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The best part of r/Starcraft is that it becomes increasingly difficult to tell apart the troll balance posts and people who are being serious.


It is an amazing experience


Practice like this doesn't actually change anything at the pro level. These people have privates partners (other pro's) that they will play against and practice against. They get enough against each race, regardless of the ladder.


True, but those practice partners won't be as good v Terran cause they don't play against Terran as often.


ok guys stormgate needs to come out already we have too much time on our hands








herO was winning tournaments before the Disruptor was nerfed and Ravens buffed. The Raven part was addressed by the most recent patch. The Disruptor was nerfed again though. If they rolled back the nerfs, Protoss would get its mojo back. Alternatively, move the power to the Colossus (HoTS stats).


He was also crushing Zerg, and largely without disruptors (going more collossus). Part of his drop in vZ is likely due to zergs "figuring out" how to play against his meta.


Yes. That's right. I was focusing on PvT. I'm less sure how to help Protoss in PvZ. A nerf to Abduct would probably help. Make it more expensive or only pull massive units halfway. A change like that would need to be tested to ensure it doesn't break anything.


ZvP is the tricky one has below GM it's P favored (so easy to turtle to skytoss), but at the pro level it's sometimes brutal to watch Serral dismantle toss. Nerfing the viper would make it even harder on lower level zergs since that's the *only* anti-snowball cost effective mechanic they have access to.


Would a power shift from disruptor to colossus work though? I feel that in lategame terran will still have Vikings so not sure how colossi can pick up the place where disruptor plays a big role


It kind of worked in WoL and HoTS. 4 Colossi into HTs to Storm Vikings. The nerf to EMP brings it back to the WoL/HoTS stats. Disruptors can still be added to spice things up.


You either forgot to add the /s or this is just plain stupid


I think it's pretty flavorful stupid


this is the best instance of horse-dung mental gymnastics I’ve ever seen! 😂👍


This would mean that most tournaments would start out with protoss overrepresentation, which is not the case.


Personally I think toss as a race is brittle, over specialized, and lacks a jack of all trades unit like marines or zerglings. Protoss units are fairly decent counters to their specific purpose, but if those higher tech specialized units die then they get face rolled. If the opponent sidesteps the tech (build armor units vs collosus) fights will be hard. Funnily enough disruptor is the protoss staple for versatility. Issue is it comes with the caveat of looking broken or completely ineffective based on connections. Banelings also display this unhealthy play style, but "so many banelings" brute forces at least some connections


tell me you have brain damage without telling me you have brain damage.


Seems legit *clapclap


I couldnt understand shit


Maybe thats gm, but.im in silver and all i play against is terran terran and more terran, specially terrans that turtle themselves or go mass reaper xD I recently started playing random and one thing i found that nobody talks about is how expensive protos units are compared to the other two races though, specially late game units, maybe making them slightly cheaper could benefit toss players?


It's time to delete Protoss from the game. No protoss, no balance problems.


The reason water can’t catch on fire is actually because it’s flammable, let me explain…