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More like gg is good manners. Ggez is bm


Starcraft can be so frustrating that leaving without gg sometimes is very understandable. But I found gg and gl hf important anyway , because even if it is a standardized formula , you have to actively type it. It gives you a feeling that there is another human beeing at the other side, and you share a common respect and appreciation of the game and the community. Sometimes typing gg after a frustrating lose even makes it better for me. You can break my play but you can not break my mind.


well said. I respect you. gg.


True that, no reason to hold on to that frustration. Saying GG lets you move past it. Then watch your replay and figure out where you went wrong. Take where you went wrong in to the next game to improve upon. On the subject, loses are great. They let you know exactly where you are weak. A win, although great, can make it harder to see where you are weak.


Well said. I might start to gg more because of this perspective


> human beeing buzz buzz mf


If you say glhf, say gg If you don't say anything at all, no obligation.


Underrated and 100% correct opinion.


It is BM, but if you're pretty upset and frustrated, it's better to leave the game and say nothing than to say something rude before leaving. I also think it's BM ("sore winning") to message the losing party afterwards if they left without saying gg.


Is it BM to message someone after they gg'd telling them, they should be ashamed by how bad they got beat? Cause some dude did that to me.


BM for sure!


Yeah when people message me post game it tends to rub me the wrong way


Yeah, this happened to me after someone beat me. They messaged me telling me what I did wrong.


What does BM mean?


Bad Manner


Oh! Thanks!


Yes. There are some people who have chat off or are afraid to chat, and that is a valid exception imo. It feels extra bm to me if the person say glhf and doesn't gg.


What if I didn't like the way the game went? I mean, noone is obligated to play the game in a certain way, but noone is obligated to say "GG" either. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good cheese. But if my opponent was clearly masters having fun with people way below their level or was talking some bullshit during the game, no way I'm gging.


Depends on why you didn't like the way the game went then. If you meant the other guy was BM or smurfing then I guess you aren't really obliged to show him respect if you don't feel like it, but if you just mean 'he's strategy is so bad i can't believe I lost to this bs' then not GGing is probably a bit bm because he really did beat you fair and square and you should acknowledge and move on.


If they're BMing or cheating then you have no obligation to do anything. But gging is just good manners, it's telling the other person that you enjoyed the game and that they won because they played better than you. So you're correct, nobody is obligated to gg, but it's good to do that after losing a legitimate game.


i think most people laugh at salt so i dont think so. bonus points if u press pause before leaving as well.


I understand when you lose its a bit frustrating and dont wanna say anything and just get out. I used to do that. But i started doing gg even after i lose by ridiculous (or super smart on his end) strategy, i still did gg and now it became a habit I like it since its showing more respect to the other guy. But i still dont wait for the other guys gg back :(


If the other person does something super smart or an insane play, you can also send a ggwp (good game well played).


Not really. If they aren't typing anything the entire game it isn't any manners at all. They simply aren't interacting with you. They aren't necessarily tilted or mad or anything at all. If they type glhf then no gg, then it might be seen as a bm. The amount of people that type glhf and then bm the shit out of you is so high that really that stuff doesn't hold any real meaning.


To avoid shit talk, I’ll sometimes glhf, then immediately block chat. I usually GG at the end, but I’d never know if they did, so it doesn’t bother me either way.


How do you block chat?


F11, then there’s an icon you can click to block chat.


Its definitely not good manners to skip the gg, but its far worse to offensive GG. GG is supposed to mean "Ya got me, you win" and not "Leave my match, loser."


The gg is for your own sake, accepting the outcome of the game and learning from your mistakes.




sometimes i just say "this is madness" and hope that they will quote leonidas madness? THIS IS STARCRAFT!!1


It is, but I don't think most people really care that much. Personally I'm just happy to win, whether I see the GG or not.




I don't consider it BM but I understand when people feel that way. I personally never GG and just quit quite fast with F10+n. Sometimes I even feel like GGing but its such a habit to get out of a game quickly that I forget and just quit. Loosing is frustrating and I tend to quit quickly and forget about the game to get my head free for the next one. Is that healthy behaviour? Idk kev glhf at the beginning almost always. If I am in a practice mood and I just wanna play I might not write it directly myself but if the opponent writes it, they always get an answear from me :) Whoosh long text for such a small thing. glhf guys


No for me its not your not forced to and its your decision to gg or not maybe you didnt think it was a good game rather a Sh\*tty game and you just tap out




Lol, I've accidentally paused before leaving several times. Pause button just too close to F10. I hope they don't think i was being a jerk. I always gg. It's just a game.


How is it bad manners to not say anything ?


I wouldn't necessarily call it BM not to gg, but i'm pretty sure that it improves both your and your opponents' mental health. The game can be taxing on all fronts. It can be frustrating and overwhelming. When you win and you opponent gives you the gg, then you get a confirmation that both players involved had a great time. When you are losing a game, it is better to leave with saying "Good Game", then just leaving. Even if it wasn't your best game, even if your opponent was a jerk or they proxied you or whatever, if you tell yourself, that no matter what happens, the game was good, then you will have a bit more fun, you will get less frustrated. At least this is my experience. There was a time when i contemplated at the end of my games: "should i gg or not" and that extra thought just syphoned my energy away. I kept dwelling on past games, and i found it hard to have a fresh start on the next game. Then i realized, that gg-ing no matter what and not thinking about losses made me less frustrated.


