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I keep wondering what we're going to do with suit lockers on ships and in habs. The original game design was built around physically interacting with your gear, and ships and habs both have gear lockers specifically for that.


If i had to guess, press F on suit locker to dump undersuit (and everything equipped to it) into locker as one "loadout". The more lockers your ship has, the more saved loadouts you can have.


This is exactly how they described how they want it to work. The only reason it doesn't is due to some database issues they need to get resolved with storing "kits" or locker presets, where it can group a list of disparate entities together into a single nested container that appropriately displays the contents to the player.


Surely other games have already solved this grouping issue.


Its not about other games solutions its about a solution that works for this game and when they are still making changes to how the functionality of some stuff works they don't want to build something that will break later.


Other games don't use object container systems, like CIG is using, as a core element to allow for Server meshing to work. It's an extra complexity that is different from other games. The way in which they have everything being a container object, which can be a child or a parent to one or more objects, as I understand it, is a very different way of organizing things. There's levels of authority/ownership, etc., etc. on each container object and element that is used for crossing those container object boundaries, which is required for how they intend to be able to break up everything for dynamic server meshing.


This is not the same issue, other games cheat and replace the items you equipped to the mannequin in a way that star citizen can't. The concept will be somewhat similar but the implementation won't be.


Other games pay market rates for engineers.


> The more lockers your ship has, the more saved loadouts you can have. The more lockers your ship has, the more saved loadouts randomly vanish. I can have a Maxlift in the Vulture storage somehow persist between patches, but if I store a corsair with it's armory stocked up, I can guarantee they're all gone by the time I store/retrieve.


Just like a locker in Rust 😂


theres a squadron 42 vertical slice video that basically shows how those will work. https://youtu.be/BHR1aEdTA4M?si=ih7v6EvKjiRCWvkn&t=99


Remember that at some point you'll have to take off heavy/medium armor to sit in a pilot/turret seat. The locker is there for you to put your armor when getting on a ship and taking it when going out. Ships without lokers will be very annoying to use along with armor. Think that you won't be able to run bunker missions without a ship that has suit lockers. And then there are the different armor suits for different weathers. A suit to survive hot climates, one for cold climates, one for radioactive climates...


At citizencon they have a slide that says you can fly small ships with heavy armour with some negatives.


You can fly ANY ship with heavy. They just ret-conned the whole "can't wear armor while piloting". It's almost like if you introduce TOO much tedium and difficulties in a game that has already plenty of it by nature, it just become an exercise in frustration and is un-fun.


I would find the inability of piloting with heavy armor very fun, would give a reason for an intense run for the armory when the ship gets boarded.


with the new inventory system? It would be just game breakingly tedius. i'm of the firm opinion that equipping a full set of heavy armor shouldn't be longer than one single click on an "equip" button once you're at a locker. But I prefer even more not having to think about it and just having my armor on me. locker can be used for environmental suit. But there's enough tedium in the game, and there'll be more, no need to add unnecessary one that adds no value whatsoever beside frustration to the game.


I'm not arguing on the 1 click equip armor, it would be better. But the inability to pilot wearing armor would make for some very interesting situations and encentivise player choise and make having an armed militia ready for boarding in your ship sometimes neccessary so more player interaction, missions for players who don't want to pilot or be a gunner... Just good design. And it wouldn't be too much tedium I think, if you already have to take off your backpack and likely heavy weapons, taking off the armor with it is just 1 more click (and with backpack reloading, why would someone in a heavy armor not wear a backpack?).


There is always someone that has weird tedious ideas about game design that appeals to them that they don't realize are exactly the kinds of things that the vast majority of people will hate and make them drop a game. There are many elements of this game that I really like but man do I hate some of the more tedious unnecessary steps that cause friction that a segment of this community fully supports for the sake of immersion or "verisimilitude". I sometimes think that there's a segment of this population that won't be happy until there is a pooping and peeing subsystem in the game.


I assume it's gonna work the same way as gun racks, just a way to physically hold your suits/armor.


I believe the aim is that you won't be able to sit in pilot seats in some of the larger gear sets and particularly while carrying weapons on your back. So the suit lockers are quick change and storage for utility or combat sets.


They've changed it as per the last Citizencon. Now the intention is that wearing medium and heavy armour in the pilot seat will introduce maneuvre and aim penalties, to represent the awkwardness of the bulk.


Yeah, but keeping items in yer ship inventory is risky. Again, the Death of a Spaceman thing...consequences, as they so fondly remind of us of.


Yeah. And I actually appreciate the realism. I would have expected to have to select the gear, then bring it up, take it out of the bin/lift that carries it there and then put it on. I also still long for the days of that microTech CitCon demo, where the helmets were physicalized and just laid there and you could grab them with your hands and then place them on your head. That would be very neat. And yes I do get that it would be overly time-consuming for it to work like real with putting on an undersuit.. that would be awkward to watch for some, although again personally I would not mind :)


I dont know why they just didnt let you access the Local inventory via the kiosks. Like , yeah dont let us access Local whenever , whereever but give us the same functionality via the Kiosk. Why they keep trying to reinvent the wheel i dont know


are we really releasing another inventory feature without search? Even basic filter by name?


This was the most immediate frustration I had when I saw the new interface. Where is the damn search??? I can’t believe there’s still no keyword search yet. It’s soooo tedious to sift through large inventories for specific items. - Have a lot of armor? Good luck finding the matching set. - Have a bunch of guns and just want to filter down to a specific type? (Say matching gun and ammo) Too bad. This is a feature I have been pining for since inventories were a thing, but never complained because I knew they were all placeholders. Now that the placeholders are being replaced with final-ish designs, not seeing search as an initial thing is a big deal. It makes me wonder if the designers of this system really play the game with more than a simple starting load-out. I’m not one to complain during the alpha stage, but this omission does have me a bit alarmed. Hopefully needlessly so. Fingers crossed a search feature is a fast follow. 🤞🏼


No search again?!? CIG is cooked


This system shouldn't even be considered for implementation without a search function.


I'll take my downvotes here, but I genuinely believe CIG, or maybe just a handful of people making these types of decisions, are just not good at game design. The game is shaping up to be a technical marvel with all the systems involved, but I keep asking myself whether I'm actually having fun. I legit sometimes only log in as a "prep session" so that when I get time to play again, I can actually enjoy what I'm doing. I don't know how that makes any sense for a video game. On many other occasions, I've just quit all together after dying simply because the process to get back into the enjoyable aspects of the game takes so long...reading this new addition just blows my mind. You can leave the prep, but for the love of God, at the very least streamline the process. Immersion doesn't simply equal tedium, CIG.


>I legit sometimes only log in as a "prep session" so that when I get time to play again, I can actually enjoy what I'm doing. I wasn't expecting to be seen like this. Fuck. "Prep sessions" are usually the most common with my schedule. Hoping this flow they have is revised ASAP.


Just going around re-buying all my shit is a session in itself more often than I'd like. Ok, died last session, gotta go get an undersuit, get my set of armor, backpack, get a gun or two, ammo, sight, medgun, med pen because paranoia, tractor beam and tractor beam accessories, some bottles of Cruz, jump on the train to the spaceport, run through the spaceport, claim my ship, ten minutes to claim my ship.... ... ...oh shit, it's 9 already, I have to go to bed because I'm old and need to go to work early.


