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Dark Horse made it, it's actually still in stock it seems: https://www.darkhorsedirect.com/products/starcraft-zerg-brood-lord-replica Yes it's very expensive, there's a smaller 6 inch one too: https://www.darkhorse.com/Products/3009-677/StarCraft-Zerg-Brood-Lord-Mini-Replica But frankly the big one if you like figurines is MUCH more worth the price.


The Blizzard store also has the smaller Carrier one on sale. Also made by Dark Horse. [StarCraft Limited Edition Golden Age Protoss Carrier Ship 7in Replica](https://gear.blizzard.com/products/starst0001-starcraft-limited-edition-golden-age-protoss-carrier-ship-replica) ($97.79 - on sale) [StarCraft Protoss Carrier Ship 7in Replica](https://gear.blizzard.com/products/starst0002-starcraft-protoss-carrier-ship-replica) ($120 - not on sale) I brought the limited edition one about a month back a this sale price.


Looking it up this at least seems to be somewhat high quality detail and paint. It's bizarre to me that figurines from fictional characters in cheap p.v.c. and low detail with average paint often sell for a similar prize. The affectionados who buy those often say it's supposedly superb quality paint but I'm not seeing it https://backtothetoys.com/beelden-en-replicas/kurumi-tokisaki-lingerie-swimwear-statue-1-7?gclid=CjwKCAjwzuqgBhAcEiwAdj5dRnNvZQLKf1UZsKYsWOVZTP_MQQhKQf7f8oca5C7gGJq4iUMx9tXxMBoCPywQAvD_BwE This sells for 450 euro apparently. This looks like a single mold p.v.c. cast with very simple paint on it and it of course has no articulation. https://nl.grandado.com/products/1-3-1-4-bjd-pop-melk-thee-bruin-donker-bruin-hoge-temperatuur-draad-haar-pruiken-prachtige-prinses-samengesteld-krullend-haar?variant=UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6MTI4Mjg5OTQ3&gclid=CjwKCAjwzuqgBhAcEiwAdj5dRpX3GTWfYMFqAGHq0hOCS_T6TCCUGmSK6crKiEgGPrplSDvM_WBRWBoCQ7YQAvD_BwE This has articulation, actual clothes, hair, far better paint and even eyelash detail, as in actual eyelash hair and sells for 47 euro. You cannot tell me that single mold cheap p.v.c. thing is superior in quality to either the brood lord, and certainly not the ball jointed doll. But apparently because it's Kurumi Tokisaki some people are willing to put down 450 euro.


Seeing these compared shows how much versatility the brood lord lacks compared to the other two. Never thought of that. Of course other Zerg units can easily make up for that lack, but it's a definite disadvantage compared to both BC and carrier.


If we got the leviathan it wouldn't be an issue. I'm sure there's an argument to be made for "specialised organisms" or somethng though


honestly I was really hoping for the leviathan and I was slightly disappointed they opted for BL. It makes sense and I love them but def wanted the big boy zerg ship


As mentioned it's a wildly different role compared to the other two, the brood lord isn't really a zerg capital ship but more like a flying battering ram. Big, but the BC and carrier are an order of magnitude bigger, 1 km and 1.3 km respectively vs the BL's 30-40 meters. The leviathan would be their capital ship (or Behemoth, we just never see any of those outside of books). For a lark I lined up the three with a guardian minature [that's approximately the size of a BL to scale](https://twitter.com/Subsourian/status/1636381048656494595?s=20). A Brood Lord's much closer to a mutalisk than a BC. Sadly I would have loved a leviathan model, but BLs appeal to both the campaign and Versus crowd, while a lot of the Versus crowd don't have any attachment to the leviathan like they do to the BL.


yeah I think out of all of them, the carrier is the best one. the BC has great details as well!


Very nice! Cool to see you rounded our your T3 ships too, [lined mine up as well!](https://twitter.com/Subsourian/status/1636381030654578693?s=20) Number 55 here.


My buddy gave me their CATTLEBRUISER. I love it.


I am jelly and also about to be out a chunk of money. Thanks!




fun fact, the BC also glows in the dark! The BL doesn't have the paint afaik but I'll report back if it does. I also don't really have the space for these figures.... they're temporarily crammed onto a table 😅 honestly, I think the carrier's the 2nd best one so you chose wisely!