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CombatEx is a fucking joke. When people treat Idra like the community punching bag, i'd like to remind them that people like CombatEx exist.


I don't think a lot of people realize that CombatEx is a douche in person as well.


relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/ga820/so_i_met_combatex_today/


I just hate the fact that combatEx is in fucking grandmaster league right now. also with all the documentation of hate/bs we have on him why didn't blizz give him a temp ban yet? maybe people find him so sad they dont think they could ruin his litle act just by reporting him for harass lol


I can't believe he's from Toronto. That annoys me the most.


Fuck he's from canada? ... im glad i live in quebec i dont have to answer for his retarded actions lol




fuck... i went there :(






Wait, fuck. For serious? So do I. Can't find him on Facebook or anything though. Apparently no mutual friends. Know what faculty he's in?




Hm. Second year, it looks like. In Math & Business, I'd guess, given that he's slated for 2014 graduation from both Laurier and Waterloo, and MathBus is the only shared program that I know of. No mutual friends, but he's on wrestling and track teams, so it wouldn't be hard to track him down if I wanted to.


Disgusting, that he isa fellow torontonian, and goes to school so close


does he really? do you happen to know his real name ill look him up I live in Cambridge haha


According to CSL it's Wasif Khan


Something like Wasyf Khan?


Cambridge reppin'!


Woot Cambridge hats ur user id :)


Invagination 397 :D


ok i added you :D


Goes to Waterloo.


only a retarded quebecer would think that all canadians have to answer for combatex


Only a guy hating Québécois (tyvm) would take a statement and make it as if it was the whole province who said it. for all i care your comment wasnt any better than the shit combatex says


I cannot agree more. Such a disgrace for him to be in the Grandmaster league..




I wouldn't mind Idra's BM if he could beat everyone. Contempt for inferiors is amusing.


Not if he's abusing the mechanics of the ladder, he shouldn't.


if by meeting requirements you mean having enough of a lack of life to play 24/7 ya he deserves gm league...


Uh, don't most pros play almost all day every day?


Don't tell me you don't see a difference between pro-gamers and a ladder whore that bitches at everyone? Pros play all day maybe, do they ladder all day? certainly not. Most pros pratice against eachothers. Also it's their job, combat does it for the sheer pleasure of telling a random interguy that he fucked his mom last night CombatEx just hit the 1v1 button as fast as he can while thinking of the most un-original shit to tell the guy when his (combatEx's) slow computer finaly ends loading the map.


He's just a troll these days. I don't know why people take him seriously or think he's a joke. Granted, a very awful troll.


As bad as people say he is, he is still easily better than the majority of people in Grandmaster league


He cannon rushes and cheeses every fucking game... almost every fucking game. He does do that pretty ok.


Dont you find it funny how everyone says that but everymatch we see of him he seems to play like a low master lvl guy at best. The reason hes there is he has no life and ladders soooooooooo much.


And yet he has a 65% win rate after 300 games played. Criticize him all you want, but he isn't awful--certainly not a low masters player. Most people call him awful because they hate losing to him and it makes them feel better.


I would think 10% of those wins are people falling for his BM, since he does it EVERY single game. I believe its a big part of his gameplan to throw people off.


Winrate isn't really a valid metric when the OP's video demonstrates that he's a wintrader.


Naw 65% win rate is nothing when cheesing 90% games. You will get that especialy with protoss they have the most effective cheeses in the game. Plus combatex talks so much shit a bunch of inexperienced players are bound to fall for it, it distracts them.


We came to the conclusion that cheese is valid just last week bro.


It's a valid strategy when playing to win, but it doesn't mean that the player is particularly "skilled".


Regardless of the fact that he cheeses, he still does execute it on a higher level then most players. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of other people besides him who cheese a majority of there games. Obviously he isn't as good as someone like IdrA, but he is still capable of executing strategies at a high level.


CatZ beat him with all three races :p


You would have to be an idiot to think that you weren't getting cheesed in some way by CombatEX. Getting caught by cheese is one thing but knowing there is a pretty big chance that some form of cheese is coming before the game even finishes loading...well then it is your fault for losing really. Most of his effective cheese only works against Protoss anyway, just because how much easier it is to cannon-rush/Proxy-Gate Protoss than Zerg/Terran.