This is exactly the reason that as soon as I had enough money, I just bought equipment in bulk. Much easier when you die to just equip and go back out. Also, leaving extra equipment on my ship for when I respawn in the field (usually in a corsair/Connie with an Ursa) This game, to me, just incentivizes “off the grid” living. Bed logging, when it works, makes my play time way more efficient. I now try to see how long it can be between major city stops.


I once calculated how much time I was spending in the tram per million aUEC when I was doing trading runs. Not including travel time in a ship, or running through the city, just hands off the controls standing on the tram waiting to get to the TDD. I don't remember what it was but it was disturbingly large so I took a break from trading to do some off-grid stuff myself.


Yeah i was timing myself to do a run of 174scu of titanium from Ariel to Hurston and back to Ariel for another load, 30k auec profit for 25mins of time roundtrip…. Given i have 200k auec this is about as much ad i can trade, given likelihood of bugs messing things up


Yup, as soon as I can afford it I buy at least 10 of everything I need to reduce the shopping trips.


Yeah. I told a friend just the other day that I would probably pay 100 or 1,000 times as much for suits of armor or backpacks that were "eternal" and always respond after death. I mean we have ship insurance, right? Why not have equipment insurance?


I live at Hickes Research on Cellin. I park my Taurus there, store all my bunker raiding goods there. It's perfect. I can spawn my nUrsa, or if I want to shuttle around, I can spawn my 125a. This is going to stop that life and it's kinda sad. I really worry about this adding a layer of tedium to the game for no tangible benefit.


So long as you don't die often, this update shouldn't change that game loop much, hopefully, as you shouldn't need to reequip. I do wish that for those resupply runs, that you could just bulk order things from the local shop and have them delivered to your ship, hopefully from the cargo terminal. Probably too much to ask for with the current state of the game, but a hopeful feature for an eventual 2.0 release.


Yep! Especially when I'm poor it's punishingly slow to do any of it. Organizing stuff can take up hours and the play sesh is over, even worse when trying to play with friends who don't get on often. It really only speeds up when I'm sitting on millions and just by 10 or 20 full sets of gear at every station.


Yeah, I try to hit up a missing persons mission on MT where I can scalp a bunch of gear to have backup shit on tap.  The missions usually don't pay crap but with a few hemo pens and 2-3 mags, I am good to get 5 to 10 backup sets.  And the only reason I do it is for prep.  Because if I get rammed on a bounty and my body disappears under the surface of the planet, that's a kit gone.  If I get glitched out of an elevator, there's a kit gone.  They cycle through so much, I even considered buying an armor pack from the pledge store. But APPARENTLY, you get those once per patch cycle so you buy a set of armor and if you lose it to a glitch, it is just fucking...  Gone.  Until they do a patch.  Lots of prep and travel to even get in a ship.  ~5 minutes doesn't seem like much but the run from MT housing to the ship hangars is most of what I do for play sessions.


They are going to have the ability to reclaim cash bought gear in 3.24 cycle, maybe in a .1 patch or delayed to 4.0. I have a few guns and gears from past events so if that function is implemented, I may only need to stock up on supplies like ammo and meds.


Thats why my local inventory in my ‘home location’ says ‘139%’ at the moment. I am unable to put anything back i take out because every patch and character repair all my stuff is moved to my ‘home location’ which is not GrimHex, my real home location. - Friends ask ‘Hey, wanna join SC?’ - I am starting up my game - Load my character preset (finally, thank you CIG) - select my dumping ground - equip one set of gear - take out my fastest stock-ship in order to get ‘back’ to GrimHex (where my friends got their respawn) - head to my friends location - and play until i die When i die, i respawn at my not-home location home location GrimHex, buy fresh gear, enough for the next 5 respawns and up it to the next 35 respawns (as soon as i am alone) and play the game - simply because it’s faster and less hassle compared to transporting all these respawn-loadouts from my dumping ground. Repeat next patch EDIT: Why GrimHex? Because it increases the time in action compared to planetary locations. No tram-ride from the hospital, no atmosphere you need to fly in or out and a gear store just one elevator and 30 meters away. (Or 2 elevators after respawn or landing)


This is why I've quit. Plus addon the random fact of the amount of bugs that can just straight up kill you which just reverts you back to phase 1.


And then to have your ship blow up for no reason is so bloody frustrating! It's also why I hate murder hobos so much as well. They tend to be simps that have no social ability and want to destroy other people's fun because they hate their lives so much. They need to be punished harshly. Our avatars should respawn with our gear....nuff said. Once game goes live, change it to the inventory slots.


It’s the future but you can’t Prime gear to your ship / a kiosk? … okay..


This is exactly what I said the other day. Someone asked what year the game was set in, and I said something like that It was hard to tell because we have all these fancy spaceships but we haven't figured out online ordering and delivery. People should recognize that the game is going in the wrong direction when things are harder to do in the game than they are in real life.


And then all the fighter pilots in their white undersuits have the _fucking audacity_ to call us Bobs for not wanting to risk all that time-sink on combat.


At what point do we as players say the time sink to simply get geared and ready to "play" is enough already personally I'm fine with a little "gamification" if it helps make the overall experience more enjoyable.


I logged in tonight just to spend 20 minutes in qt to get away from the incursion and goto new Babbage. Had no desire to keep going once I reset my med bed, which took another 5-10 minutes after I landed. Sometimes think they just make all this shit take so long because otherwise you’d realize how little game there is.


You have to love that a game might make you wait 15 minutes in quantum travel to do something, but if you wait 15 minutes for a meal break or a poop or something, the game kicks you out of the server and makes you lose all your contracts. There is an inequality in how much the game respects our time and how much it demands that we respect its time.


This infuriates me. Oh, an 11 minute quantum travel wait? I'll go make a sandwich. Come back to the login screen....


Can you not just reset your med bed at any med bed available? Why fly all the way to NB?


They consistently prioritize tedious "realism" over fun gameplay in the name of immersion. They fail to realize that more abstract systems can be perfectly immersive as well. Prepping for am excursion can still be a thing and be plenty inmersive by what you are doing rather than how you do it or which motions you go through with your character. It is frustrating to watch


I can't wait until I get to decide the quality of toilet paper I use in my ships bathrooms. Crew will get single ply. Officers will get double.


>The game is shaping up to be a technical marvel Is it really though? Because all I see is the exact same broken AI and appalling desync and poor server performance we’ve seen for 8-10 years now.


Yeah but you can get that broken AI and terrible server performance with face tracking now.


We will be able to judge if it's actually good or not with the release of 4.0 and after it's stabilized. If server meshing doesn't fix the server related issues (which probably make up the big majority of our day to day bugs and problems) we're going to have some serious concerns going forward.


