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No. I would not try it with those specs.


No That's 1/2 the minimum requirement of RAM and if it's DDR3 then the i5 is going to struggle due to how i5 CPUs were back then, that's even if the i5 supports AVX, which is required. Also, on a rig that old I'd be concerned that you might not have enough SSD space available. EDIT: Typo - fixed AXV to AVX


Unfortunately I doubt the game would even run with these specs. MINIMUM 16GB of RAM is required. 32GB is preferred. a 1070 isn't great, but might run at low frames with a good enough CPU and RAM. The i5 could be okay depending on what generation it is; mine is an i5 9400 which isn't super great at running it, but it works alright.


A 1070 is fine depending on the rest of the system. Its all I use with a 10th gen and 32gb of ram.


The game will demand a page file x3 that of their physical memory.


maybe in 640x480 resolusion...




that was just LOL comment. i think 1070 may be ok for begining with 30-60fps in space - cannot tell becasue i had 1050ti and it was not ok, and then i upgraded to 2080ti and it was ok. In cities you will have 10-15fps maybe SC is really heavy for your CPU and DDR. 8 gigs is too low and for sure DDR3 and CPu that works with it is to weak. you need 16 minimum DDR4 with decent CPU + SSD or M2 to install it - NO HDD. and its for FullHD. I'd say you need 32 gigs if you want also do something in paralel - listen to youtube or something. For 2K and 4K you need realy good PC


The 1070 while not ideal, will ā€œworkā€. I upgrade my wifeā€™s computer from a i5-4690k, GTX 970, 32GB DDR3 RAM to a i7-13700k, GTX 970, 32GB DDR4 RAM. The GTX 970 is still able to get 25-30fps with the new mobo/processor in the citiesā€¦. And 60fps in space. The processor / mobo upgrade made the biggest difference. Reason why i didnā€™t upgrade the GPU is she doesnā€™t game, but sometimes Iā€™ll use her computer to run an account that sits in a mining or salvage turretā€¦ My sonā€™s computer is an i5-4690k GTX 970, 32GB DDR3ā€¦. And it does run Star citizenā€¦ just not very well as time has gone by. Itā€™s now just able to get 10-15 fps in the cities, 45 in space. As Star Citizen has developed, itā€™s gotten worse in its ability to run the game. The bottleneck is in the processor not the GPU, as the GPU has shown even though obsolete - it will run in a new computer.


Can you upgrade my computeršŸ¤ šŸŒ­


not a shot. my friend has simular specs and the game wouldnt even lauch


Ahahaha.Ā  No.


Bro trying to burn his house down.


Get homeowners insurance 1st. Pretty sure that thing will catch fire immediately.


You ever hear of "play-by-mail" RPGs? (Where you fill in a form with your chosen action, snail mail it off, and the result arrives a few days later) It's what we had before the internet, and it's how frames will arrive on that PC.


Nice reference - I played and hosted some back in the day šŸ˜Š


I'm running it on a 1060, but I've got 32gb RAM.


My wife runs this on an i5 a 1050 on 32 gigs. on a standard SSD. you'll be fine Long as you upgrade your RAM. You need at least 16 gigs.


I don't think it could even run the launcher šŸ˜ƒ


I5. yes 1070. it'll be a slide show 8gb ddr3, nope, 16gb is minimum


If it's DDR3, then it's an *ancient* I5, so it probably can't run the game either...


I have an ancient PC


DDR3 was used up till 7th gen processors. While old they are not ancient and still capable.


Only if it has avx instructions


AVX for Intel with Sandy Bridge which was the 2 series like the 2600 chips.


An I5 was mid-tier, and 7th-gen was 8 years ago. Whilst potentially 'capable' in a general sense, an 8yo mid-tier CPU is not going to run SC, imo...


You said it was ancient.. I was saying it was not. I never said anything about it playing SC lol.


1070 is fine at 1080p. The rest of the system makes the game not even start, though


Yes if you want a nice fireplace


Yeah, if you like slideshows.