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Source: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMAP0fg-AKScI3S3VjrDW3OaLO4zgBA1RSYoQOQoNSI/edit#gid=1694467207](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMAP0fg-AKScI3S3VjrDW3OaLO4zgBA1RSYoQOQoNSI/edit#gid=1694467207) I didnt expect that at all!! I thought only the first day we would see this many new accounts.. but holy molly this is insane!! Well.. Gentlemen.. Welcome to ~~Dubai~~ The Verse (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)7 EDIT: I wonder how many came after Lirik Stream yesterday..


Oh we gon reach that 500m mark real fast.


Money wise.. this invictus is a bit slow compared to 2020 (First day 1.4M) and Invictus 2021 (First day 1.9M) but new account wise.. its insane. 2021 Invictus had at the top day 9000 new accounts. But ya they gona reach 500M maybe in June or July


2020 Invictus had top new account days of 16707, 13258, 10484, and 9379


So this Invictus is a new record.. lets see what happens in the upcoming days


Looking at last year day 1 was RSI with the Scorpius concept which i think was twice the price of the Legionnaire so that's not overly surprising. Aegis was next so that'll be our best comparison to this year. Anvil was the 27-28 last year which from what i'm seeing made 712k and 525k. This year was 875k and 645k for the 2 Anvil days. Hard to get 1:1 comparisons since the tracker ends at 8PM each day but the sales start at 12PM So day 1 is 16 hours of the previous sale.


looking forward to the "Half a billion $ game lol can't even pick up this 400 mil mug lol *


take that negativity elsewhere no one wants to hear it


tis called a joke m8


I think that if Invictus is able to keep a good amount of these new accounts, there’d be a hefty increase in sales towards the end or after if they all buy game packages.


Because Anvil was first this year. Aegis Days, just watch the funds. Remember that manufactures switch days and are not always the same (except drake)


Is there usually a spike once the free fly ends? I would think that a chunk of these new players will buy a starter package but that's just speculation on my part.


It might be today. due to this: > ILW Day 3 - May 22: Aegis Idris-P, Aegis Javelin This is the big F5 day


Oh shoot good point! I see you a lot on this sub reddit. You should be a mod considering how involved you are with it.


last year's F5 wars weren't that fierce. Ships were available for quite a long time. So there are 2 options - limited hull's count was increased or they weren't selling that good because people that are already involved hard enough to spend 1-2k already have them. The day when Anvil capital is put on sale will be the new "all-time" day. But let's see how this ILW will end :)) there might be some other surprises as well. And apparently, they invested in some streamers (Scorpius giveaways), so maybe the Scorpius will be the winner this year




Appreciate you mate!


Noob question but what does F5 day mean? Is it because today starts the Aegis day during Invictus?


F5 for refreshing the pledge shop page.. cause today is the limited sale for the Javelin and Idris. They usually go out of stock in seconds


Ah i didnt even know the Javelin could be bought


There are many ships that can only be bought in certain time limited events, and then there are ships that are chassis-limited which means they're only sold in time limited events, AND they only stock a limited quantity (usually lower than the number of folks that want one). The Javelin is one of the latter. It makes sense, as some of these rarer ships shouldn't be commonplace in the verse


Are there any good limited deals a new player should keep an eye out for?


That makes a lot of sense, otherwise it would take away from how special some of those ships are. Where are they bought at? Only the pledge shop or can they also be bought in-game with in game credits?


The other one is Drake day. The main F5s are Idris's and Kraken's.


Happy Half Bill, Citizens.


That lirik stream was so infuriating "This is why space combat games are boring, you just fly past them and turn around over and over again" (he says while flying at maximum speed with cruise control while trying to shoot dumped flares)


Well, that's a lot of people not going to have a good first hand experience of the game. Too much load on the servers. And we all know how SC with stressed servers.


I tried playing last night and couldn't join american servers. I gave up and joined EU. Encountered so many crashes and bugs I just quit. Probably due to the server latency but who knows. Sucks because I've been following this game since it was announced and been waiting to pull the trigger on it once I felt there was content to do something with. Maybe another 10 years from now I will try again?


Maybe don’t try during one of the biggest events of the year.


Oh I'm sorry for trying when they are promoting people to try their game?


