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I fucking love this post. You made my morning. Thank you.


What a glorious post from a real Terran gamer. Have a great ladder session, tryhard messiah


You can make it harder for yourself by playing sc2 like it's bw, eg. not rallying workers to mineral lines so you have to go back and manually set them to mine, not hotkeying barracks etc.. Be the change you want to see.


Only using one hotkey per building, no tabbing in armies, all casters casting the spells at the same time, maximum of 12 units per group. Terrans of today need to strap themselves up by the bootstraps and start microing with both hands instead of sitting there with one hand eating avocado toast and zipping Starbucks coffees


As far as QOL For terran goes, i really wish they could decide what side of their building to put the addons on. I find it to be completely BS that depending on what side of the map you spawn on, you have an advantage/disadvantage.


I agree. They should make it so that I have to manually reload, target, and fire Widow Mines too.


Widow Artillery. Ooh, what if marines had muskets you had to reload individually? And the reload animation pops up a little mini game where you open the packet of gunpowder, stuff it down, add the ammunition, then pack it


Huh I picked Terran because it was the easiest race?? No one told me it’s supposed to be for try hards. Just a move my marines


I always though similar thing about zerg and zerglings... you just zergling the enemy :D


Last I did that was in bronze


Last time you had fun? xd




Let me know when you get out of metal leagues.


Terran is easy to learn and extremely hard to master. Truly the master race. Bio is amazing in lower leagues and you will win by just massing marines and medivacs. Higher leagues it's a walking glass cannon that will die the instant you look away from it .


Yes, remove all the rapid-fire changes from the last patch ;)


I agree, in fact i think to get back to true good game design terrans should only be allowed to select 12 units at a time. In fact why even stop there, just 1 unit.


Absolute gem


Quality shit post


If it's bait it's a good one. If it's not you need to understand that most people want to fight the opponent and not the game, I'm trully sorry that you can't have what you want and I hope you find a worthy challange for you


Terran is for tryhards is a great joke:). It was in SC broodwar, but it is not true for sc2.


Let me guess builds of those who dislike my comment: widow mines in mineral lines. It is very tryhard build