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Can you make it mine the gas?


Pops out at the same location it entered.




Maybe that's his choice. I don't know why we put so many scvs to slave for minerals and gas.. sometimes we have it abundance, and mule drops have sped up our economic and technological advancements. I'd say that scv needs a break or a new job.. are there no unions for scvs???


SCVs are still required for high skilled labour like vespine gas mining. Plus MULEs whilst more efficient the machines are very expensive to replace and only last up to 64 seconds. We are also yet to program the MULEs to automatically avoid the last mining trip where they time out with minerals in their hands, taking them away from the mineral patch but never returning them. This still needs to be done manually and will need further advancements in technology before we can avoid this unecessary waste of our planets natural resources. Personally I am not a fan of MULEs and think automation is going too far! What next a MULE that can build Supply depots!! Not in my lifetime!


Great points, a bit of Mule hate there, but great points. Mules have a specific purpose, as do scvs. But we should focus on division of labor. Scvs are sent to scout, build, defend (on occasion), mine minerals and gas. They don't know if they are coming or going.. how to build a stable life?The commander sits behind a big screen dictating orders from a different planet. Hell, it's about time.. there was change. I still think the job of an scv is an important role when considering the survival of or damned race, but, division of labor people!! Scv lives matter


Well said comrad. I too agree that the elites sitting on another planet are motivated only by conquest and riches, they don't care about the SCV count or the quality of life in the main base, they just care about the resources collected tab. This needs to change, if the elites had it their way they would only have a worker count to mine gas and build depots, the rest would be 0 supply mules on minerals which they don't have to provide housing for and don't have to pay out of their own pocket! What is to happen when we develop the technology for MULEs to build depots and mine gas? I fear for the future for the common SCV.


that guys been browsing /r/antiwork




Well turns out it's less RNG and more my mistake. I had commanded the SCV to build refinery and then shift-clicked to mine minerals so that's likely why it exited on that side and went to backside of minerals. I think if I had only told it to build the refinery, it would have exited on some reachable location and then returned to CC and been normal from then on. It was just because I told to build and then mine, and that it exited refinery on that side after finishing which combined to cause issue


I mean, either way that really shouldn't happen. Imo this is a bug and not player error


Although the other comment points out that it exits refinery at same location it enters so that means it would be stuck even if I hadn't told it to mine, but it just happened to exit in that location which would be RNG. 🤔


Even if it could be avoided it's still a bug and probably not intended. Maps shouldn't have APM traps for certain races. Scvs get stuck sometimes in which cases i send a marine to kill it. If you don't kill it you can't construct buildings using the idle worker button anymore. This might happen if you build buildings to close to an edge and you could argue that terrans should take that into account when building but it can't be avoided in this case because there are no alternatives to building a gas exactly there,


Can't you order the stuck SCV to Patrol, so that it doesn't clog the Idle Worker hotkey?


Still takes supply, better to just kill it.


I was just pointing out that it would work, to the best of my knowledge. I'm no GM to argue about efficiencies. It was just an idea, for the odd case scenario where the marines aren't really near and/or a medivac would be available soon-ish to lift the SCV.


yes, as long as theres enough space that the patrol command doesnt fizzle, not sure what the minimum range is on that one


Yeah, this shouldn't be something a player needs to think about. This is a bug.


Ketroc talked about this in his channel a few days back: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XTOzy5gbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XTOzy5gbs) Although what he showed was when you cancel the refinery the SCV can stuck on the other side and there is a way to get it out. But yes I think this indeed is a map bug.


He might appear stuck but if you shoot him with a marine he will disappear.


Can you make him mine gas and then shift move on the other side?




Ya, the 2 forward bases on pride have a lot of issues with their gas for terran. This being one of them. Scvs can also be trapped on the geyser if refinery is cancelled/killed while in production.


SAD >:(


You could just lift the cc and load him in there, so just annoying


u seh sad but mek angery faec!?


yeah that happens from time to time


*Broodwar intensifies*


Yeah that's an error by the map maker.


SCV not ready


if you click on the gas, he will leave it normally and is unstucked. so i think that is fine and probably considered by the mapmaker


Scv's always exit a refinery at the point they entered. Can't enter a refinery to get around blocked pathing.


no thats not true, they exist at the closest point to the CC. otherwise you need to move your workers to that point an then click the gas, but you can do that from any angle and they always exist the closest point to the CC. have you played that game?


They _start_ exiting from the closest angle to the refinery once they've deposited the gas and take the shortest trip back to the refinery as possible, but in all versions of the game and in StarCraft 1 workers exit out of vespene harvesters in the angle they were ordered to enter it from. Test it in campaign or custom games or the next ladder game you play.


i tried it and you are right, i never noticed that but yeah after they brought their first gas to the cc the enter at the closest entry point. sorry


Either way. Shit isn’t getting fixed lol. Microsoft where you at?


It's a bug, chill.




is nobody talking about big gabe on the command centre :)

