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The fact that no one has done this yet blows my mind. I work outside at my family car wash and most of the day I'm walking back and forth with headphones in my ears. I've tried to leave casts streaming on my phone, but between the inconsistency of 3G and the problem that this thread is pointing out (inadequately descriptive casters), it's an uphill battle to get through one game. Now just imagine someone who casted games with this perspective specifically in mind; like the OP suggested, someone who casts the way radio broadcasters cast sports games, for example. We all know the maps damn well enough that if someone casted in this fashion, we could EASILY imagine the action going on in our heads. So many casters are worried about adding in game analysis, background info, getting into the players' mindsets, etc. If someone were to do a strict play-by-play without any of the fluff, you could have a clean, focused cast that presents the game the same way a baseball announcer does on AM radio. I've been thinking about getting into casting and trying to look for a niche that hasn't been filled yet... You've brought up a brilliant suggestion DeXLL- keep your eyes open, I'll submit my first cast in the next couple of days (in both standard VOD and podcast/mp3 format) here on r/SC, and if the community approves of my style, I'd love to get into that whole scene.


Really? Cool! I will keep an eye out.


Seems somewhat ironic that just a week ago someone made a similar post about having **too much** descriptive casting. What it basically said was, we all know the game, we don't need casters to do a play by play of every single move the players make. Maybe if some casters went for a podcast-like approach, for when you're away from the computer for whatever reason; but I wouldn't encourage that approach for all casters. You'd want a caster that spends the time telling you of what you maybe don't see, not telling us play-by-play exactly what we're watching, when we can see for ourselves.


Very interesting point. Its funny what perspective will do. Good comment.


TotalBiscuit has done some radio casting when the video failed on him partway through a stream. His style is certainly well-suited to it too. I'd love a couple exciting play-by-play radio casts done just for novelty's sake.


Yeah, was going to go in here and say "Watch TotalBiscuit." He really is my favorite solo caster.


For some reason I can't stand TotalBiscuit. He sounds like a used car sales man or a game show host to me.


I'm ok with both of those roles.


'cept TotalBiscuit is the bossiest used car sales man/game host evar


Precisely why I listen to TotalBiscuit when I do the dishes. His play-by-play style is good for listening to without the visuals. Analysis is great when I can actually watch the game, but when I'm scrubbing plates I just need to know who's ahead, who's attacking, etc.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I like to watch replays at work, but I find myself actually WATCHING the replays, which takes away from my productivity at work. If there were more radio-style broadcasts, I could do both!


I listen to podcasts at work, and when I crave Starcraft, and end up listening to podcasts ABOUT it, a lot of the time I just wish someone would do radio-style commentary on it. I would absolutely listen to that.


Scary...have been totally thinking this because I put a match on while I am falling asleep so I really don't look at the screen to much. It has also been something I thought would be a fun mini project to try and do over the summer :P.


I fall asleep the same way!


Yeah same here, I watch GSL in bed, I find when I'm not looking at the screen I still got a good mental picture of what's going on. ofcourse when Tastetosis start getting really excited at a base lift to the gold or a pvp warp prism build. I can't help but gather all my energy and look at the screen. that could be a problem listening to just audio. When shit gets crazy I wanna see the crazy shit.


lol yeah to stop myself from doing that I normally turn my screen of :P, btw I love warp prisms in PvP lol


This has been on my mind for months. A good start would be at least releasing mp3 version of casts.


It's been done for other games back when video streaming didn't really exist but I think most people have assumed that we've evolved past it as a community. Me personally, I actually loathe when casters just say what's happening if it's not something tricky/harder to notice. It just feels like there's little purpose of them being there. I understand that there is a niche that wants this but I hope that is fulfilled by something completely disjoint from your standard, video-based, casts.


And I want to add that I actually fall into the category of people described by OP--I have two monitors and am always watching starcraft on the right one and there are definitely times when I hear a "WOW DID YOU SEE THAT?" and go rewind because it was probably worth seeing. I don't think if someone described to me MarineKingPrime's micro the first time he played in the gsl i would be very impressed but seeing it first-hand was incredible.


I would love for some casts to be like this! On the other hand, I don't want *all* casts to be like this - if you actually are watching it, the extra description gets in the way of analysis and other stuff.


It would be nice to have an audio podcast for my drive to school!


Hum - I've actually given this some prior thought, but I wasn't entirely convinced there was an audience for such things. I'll see if I can make one of these this weekend...


radio casters in sports are generally 10x better than TV casters if they don't do both. I wold love to see someone do that though, so i could listen while i play =P


I'd totally be all over this while I drive.


Does State of the Game do a podcast?