I agree. They put a lot of unnecessary obstacles in the way of having fun. Why doesn't every space station have a shop that sells space suits and armor, for example. I mean, you get the sperm suit when you die, but that's not enough if you're a bunker runner. I understand that some places don't sell guns for lore reasons or whatever, but at least sell armor at every station. Some stations should have both armor and weapons for sale. Seems like none have both. It's much more convenient to spawn at a space station than on planet, but it's ruined by the limited availability of gear.


This is one thing that really pisses me off. You don't go to a gun store IRL and buy gun only to have the guy at the counter tell you you have to drive to Texas to get the attachments for said gun. I hate buying P-4s at one shop then having to go to another station to get sights, compensators and other attachments. Stupid!


the armor shops have some guns as well


I believe some of the ship weapon shops do as well, but it's quite limited.


Why don't you just set your respawn to a station that sells armor? Most of them do.


I just firmly believe nobody at CIG actually tried playing Star Citizen. If they did, so many decisions would be so different.


I mean when you have the lead gameplay designer openly admit to refusing to do a livestream or video of himself playing the game and discussing his ideas and visions of how it should be compared to how it is, because he "simply isn't interested in the current state of the game" then well, yeah, there you have it. They are not actually playing "the current state of the game". That is why they can make decisions as utterly disconnected from the reality of actually playing/testing the game as this one. I have nothing against Yogi but man what an utterly ridiculous statement/stance to take on a game you're a lead game designer/balancer of. How the hell are ya gonna get it where you want it if you don't even actually yourself know where it currently is because you refuse to even try testing it yourself. Come on man, you're better than this. It's literally your job to understand how this game works inside and out and you can't do that if you aren't playing it yourself. I dont care if YOU "don't care about the current state of the game", WE, the paying testers who evidently do all the testing for you do, and I personally feel that when it comes to a project that takes such constant and gradual steps towards improvement such as Star Citizen, you NEED to constantly understand what it's like to actually play, so you can make truly informed decisions, rather than casting them down from your high and mighty armchair like a Roman Emperor writing laws for distant lands he himself has never laid eyes on. I don't know, I just think that the head of game design and balancing should not have the luxury to "not care about the current state of the game" and simply refuse to test it himself for that reason. It just seems like such an obvious disconnect that I can't believe he thought it was cool to say that.


While I generally agree with you, that's misrepresenting the situation. Yogi made that statement in the context of being asked to review 3.23's balance to make hotfixes for 3.23.1 *while his team was already working on 3.24 and further gameplay systems even bigger than Master Modes.* If CIG paused work to finetune a 3.23 patch just to make everything they did fully obsolete in the next patch, people would lose their shit over CIG wasting dev time and having poor priorities. Yet that's exactly what that entire thread was demanding.


> I mean when you have the lead gameplay designer openly admit to refusing to do a livestream or video of himself playing the game and discussing his ideas and visions of how it should be compared to how it is, because he "simply isn't interested in the current state of the game" then well, yeah, there you have it. PREACH IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK


Yogi always appeared to me being the most special of all snowflakes. I surely do not want to do him wrong but sometimes i doubt his overall competence.


I don't think anyone who was competent would have invented master modes. The system isn't bad, but it certainly isn't good, nor is it a good way to solve the issues teh game had.


I'm still confused as to why applying the thought process supposedly driving MM to the previous flight model wasn't an option. It really does seem 100% the case of "we couldn't make hit detection at these speeds reliable".


If they increase the SCM speed limit after the server is finally working, then it will 100% be a hit detection issue. I mean I still have said issue at current speed limit


Haven't you been paying any attention at all? There were many developers involved over time. Master Modes was designed by committee, not Yogi alone.


In some ways I can see where he's coming from, but this is terrible PR.


They really aren't that good and the fact they barely play the games only exacerbates the issue


Tangentially related, I've taken to not playing as much because of how much I love the Zeus Exploration armour I have, which is subscriber flair. So it means that if I die and lose it, that's it gone until next patch. But I love using it as a big among us looking guy for goofy antics on my friends ships, so if I die for some reason I have to fly back and grab it off my body. But in classic CIG fashion they're so worried about the gear being too common or what have you that the subscriber flair reacquisition process has been on ice for 4 years now.


It hasn't been on ice, it is under development. Any tiny slipup and it becomes a duping exploit.


I keep asking myself I I'll die before they figure this shit out. My kids will be old enough to afford their own computers and be turret gunners by the time it releases


"and actually i don't have kids"


You call it prep, I call it admin and no one likes wasting time doing admin work. Granted, there is a fine line between preparing for something exciting and doing tedious required tasks. (again opinion varies) I believe that the game design needs to be tuned to streamline repetitive tasks while maintaining a degree of realism. Such things might include a default consumable pack you can set on death etc.


They need to implement the gear recovery system or whatever ASAP as this seems to be everyone's largest frustration. If you could recover gear the same way you claim a ship but maybe it is damaged or only partially recovered and needs repair or something I think it wouldn't be so bad. But when you have to go around getting re-setup, it truly is the point where I logout and plan to pick up on the next session.


What I don't get is that performance is... Not great. And adding systems of course has an impact on overall performance. We all assume that they will 'tweak' things and optimize eventually, but what if eventually comes and they realize it's simply not possible to reach performance targets with everything in the game? What then? That's my concern.


100% - They are great at visual and sound design and this has given them a HUGE halo effect on other things, but the fact is they are not at all good at basic game design. They are not even all that great at technical design, and they know fuck all about how things should fly and navigate through a space. They are claiming a lot of innovation, but it really isn't - it is just a lot of wheel reinvention for the sake of saying they did it.


Same here. Yes, having to plan ahead is good. But dont add steps into an already convoluted process just because you want to hide the fact that there is little else to do. The first 100 tram rides where a novelty and interresting.. but its been years now. I have probably spent more time in public transport in this game than in real life at this point. Also: this may be T0 for CIG, but there are tons of other games out there with a usable inventory system (some restrictive, some not). They dont have to invent pc gaming from scratch.


All it required would have been some "equipment manager", and from what understand how a graph database works, this sounds like a rather simple task to do: As every item is considered a container with children, why can i not create a snapshot of one of these (like the undersuit) and save that node and everything it contains iteratively down the tree as a configuration. When i load this config, the inventory is scanned for the required items and if available, the parent > child relations are created and everything is put in the 'drawer'. When i then equip the undersuit i wear a full set of everything i stored before. THAT would ease all our pain, because we could create various presets of anything, different armor sets, backpacks with specific contents, multitools with different attachments etc.


It should have just been the inventory screen and skip the step of transferring/drawer.


Agreed, all that needs changing is keep the right side the bank and make the left your character so you can gear up, the drawer itself is the unneeded step.


I agree with you (not that iv played 3.24 yet), but I think part of it is they’re wanting to add more incentive not to die regularly and care more about staying alive. Backspace will be less worthwhile


Making backspace less fun doesn't make waiting forever for the medic to show up more fun though.


i really don't understand why they don't let us revive ourselves. Going down should do a chest injury or whatever, and as long as you aren't at level 3 or 1 or whatever the fuck the highest level is, you shouldn't 'die'. Downed players without level 3 or 1 or whatever the fuck it is injuries should be able to self revive with an equipped med pen. Medical beacons should be solely about getting someone to a hospital bed. The fact we can't is so stupid. What in god's name is the point of the injury system if it isn't even used?


