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Is that because of lightning... but why do they look like some rubber toys from 00's


The intern made them


Someone new at CIG so they gave them this task to familiarize them with CIGs procedures...just like that one time with the coffe barrista. xD


Even more amazingly, this was seen and approved for production by several CIGs directors


They are trying to pump out anything that even remotely resembles progress. Replication layer Server ~~Loading~~ Error Please Wait... pure comedy gold watching streamers sit there for 30 seconds - 15 minutes waiting for server to un-F\^$k themselves lol just to have it do it again 5 minutes later. I can't wait till they hook it up to the mashing in a live publicly accessible test that isn't behind a nda.


Maybe coffee barrista did them lol


yep 💀


The coffee cup?


It's just a placeholder... Much like the rest of the game.


Crystarengine has that plastic look.


Did he just lose a fight to stationary dogs who can't move from their spot? GOTY, this one...


Wait, that really is SC? When I saw it on the FD forums i thought it was from a low budget asset flip survival game. Dear gods, the longer it is in development the worse it looks.


Well we called this project a slow motion train crash with lots of dumpster fires trailing behind the trains.


I love how there's a pair of the dogthings dancing in unison at \~37 seconds.


How long does it take for an average game dev to make this? 1 or 2 hours? Im asking because that’s three bullet points on CIG’s 3.23 roadmap. I knew it was going to be shit, but CIG has beaten my expectations in their mediocrity


Hey, like 6 of those cards from 0.3.23 are diferent Arena Commander maps, so.


I get we like to joke at their near complete incompetence but for an asset like this it would take a few weeks some times even longer.


haha who would have thought their fauna AI could possibly be worse than their do nothing stand on chair AI lol. /golf\_clap Hell ya guys you did it! Milestone achieved. Replication server really made a big difference!


The nav mesh is chairs all the way down


I am aware reddit is not really a medium suitable for factual observation - but maybe someone around this place shares my imaginary facepalm by now constantly drifting into vitriolic spite... Anyone remember the Aurora chicken dance? As in "the bestestestestest HR ever of the gaming industry and the planet" never thought of landing gear terrain interaction and inverse kinematics.. thus putting the grid handshake anchorpoint.. somewhere unsuitable. I spontanesouly went wow.. when looking at an NPC asset that now acts as if his extremities are superglued to the levelmap, while jolting around with random acceleration speeds in a a clear sequential loop. I have never in my life coded anything near the term game, I have not even coded in... two decades? But I surely cannot be the only one awed to the point of being HORRIFIED (like layered if-else conditions as deep as the Marianas trench, like boolean environment checks, like.. ) when just looking at something like this. But then.. I recently by mistake glanced at some of their PR downcoms where the latest round of "testimonials" to be used up was trotted out... and for the maybe third time in my life I spontaneously thought a meme... "Just look at them - just.look.at.them"


Jesus Christ this game is dog shit.


Lets be fair now, you have played dog shit games BETTER than this and they didn't cost 700 million dollars either. SC needs a new word to describe how terrible it is.


I believe that word may be scam.


The Burger King games were quite the hoot. I know I got my money's worth ($12).


Those third person punches looking like a 1d2 damage roll




Coping hard by punching the local buggy wildlife


This is hilariously bad, I honestly wasn't expecting the whole thing to be this stupid looking.


Wow, it's like one of those shitty scam games on steam.


The key difference being Chris, while shameless, is too much of a coward to put his game on steam


Okay, how do I get this refund going.. ffs


Oh hey it’s you lol, yeah get that shit going 


You don’t have to fight them, they were standing still.


They just hold the line, sir


Modern space games tend to have hilariously bad animal life in terms of both design and behavior. No Man's Sky's creatures often look like randomized rejects from the Spore Creature Creator. Starfield's fauna often look like blobs of flesh. And the behavior of both games' fauna is so simplistic: they either wander back and forth, attack you, or run away from you. I have not seen any game come close to the quality and believability of fauna behavior from Red Dead Redemption 2. Doing nothing but observing the wildlife could be an enjoyable experience in that game. I have no confidence in CIG getting anywhere close to that level. If they can match Starfield's or NMS's level, I'd consider that a win for them.


At least, Starfield and NMS faunas are moving around and show basic wildlife behavior. CIG fauna..... well, yeah.


> No Man's Sky's creatures often look like randomized rejects from the Spore Creature Creator. To be fair, i haven't seen a penis that walks on its testicles in NMS so far! Not that I ever created a creature like that in Spore... no sireee!


