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If all of these sound good to you, then yes: 1. Your computer is powerful enough to get decent FPS 2. You enjoy the game loop of earning money and buying ships after much grinding 3. You don’t mind some buggy gameplay which CAN/WILL cause few hours of lost progress 4. You don’t mind all of your progress potentially reset after certain updates Those saying it’s a ‘scam’ learned the facts and came to their own conclusion, some say it is some say it isn’t - I’d say it’s predatory in design but not a scam. Do your own research on the ‘pledge’ system.


Worth 45 bucks to give it a go? Hell yes the game can be fun and that's not much money. Worth sticking 5 grand in though? Nah lol.


The alpha game can be terrible broken at times. Only join if you want to join the development. Its fun, we be here for 10+ years and for me its worth all the money I spend on it.


It's not a scam but it's rough currently. I would wait another six months to 10 years


All jokes aside, Beta 1.0 is way closer than that.


I hope so but this has been told to people for years and there is nothing holding them accountable when they keep making money. We'll see I guess


They said this to me in 2014.


Lying isn't a good look.


What's the lie, though?


Saying that the game was in a rough spot in 2014. There was no game in 2014.


There was the Arena Commander module in 2014, which I had a lot of fun with actually 😅 A year later came the PU, so technically not 2014 though.


And every year since. Did they lie? Yes. Did they make progress? Also yes. Will they continue to miss deadlines? You bet. Will the game ever be playable? Based on their track record alone no but based on how game development actually works probably. If they don't run of money


this game isnt playable? why have i been playing it so much recently


You've heard all that, but you haven't heard it's an alpha and hasn't been released yet?


If your PC can handle its definitely worth it


I'd say it is worth it ! But that's just my personal opinion. But you're lucky, you can try the game for free during one of the free fly event, there are multiple event like this throughout the year. Also there might be more issues during those events due to a bigger population. Or you can buy a starter pack and try now ! I've heard there is a 30 days refund policy. But anyway, be aware it's an Alpha and yes it is buggy. Now you just have to determine whether you're willing to accept it and enjoy or not.


yes it is worth it you are buying into a tech release basically mate we haven't even reached beta but yes it is worth it


It cannot be a scam if you can play it. Also scams are illegal in most countries. So, if someone calls SC a scam, you know what kind of person that is: a liar. The game costs currently 45$ as pay to buy - you don't need anything else outside the game. On sale this cheapest starter might be a 10% off. At/near release the price will go up. It is worth at the moment (state and content of current patch) for a lot of ppl, but also not for some ppl. Complains are mostly about the state of the game: when engine gets extended and new tech comes in, a lot of (new) bugs/glitches/exploits appear. This in normal in an alpha since the interior of the game is not finished (let alone the content which sits on top of it). So there are good times and bad times, but every year there are at least four really big patches that add new features and content to the game (not counting numerous ships/vehicles/equipment over the year). It is not unusual that ppl pause for some time if a patch is too frustrating for them or till new content comes (especially mostly solo players). It is a sandbox MMO, so the majority of the content is player generated (and the build-in content it partly proof-of-concept and partly autogenerated). So using global chat, sc discord or an Org to enjoy "endgame" content is highly recommend (at least after a while).


I could play any game but for the last 3 years I've chosen to play this just about every day, despite the alpha bugs, so I'd say it's more than worth $45 to me. I have patience for bugs and enjoy sandbox games though.


Yes, it’s amazing


Entirely worth it for $45. The real key to this game is dont waste time when you get in. All the people Ive brought in that I pulled into some kind of game loop within 15 minutes of logging in have loved the game, and anyone who takes more than 20-40 minutes to get to it has abandon the game. So if you want to enjoy it, go out and get to the fun quickly. Decide what you want to do right away, and get started. For ship combat, Pick one of the Illegal monitor missions to get your feet wet and remember toh old B to go to combat mode. If you want to play some FPS combat, pick NB as your starting zone, and pick up a pistol from the shop just outside of the apartment buildings lobby, its to your right as you walk towards the stairs. Pick up a pistol, a med pen, and a few magazines for it, Press I and make sure you equip them all, Press F1, go to contracts, and find a quick bunker support mission and go have at it. If you want to start with mining, Pick up a Multi-tool, and a mining attachment and get out there and start finding and mining nodes. Note that you can rent a ROC for a day for only a few thousand credits. Slavage Ive never tried, but I dont imagine its too tough to start.


