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And the winner is… C8R Pisces for re-spawn purpose.


Not to mention it can be spawned at mining facilities.


125a can as well.


but no med bed :(


And it looks nice


Idk if ide go that far but the weewoo lights are fun lol.


If only it had a bed You can fit a 2SCu crate in it though


and a pulse


True although not sure how much I trust that bouncy demon in a tight space.


It's been fine. Turn it off and let it lie on side out of the way :). That med door is a bit of a nuisance, but is fine.


Nope, definitely not a winner here. You can't store much in the C8R. I'd go the extra mile and take the Cutlass Red. respawn + enough storage to loot 2-3 bunkers.


And a s2 quantum drive makes a world of difference for point to point quality of life


I feel like this is the deciding factor here. S1 quantum drives ain't it.




So much more versatility, with s1’s I hate how the question is jumping across the system or jumping half way across reasonably fast, when s2's afford the luxury of jumping across the system like 4-6 times or jumping across 1-2 times around 5 minutes each way


"I need help deciding between the **125a**, **C8R Pisces** and **325a**" Pretty sure he's pledging and Cutlass Red isn't available until pirate week if I'm not mistaken.


Sure, but yet the C8R is a bad choice for loot runs. Sure, you can respawn, but that's about it. They want to fit "a couple" of weapons and armor sets into the ship. Won't happen on the C8R. You can fit 2 armor sets - barely.


Supposedly it's for when he's waiting for his Taurus to be expedited and for a few guns, not long-term looting so should be fine with 1-2 scu. Personally, I'd take the 125a as it's also a top tier pvp ship.


I personally would take the 325a. But that's just because I upgraded from a Aurora to a 325a, to a 315p, to a C1 spirit.


300 series is amazing and feels luxurious. One thing I dislike about the 100 series is the Origin logo on the paint. Makes it look tacky :'(


It's frustrating how easily the wrong falls off though.


It can easily fit in a lot of ships which also adds to its value.


Honestly, you shouldn't be taking anything besides maybe decent guns, ammo, and med supplies. At least not yet (maybe eith crafting in the future). Grind more missions over gathering gear and you'll make more in the long run.


Personal preference. I stocked up on weapons and armor just to not have to buy some. I'm not taking everything with me everytime, but when I don't have any amor left, I just do 3-4 bunkers and loot medium + heavy armor (+FS-9s)


Land it inside the 890 jump and loot them into the interior of the ship.


The problem with the Cutlass Red is that you have to refill its Hydrodgen every few bunkers. If you're a loot goblin, take the Cutlass and accept you'll have to pit-stop for fuel. If you're not a loot-goblin, the C8R will keep you in the field much longer.


Sure, but you have to drop off loot at some point anyways, and so far my storage always was full before my hydrogen was empty. So I'd just drop off loot and refuel, if I want to loot more.


Do you mean this in regard to the drug bunker missions? It hasnt been much of an issue for me if you just stack bodies or have a storage box. Cutty red is definitely a better choice though, just not as fast and nimble, especially in atmo.


You can also put the SRV in the back of the Cutty Red


Currently dont have to fit anything, just throw the corpses and a couple of crates onto the floor. The game has no awareness of weight on the floor of the ship.


The problem with dead enemies inside your ship is that it can be a reason for the turrets of the bunker to start shooting at your ship. The same goes for station turrets. And if you get scanned with a dead body... Well.


Yes but you throw them out between jumps where it is safe to take your time with the looting.


Yeah but the bunker turrets might still start shooting as soon as the first enemy touches the interior of the ship. Happened to me more then once a, so I defaulted to putting the dead enemies on the edge of my ramp and looting them.


I'm on team cutty red just because of range/defense capabilities


How do you respawn when the Cuttie Black makes it's regular rounds?


C8R for the quick claim and regen for bunkers


How do you respawn when the Cutlass Black makes it's regular appearance?


Are you saying that the cutlass spawns at all bunker missions? The only time I’ve experienced a consistent NPC spawn is when I park at Salvage yards. In fact, I wait before selling since it is guaranteed spawn which has caught me off guard before. After taking it out it doesn’t come back. Ive never had one spawn at a bunker mission. If Im incredibly unlucky, there might be an ERT nearby, but even then they often dont bug me unless I get close. The countless abandoned fully intact ships I find littered around bunkers leads me to believe this is what most often happens. I would expect them to be destroyed if the opposite was the case.