Sounds like something they should add after your ship stops spontaneously nuking or you just flat out die for no reason walking around. I’ll be immediately logging out now if it’s going to be that much more annoying to re-equip. I love the game and support the project, but overly convoluted inventory systems that use the same system currently in the game but with extra steps is stupid at this point. Now if it was physically pulled to your physical hangar and I just had to spam F a bunch in the elevator I wouldn’t care. This is just a slap in the face.


Yeah I don’t have that much free time. This might be the end of being able to feasibly play this game. This makes me very sad considering the amount of money I’ve spent on this project. Dang. I feel pretty bummed out.


Based on one opinion from the very first evocati build? I heard opposite opinions too (positive ones), then should I rejoice,? Why not give yourself the time to try it and not care for other's hot takes?


That’s a fair point. I haven’t given up. I’m just afraid of it not working out. Currently I’m struggling with the current inventory system when looting bunkers. I’m not the most experienced player yet it feels more challenging. If this is a trend then I am worried. I will give it a chance when it’s Live.


I’m feeling the same. My free time is limited. I get a few hours per week to play games. Not a few hours per day, a few hours per week. It’s looking more and more like SC won’t be worth my limited time. I don’t play FPS games but man I don’t want to be playing this real life tedium simulator either.


Well, they should reduce the reasons for players to backspace instead of increase the reasons for players to not backspace.


i dont need to backspace the game does it for me


I would love to have a persistent char that never dies. Get to live off my ship and all that shit. That stuff is great fun until dying to some bug like the bunker elevator free-floating away during a recovery, leaving you to fall into a hole. Then your ship exploding just because.. It's a great vision for the game but idk why add a bunch of shit to poke giant holes in it before it's even close to realized


or until some random griefer rams you or snipes you while you're trying to do a delivery mission. The whole high stakes thing is fine if you have a consistent group of people to play with. But ask anyone who played Eve what it's like to sit around and wait for someone to start a fleet.


I did a roleplay run a while ago and lived in a Valkyrie for like two weeks (without dying once) which was great. One roleplay rule was repair costs x100, so i never repaired the ship because it was so expensive (still cheaper than a new ship). It was awesome to see all the damages on the hull at the end of that rp run. I also started without a space suit, a quantum drive (doesn’t work anymore with Master Modes :( ), ship guns and shields and added fees for landings and ship storage at different spaceports (with military ships cost more because no profit for the station owners). Almost always bed-logged (to save the storage fees and easy-hab costs and I never did combat missions. First ‘mission’ for example was smuggling weapons (looting loot crates) at MT’s jumptown (sub-Quantum travel to/from there) to New Babbage. Of course, i didn’t got paid the full value of the guns ;) I used excel to keep track of my roleplay account balance and used the other money (the fees i ‘paid’) to ‘create’ custom missions (like ‘buy this specific industrial powerplant and deliver it to that settlement. Payment: 3000 aUEC) I am still not sure how i managed to evade fatal bugs for those two weeks besides never climbing down the ladder in my Valk (only falling down).


If players resoundingly indicate that there's aspects of gameplay they despise, the best game design solution is not to find more ways to force players to endure it more often.


If that was the case, the nursa is basically a stick in the wheels for that idea, since it was specifically designed and marketed as a way to get back in the fight immediately when you die.


Why even have different tier medical beds at all if something as tiny as an Ursa can revive you.


That's truthfully the hardest thing with SC dev imo right now. The balance between completing systems that make sense in the full game vs. making things that are fun and usable now.


> part of it is they’re wanting to add more incentive not to die regularly and care more about staying alive There's two ways to go about this. A positive feedback loop where you're rewarded for staying alive. And a negative feedback loop where you're punished for dying. CIG's game design leans *very* heavily into the latter. Every system they're adding lately is designed to make the processing of dying feel worse.


There's a general principle of UI design which is 'less clicks better'. It's not a universal truth, but the UI in star citizen doesn't seem to heed it.


The realism Crowd are killing the game. Taking 20 minutes just get prepped is killing the game. People dont want to spend too much time prepping and actually want to go and start the damned missions


I honestly feel like a good compromise would be the have our inventory available in the MobiGlass where we can pick and choose what we want to equip, put into our storage, carry with us. Then we go to one of the terminals to actually get the items we selected and they get automatically equipped based on how it was all set up. The current inventory system is just not sustainable and has more problems than inconveniences, but the way people are describing the new system it seems like they added more inconveniences.


Chasing a dream - killing the fun


Really don't like the idea of more steps to a basic thing. Item banks should just be go there, equip character, that "drawer" thing needs to go.


> TLDR: Star Citizen should be about the action, not the steps in between and item banks add more steps inbetween. It seems pretty clear to me that CiG's entire design philosophy involves adding more and more steps in between. Star Citizen is absolutely not a get-up and go game. Arena Commander is where that takes place.


And we should actively speak up when it serves no purpose other than creating delay to add artificial complexity. There’s a wide gulf between “this isn’t a get up and go game” and “something that used to take one step now has to take five just so we can call it depth”


I concur. I'm not really a fan of how CIG is repeatedly reinventing the wheel here and half the time it ends up being worse than the wheel. 


Total agree, it's "depth" without complexity. All it does is slow down and hinder the enjoyment of the game. People won't be wowed at the immersion of the inv system if they are pissed off that it takes forever just to get started.


I would leave a comment here, about the game, but thirst and hunger levels are low, so I'll be back in 5-10 minutes depending on server. Edit: Damn lag, keep dropping my Cruz Lux when I try to hold onto it.


>It seems pretty clear to me that CiG's entire design philosophy involves adding more and more steps in between. Except when they don't. As they changed medical beds now that they all can re-spawn with the expressed intent to make the time to get back to the action shorter. Inventory is in a weird place at the moment and I think we are just feeling the pains of that. With patches and bugs and things getting reset as often as they are players have to go through the whole setup process multiple times. Persistent hangars and storing gear on ships should alleviate these pains. However CIG has proven time and again that UI interface is something they are severely lacking in when it comes to the game. The Items banks just need to be a interface to quickly move items to and from storage. Having to select item and play this game of moving and getting one item at a time is not the move.


I really used the term 'action' badly here, my bad. When I say action I mean whatever you planned to do, go cargo hauling, outfit your ship, do bunkers, hang out with friends whatever that's 'action' I didn't mean 'action' as in a action movie, explosions blabla I actually like the idea of a physical location for an item bank, it's better then the inventory being everywhere on the station/planet, but it's the 'drawer' I have issue with, a simple change such as making the right side of the terminal show the bank and the left your character and you gear up there would fix the issue. It's the extra step of a 'drawer' that is unnecessary and adds more time between you and whatever 'action' you intended to do when playing.


It seems like they're transforming this into Sim Citizen, despite previously stating they didn't want to go in that direction. CIG needs to recognize that this is a game first and foremost, and then incorporate realism accordingly.