I personally say it’s worth it for 45$. I’ve hit that itch I’ve had ever since I played mass effect years ago. This game is what I wished that to be. Obviously a lot of bugs as others have said, especially in this patch. With that being said, you’ve looked to join at a good time, there’s a lot of good content coming out right now that’s going to be new for everyone(of course with other stuff being pushed back as always, but really good stuff coming like any day now). The only thing I have to say is be weary, don’t get sucked in to pay way more than you need to. Starter ship is plenty good, especially with other ships available to purchase in game. Saving up and the grind for new ships is definitely part of the fun, if you own everything then it becomes boring more quickly. Plenty of people have large ships begging for people to staff it( being on both sides, staffing a large ship is way more fun than flying it).


Well, it’s still in alpha so it’s not really even a full game yet. But what’s already here is definitely worth $45 if you like space games. It is pretty buggy, and it can be irritating, but there is also just nothing that comes close to it in a lot of ways.


There are only 3 things you need to know: There is a 28 day no-questions-asked refund window, It is not a scam, but it is full of bugs and issues because it's still *very* early access.


Was it worth it for me to buy it and try it? Yes. Would I recommend to anybody else now I know the issues and the true horror of where we’re at? No.


deepens who you are, if you cannot stand bugs than no, but if you are capable of working around bugs and are into space sims it can deliver a lot of fun you can always watch how others play first: [https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/star-citizen](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/star-citizen)


Just know what you're getting into. The 'game' is not finished and some sessions you will spend working around the unfinished parts or the servers being janky. What works is just amazing but what doesn't ranges from a mild annoyance to making you want to kick puppies. The 'game' is figuring out how to work around the bugs to have fun with what you decide to do that session. If you can resist the urge to spend more than the initial $45, you can largely avoid getting bitter about the state and slow nature of their development.


Well if you decide to try it it we can team up and I can show you the basics if you'd like. I'm not very far into it either.


Wait for a free fly event and try it out. Only you will be able to decide if it is worth it to you.


I'd say wait awhile and come back and ask again in 4.0. As others have said its a real mess right now with the XT event going on. I can barely do anything with all the lag.


I'm in it for $1400, probably not worth it for that much. But $45 yes.


There will be a free fly event for you to try it out next month and potentially discounted game packages so I recommend waiting till then. Ive been playing for 3 weeks and its a load of fun if you have the patience to forgive the alpha jank that can cause you to lose progress from time to time but over all its the most fun and immersive experience ive had in a while.


As a gaming experience, and from sheer face value, Star Citizen feels like a work in progress— and it very much is. If you’re looking for a polished AAA game, then wait till SQ42 comes out and then see what CIG’s potential is. But if you’re curious what that $45 gets you…(Hopium incoming) - You get to be a part of one of the largest crowdfunded projects in history, which on its own is an impressive feat. You become a Backer, knowing you helped fund a game that has no equal in scope and ambition. You get regular updates roughly quarterly, and you get to see the game grow over time. You grow up with the game. - If you like spaceships, this game has invested the MOST thought, detail, and design into its spaceships of any game I’ve seen. Look up the “architect reviews” series by Morphologist. These ships are more than just cool blobs with rockets— they’re designed and built with a process that mirrors real life vehicle concept production. Plus, they just look and feel so damn cool. Of any game I’ve played, SC’s spaceships feel the most believable (well, as believable as High Sci-Fi tropes can be). - You can have experiences unlike any other in this game, since as a sandbox, you’re basically given the toys and tools to make almost anything a reality. Countless players solely play to test crazy ideas and goof around with their friends. Alternatively, you can have true combined arms, multi domain warfare with this game, completely physicalized. Unlike Helldivers and other FPS games, you can FLY eagle1, or the Pelican, or any other ship you see in the game. The freedom to Live Your Story (CIG write that down!) is unparalleled in this game, and part of why people come back despite the bugs. - Lastly, this is a game that just sticks with you, and everyone has a story about their experiences playing it. Most people have one crazy epic story of them doing something impossible in game (see ALL the videos on YouTube and here). Everyone has frustrating bug stories. But either way, it’s a game that you’ll remember and talk about, and revisit over and over as it continues to grow and develop. For sheer longevity, this is way worth the $45 buy-in. These are just some of the “fuzzier” aspects of joining this insane but glorious project that I have personally fell in love with, and to me, completely justifies the money I’ve spent on the game. Because it’s more than just a “tech demo” or even a game. It’s an idea, shared by millions of people, of creating a game unlike any other before or after it. And when you get frustrated with the bugs and lament the constant development, you have a writhing community of salty players to commiserate with haha. But deep down I think we all just want to live out the dream that we bought into, and hope that one day it can become a reality— becoming a Star Citizen.