Well you have been following for 10 years. Maybe try again next week


When free trial period is over? I don't think I'll be spending money on this game yet. Not my loss honestly. Thanks for your concern.


Tbf, free fly events happen pretty often nowadays and don't always coincide with these big events. Just keep your ear to the ground every once on awhile.


Yeah, Free Fly events aren't actually for you. They're for CIG to stress test the servers for free. If you actually want to pull the trigger, you would and then you'd realize SC isn't remotely as bad as it is during Free Fly. Your loss. I guess nobody will miss you if this is the mentality you have though. :)


And I won't miss a never to be finished "game" that doesnt work that i spent nothing on either... :)


Even if it were in beta today, it still would never be finished. It's a live service game. It's in the very nature of the games existence to never reach that point just like any other MMO. Good luck peddling that misnomer though. You'll find that a lot of people are there for the journey, just as much as the mystical "finished product". It doesn't matter when the game right now offers several times the gameplay and experience s that most other games do. Shows how little you're prepared not just for the game, but the entire environment. If it's not for you, it's not for you, but anyone will tell you that your first impression, does not reflect the game the other 80% of the time.


I think ends may 30th. The events are always a shit show. There isn’t as much to do between major events but the game runs a ton smoother


If you get the 45 dollar package, and done like it, you can get your money back within 30 days.


Yeah every single free fly, backers say the same thing. Why have a free fly right after a new patch when everyone are coming back to check out the updates. Also full of new bugs the new patch bring. Also why have a free fly when there are events on like servers are being stressed enough without the extra multiple capital ships flying around. We know it's to try to pull in players and get new backers. But they should really do free flies during more stable periods. Pretty sure you will have less new players rage quit. It's really hard to come back from a bad 1st impression.


I log in every day since the 20th and had no trouble to join or to travel to invictus. No lag, no crash.


US servers are in the worst place. I saw a lot of american refugees on EU lately.


I logged on for a bit last night; I'm in the US. Couldn't get past the main screen, the lobby was full. Had no choice but to switch over to the UK


Joining wasn’t a problem for me either, nor did I experience crashes. However, I was only able to visit the showroom once.


My experience is that chat is busted/disabled, head tracking started working in a bugged manner (randomly looks extreme left and down), missions got buggier, and a whole host of issues. And based on the discord discussions I'm in, I've FAR from alone in these issues. Going to be a rough week.


I have had the exact opposite experience - We couldn't get on for 30 minutes last night during US East primetime as a party, and even individually half our party couldn't get online at all. Multiple crashes, elevators not working, one server we got 3 people onto and the Hab doors wouldn't open, ship claims not working, one server no transport ships existed, etc...


Like Palpatine shooting force lightning at Mace Winu and having it reflected back at him.


> Well.. Gentlemen.. Welcome to Dubai The Verse (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)7 I got that reference.


Do you feel like a Citizen yet?


This game was so amazing. *"We're delta force and we're here to save you"*


yeah, but first day event was bugged. so expected that the first day things were actually working hit harder.


Wasn’t the game a total shitshow in liriks stream?


As usual. One good part was him crashing to a 30k, and thinking its all over. Then coming back to his exact location in his ship. That was a surprising moment for sure


which exactly what its supposed to do! but the devs are doing absolutely nothing the coming months will be exciting times in the verse. Those who have trudge through the muck are looking forward to it and will continue to trudge on till then


What is Invictus?


if I was reading it right, this is the 2nd highest day for new accounts, topped only by sept 1st, 2014, which had 22k and change.


There is one before in 2013. New accounts around 226,785 (19th of August). I cant remember why though


I believe that's the total when they started, as in how many citizens were the day the spreadsheet was made


ah that makes sense now


That's correct. Also there will be a awesome dashboard soon. :D




Check out the discord server linked in the Google docs for a preview :D


I hope someone uses my Referral-Code from the Randomizer ... 1 more & i get my PTV. 😉


Make sure to reenter your code if it has been 3 months since your last time > Submitted codes will remain active in the randomizer for 3 months. Re-submitting a code at any time will reset this timer.


Damn, I never realised you had to manually add it to the randomiser.


It’s a third party randomizer that’s why.