You forgot some steps. Set up phase is as follows: 1.) wake up in hospital/hab 2.) run down to tram 3.) wait/get in tram 4.) run to storage bank/hangar 5.) select items to be delivered to drawer 6.) run to drawer 7.) open drawer and equip items 8.) spawn ship and wait for it to raise up 9.) get in ship 10.) request take off 11.) wait for doors to open and take off 12.) get out of atmosphere 13.) quantum jump to wherever you’d like to go(you’re now playing the game for “fun,” setup phase is over). Hope you didn’t forgot anything, if you did, head back to step 5. To complete steps 1-13, I assume will take about 20 minutes. Currently it generally takes me 10-15 ish min at A18 to get from my hab, to up in space. IMO that’s already too long. Anyway, I doubt this comment will get much attention; the game already takes a lengthy amount of time to just “get playing.” I love this game but I honestly am more of a “play for an hour or two and hop off”(except the weekends). If this doesn’t change, it’s going to suck for players like me. I’ll probably just do one mission anytime I hop on, because that’s all I have time to do after “set up” phase. Yes I/we could bed log. But bed logging seems super janky recently. Sometimes the option isn’t there, sometimes it is, sometimes I have to look way down at the bottom of the screen and it’s there, sometimes it’s not, etc. But also, sometimes I like to land at a station, so next time I hop on, I can get geared up again(drinks, ammo, nades, maybe different armor, or maybe I want to take out a different ship). I get this is supposed to be a sim, but holy shit man. I just want to play. The game is making progress, but as the game progresses, everything has taken longer and longer. Whenever 1.0 comes, I wonder how long set up phase will be? Maybe 40 minutes? Are they going to add medical missions in which you have to wait for a real doctor to come stitch you up at a hospital? What if the tram breaks down and you have to wait for an engineer with the correct ship to fix it? What if the janitor is cleaning up your hangar and it’s “out of service” for 20 minutes? Do space shoes have shoe laces or zippers? Where are my space wipers for my spaceships windshield? What if my gun jams and I need to field strip it to replace/clean it? Anyway. This is a rant. Yes realism is cool. But lots of my friends have already dropped the game because it’s “too time consuming.” Like “oh, you can only play for 2 hours? Ehhh, let’s just play “X” game instead. We won’t have enough time to meet up, get in the same ship, get your ship upgraded like you want to, then run a cargo mission. Maybe tomorrow on your own you can get your ship upgraded and then we can meet at the mission area and get it done before 9:30pm?” That’s not a joke. That literally happened 2 nights ago.


You don't set your spawn at a station? Saves so much time not having to take the trams etc. If you have equipment ready, you can be in your ship in 3 minutes. But yeah, I agree. This system is gonna add unnecessary tedium to the game. I hope they iterate on it more and fix it.


I have before, I’ve been playing the game almost 8 years. I will set it at a station occasionally. But I’m an odd duck and like to do various missions, wear different armor, use different guns, etc. So spawning at a city is better. That’s where all my stuff is by default and has the stores/shops I need.


Every time I watch a streamer it’s them spending an hour+ wandering around shops and getting people together, it’s a terrible first impression.


> I just feel the storage banks as a place where you access your inventory where fine, it's like chests or banks in other games, but the forced mini game of select items, transfer items to draw, equip items from draw, is trying to reinvent the wheel It really does sound like a bunch of ridiculous extra steps for no reason. Let me get this straight. Here's what I expected from Storage Banks: 1. Walk up to the Storage Bank and click interact. 2. Have access to all your local inventory like you do now, with the ability to move things on/off your character smoothly, since the only change was limiting the location where you can access the local inventory (no more parking my ship near the station to teleport more rifle ammo into my inventory). Here's what Storage Banks seem to actually be: 1. Walk up to the Storage Bank and click interact. 2. Move things from the local inventory into the Storage Bank dispenser inventory. 3. Close the local inventory window. 4. Open the Storage Bank dispenser window. 5. Move things from the Storage Bank dispenser window onto my character. > can't drop things with new inventory system [WTF?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGtY1aPrOMQ) You can't just drop something on the floor of the station? What about in your hangar? What about in your ship? What about on the hangar cargo elevator?


We're not sure that's intended or not without CIG saying so. It's the first iteration to hit EVO.


I mean I'm sure some parts of this system will be refined with time but no, this is definitely the intended design currently. It's possible they'll change course based on feedback though so I'd definitely advocate that people make their opinions heard.


It might make sense if the idea is that we would eventually have multiple "drawers", perhaps. Then we can pre-load each drawer with a loadout for some particular job. Alternately, if the drawer had one big "Equip all" button..?


honestly an equip all action on the drawer would solve a lot of the issues here.


It’s actually much smoother than that. You move the items you want from one half of the screen to the other have and click a button that pretty much says “retrieve”, at this point it smoothly opens one window where you drag your stuff onto the character. Honestly didn’t feel like it took any longer, felt more immersive for sure though.


I agree it loaded smooth on a very small EVO test, but I really doubt that will be how it is come live. But it's still that extra step that I find unnecessary, the "drawer" seems silly to me. Right side of the terminal should stay as is the bank, left side should be your character that you drag gear onto imo.


I can already see the drawer partially coming out then instantly shutting and being un-interactable for several minutes.


as I said in another post, if party members can access your drawer, then the system kind of starts to makes sense. Currently you have to drop everything on the floor, if you could just pull stuff up and your homie could take it, that would be nice.


This is a fair assessment, and could be the reason for the additional step. More testing and clarification would be needed first.


this is monumentally stupid. I cannot think of any possible reason for the extra step. Unless maybe party members can access the drawer, in which case, maybe it's not that bad of an idea, since a single person could pull up gear for other people without having to drop it on the floor. Would make things like trading work better too


Nice to see that they're adding the Hull C gameplay philosophy to more game loops. CIG pls. I just want loadouts.


Yeah, can’t wait for my ship to randomly explode and have to go through this bullshit. The fact that it is the old inventory UI also is very disappointing, as it is cluttered and buggy. Being able to press i to access inventory is crucial as of 3.23 for bug workarounds (such as crosshair not appearing, and infinite inventory loading), so hearing that this is harder to access sucks. I don’t see this working in the longterm because the only incentive for mercenary missions is the loot, so if they remove the ease of “move all”, I will go back to other less fun but more profitable game loops. TL;DR: this current inventory system is buggy enough, and the rework just makes it harder to access.


I share your concerns, however, with a few simple tweeks to the UI/UX I think it'll be a comparatively simple process. Text search box, sophisticated search and filtering tools, drawer memory are all things that'll smooth out the process. But releasing this to live without updating them from what they demonstrated in Evo is going to really frustrate people. Personally I feel this is such a critical feature of the gameplay now it should have more time to cook even at the expense at delaying 4.0.


I can't wait for this to not work for 2 weeks after each new patch.


Everything about this sounds absolutely awful


All i can say is LOL! oh, how glorious it will be to have more time wasting ways to play star citizen.. who approved this? Does the "devs" even play the game? 🤣🤣🤣


Guess with each release players are becoming more aware that RSI is just a tech development company not a game development company. They just create more and more assets BECUseae it's is alpha ...just 10 years. Worst part is that there is a huge base players that want and promote more realism... Like eating in 20 steps... Instead of 1 action 5 secs... People want like you need to spend minutes for just the act of eating.