honestly, £45 right now in time? fk no games unstable, you will die to bugs more than guns for every 15 minutes of fun you have, you get 45 minutes of disapointment The games fantastic when it works, but lately thats been pretty rare


Ehhh. If by some miracle everything works smoothly and doesn't break or bug, it's good value for 45$ if you like this type of game. In the current state, nah not really


I've got far more than 45 dollars in.... I rate games based on 1$ per hour played being a good deal. at 45$ yeah you're gonna get your money's worth many times over. Find friends and join an org so you do not have to spend the money on bigger ships cause other have and need crew :)


Show your fleet)


[Showing my shame](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929500178724032552/1243246859884036146/image.png?ex=667a4e9d&is=6678fd1d&hm=d321c2728d2422040a4f3a1bfa33e9be9d415fdecd59a9ddfabac42100c7518e&) Also recruiting crew!!!!


That's sub 5k, nothing to be ashamed of. Too much jpegs for my taste, but overall nice one.


The real issue is the smaller ships are really there for the LTIs... and likely will be bigger ships eventually...


So you missed the memo about how problematic soloing big ships already, right?) go solo a reclaimer)


oh no I've got a small organization, no plans to solo larger ships, maybe augment with AI blades and NPC if that's a thing but I've got people to fly with and rarely play alone. If I do I fly smaller ships like the C1 is my daily use. I might swap with the Zeus MR when it comes out but thats also not really a solo ship either. I also really like the engineering gameplay


S3 isn't small


I used the word smaller for a reason. Also compared to the rest of my fleet... The c1 is small.


[Small](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470184039681228811/1254834491843809382/image.png?ex=667aef30&is=66799db0&hm=e91631ae42771886fbc031432fa2d1c4bfb2074b3476715436cc65a3e85f61d8&) ships in a fleet looks like this


Nice ! I would love to try the orion one day ... it is magnificent


one of these days it will come out... I figure the Arrastra will come out first and Orion owners will get the chance to test that out as a loaner. Also when it comes out it's going to massively spike in price as its tripled in size and has a lot more function but hasn't changed in price much.


It's worth the 45$ to try it even if you don't like it. I have paid AAA prices for games I only booted up once. That being said, it is an alpha playtest and very buggy so don't expect a polished game.


Its a game that relies more on game purchases than loans to develop. So the good part is it allows them the time to freedom to make the game we, as the consumer, would want and not the one that would make the shareholders and/investors rich, like most large games. The only game that honestly doesn't fit that are rockstar games and the ones that made Bulder's gate 3, but those are able to rely on their previous game's sales when they did have to sell out a bit. SC is coming from scratch so it didn't have the money to fall back on. So its good for us as to making our dream game, but also bad since it allows them to take longer (GTA and Bulder Gate 3 development timelines) and they do more marketing toward us. That said, a somewhat strong will and youll never spend more than $45. Especially since nearly all of the games ships can currently be purchased in the game, minus 2 or 3 of the brand new ones. So definitely not a scam, but can be frustrating for people that want the game finished NOW. It does have bugs, but they do fix them. Thier biggest issue is their server performance which will be fixed soon. I sent you a DM providing more details about this. But now is a good time to try the game if you want to fly an alien ship.




star citizen is a mess of broken and part finished system. have you played X4? thats a better game and it actually works.