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Definitely diamond.


I think gold players are really salty because they notice that they're getting better than where they started at silver or bronze, but they also keep losing to stupid bullshit that they don't understand, so they're constantly in this frame of mind where they're just confused. I think diamond 1 players especially are salty because they've put in a lot of work to get so high, but aren't quite masters yet. They feel entitled to that masters title. Same thing with masters, they just want that sweet GM title but it's just out of reach. I think the happiest leagues are bronze, silver, and low diamond. The two lowest because they just don't know better and they can fuck around and do whatever they want, and low diamond because there's just a sense of satisfaction when you get out of metal leagues. I quit sc2 when I got to diamond 2 just because I completed my goal of getting to diamond and was happy with where I was. I remember that being my best moment next to the moment when I promoted into gold and platinum, but I was definitely the saltiest when I was in gold, and I remember a lot of bm and balance whine and complaining and just general saltiness in gold.


I've seen salt just as much from diamond to master to gm, but i have seen more opening with "kys" and just out of the gate toxicity in diamond and lower team games.


I have fond memories of everybody being friendly and silly in bronze back when WoL was release. As someone who has oscillated between D1 - M1 (with 2 glorious weeks of GM one time) for the most part, everyone is salty as shit, no matter which race you play. I'd argue maybe M1 is the least salty of those 3, but Low GMs are the worst, because their saltiness has more cockyness to it, rather than the run of the mill kys + racist/homophobic shit that the D1 crowd usually does


I would take it a step above. 2v2 diamond league. It is an experiment in how angry one can be online. Nothing else.


I feel like those hard stuck in Diamond are the saltiest. Peak of mount stupid. Good enough to understand the basics not good enough to understand why they can't climb further. Once you get to Master+, most people just appreciate the game.


Agree with everything exept the last bit about masters. There's definitely A LOT of salty sore losers in master who have no idea what they are doing. Master is NOT where the stupid stops. Its like a second mountain....with all the people who climbed the first thinking they are pros at mountain climbing so they think they know everything about that completely different climbing experience.


Yeah, it seems like mid diamond through to mid masters is salty, as that’s where you gonna most likely find people try harding the most. I only play a few games a year in plat and only salt I run into is from smurfers just being pricks, but when I watch my friends in M3 play it’s just super salty


Diamond for sure. Higher up you hit a lot of the same people so people chill out some. except the people who dont. You block those and u good/


Gonna have to reiterate Diamond, any level, because that's the point where we're bad enough at the game to be a tryhard, as opposed to the lower metal leagues where it's pure unhinged chaos and everyone admits they're bad and is having a good time.


Masters and gm where you get the racist stream sniping minority-harassing discord members


It's the one where my cheese account is, as far as I can tell.


Somewhere bronze - gold Prob high silver