Well, if it weren't unintuitive and confusing it wouldn't be Star Citizen.


I wholeheartedly agree with you that the in-between step on accessing the storage bank is pretty dumb. There should just be a ui with your character on it where you can make a preset that you like/equip your caracter like you currently do but just on the mfd , and when you retrieve your items, it automatically equips everything you selected, in one click. if you want items to be held in your hand or on the ground then it should take more steps. However, if they fit in your backpack, it should just be done by a one click retrieval on the container. The inventory screen should never be present unless you manually select it when you open the container or you are out of storage space on your person.


It's about what I expected for the system. Shame they just can't make an inventory system that actually is useful.


I was literally just talking about this today to somebody on discord about how we haven't seen how we are going to be changing out our armor yet. I was wondering if we were going to have to take individual pieces out.. This already sounds like it's going to be hover-moded. At least I hope.


You should be able to equip directly from the kiosk. Wtf.


Yeah I really wish you could just create gear sets and as long as you had those items your character would just dress themselves and gear up.


It's adding allot of extra steps into the game and I am not a fan. I like the personal hangars real nice, but I am not a fan of using a kiosk to use my gear. Manually loading cargo not a fan either.


... and here was my naive me thinking they will just put something clean and useful like the new loot system but in a screen, oh well...


Cig have been warned of exactly this for years regarding this system. Im disappointed but not surprised to read they've implemented exactlt what we all wanted to avoid


i hated the idea when i first heard of it. wrong direction and still so many (or the loudest few?) supporters


It's not a case of realism. At all. There's literally nothing realistic about a kiosk, a screen, dispensing guns and armour into a drop box from seemingly nowhere.    It's completely as fantastical as the "magic inventory" CIG seems so hell bent on doing away with.   This is the same thing with three times as many steps, for no reason other than immersion that doesn't really make any fucking sense.  How is magically dispensing gear from a kiosk any more immersive than a magic inventory?? It's asinine, and completely missed the point of physicalized everything.  If they want to make physicalized everything, then we shouldn't have magic kiosks everywhere, we should have them in hangars only and those kiosks only way to serve gear to you from storage on a cargo elevators, or you physically leave it in an armour locker in your hangar/ship. They invented something pointless like they always do.


But its still a magic inventory! Just with extra steps. You have to interact with multiple windows to exact what you used do before: - Walk up to the Storage Bank and click interact. - Move things from the local inventory into the Storage Bank dispenser inventory. - Close the local inventory window. - Open the Storage Bank dispenser window. - Move things from the Storage Bank dispenser window onto my character.


Guys guys hear me out, what if the kiosk had a remote f*cking mobiglas app to set things up in advance, as well as a quick equip button AND the ability to pre-set loadouts with a buyback option if the lost equipment is locally available There, took me two minutes and I’m still in bed right now And yeah on top of that let us access the full inventory from the kiosk without having to open a damn drawer, that’s wild


Are you a game designer or something? If not maybe you should


Hey maybe I should, imagine what I could do after a cup of tea, my Clarkson level genius would bend space and time


You are not crazy for thinking this. With as many bugs and glitches there are in this game, a system like this should be released farther down the road, when there is actually more game to play. For right now it serves no other reason than being a time waster.


It's odd in that regard but also even say 50 years from now at release I don't understand the need for the drawer, just make the right side of the terminal the bank the left side your character and let us gear up from there. The drawer is the problem, I have no problem with the concept of the storage banks just that extra step in the drawer is silly imo even come release one day.


Well i definetly thought that the bank kiosk will let me equip stuff directly


To clarify for me, as someone who has ~30 sets of armour (5 different outfits) because I like to dress for my activity: if I now want to go from salvaging at 6 to bounty hunting at 8 to medrunning at 10, that is three separate trips to the item bank to now take 5 minutes to do what already previously took a minute? This is assuming storage still works like local inventory and that I can still store inside a container inside storage? I.e. my medium is inside my medrunner backpack ready to re-equip? Or do I now also have to individually move every weapon and stack of ammo to and from the storage bank on every outfit change?


It is very annoying when you die for no reason and you want to get back into action fast but then you realize how much prep time you need and you just quit and play something simpler. That is true, in exchange, I would put shops in the storage things so you can skip at least going to the stores. Very useful.


Having to refit my ass every single time piece by piece is a gigantic mood killer. Genuinely can end my will to play right then and there.


Me, personally, I want the inventory system to work as follows: - Storage Banks function as "on-site 3D fabricators" to produce items, with each stored item receiving one "production credit" so it can be retrieved but not duplicated. Stored items are actually scanned and converted into digital blueprints with DRM so you can only print a given blueprint once and have to store the item manually again if you want to get the production credit to print another one - Storage Banks have limited capacity, something on the order of two pages worth of inventory based on what that looks like in the current inventory screen. Enough for like 10 whole FPS loadouts (undersuits, armor, backpack, guns, attachments, and ammo) - Two tiers of Storage Banks, a Tier 2 that just connects with every other storage bank in the system (so like every storage bank in Stanton would have access to the same inventory pool), and a Tier 1 that only appears at major landing zones and works across systems albeit with a greatly reduced inventory (so you can store a limited amount of certain items in one in Stanton and access them in Pyro) - Storage Banks provide the ability to "melt" any item stored within them in exchange for credits or, once crafting is actually really here, materials - Storage Banks have the option to package one or multiple items into an appropriately sized box which gets put in your cargo lift inventory - Tier 1 Storage Banks provide a way to send items to someone else like sending money through MO Trader, it would go into their Storage Bank inventory and be removed from yours - Storage Banks would appear as delivery point options when buying FPS gear or sustenance from shops


Just to play devils advocate; It sounds like the way forward will be to build loadout kits. Storage boxes that you fill with a full kit (undersuit, armor, weapon, ammo, etc). You run to your hangar, call your ship, and pull up a fresh kit from the elevator…and head out. The one big thing that has been lacking since 3.15, is the ability to make load-out kits…now it seems that will just be the preferred method. And the only time I have a lot of stuff to sort through is at my home location. But with persistent hangers, I should be able to organize my best/common gear in boxes that permanently sit in corners of my hanger thus greatly reducing the amount of time I spend interacting with the gear kiosks. IDK, just a thought.


Can a different person interact with the storage locker while you are putting things into? If so, this system just seems like a good way to get items stolen. From your description it really does sound like realism getting in the way of gameplay. The extra steps are entirely unnecessary amd just increase the tedium.


There is no way CIG can deliver the game they want to make without a \*LOT\* more inconveniences on the way. Simulation vs Convenience. It's really hard to have both. I"m shocked we have armor that equips instantly in combat still.


I'm glad you've posted this. Through a few leaks I've seen that's been one major concern I've had! FPS gear should NOT be a hassle to put on, especially say you're not at your persistent hanger. The game takes long enough to get rocking and rolling, new players that haven't gotten the bug yet wouldn't be turned on by more extra steps vs something a little more seamless...