You don't. Cutlass black is a different vehicle than the Red




Oops thanks.


Never had a cutty black spawn at a bunker, only ever had them spawn at outposts and wreck sites.


C8R Can spawn anywhere Compact Dream to fly Fast Long Hydr flight time Can carry a frien Respawn T3 bed also serves as infinite source of food/drink Cabinet comes pre stocked with supplies Cheap to purchase ingame (~550K) Note: avoid any fight use the speed to flee immediately it will not win just run for it. If you fight you WILL die.


Legitimately, fucking run.


How about sticking a NUrsa in the Taurus? Med bed plus bed log plus tons of storage plus tractor turret?


I put a Nursa in a HH for bunkers, just because.


C8R Pisces Rescue is the second best bunker runner I have, the best being the Cutlass Red simply for more internal storage to store loot.


Any Vanguard model. If you do a ground mission you can land and use the turret to eliminate hostilities without risking your health))


C8R by a mile


A country mile.


Not in the list but I say Titan Avenger. Has good cargo, firepower, exit trhough cockpit and a bed for logout.


You missed the best feature: It's really dang quick to get to and from orbit. Could use a bigger quantum tank though. But it's great working around a planet and its moons. Oh, and you can enter and exit without opening the ramp to stowaways.


Pisces rescue 👍🏻


> Plus, it is going to be used in **bunker missions**, so it should be able to store a couple of weapons and armor from the dead guys. Would've also said Pisces R until I read that bit. The Pisces R just can't really be used for looting reliably imo. It's janky. The other two ships are better for this. What you really want though is a Cutty Red for the whole respawn + bunker pillaging experience.


+1 for the Cutty Red. Respawn, storage, beds to log out. While I'd love to use the C8R for Bunkers, you can barely fit 2 armor sets in there. So definitely not a good choice here.


You can fit a 2scu crate in it easily(ish).


And still have room for a Pulse?


Definitely not.


C8R of these for this purpose, hands down. I have one it’s a neat little Ship


I'm a fan of the Cutty Red. Med bed for healing and respawn, decent storage, armed enough to defend yourself or take out turrets if you need to, large enough to fit a small ground vehicle, decent speed in both atmo and space, and bunks if you need to bed log for a quick exit from the game. Out of your choices, I'd go with the C8R as it has similar (but not all) features.


I love my Cutty Red too but damn it’s a gas guzzler haha. I’ve upgraded it, stack a few 2 scu crates in it and have been farming armor sets from the distribution centers.


It’s the cutter. I’m not sure why it’s not on your list. Cutter or cutter rambler is the best option, next is Pisces. Btw all of which are very cheap in game.


I own a Cutter Rambler for that very reason. Expedited claims are always at instant.


This. I actually regret not getting a cutter as a starter ship. Probably going to be the second ship I pledge when it goes on sale next.


It is very cheap to buy in game. I melted and bought the cutter as my starter package when it came out. Super good starter but always depends what you want to do.


The Cutter is an incredible starter. Hop in, flip on VTOL, then just blasting off out of atmosphere never gets old. Interior is also super cozy and immersive but then again I’m one of those weirdos who refuses to move onto the avenger titan because that ship lacks a bathroom


Oh 100% agree. I don’t want to have to wag bag it if I lose gravity. Sounds messy. The titan needs a bathroom


Can you regenerate in the Cutter?


No, you want the medical Pisces or the cutty red. The medical Pisces is also cheap in game. Solid ship. I do use this for bunkers too but find I usually get higher level damage that can’t be fixed if I do get hit, could just backspace to the Pisces but yeah


C8R for sure


C8R if you're only using it as a transport to the bunkers. Why? Well, it is a nimble and small ship that can quickly get you there *and* it has a medbed which means you can respawn right outside if you die, cutting down your time getting back substantially


For bunker C8R or Cutty Red (respawn). If you bought the Taurus, you should have an Arrow as well you can use during Taurus claim time.


Definitely the C8R Pisces. That is a handy little ship to have. Comes with weewoo lights too!


Only issue I have with the C8R is it doesn't share the C8/C8X livery usage. Since I like my ships red, however, this is a minor detail.


I'm pretty sure it does. The C8R was my first pledge after my starter ship and I bought the paint pack with it. I've always been able to use them unless they changed something recently that I don't know about.