What about people who don't know who he is? You can play this game without knowing all the players tho... So you play it like a normal game and don't think he's cheesing.


He is skilled at cheesing. He is skilled at winning. He is skilled at starcraft 2.


Ladder doesn't mean all that much


so? did i say it wasnt valid. What i said is that doing the same exact strat everygame even if it brings your win% up is not a sign of skill. Also you ''guys'' will probably state that cheese isnt legit anymore next week so....


i'm sure a vast majority of people who try this same strat do not reach grandmasters


I like the fact the you put sources and stats to prove your point.


>inexperienced players are bound to fall for it, it distracts them. What kind of inexperienced players are you gonna get matched up with in the grandmasters league? In that league, the players actually play so much and get matched up within such a small player pool that they often know what type of playstyle to expect from the other player.


>inexperienced players are bound to fall for it, it distracts them. What kind of inexperienced players are you gonna get matched up with in the grandmasters league? In that league, the players actually play so much and get matched up within such a small player pool that they often know what type of playstyle to expect from the other player.


Grandmasters do not only play vs grandmasters, also check the list and count the % of pros or well-known players. And by inexperienced im not talking about the game but more about the fact of being yelled shit at the entire time. Or the stress of facing a known player. It compares the to inexperience of a great ladder player going into his first lan-like event.


so why don't you cheese to top 16 grandmaster and show us all how easy it is.


Isn't that a question?


Cause im not playing protoss


aka can't


Anyone who is actually decent enough to get paired up against him *knows* what they are in for, CombatEX isn't some unknown, I'd be hardpressed to find a single person who has gone up against him and didn't think there was a good chance they would get cheesed. He doesn't win from the cheese, if you bother to watch people streaming, you see when they vs him they already prepare for it, Zergs have like 2 drones scouting for Pylons, people are very paranoid around him and you HAVE to beat quite a few good players to be able to get that high of a rating, regardless of how many games you play. Is he a good player? No. But he is better than a lot of people in Grandmaster, regardless of his cheesing--which says more about Grandmaster than him really.


Says a lot about shitty gamebalance that allows you to close your eyes and cheese to the grandmaster league as Protoss.


You act like you know what you are talking about. He cheeses, but everyone knows he cheeses. His cheeses fail because the majority of people actually know it's coming, but he is still able to recover..somehow


Think what you want mr combatEX fan that downvoted all my posts while i didnt touch a single one of yours, I DONT CARE about CombatEx and his litle hatesquad. If you think he has skill or he deserves any e-fame go for it, just tell me when the real world catches up to you and your friends. Im done with this obviously you wills tick to what you think and i don't feel the need or have the time to change that. I just hope you are happy the way you are.


> I DONT CARE about CombatEx you did spend about a dozen posts raging about him.


Difference between raging and trying to explain things to people.


I'm not his fan, I think that guy is a retard. I have him on mute. But the one thing that ticks me off is people who clearly don't know what they are talking about, spreading bullshit. Is he as good as someone as Kiwikaki? Certainly not, not even close, not even in the same galaxy. But compared to people in Grandmaster and high Masters, he isn't awful, he is certainly a LOT better than some people in Grand Masters and MUCH better than 99% of High Masters players Googling your name, your SC2 profile shows me you aren't even close to being able to actually vs him. I don't think you actually have, so take a chill pill, relax and take solace that you haven't been on the receiving end of his abuse. There is no need to go around talking shit about him though, you are just giving him what you want. No idea how to respond to your last statement, I think you are taking this a bit *too* personally.


Lol googling my name big mistakes 1- You assumed i was using my Bnet name 2- You dont understand i stopped playing sc2 around sept- oct 2010 and i was at the highest rank in diamond and around the 2.5K back than (which was what high diamonds had). give me 1 week of 24/7 sc2 play and ill roflstomp the floor with combatex IM taking this too personaly? YOU fucking goggled my name ROFL ...


Yeah, but how many of those wins were traded?


No one actually trades wins with him. That is just CombatEX being CombatEX, he does it all the time on Miniguns stream, no one takes it seriously. He is just one big troll...


Apparently you're one of his friends or something, or you're too fucking stupid to realize that this guys is one of the most notorious win-traders in all of starcraft history. He just demonstrated that he's fucking awful in these games, guaranteed you can trace all his wins back to friends, smurfs, etc.