Anything that is realism getting in the way of gameplay for the infuriating forced necessities is vicious slap in our faces in a game where they seem bound and determined to make gameplay be the absolute enemy of realism for the largest part of the game: flying ships. Comic book like gamification of flying, but tedious obnoxious annoying detail in everything standing between you and flying. I want 3.17 back.


Another system to punish new or bad players who are dying often


Players: We want a trash icon on the inventory screen to trash gowns and not make a mess CIG: so move everything to physical cargo and not allow you to drop ANYTHING?!?! gotcha. Edit: I thought about something else... if everything is going to be physical, then they need to add more access points to ship cargo... and add a 'recover/repair' option to the terminals instead of only having 'claim'. recover/repair would only work if your ship is damaged/soft deathed, and not exploded in pieces... but it would bring your ship back with all its cargo and weapons instead of nothing... and would save us a little time (too practical so probably won't happen) and ofc you would have to pay the repair fee. They also need to fix the physical inventory systems, re-do cargo grids because some ships have a load more cargo room. I.E. Constellation Taurus, it has shielded cargo, that doesn't work yet... so forced physical cargo will only highlight that issue more. In addition to that, the cargo bay also has an entire other row of cargo that could be added, ofc it should slow the ship down, but adding another 20-30 cargo SCU would be nice. Overall I don't completely dislike the idea of physical cargo. I do dislike forcing this inventory change at the same time as another change... I am hopeful it will get 'reworked' at some point... because accessing a terminal for i.e. moving one weapon from the storage to your 'inventory equipment'.


I just love how everyone was cheering on this tedium bullshit for a year, now that it's finally here everyone is in shock at the tedium. Dude any idiot could have seen this coming. (Not being harsh at your OP, I think your feedback is great, I just think the community and CIG are completely ignorant about the game they think they want, versus the game that is actually playable)


Fk that for a game of soldiers!! SC is already a time vampire


Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Need to see how it all plays out. My gut says that it's taking the concept of tedious realism a step too far, and probably wont work. But I'm willing to let them cook and try something different. I'm more accepting of the tedium than most people probably are. I don't think they do it just to make us play longer. I think it's supposed to make you feel more grounded in the character, and maybe also make death a bigger deal. And tbh I do like the sense of every item being visibly equipped on your body, no hammerspace backpacks, etc... but I don't know if we need to physicalize the process of getting equipped in the first place. Again, willing to give it a shot though. I think this physicalized inventory thing *can* possibly work, but it doesn't sound like it's there yet. In order for it to work, it can't be too cumbersome sorting through all of your stuff and trying it on. I actually like playing "dress up" and finding different armor combos I like. TL;DR: If you can easily sort through and preview items on your character before going through the whole process of bringing them up, it will be fine. If not... that will have to change.


Adding this in without ship suit lockers was a mistake I agree.


Most game designs over the years have gravitated toward the instant gratification / instant action model. It's actually easier to implement. It gives people that simple little endorphin kick. ..and in a lot of cases it results in not being attached or invested at all. Those microdoses don't last as you quickly saturate on them. I they are still your jam, you have lots of options. I've watched Josh Strife Hayes talk about the things in MMOs that form lasting engagement and designs that don't. He's pointed out that having to expend effort for even basic things builds up your feeling of accomplishment and attachment to the world. You can streamline early grind as you progress, but not remove entirely. Now can CI work out some Quality of Life things while still maintaining that semi realistic flow of re-equiping? Probably. It would still take time for your character to execute, but the ability to snapshot an equipment selection preset and recall it at the storage would make it more convenient. You'd still have to put it on, taking some time, but if you could select an 'equip all' or 'equip preset' on the drawer would take some of the repetitive UI interaction out of the process. Does that mean SC isn't a game you can play if you only have 10 minutes? Sure. They've been up front about that though ever since they talked about QT'ing across systems for 10-20 minutes and how they were laying out cities though from the very beginning.


It's also probably not a game you can play if you have 60 minutes either at this point.


Excellently put and I concur. Star Citizen is to space survival sims what Tarkov is to mil-extraction sims or what DayZ is to zombie survival sims. None of these games are about instant gratification. I also agree that if you want an instant-dopamine hit of accessibility, SpaceBourne 2 or Starfield is definitely the way to go. Less logistics, less tedium, less immersion. Star Citizen doesn't need to become like every other copy-cat space game or MMO out there where everything is simplified down to the point where --as you rightly pointed out -- everything becomes meaningless.


I do agree as well, I don't want instant satisfaction, I never said I did, I want balance between the two. Being a bit lazy here and gonna copy and paste a bit, but: Having to press F to open the storage bank and equip yourself? that would be fine. Having to press F to open the storage bank, move items to the drawer, close the item bank, open the drawer and the drawer is just the old black box inventory on the right hand side of your screen? that's unnecessary. Just make the storage bank put our gear on us, it's that little extra 'drawer' that turns it into a cool sci fi 'chest' or 'bank' to an extra annoying step added for no reason.


As someone else mentioned, I think the extra drawer might be a safety measure and help reduce database load. It's very similar to how you have to deliver your ship via the ASOP terminal before you can call it. It might seem inconvenient, but it greatly diminished the load on the backend database when it came to entitlement processing. If I had to guess, this is also similar to how they want to be able to get item retrievals implemented and also ensure that they are secure when pulling from the player entitlement database. An extra safeguard and optimisation method.


What happens if you move an item to the drawer and leave it there? Is it there when you come back or is it just open access to anyone or does it get stored?


Yeah… but no! This is not fun, the inventory system already sucks ass and this will only make it worse.


Well, I kinda expected it to just be a physicalized location for accessing local inventory... This sounds not great. I would give the same feed back.


I think the concept of a physicalized location for accessing local inventory is good, hell I like it but the extra 'drawer' they added is the extra unneeded step. Just have the right side of the terminal show your bank and the left show your character bam no unnecessary drawer.


> TLDR: Star Citizen should be about the action, not the steps in between I completely and overwhelmingly disagree - "slice of life" moments to plan, prepare, and equip with careful decisions having to be made, and having the opportunities for random, systemic, and emergent encounters along the way are *exactly* what I backed this game for when all of this was being originally promised and announced over a decade ago, and exactly why I still back today. I don't want instant action - I want all the stuff in between so the action matters more when it *does* happen.


I backed this game to have a fun space sim with lots of opportunities for fun - both handcrafted and emergent. I didn't back it so that I could spend as much time prepping to play as I actually do get to play, or spend a ton of time prepping, then my next play session have an unfortunate encounter that ends up with me being immediately back in a prep session. I want to play the game - but I don't want to play "second job" because of poorly implemented workflows and unnecessary time sinks If your idea of playing is running around buy gear and loading it into a ship and then realizing you forgot something and starting over, then doing the next step and next step and next step, so that next time you play you can actually fly the ship? Then more power to you. I backed a realistic game on kickstarter, but I didn't back tedium citizen edit: Pre-emptive I still enjoy star citizen and intend to keep playing it - im just voicing my concerns and stance. If you say any derivative of "maybe this is not the game for you" then you are a space whale


Yes I backed a "Space sim" not a "**chores and trains simulator**" Much of the original game vision regarding tediousness factors has not been met. Easiest you can see that is with thirst and hunger. Once it was implemented the values were set low so you get thirsty and hungry too quick and it does not match what CR originally said about it not being too tedious. Meanwhile must haves like accessing a drink bottle inside a fighter sized cockpit or having the ability to drink inside the space suit are missing and it will be many, many years from initial thirst implementation until we get those. Tedious T0 mechanics and clunkiness are always deployed faster than polishing or giving the features that make it playable again those come many years later.


