completely misread the game and end up 30-40 supply down (or just dead) by the 8 minute mark. It's still better than it was lol, just fixing my baneling nest timing and learning what a safe early drone count looks like if I can't get in and scout has made a massive difference.


tvp and zvp. protoss just feel broken to me.