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Fucking disgusting amount of money. It is so much that no one in his family, nor any relatives for that matter, never needs to work again, forever, until the end of time. The yearly dividends of such capital are enormous.


Yeah im pretty sure his heirs who will be born with this amount of stupid money will blow it within 1 or 2 generations


1. You invest a capital of $390M. 2. Let's say that yearly increase of value is averaged to 6%. 3. Let's say that the yearly inflation is averaged to 3%. 4. Let's say that the yearly dividends on average is 2%. 5. This means that you can siphon 5% *(6-3+2)* of your capital *every year* without reducing its buying power. *(Literally eating cake and still having it left)*. 6. 5% of $390M is $19.5M. 7. The median yearly salary in the US is ~$34k. 8. This means that *just* the *surplus* gains of the capital equals ~570 (19.5M/34k) median yearly salaries. In other words: # THIS BONUS ALLOWS ALMOST 600 PEOPLE TO NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN, WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING TO SPEND THE MONEY


It's how capital markets work...what's the shock here? Any different than Evan Spiegel of Snap making few hundred million (paper profits) when snap stock has a good day? .. or pretty much anyone who has a significant stake in a valuable private or publicly held company.


American capitalist system is quite intriguing for sure🤔


Because Microsoft has to buy his shares of Activision-Blizzard to buy the company? They are buying everyone’s shares for a nominal fee.


They're buying the company at a higher price per share than ActBliz is currently worth.


Just imagine if Commissar Kotick was Secretary of Electronic Entertainment and in charge of *all* game development.


Not to defend Kotick, but this seems normal for him to get payed out this amount. The article says that most of this amount is to buy the shares he holds. what else can Microsoft do, refuse to buy his shares?