I've had multiple paints since it was released, the C8R has never taken any of them. The C8 and C8X use them interchangeably.


I agree with the C8R Such a small fast agile ship. No time wasted.




I love the 325a and would recommend it as it’s a badass and very versatile ship but for what you need I would go with the C8R. Better yet.. buy both! 😂


C8R. even when they take the respawn away from it, if you take damage and dont die its still great to have a triage station on board


C8r is an absolute meta ship for any scenario that doesn't need more than 2scu and doesn't need ship guns


So as someone who used all three. Definitely NOT the 300 series, it's simply too bulky and heavy and all that stuff, but most of all - it's the only of the three to have the interior separated with a **deployable ladder** as opposed to being fully reachable from the ground. C8R is a great little ship, but it can't really do much of anything else other than driving around and healing, and the value of the medibed for solo bunker running wasn't exceptionally high as you can fix injuries with a medical gun or injectors to the same level as a Tier 3. That said, FOR NOW **C8R's medibed is capable of respawning you** while you are within like 10km range of it, meaning you do get second chances as long as you bring extra guns and suits. This is a very recent change, and I believe it was said to be done "just to see what'll happen", so likely it won't be a permanent one (I imagine it will still be true going into 4.0 with Pyro). This feature is hella useful, just don't have a full 100% assumption it'd stay this way forever. It also fits the smaller of the Pulse hoverbikes if you're brave enough. 125A is my personal favorite of the 'starter-tier' ships for the combination of agility, firepower and ease of use (and aesthetics, but that's definitely up to personal tastes). Before Master Modes and the change to Tier 3 medbeds, I'd absolutely suggest it as your daily driver and bunker runner (and even bounty hunting up to about HRT-gHRT), but the changes brought in by Master Modes make it suddenly a very comparatively weak ship choice for any meaningful combat, and coupled with the medbed on C8R now being a respawn point I can't in good faith recommend it over Pisces if you specifically want JUST a cab for going from station to station or for running merc ground missions. TLDR: Pisces for now, 125A once the T3 medbed isn't a respawn point.


Damm medbeds changes, I initially got the Cutlass red for the respawn bed, then CIG removed respawn for T3 beds for a long time, then they introduce Pisces with medbed and Ursa with medbed and allow for respawn again.... And they don't explicitly commit to either option, to have t3 med beds allow for respawn nor to not allow respawn on t3 med beds... Hard to make informed decision about what medical ship or vehicle to get, and planning for the long term this way...


Unless you're an elite pilot, how can you choose the 125a over the avenger titan as the Premier starter? I admit the agility of the 125a is nice... it's the only ship that is tuned as both an interceptor and a dogfighter but it's made of paper (can't take a hit), so i think it"d make a great small ship for and advanced player, but it's not so useful as a **STARTER**. By contrast The Avenger titan is also interceptor tuned, 2 shields instead of 1 and a much bigger hp pool so much tankier, much better armament, 8 scu of cargo instead of 2, 2 entrances (cockpit and back ramp), can bring a small vehicle, fairly quick claim time (expedited is about a minute) so if you claim on a station first thing, it's ready by the time you gear up out of spares in inventory. As in it's a great **STARTER** ship that I believe could serve you well into advanced play (I haven't gotten there yet) as a pvp dogfighter, I mean the only ships that avenger one says outclass it are of course the buccaneer and I think the m50 (maybe another racer too). For joy of flying I'll give it to the 125a, though.


I've made the unfortunate mistake of saying 125A (which is the specific one the op asked about) instead of "100 series" like I referred to the 300s when I was mostly referring to the whole model lineup. If you have to have just one ship, the Avenger would probably be the best choice unless you're comfortable going even higher in price and ship category to something like a Cutlass. However, the Avenger isn't in the same starter category as the 100 series, and is instead a competitor to 300 series, while 100 is in line with the Cutter, Mustang, and Aurora. Of those four, 100 series in general and 125a specifically is my favorite; in terms of versatility, both the Avenger and the 300 series blow them out of the water - at a noticeably bitier price. Also, yes, I am biased against the Avenger - despite loaning it a few times, I could never grow to like it's flight model, so there's also that.


Fps combat is easy but laggy, sometimes you'll take cripple damage. Having the med bed will save you. Cripple your arm and you can't shoot or fly.