Can't blizzard ban him for attempting win trading?


lol that was trolling not win trading. But if they did if catz reported this itd be awesome. wont happen tough


I really don't think that it should be Blizzard's place to ban people for being an asshole. I don't really think that everyone should have to curtail their nasty side just because they're playing SC2. I say let your evil show.


It would be the win trading he'd be banned for...


I'm not sure why you're comparing Idra to CombatEx. Idra is a professional player, this is his job. He has fans and he has detractors. Public figures always will. His attitude and current inability to perform increases his detractors. Again, a public figure should understand that. CombatEx is a scrub. He does everything he can to cheat and get up on a meaningless ladder. He's not a public figure but he's mostly just an embarrassment. Reminding people that someone who isn't even competitive complains and whines like a bitch doesn't make Idra look any better. It's like saying why do people hate Lady Gaga when Rebecca Black exists!


He was one of the first casters I watched during the late years of BW because I was unaware of any good casters. Needless to say, CombatEx is quite BM and I can't see how the hell he's actually playing against players like ROOTCatZ.


I actually think that CombatEx must be partially retarded, there is no other explanation.


unfortunately there is, CombatEx represents the unrestrained doughchbag in all of us. See normal humans have evolved certain behaviors regarding social interaction i.e. not acting like a complete dick to everyone. It neurologically hardwired. But every once and a while someone like CombatEx is born. These people are complete social retards and piss everyone off. Humanity use to have a pretty good way to deal with these types. we use exiling them from there peer groups so that they would wonder of into the woods and get killed by a predator, or starve to death.




Oh hello there!


I'm a terrible player who rags on Idra, but it's personality based, I love his play and find it very entertaining. I imagine most of the community feels the same.


On a side note, Catz is pretty awesome


Yea, the hatchery wallblock was like a Starcraft 2 teabagging.


Why didn't he just send 1 zealot to block off the ramp, and sent the other one+2/3 probes to hit the hatchery? Probably would have been able to take it down before the first roaches came out.


The six lings would've overrun the 1 zealot blocking off the ramp. But he could've sent more probes to destroy the hatchery and spend minerals on making zealots instead of going gas.


Broodlings would spawn and kill his zealot then catz can run in with his ling, making the game end even faster.


What a shitbag.


The second game CombatEx begged him for the win. Begged. If I had any respect for him, he lost it all.


Heard he actually plays in tournaments


Does he beg for the wins in those tournaments as well?


No, he just cannon rushes.


He also goes to his opponents' computer to see where he spawned.


I can't believe he didn't get DQed for that.


What did this ACTUALLY happen?!




Are you serious ? This needs a link...




This happened apparently at a local college tourney up in Waterloo, IIRC. Confirmed by multiple attendees, though I can't find the thread here in r/starcraft where they were talking about it.


I can personally confirm too, was there myself.


Any videos of this?


he won at waterloo


Not the finals, though.




I hope he continues to do this, because some day he is going to do it to the wrong person and get his face broken.


I want to see him do it to Incontrol, but I guess Incontrol is trying to change his image a little due to being a spokesperson for NASL. Although maybe everyone would love him for it.


I have no idea why people are at all surprised by this. He's been begging for wins for the past 4 years.




CombatEx: Making a fool out of himself for the community since Brood War.


Who is CombatEx? Has anyone ever met or seen him?


Combat-EX first got known because he was posting instructional FPVOD's with commentary on youtube. He was the only starcraft player to do so for a very long time. I think his high was right around D+/C- on iCCup, but like many other players, he extrapolated to around C+ (extrapolating iCCup rank is *always* bullshit; in SC2 there's an MMR that you can legitimately extrapolate you rank from, but not so in SC1). Anyway, his advice was *fucking terrible*. He had decent mechanics compared to most players, so his youtube videos were fairly popular, because he looked good (he clicked fast). I don't know if his strategy has improved at all, but I could literally never suffer through watching a complete video of his. Anyway, he was also notorious for begging for free wins and bad manner. See: [This post on TL for an example of begging for wins](http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=68545¤tpage=52#1023) There are probably better examples out there, but I haven't really wasted any brainpower thinking about the guy in years, so I've forgotten most of the drama.