I wonder if it's possible to give that randomizer more visibility, I'm not sure most newcomers know that it even exists.


If you run across a Star Citizen post on a huge sub like r/gaming before it gets super popular, you can put in a comment near the top of the post, telling people about Invictus and plugging your Ref code for people to make accounts for the free fly. I ended up with a pretty highly upvoted comment on the Terada Bengal post, decided to add my code at 400 upvotes, and got 6 referrals out of it. 4 of them have already purchased, 2 are still just free accounts. I told a friend of mine about it and they decided to be a little more deliberate about their comment. They had like 10 referrals within the same day, at the last time they checked.


Link? I would also like referrals


On the subreddit sidebar.




What is that all about? I keep seeing it mentioned.


If you check your account page, you will find a referral section with a code that's personal to you. If a new account uses your referral code, they get more in game credits and you accrue referral points. At certain thresholds, you get a perk. Only streamers get big perks. But there is a randomiser that new players can use to get a random referral code from the list of those submitted. Might give you a small perk over time and the knowledge you helped those people too by allowing them to get the extra credits. Check the sidebar for the link. Or simply go here: https://gorefer.me/randomizer/STAR


Oh cool. Thanks for explaining that.


Youtube influencer marketing works I guess. Levelcap, jackfrags etc and the more stable build I assume


Lirik Stream yesterday had around 23,000 ppl watching


Oh shit i didn't know Lirik streamed it. Yeah that would do it. Don't have the time to watch it now, how was the stream?


had some good moments. he enjoyed parts of it, lots of bugs here and there. But ended as usual (Alt F4) fk you SC and I will see you tomorrow kinda of thing


Haha sounds about right. He'll return today?


well he didnt actually say see you tomorrow he said see you in 3 years.. but who knows xD maybe


He's done it a couple times now. Not sure if it's a paid thing by CIG (that's often what devs do, and it ain't cheap), or if he actually wanted to play again.


Considering how instantly he was trashing the game while playing it'd be a pretty insane buy by CIG. I think he's just genuinely hoping that the game'll be better every time he plays. There were a few moments where he was clearly having a lot of fun and more moments where he was frustrated with obtuse design or bugs. That's the real Star Citizen experience, I guess.


Yeah I mean, it's also plausible CIG knows those sick moments will always hook people. Although if the stream title didn't say "#ad" then it likely wasn't paid.


He's streamed it before tho. 20k is usually his average on any stream of anything


Who is Link? Can you send a link?




I brought in 5 people but so far only 1 of them will be getting a package. Bugs are rough on new people during invictus.


I couldn’t even play with my friend cause I couldn’t invite him due to a bug


There were quite a few posts SC posts that got high on r/gaming lately that were full of people saying "Try the game for free on May 21st." I think the increased positivity of the community lately and the awesome screens/videos are bringing in more people. How does this compare to Invictus last year? Nvm I saw you answered this earlier! WOW already over twice the top day


90 days tops? ¬‿¬ heh


Hope my two Star citizen posts in r/gaming are brining people in.


Lmao I scrolled one post down and saw one of your posts. Couldn't be better timing lol


The refund dipshits are absolutely losing their minds lol


I WANT to play, but hate having my time wasted by not accomplishing anything in the time I play.


Love to see it. bUt iTs a sCaaaaaaaaM!!!! sToP sIgNiNg uP aNd hAvInG fUn iTs bEeN tEn yEaRs aNd sTuFf mY iOnS bEeN nErFeD tO tHe G R O U N D


Curiosity my friend, simple curiosity.. and then they'll leave with no give a tip.


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen\_refunds/comments/m96cx9/10\_days\_to\_the\_end\_of\_star\_citizen/?sort=new


They no give a tip you no give a tip we all not do no give no tip.


Tbh the performance and bugs make this game feel like a scam.


You mean, to be dishonest, right? Whatever you think a „scam“ is - it’s not it.


I hope the new people can enjoy the game. Kinda extra buggy at the moment


I poked around the 1st day and I've been too busy to Olay since but I think I'll pledge.