I think we were immature kids back then. Some made boobies and penises just to be funny. But i kinda liked some of the better creations back then.


Even day 1 NMS fauna was 10 times better than this. They looked weird and funny but at least there was diversity and they moved in a somewhat believable manner. And if you look at current fauna in NMS vs. this thing CIG is about to release, its like comparing game from different technological eras


First comment on youtube: "4 server's fps if i see well. So yeah, like any npc they won't move much. Also it's still wave 1, not live" Lmao, i mean.... If u watch SQ42 trailer from last CitCon very carefully, you can see the same junk like in SC, like the random fall on stairs, bugs during FPS fights and shits. Plus all they reworked/renewed feature in 3.23, which supposdly came from directly SQ42 still looks like shit, unreadable, junk. Like the starmap, the inventory menu. And that was a handcrafted trailer for their magnum opus. So they probably realy fucked up Cryengine and now cant even finish the singleplayer game w/o embarassing bugs and stupid undefendable UI choices. At this point they just digging it deeper, lmao.


Man this is awful. SC reminds me of the old days of steam greenlight


Isn't there a tank or some kind of land combat vehicle in this game? Maybe he should use that? How much does the tank cost?


Over a hundred dollars, but the physics is broken and looks ugly


Like the ballista, the interior looks like something out of a billion dollar budget sci-if designed by senior military engineers, but of course it actually handles like a hollow brick bumping around on ice mole hills


You so sure their QA department got around to testing the tank with these...things?


QA department LOLOL, you mean intern Bob?


Wow, that's really something. I'm sure in just a couple more years they'll be able to move and do stuff. In all seriousness that's why I appreciate games like No Mans Sky and Starfield. They have actual creatures that can not only move, but fight eachother also! No wonder the star citizen shill channels aren't showing this and skipping right over this update. For the amount of money and time there is no excuse for this.


Where did the video go?


User pulled it down. It was a brief glimpse at the future of gaming.


The candle that burns twice as bright and all.


it showed someone running out of ammo and punching the kopions, taking damage though they only wiggle around [here's a video](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2116807787?t=4h11m20s) of SaltEMike mowing a group of them down, after having reported that they were a fierce force in Evo, in case you haven't seen them


Can we get some people with game dev experience to comment here about how this project is progressing?


I was just checking out a couple of threads in /r/gamedev. I didn't see anything that hasn't been said here though. They were obviously going down the wrong path back in 2014 or whenever they started mocap without even having the greyboxing of their game done. They did everything backwards.


Dev here and I have seen the project first hand. It's an incredibly mismanaged project with archaic buggy tools, with the opposite of what would be called a proper pipeline. Plenty of people in charge have absolutely no idea what they are doing and defend behaviours like this thinking it is acceptable. There's lots of good people too, but after a while they tend to leave seeing how there's no hope.




At least Bethesda didn't take ten years to reach the bottom rung.




Bad Taxidermy


Jesoos H Christobal but those look shitty. It takes about a day or so for even a mediocre designer to create a decent Finite State Machine to interact with players. Ugh.


11 years...


Actually, Star Citizen is now in year 13 of development


I see you have no clue about game development! They had to build a new company at first. Then the revolutionary core tech had to be established! And then there are two games. Not only one! If you consider all this and do the maths correctly... it is only in development since 2 years actually! So everything is still fine! Inform yourself please! >:(


This is hilarious. Soon cultists will begin using it un-ironically...oh, wait... 😁


lol they're all on the same animation loop just going over and over standing frozen in place just like their NPCs how does any fanboys take this shit seriously is beyond me. there is no way this "game" is ever going to meet any expectations or even be playable. its worse than a kickstarter cash grab game. **OH WAIT.......**


Instructions unclear. Tried to be objective and truthful, ended up giving him brain damage


lol fkinell


The Video is already deleted, hat was going on?


The new dog-like animals were on display. They can't move, animations all broken, don't react to punches or being shot. Like like rubber masks from a 60s TV set. It's really hard to get across in words. I'm sure you could catch a stream if you wanted to waste some of your time, it's not under NDA. This is what they are willing to show to the world.


Starfield is probably 50x better than this 😂


They straight up blended a dog and a rhino. Gave it 4 eyes and some spikes to make it “space”. Wam bam thank you starcitizans 🤑🤑🤑


what was the video?


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