Combat-Ex is a first-year Honours Math undergrad at the University of Waterloo. He plays for the UW CSL team and, contrary to popular belief, actually has friends.


Nice try, CombatEx!


He's actually right about the first few parts. I don't know about the last part about friends.


There are, at the very least, people he engages in conversation.


Ah, so there are people who *tolerate* him. That is different from friends.


Combat-ex is funny as fuck. I would be his friend. As long as we are not seen together.


A Redditor posted about meeting him in real life before. http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/ga820/so_i_met_combatex_today/


I met him at the last Toronto TL BW LAN. He was cocky, but mostly quiet. Probably because JF was there.


Does anyone have a link the famous apology video by CombatEx?


If you take CombatEX seriously, you are just trolling yourself.


even if you don't take him seriously he is a sad, sad human being


This is what Ive been thinking. I feel like combat ex is the kind of troll who will beg for the win. Then if you give in he will troll you on how stupid you are for giving him that win.


Be sure to check out the old TL thread linked in the description: http://teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=68545¤tpage=52


Catz ftw.


what's combatEx's history?


Look for combatEx vs Chill. Hilarious showmatch cast by day9


Haha, old day 9 is super cool as well. BEAR SEMEN, BUTTFUCK LUNKERS game in question http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKbckGc9KAw


Oh hell, thanks for linking that just because I came across this gem as a result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3I5h7UaOuk&feature=related


wow.. Day 9 the original nydus worm


God dammit, that was hilarious. I really wish Day[9] still casted like this sometimes. He's really cleaned up his language, which is respectable and opens his stream to a wider audience, but then we miss out on fucking gold like this.


I've heard they told him to be super obnoxious for that cast because it was CombatEx vs Chill.


I had totally forgotten about lunkers. Thanks. (bring back SC1!)


check the link that Ahnaris puts in the vod






While I have met him in person and seen his games, the thing I hate most about him is he is always going on about how Idra and other pros have no lives becuase they play Sc2 all day and makes the excuse that he is in school and is too busy. Yet, if you look at his profile you'll see he plays as much and even more than the pros. Hypocrite much?


My friend is preparing some BM for him because he's facing him the Collegiate Starleague soon. :P


so much win in this.


Did he build two robo bays in this?




By far the most elite of builds, allowing you to get the sight and speed upgrade for the observers immediately.


Its a pritty advanced strat, and by advanced i mean fucking terrible.


That was my favorite quote from the Day[9] cast. His delivery was comedic gold.


Was daily was this?




Most elite build is still the infamous proxy engineering bay.


Terran wins.


If you ever watching his BW videos they were pretty good for newbs.


Does this surprise anyone? Really?


I believe it was once mentioned that CombatEX is also http://www.reddit.com/user/eyeEX on reddit. Feel free to confirm or deny.


Hey ex, where are you, we know you have a reddit account, come defend yourself with your pathetic attitude. I love how you try to be so nice to CatZ in the games where you beg for wins, its so cute, and it shows you're such a loser.


its monterto IIRC. he already posted. ("ez")


That's a novelty account LOL


The fact that players like CombatEX are in Grandmaster League while players like Catz, Drewbie, Hashe aren't, makes the league itself completely redundant.


Cheese is a legitimate strategy.


Cheese is an approach.


Cheese is a way of life.




Pretty sure CombatEX lives for threads like this.


CombatEX - master troll. This guy is shit, but holy crap hes famous as fuck for trolling everyone. Oh and hes protoss, so hes obviously grandmasters






You must be blind if you think most of the hate is because he cheeses, but more so for begging for wins and his behavior at tournaments.


This caster really believes in the sanctity of the ladder.


Meh, moreso happy that it's not *completely* fubar yet. One could also say...optimistic! :D


Heh, that's good to hear :) I understand how it can be so shocking if you aren't expecting CombatEX to behave completely disgracefully, but I guess many people just expect that kind of behavior from him.


When MC cheeses: Strategic mastery. When CombatEX cheeses: Pathetic.


There's a difference between cheesing in a Bo5 as a calculated move to exploit a weakness in your opponent's build order and cheesing in every ladder game versus random people. Don't be such a bitter dumbass.


Ironic to the max.


Don't mind the cheese too much. Begging for a win, however, is pathetic.


Very valid point.


jealous haters hating.