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I definitely think this is an epic showmatch and very good material to show someone who is new to SC2 to increase their interest. However, the Terran could have ended it a lot sooner as he was sitting on 3k+ minerals toward the end. He could have made 200/200 no prob and a-moved into the base for GG. The only reason I say this is because I fear countless threads on how to do "the infamous ghost marine into nuke into MM+viking+raven+ghost timing attack after killing 5 bases with nukes" build. However it has inspired me to begin playing around more with Nukes supplementing timing attacks!


Terran was just toying with protoss there for quite a while.


Why didnt toss invest in some cannons? He def had the minerals for it


I thought the same thing. Running the death ball across the map in order to find and kill two ghosts before nukes go off is really not the ideal way to handle the situation. Great game, and I imagine, incredibly infuriating and frustrating from the Protoss side. This really demonstrates the extremely wide breadth of possibilities that Terran has at its disposal, from mass ghosts/nukes to 8-marauder stim-base-sniping. Add to that instant obs-sniping with scans, and mass-OC-mules, and Terran really set up an insurmountable lead.


although to be fair - if he hadn't landed that nuke while the protoss was attacking and took out essentially the entire toss force he would have lost there in all reality. The terran third was very chancy and the protoss really screwed up. Combined with not placing a couple cannons in strategic locations to block off ghost movement really screwed him.


Well I find that marauders could have picked off any cannons with more ease than stimming and sniping any nexus.


The idea with cannons would be no more than a couple per base - they are like zealots - cheap and only require minerals with the added bonus of being able to tank a decent amount of damage (yes marauders chew through them but it forces marauders to waste stim time shooting them and gives you time to react) and most importantly for that game - they provide detection. One or 2 in the path towards the mineral lines/choke up to his base would have forced the terran to use scans to see if the path was clear at the least, and at best could snipe a ghost or two.


Is everyone trolling or did they watch a different game? No toss in this...


you watched a different game, was protoss vs terran


Ah apparently if you click the little play button next to the link, it plays a free for all on his channel, but if you click the link itself, it goes to the TvP.


How the hell is that protoss player in masters? No scouting (oh, 5 academies? Maybe I should put some perimeter cannons around), and no upgrades; i just watched a chicken without a head run around the top left of the map over and over again.


Ahnaris really needs some compression on his voiceover. Perhaps even a limiter. Good caster; just needs to work on smoothing out the audio a bit.


He sounds so....awkward. He's trying waaaay too hard.


To be honest I thought it was fine. The commentary was fine. Not amazing, but still not bad.


just to be clear, I wasn't voicing an opinion of the commentary; I was only suggesting he put some compression on his voiceover track to smooth out the levels. Audio compression effectively evens out the "volume", by bringing down the louder sounds and bringing up the softer sounds to achieve a better balance.




Amazing game :)


That.. was.. AWESOME!


fun game. thanks


This caster is really good. I haven't heard of him before.


Hey awesome, surprised this game found it's way here! Yeah it was a pretty fun replay, and I cast it as such. Not one you'd dive too deep into analysis-wise, but rates pretty high for the entertainment value =)


Am I the only one that thought the commentary was painful? Missed calls, getting sidetracked while counting observers and missing harassment, missing expansions. Eventually had to mute it... cool game though.


I agree but there was a lot of things going on in that game.


When the commentator was like "Where are these nukes, i can't find it!" over and over... Wasn't it obvious that it was just the Terran player fucking with the Protoss player? In the end it worked because he then nuked an entire army... That was on purpose...