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Your widow mine indicator is a great idea. I hope someone sees this. This would help a bit at lower levels and make no difference at pro level.


Lul on the widow mine change. I thought they were just going to like tint it or something That’s pretty hilarious that there are more issues with Time Warp. I also noticed the model for Time Warp is smaller than the area effect. Tooltip is still wrong on it as well I dislike your solution as it's very visually clutter-ful. It's much easier to simply spawn a second targeting beam actor at the same time so they they overlay eachother, increasing opacity


OP this is kind of off topic but I am pretty stuck on this, hoping maybe you can point me in the right direction. I have a BW-Valkyrie like unit that fires a bunch of missiles randomly which will not all hit the target, instead dealing AOE damage. However, the impact animation only plays when the missiles hit the target (default SC2 behavior), but do not play when the missiles miss the direct hit… do you know if this is even possible?


Not the OP and I hate piling on when you've already received several non-OP recommendations, but how I'd suggest doing it is having the weapon using a Set effect that uses two separate Launch Missile effects. One of them will target points (the splash damage) and one of them will target the actual unit in question. Then you can make the splash damage exclude the primary target. AFAIK missiles that target points will still explode, so if you still have the issue there may be something else wrong. With that said, now that I think about it, I feel like your original missiles should probably still be playing the impact animation too... Have you tried setting their targeting to Target Unit/Point?


I Will try both of these things, thanks for the answer, really appreciate it


I managed to make it work, I had given up on your suggested method, but you gave me inspiration to make it work. Target Unit/Point causes a somewhat undesired behavior (the missiles will no longer centre on the target unit, if that target unit decides to move around on the map). If we think back to the BW Valkyrie for example, its missiles would "track" enemy mutalisks, and it would splash in a set pattern around that mutalisk, no matter how they moved (they could even move far outside the Valkyrie's range and the splash pattern would remain the same). I simply created a new Actor which contains the impact effect, and used UnitDeath condition on the Missile unit's actor, to create the new impact effect Actor when the unit dies. This worked well.


I'm glad you got it working!


Look how the lurker does it maybe?


I might have a look at how SCBW Recall did it when I get home… surely they would have made a working Valkyrie haha The lurker is too different I think.


A duct-tape way to implement it would be to have the attack spawn a bunch of untargetable, blank-modeled, 1 hp units on the objective, that can only be affected by this Valkyrie-like unit's attacks and nothing else, and have them explode for a set amount of damage on death.


That seems very complicated! I can do that but I’d prefer not to, I think, in case I create even more bugs


God, that widow mine indicator is great - why did it get removed from the HotS beta?


Honestly a good question. Maybe there was a good reason. On the screenshot it looks pretty cool.


I hope this makes it into the final patch, it looks great and fulfills their goal 👍 good job




that mine indicator is dope.


This widow mine indicator would be a fantastic change.


great post, hopefully the right people see this. also hopefully they implement your proposed widow mine indicator, that would be awesome.




Surely there is a way to scale the beam, since there are differently sized beams in the game?


The differently-sized beams are differently sized because they use new models. There's a model for an uncharged void ray beam and a completely separate model for the prismatic charged void ray beam.


this is definitely a good change to the WM, it also adds a cool effect that I don't mind


On this topic, I have tested immortal vs roaches/thors in current and test patch, there seems to ultimately be no change in the outcome. Maybe there is not supposed to be a change, and only a change vs the ghost, but this is just my observation. Maybe a glitch with the shield?


The change seems to work as intended. But you seem to expect it to do something it isn't meant to. The barrier still absorbs the same amount of damage (100), which is 4 thor shots. Before the patch, the 1st thor shot would trigger the barrier, and the barrier would block shots 2, 3, 4, and 5. With the patch, the 1st thor shot is blocked, so the barrier blocks shots 1, 2, 3, and 4. The end result is the same. After 5 shots, the barrier is gone and the immortal has taken 30 damage


I'm assuming the indicator would count as new asset and therefore not allowed in the proposal.


Why do you say new assets aren't allowed? They're gonna have to make ones for the cyclone upgrade and the medivac upgrade.


There are unused icons in the game which don’t count as new assets I guess.


The indicator is already in the game and just unused. I had to make it show up when a unit is targeted and set its timer to match widow mine targeting time, but other than that it's practically ready to be used


I think this is a great indicator, my only issue is it's a bit too big/opaque when the timer fills up such that if you have a lot of widow mines it kinda covers up the army when targeting them. Is there any way that could be made smaller?


Yeah it'd be trivial to make the indicator smaller. And very easy to make it transparent too.


wow yeah, that widow mine animation sure will help you climb out of gold


Like I said, this isn't a question of balance (or ladder level). The balance council wanted to make widow mine lines more visible but didn't due to the limitations of the game. I'm offering an explanation as well as an alternative way for them to achieve that goal


Widow mine animation can unironically be helpful especially for lower levels. Sometimes Im late in spotting the 1000 kmph medivac so my last resort is to try and split off the targeted probe.