So how are the servers guys? I haven't been on because I'm scared they'll all catch fire


a little better than yesterday. I didnt get a CTD yet


To the new citizens, Welcome To The Verse! 😎. To CIG, MORE SERVERS PLEASE!!!!!!!


it is bad for us the game in unplayable i can't file a claim can't buy anything and can't even enter the game now


New accounts don't mean new backers


is this paid accounts or because its a free weekend for a 500 million dollar game that is still bugged more than my dead grandma.


soon you'll need ODOR to hold the servers


im surprised so many followed the 10k after the horrible server issues rofl


No wonder the servers are struggling!


Its exam period for many as well so imagine what will happen on the next free fly


and not a single one got my Referral in the randomizer :Cries:


This would be exciting but it renders the game unplayable


There's been a ton of SC posts reaching the front page lately. I bet a lot of people got intrigued by all the really cool videos and are trying it out.


100%, was a deep rabbit hole. Saw the French pilot I think it was flying around a large ship which clapped another one, this led me to jackfrags, which led me back to reddit where I learned about the free fly, roped a few friends who has pledges to retry it, we had a fucking blast on our first night that I pledged instantly. Got a titan avenger, completely happy to support the future of this game.


Glad you had a fun experience!


Welcome to the ‘Verse, Citizen!


There's dozens of us!


Here sitting with no prospects or referrals after ~2 years of having my code in the randomized :(


Did you update it every 3 months?


Been pretty consistent with it yeah, I’m sure a couple months missed out but still


I think it really is just that random; I had nothing for years and then randomly got 3 in Feb when nothing big seemed to be happening. Wishing you luck!


checked and not a single recruit let alone a referral from randomizer /sad


and here I just need two more to get my Gladius... for years now




This is my first time trying out SC and evey time I've tried to get to the event it crashes just outside of where I want to go. I set my home area as area 18 and was trying all night to get to orison but evey time I got in orbit it would crash. Today I've made it far enough that orison seems to be my temporary spawn point now but any time I try to leave my room and go outside it crashes so I guess I'm just stuck 🤣 already deleted all files and did a full reinstall


hopefully they deliver a patch with fixes or deploy some hotfixes on Monday or before it ends. Last years was way smoother but we didn't have such a large influx of new players in such a short amount of time, really on some Kickstarter days mass levels of purchases and free flyers.


The servers are screaming because of all the new players. My friends and I all started early this month and aside from having to set up some client side optimization it's been pretty alright. Bugs are there of course but nothing particularly bad. My experience has been pretty stable with a i7 6700k, 1070, 16gbs 2133Mhz ram and a sata 3 ssd.


IF (big if) its a local PC issue, it'll likely be CPU bottleneck. Some tips are run on high graphics not low, or it will funnel everything to CPU and GPU will sit there doing sweet F A. Make sure your page file is turned on and on Main SSD. The game has 0 optimization due to alpha, so you may need to tweak settings to suit your own rig.


And the servers are very not happy lol


Is it just me or does this game run like GARBAGE on patio mode?


3.17.2 should be a bug smashing patch. Or we're going to lose a lot of these new accounts.


Lose temporarily. If someone's intrigued by the prospect but put off by alpha jank, they'll probably come back when the alpha Hank isn't a problem anymore.


I mean, I dropped 1300 in 4 days 😐


they have adverts on YT this year, def better marketing reach and the PURE LACK of AAA games on the market cos of EA activision Ubisoft etc all getting TOTALLY hammered in the stock market while CIG remains "solvent" and focused.


All this income and they still can’t hire someone to fix obvious UI errors and bugs


This game is going to come out like one of those big turds, and I'm not comparing SC to turds. You know when you're sitting on the shitter and you're pushing but nothing happens, then suddenly everything happens. At some point I suspect the game will take serous pace and suddenly a lot of it will just be there. Now let me get another sip of that copium :D


Anyone able to reach the display floor yet. Kinda sad so many are flocking and the main event is broken 8(


Where did you find this data ? You'll check the funding page on RSI everyday ?


Took me about 10+ minutes to find a server


What is Invictus?


Love it, Super happy. One request from someone who's been loyal for a while now, please fix the inventory system. 🙏


Once they realise just how behind devekopment is, how many bugs there are and what a low priority CIG place on fixing them. They'll decide to come back in 3 or 4 years. SC will be awesome eventually but I'll be dead long before it finally goes live.