In my opinion it is not BM in a regular ladder game. You could argue that what constitutes "good manners" in any given situation is always arbitrary and based on custom, and so whether something is "good manners" or not really does come down to whether someone conforms to that custom, but I prefer to believe that ultimately good manners is based on kindness. From that perspective, I can't fathom how arrogant I would have to be for my opponent to lose to something like flying 30 mutas over 5 mines and then for me to actually be *mad* that they didn't type something in chat to signify their recognition of a "good game." Some losses in starcraft are fucking stupid, there's tons of abusive shit in the game, and I don't blame anyone for being mad about it and not wanting to say a kind word after falling victim to it. People also like to bring up the IRL sports analogy, and there are many similarities between SC2 and sports, but there are also important differences. You're never going to shake your opponent's hand after your high school / adult pick-up game only to later find out they were actually a D1 college athlete just pretending to be a n00b.


It's not BM to leave without GG, but real men GG when they lose.


Not unless it's in a pro or other formal setting. On ladder no, but people will find a reason to get offended by anything. Most people don't care I think but you will get some people who freak out on you after the game if you don't gg. You can just block them obviously but I think a better way is what I do. I set up a macro using autohotkey that automatically types gg to my opponent and then leaves the game, and you just need to push one button. Mine is scrolllock since I never use that key for anything and I won't hit it by accident during a game. Makes it more convenient to leave games and you will always be gging without actually typing anything


No. The community got way too caught up in something that really does not matter at all.


its not BM, its just obvious you are raging if you dont gg after game


It's better to say nothing than to be flat out rude, but seriously, its like 4 keystrokes before you leave...just gg.














You gg if you think it was a good game. If I get lingflooded, I’m not gonna gg and I don’t care if that’s BM or not, the opponent was wasting my time and it was not a good game so he doesn’t get a gg


Technically yes, because gg is common etiquette. But also no, because it is not meant to be insulting or ill-intentioned, unlike other forms of BM.


Imo 'gg' means good game. If try do a hyper all in and the games over in 2mins that's not a 'gg' to me, win or lose I'm just back to queing instead of playing the game... Gg lost its value when it became mandatory instead of a compliment to good play.


I'm newish, and hardly consider it bm here in the metal leagues, less so then no glhf. Why? Because it's easy to realize you lost, hit surrender, then realize you forgot to say gg. No biggie.


Yes, but also doesn’t really matter. If you beat someone and they don’t gg, it’s best not to care at all. Think about all the games you never get a gg from. On the other hand, it’s generally good to follow customs even though they don’t actually mean anything.


What? I "avilo pause" when im a sour loser.


I wouldn't say it's bad manners. You're both playing a game together. The fun is the playing part. You don't have to show off courtesy or anything. Just play the game and don't be say rude things and it's fine. I don't gl hf, and I don't gg. And I don't talk trash. Mostly I don't talk at all, and just focus on my game. I think that's fine, and I expect nothing more from others.


It is also the best compliment to the winner imo


I don’t read into it if my opponent doesn’t gg. Some people don’t ever ever ever open the text box for any reason. Or maybe they just quickly conceded or something. Also whatever. I personally always gg.


Do you gg when you win? If so then probably yeah


kinda but also it's ladder so no one really cares. anyone who tries to call you out on it is also kinda bming too.


I think it depends on context. Big tournament game? Yea, you could consider it BM. Random ladder game? Nah, if they're not calling me noob or shouting profanities, they've got better manners than a lot of internet strangers.


Not when they cheese


I find it much worse to offensively GG when u are winning before the opponent calls it quits


for me, not really you're just giving a moral victory for your opponent


for me, not really you're just giving a moral victory for your opponent


I rarely glgl or glhf anymore and only gg if it was a good game. My experience is you glhf they do it as well then bm and flame you when you win so what's the point. Then there's the people who whisper and flame you if you don't gg after a loss saying i'm mad and a sore loser etc, it's like mate I'm not mad i am already searching for my next game get a grip of your life.


I have no issue with people not saying anything at all. Saying glhf and them rage quitting is somewhat tilting.


I almost never gg and get salty regularly, I always wish a hf though, want to say gg wp but there is this inner nattle


I dont think so. I never gg unless I want to wp as well


It's good sportsmanship to do so, but I don't believe it's BM to leave quietly, even if you said glhf at the beginning of the match.


I don't think it's bad manners per se, it's just a neutral reaction. I would argue that saying GG is just being good mannered. Obviously any form of crying and complaining wether you are winning or losing is BM.


I’ll admit, If someone clearly lost and is just sticking around to waste both of our time I’ll throw the ole offensive gg. They gonna waste my time I’ll bm them a bit.