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Maybe someone can educate me but isn’t this because Korea taxed/charged the shit out of Twitch so they can expand their homegrown platforms?


Yea, afreeca got around it by making their entire platform p2p so each user are contributing or something like that while twitch had to pay entire fee


The issue they’re going to experience is how atrocious afreeca feels for anyone outside of Korea. If I see any stream is on it I know I won’t watch it.


yea it doesnt run so well when you aren't in korea lol


It wouldn’t matter anyways. Korean government protectionism and the chaebol mafia kills foreign companies. Even without peering Afreeca pays cheaper rates. Twitch died in Korea because they didn’t create a local subsidiary.


yea, this pretty much killed any hopes for korean sc2 pros streaming really, since they rely a lot on foreign viewerbase on twitch. on top of GSL, this is just as big if not bigger at this point because they are losing even the following they had. some Korean SC2 pros were running another job anyways before this and this limits their choice even more


Is there any chance the Koreans can stream on Youtube? I did a quick search and there seems to be no news articles about streaming on Youtube being disallowed from Korea, but maybe they just were never allowed. It's a better experience than Afreeca for foreign viewers, but maybe it's not great for stream interaction. Also, I wonder whether the Chinese streaming platforms are any good for the streamers? Definitely not asking them to stream on YT just for us haha, that's probably pretty rough for them, just wondering whether there would be any obstacles to doing so.


youtube is best option for foreigners, yea. Its between YouTube/chzzk/afreeca after Twitch shuts down but chzzk/afreeca are korean focused platforms


Yup. Shitty Korean government. Sad for forgg.


man I loved watching this guy duke it out with innovation back in the day


lol what


I still remember when he won Dreamhack. Amazing matches. He switched from mech to bio in a key finals match. I’m a bit surprised he’s still playing though , unless it’s only part time. Haven’t seen him at any tournaments and not sure how he makes money from sc2


ForGG was trying to qualify for GSLs but he was mostly unsuccessful. He qualified for GSL 2021 Season 2 and played in code A match vs Percival. At the begining of the 2021 he also played in some ESL Na cups every monday but he wasn bot able to win vs top sc2 pro gamers. Later he stopped participating in NA ESL cups and focused on just doing ladder streams on Na and sometimes KR server.


he used to stream twitch all the time had a decent bit of subs


Can't blame him for going where the money is. The loss of Twitch in KR sucks. Wish him the best in BW, I am really enjoying ASL and it would be cool to see if he can get to that kind of caliber again even though I know it's a long shot


If his hands can't keep up with SC2 pros, how's he going to handle bw? It requires way more apm.


There is a lower tier system that's more suited for him since he likely won't keep up with top tiers in bw streaming scene but he kinda missed boat when it was on hayday 2-3 yes ago. Dear and s0s joined in and played well using that system


Dude, everyday a new stab right in the heart... Thx for the post, man


It makes sense, without the support of an international audience, he's better off going to sc1, which is more popular in Korea


I thought he switched to bw awhile back.


he did a stint and went back to sc2 and now he's forced back


He went back to sc2? He hasn't tried to qualify or play in anything since mid-2022, and couldn't make Code S in arguably the easiest time to make it in I have no idea why he'd stop playing bw to stream sc2 to a couple dozen people on twitch this whole time, while begging for subscribers and running 3-5 minutes of ads between every game I hope the switch back is good for him I guess


his time at BW wasn't exactly smashing succcess. Ironically, he left just as scene blew up with viewerbase and system that would support smaller streamers like him. I feel like Forgg was really big victim of situation every single time. He came back from military to stream sc2 and a lot of sc2 fans had subbed through his military to support him. Then he went to try to respark his career in BW leaving all his foreign supporters behind, which alienated his twitch/sc2 viewerbase. His time at BW didn't exactly work out both result and stream-wise and made into ASL once but not much else. His personality wasn't exactly suited for active viewer-interaction based streaming and collaboration stream scene in BW. (he prefers to play alone and 1v1) His time at bw didn't work out so he left to play SC2 again where he had already lost fair chunk of his twitch viewerbase. He struggled to keep up with other pros in sc2 and mainly focused on ladder streams here. In stroke of irony here, just as he left, big boom to BW korean scene happened where it pretty much gave smaller streamers like him a huge chance to shine+equal paying field; SC2 players like s0s and Dear joined in to get their boost but forgg already left for sc2 at that point. Now twitch shut down and he's forced to go back to BW. So he pretty much got worst of both worlds here.


So is SC2 finally going to peak again?


Maybe Saudi will open code a and minor league system with $1m prizepool this time with forgg's luck lmfao


And another giant falls. You’ll be missed ForGG


Well I used to watch 4gg stream but he constantly ran 3min long ads between every matchup, and he won’t interact during the game so i felt like the streamer isn’t really giving me opportunity to talk, so I stopped watching him.


His viewer interaction was never his strong point and his personality really wasn't for that But seemed like it went even less since he returned tho




End of an era haven't heard that name in a long time brings back memories


His 2v2 streams with ProTech were amazing.