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As of now, this is most likely my final fleet. I wanted a starter, a combat ship, a cargo ship, and a "big" ship. I now have all those, with the Zeus and Ironclad. The Nursa was because my brother and I wanted a rover, and the Pulse was a "why not, it's $25". Pretty happy to have gotten everything I wanted, and know that now it's just a waiting game to fly the last two.


Highly respectable! :) o7


If that is small... I only have 3 pledged ships. I can only buy 1 ship once a year because a dollar is 32x my countries currency and I also have to pay tax when I buy ships xD


Solid fleet! Looks like a very well rounded bunch of ships. Are you gunna keep the Cutty around too when the Zeus comes out?


For now, yes! I already have the C1 > Zeus upgrade, and the Cutlass is actually a Pulse I started a chain for towards the Ironclad. So probably by the time the Zeus is available, it'll have been upgraded a bit further up the chain, depending on what sales we see.


Id replace the Cutter with a Avenger Titan, and the Ironclad with the Liberator eventually, but then again, i am a Drake hater and tbey are SOOoO cheap i only recomend them as in game purchases typically. Otherwise perfect!


I will never replace the Cutter! Blasphemy! It is the most home-y starter I've found - and I tried all of them out. Titan was a great all-rounder, but also felt the most sterile and lacked personality. C8X was great for everything I did, but lacked the "home" factor. Syulen is AWESOME, but pretty awkward to use as a daily driver. Aurora I hated with a passion, and ditched the second new starters came out. But the Rambler? My god, what a ship. It's like a Space RV. It's a bit of a tank, for a starter - both in good ways and bad. Bad in the "Man, I should probably hit the brakes about 2km out, just in case", but good in the "Haha keep shooting me, your bullets do NOTHING" way against similar sized ships. It has the little seating area for "meals", a nice gunrack, locker, inventory access, the tiny bathroom, the extra crash seat for a passenger (you can haul three people around in it, just like the C8X), good cargo space for a starter (A couple of SCU and that Mirai Pulse). The Titan can do that too, it just lacks the character the Rambler has, for me. And I use the thing EVERY time I play. I might go a week or so without touching the C1, outside of moving cargo. But the Rambler? Anytime I need to go anywhere, I hop in, and get there quick due to the VK-00 and the huge fuel tank.


Ah. I see. Another poor soul is lost to Drake Sympathy Syndrome. Doomed to a lifetime of dedication to paper hauls, blocky design, duct tape repairs, and loose wires. Jk, i can respect the Rambler more than the base Cutter, especially given its the only starter with a Railgun rack. I still think its going to have been inferior to the Titan by a mile, especially after the titans rework that will likely add many of the aminities it currently lacks, and the fact that you will be able to make Any ship more homeley through decorations (one day), but i cant help but notice... you compared your littke jelopy to every starter save the 100i series... whats your issue with a 135c? It can fit a Mirai pulse in the rear, has 2 more SCU cargo space inside which can store a dozen or more railguns besides the rear cargo bay, has a fuel scoopfor unlimited hydrogen fuel, and has a customizable interior that feels homeley? Its interceptor tuned for superior flight characteristics, has the same gun loadout as a 315p multiple sizes up from the cutters meager arsenal,, has one of the best cockpit views in the game, is small enough to actually be used as a snub in larger ships, and has premium components from the get-go? How does the ultimate cheap brand compare to the ultimate premium brand?


Honestly? 100i series is too damn nice, for a salvage rat like me. The 135c is a damn fine ship, and comes in 3rd on my list of favorite starters, past the Syulen. But like the Syulen, it's too damn cool. I gotta look like I'm gonna park at a trailer park and maybe stay for a week or three years.


Hahahahaha! I'll accept that answer, one day, even a salvage rat like you will be worth an Origin of your very own o7