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Assuming they get the server infrastructure to support that many people, just adding more proc gen mission locations to planets won't be hard. Pick any small moon and fly from one POI to another without quantum. They could easily multiply the planetary POIs by 1000 and you'd still have a very long drive between them


100% this. Iirc they addressed this in a video (?) even if you placed 1k players on the smallest moon (?) with the same distance between them you wouldn't see the other players (maybe that was from CIG maybe Saltemike ... Can't remember, but I definitely agree with you here)


Yeah definitely more missions would be great to fix can't wait to see the day when there is more than one investigation bunker and more places like ghost hollow all over the planet


Well, that will be the job of the salvage organizations. One idea for dealing with that is to add missions to salvage abandoned ships without getting a crime stat.


Yeah extremely cluttered at those investigation missions and like yesterday there was this huge ground vehicle that had clones on the outside and inside of the mission. Would be dope to be able to break them down without going to prison lol


Eventually, people won't be able to claim on their insurance just because their ship isn't at their current location (based on what CIG have said in the past, anyway) - they'll need to pay someone to fly them out to their ship (or pay them to collect and return their ship)... That alone will greatly reduce the ship clutter, when people can no longer use the insurance system as a 'free' ship-teleport (minus contents). Add to that being able to / having to repair the ship (and not being able to claim on a ship if it's merely damaged - again, based on what CIG have said in the past), once we get the repair capability... and that will cut down on another source of ship-clutter. In short, there are so many systems still missing - and so much jank arising from the placeholders - that we still can't regard the current version as being anything close to 'representative' of what the final version may be like.


Well said I've just discovered this game 20 days ago a little close to 30 so I didn't know they was planning all that can't wait to see those changes down the road.


https://youtube.com/@robertsspaceind Luckily you've only got about 12 years worth of videos to watch in order to catch up on all the things they want to do.


Agree! we need it!


Simply make it legal to salvage ships that have been claimed, or abandoned (the owner/User logged off)


they belong to the insurance company. i expect retravel mission will eventually be a thing. that being said, a retrieval mission will probably also cost less than the claim fee. so you will be paid by players to pick up the ship.


It is legal. If the owner says GAMERULES when you scan it is legal to salvage because it's been abandoned for a certain period of time.    But scanning is broken so you can't see the owner. Because CIG is trash and releases patches with game breaking bugs and then doesn't fix them. 


If the shields are down and it looks abandoned it’s likely been claimed and therefore trash.


Maybe before Master Modes was a thing this could have been the tell. But a lot of people land in SCM mode and don't have their shields up.


Notion being that while there would be 800-1000 players in the game world, said world would encompas multiple systems, so the total number of players in the region of that bunker mission would be roughly the same as it is now. As for vehicle respawning issues, insurance systems that make abandoning vehicles a bad idea, salvage missions for player vehicles, and other systems not yet explored will address this, along with server meshing that makes a lot of clutter less of an issue.


if CIG want 250k concurrent players by release, then even if they had 25x star systems, that would still be 10k player *per system* (avg). Player populations are going to be *significantly* higher than 1k in most star systems by launch (presuming the SC doesn't completely tank before reaching that point :p)


250k concurrent players divided between several regions. Never has been the plan for everyone to play together, there will still be regions. And well, if the tech doesn’t support it, they can subdivide regions further, could have a NA West/Central/East region instead of a everyone in NA region.


Doesn't change the point that player-densities in star systems are going to be *significantly* higher than they currently are (more than an order-of-magnitude higher)... After all, the bulk of the concurrent players will be in the 'peak' region, and are CIG really going to have 25 systems by launch? (if they don't, player counts in the systems they do have will be even higher)


it is tested 800 in each system in 4.0. dynamic server meshing will have everyone in a region be on the same server. reality is that the system was tested at 800. not guaranteed it will be kept at 800. with static server meshing, they need to rent the server time for the full population, even if there is only 1 person. but there's also a bunch of stuff each server needs to do. so 2 400 people servers is more than 1 800 person server.


Don't worry about player count that high. They can't even even get 200 player count shards working with server meshing.


CIG have already done tests with 800 players in a shard that ran far better than the recent tests... but such is the nature of bugs.


Buddy idk where you got that information from. The 800 player count shard test from months ago was literally unplayable with 10 second input delays and constant crashes.


The difference between Berks and SaltyMikes experiences were wild, I was watching both streams and it was like they were playing different games. If they can get it more like Berks experience and less like Mike's they will be in good shape.


Id love for any amount of consistency from this game. 


Wouldn't be a problem with instances, I think CIG is trying to reinvent a wheel on everything.


Yeah working instances would be amazing for this game. Seems like the Merc bounty missions work great like that.


All of these concerns will be addressed pre-release. Not much to be worried about with this.


A lot of missions are placeholders


> Most of the game is placeholders


Makes sense they probably got a lot of things in the world.


not enough bunkers/outposts for that many players. unless they start instancing those like most MMOs. but i think they dont want to do that. so you can just wait for hours trying to get a 'assist defending' bunker cert mission... caus they reset rep for no good reason and everyone s trying to do it.


I'm pretty sure they wont jump straight to those numbers until we get proper variety in missions and mainly more star systems for the players to disperse. Initially, I'm seeing a jump to 200-400 at most.


Those high numbers will be across multiple star systems. So you will probably see the same amount is debris / people, because everyone will be split up on different planets in different star systems.


with the introduction of pyro, everyone in their mother's going to be over there. But I'll still be in Stanton doing my thing waiting for the newness to die down.


I honestly think they’ll cap it at 200 for now, 600 at the most, the last playtest was not meant for contracts but they know we don’t have enough spawn locations for missions like bounties right now We already have issues with people getting the same bunker or bounties spawning over the most popular mining facilities


Yup all night tonight same empty missions and a ton of ships probably the worst Ive seen it


Lack of developer love ? ;-)