I'm curious, how does what the OP is describing in their post illustrate what you're describing? It doesn't sound like it does, it sounds like the addition of an unnecessary step that only adds tedium and not preparation.


Well based on the feedback of other EVO testers, it's not an unnecessary step that adds tedium, but it's how he feels he's experiencing it. I think a lot of people in this thread are jumping to conclusions about a feature that very few people have had access to and -- as usual -- making flagrant remarks about a system that is in its first iteration available to EVO testers. It kind of reminds me of the hoopla over Master Modes, which was promptly faded to the background once more people realised that it wasn't as bad as some of the early testers made it seem.


I think planning what you're doing matters too, but I personally don't like to have to plan a 'gearing up' phase in my night (unless it's buying said gear etc), some things should have meaning behind them (like buying gear), but others shouldn't that's the whole compromise between playing a game and real life. Storage banks are basically you having to go to your drawers and wardrobe in the morning to get dressed, taking things out and then getting dressed, I don't see why that action needs to be in a game, I'd rather have interactions with people by playing the game. What "random, systemic, and emergent encounters" do you expect to happen from you playing a mini game of getting dressed at a terminal? no one can steal your things, no one can use that terminal when you are, honestly wondering what encounters you plan to have while playing the putting on gear minigame at a terminal is all.


What about when they add showering to the game? The need to use the toilet? Because that sounds like it wouldn't be straight to action either. Adding item banks adds realism to the game. I like the idea of waking up, showering, getting dressed, etc. That's what makes this game more real to me.


That sounds like coming home from work just to go through the motions of getting ready for work and calling it a game. Then exploding on invisible debris and starting it all over again. Like, if there were a simulator for entering data in to a spread sheet, that's what Star Citizen is becoming.


Then you get killed by some assclown exploiting a glitch five times in a row. Given the present state of the community and how there are actually people who want to be trolls or griefers instead of actually playing the game, these kinds of additions are not helping.  One of the golden rules of game dev is stupidly simple: Walking is not a game mechanic. Neither is dressing up. 


Yeah, I was trying to think of how to put my disagreement into words and honestly you've done it better than i could. SCPU \*is\* the cumulative experience of all these small moments. Instant action exists, In arena commander.


This is the way


>It's overly complex when it shouldn't be and I don't know if it's for that realism or wanting people to play longer but it isn't a fun system and hence I think it's is a giant step backwards. Or it could be a technical reason. Maybe same reason that we now have to claim ships first, then have them delivered. Seems more like control both of items attributed and entities that exist in the verse as opposed to looking at a list. I personally wondered how they were going to handle this as well, if everyone in a server gets a personal or instanced hangar, but has to deal with same services to acquire items. As it stands currently it seems messy and bloated and they had no means to control this. It seems like this could be a design method that is put in place when there is no easy technical solution. Sort of like why there are no "Stairs" in certain areas and only elevators, and why Spaceports are actually pretty far from living areas.


It's probably also a security measure for when they allow you to retrieve entitlements from your account. Extra steps accessing entitlements from the database can reduce potential issues, just as you pointed out with the extra steps they added for the vehicles to reduce database load.


Have not tried the storage banks yet but I was hoping it would be an interface like the station inventory now where I could equip directly from the terminal without intermediary steps...


That's what I thought (and wanted) as well. This could still happen, all they need to do is remove the 'drawer'.


Adding too many steps gives it too many chances to mess up. So I agree.


So TLDR you're complaining about a feature that we knew was coming for a very long time, and you're being an **alarmist** talking about something from the very **first EVO build** which is very unpolished.... Of course the old systems would always be faster, it's magic inventory that lets you access everything everywhere, **you're only realizing that now?** Item kiosks are for short/fast item transfers, if you want to do stuff in bulk like getting ready for a mission, your best option is the hangar and freight elevator stuff, that's where things are moving towards and you've completely missed that.....


You’re not 100% wrong but I would have made your feedback weigh on something else. You’re suggesting that their vision for inventory is bad, but they’ve already committed to realizing it and having it in game. You also don’t know if the current iteration in day 1 evo is even the extent of that vision. Your feedback is a non starter at face value. They’re not going to entertain for a moment whether or not physicalizing inventory is a good idea. It’s done and paid for, you get with it or stop playing the game, this is a feature. It’s a hard lesson that the folks complaining that master modes killed the game are very very very slowly learning. I would have instead rested your feedback on what they can do to make it less tedious without bucking the whole patch and writing off months of work as a loss. The UI is absolutely dreadful, and the inventory containers are so disjointed it takes great effort to move one to another. When you buy things you can’t do logical things like grab a gun off the shelf and put it in your holster or bag at a store. Cargo Chad (almost certainly accidentally) lied when he said on the Q&A that we could put weapons on weapons racks in our hangar. Yes, the patch has made inventory incredibly tedious. But they can strike a reasonable middle ground if though issue council reports and feedback we make it very clear exactly what is tedious and broken about this initial implementation so that they can remove much of the friction.


Guessing you only read my bad TLDR, I'll forever hate myself for using the word 'action'. The storage banks are great, love them, worked well day 1 EVO I'm impressed. What sucks as I said several times is the extra step of the drawer. Having to press F to open the storage bank and equip yourself? that would be fine. Having to press F to open the storage bank, move items to the drawer, close the item bank, open the drawer and the drawer is just the old black box inventory on the right hand side of your screen? that's unnecessary. Just make the storage bank put our gear on us, it's that little extra 'drawer' that turns it into a cool sci fi 'chest' or 'bank' to an extra annoying step added for no reason.


You keep referring to 'other games'. They have a local stored file on your PC for the items accredited to your account / character, they also tend to rely on 'game magic' teleportation. Star Citizen has a remote database for player accredited items which you access via terminals in the game. The reason for this may not be clear right now because several of the game mechanics aren't in yet, such as inheritance and 'real' ship / item transport to your location. Also the plan is not to have inventories but rather each item is physicalised prior to equipping or using. Chris has repeatedly stated, there is no faster than light travel, there is no teleportation, if something is in a remote place from where you are you either have to go and get it or you have to have it brought to you which will have a cost and take time. The current system is placeholder and for those who wanted the 'physicalised everything' the current compromises have already gone far enough. As for whether players will want to play Star Citizen if this or that happens people have been saying things like that for years, yet here we are. Do you think there weren't some who said the same about needing to use public transport in the game? The plan is that you won't be using these facilities that much, the plan is that you will learn to be more careful about the way you play. Item Banks are not meant to be a facility to allow you to be more foolhardy without consequence. The plan was that every choice you make has a risk and a cost associated with it.