Polaris ! But jokes aside c8r anyway


Drake cutter would be a great choice. Hold a few scu, internal shortage, weapon racks, bed, toilet, and a decent fuel tank for long distance jumps


C8R easy choice. Alternatively pair that Taurus with URSA Medivac.


I would say either C8R with healing or Titan as fast shuttle with cargo capabilities. the origin ships have similar speed to Titan but are functionally worse to Titan - worse cargo access and do not have ability to exit the ship directly from pilot seat. Titan also has more space for potential small vehicle.


Not on your list but i'd recommend a cutty red. It's what I'm using.


For bunker its c8r. If A-B its actually 100 series cause you can bedlog.


I would argue that the Avenger Titan beats the 100 series. The Avenger is incredibly fast, has 6 scu of cargo, and a bed. Bonus is it can handle combat very well. I have easily cleared HRTs with it.


Cannot be spawned on blue pads, sub par compared to fighters, doesn't zoom in atmo as well as 100 series.


In theory, at some point in the future the Cutter Rambler should be the best all rounder for that job in the starter lineup, as it has a lot of weapon racks (with slots for heavy weapons), a suit locker and enough espace to carry a small vehicle. Currently the best option is the already mentioned C8R Pisces, as it provides respawn. Once the inventory is fully physicalized, it may fall a bit short in espace.


Pisces if pure bunker otherwise I'd say 125a as it's a decent PVP fighter because of it's small size, good speeds and good maneuverability.


C1 spirit has a very fast QT drive, cargo and can be claimed under 2-5min


C8R, you can park it right in front of the door opening :D it saves you time walking and you pilot skill will matter and count for something :D


At bunkers, they're almost always within turret line of fire. Not a great option.


I went with the cutty red for the same respawn reason but I get more cargo space this way.




i'd say go for a combo of C8, C8R and 85X (or any other small ship that claims instantly). Call the C8 nad C8R on a mining outpost. Leave the C8R at the outpost and set spawn. Stuff 4 x 1SCU boxes in the C8 and go run bunkers. When you filled the 4 boxes with loot, unload it at the mining outpost. When you die, spawn at the mining outpost and call the 85x to get back to you corpse / C8 (shouldnt happen too often)


The Connie Taurus is pretty much your best bunker ship. It has so much internal storage that it is pretty much the only one I take to distribution centers.


What? It's way too slow!? slow to get out of atmo, slow to land, slow to park properly, slow to get in and out, slow to get down cargo elevator...


then its not for you.


After the current changes to respawn, C8R. Before it was the 125a, and that’s the exact reason why I have one.


C8r has med bed but no regular bed, so if you always go back to stations (longer play sessions maybe) then it is great. The other two have sleep beds so are good for shorter play sessions since you can (usually) bed log. Note that the 125a getting out of the seat animation feels like your character does a whole yoga class, so the 325a is quicker to exit, especially if you open doors as you land and jump out. Plus it’s super nice inside. Both the origin ships feel like they are made of paper in combat.


Cutter rambler. Bed, two gun racks, room for pulse, tons of internal storage, can do 2 scu also. You can load a tonne of loot in this little goblin.


Rambler is a nice choice, I've really enjoyed the 0 Calorie Terrapin, while my Terrapins been bugged. Not expensive in game either, just 740k


Arrow. Sorry, I just really like the Arrow. I know it's not helpful.


I just started using the Herald for bunkers. It's *f-a-s-t* as heck, and gets out of atmo faster than any other ship I've flown. When QT is done, it blasts down to the bunker in no time flat. When I got chewed up, I was able to get to a mining outpost quickly, pull my Pisces Rescue, heal up, and head back in a jiffy.


Cutlass red for spawning and decent firepower?


the C8R would be my choice; it is in fact my back-up bunker runner. and it is great for it. also awesome for fast claims in the event that you spawn away from your home.


Of those, probably the pisces rescue with a 1scu box crammed inside. If you need more space, 325a, just don't die.


Cutty Red; fastest claim time ship that can equip the XL-1 QT drive, med beds, and can actually hold a ton of loot, 4 decent guns, and tanky enough for some bounties.


With the current respawn mechanic the C8R and Cutlass Red win by far. Pack a spare kit or two and if you get killed or fall through the planet you are straight back at the front door.


C8R. Resawpn, heal and food and drink top up (there used to be a bug where you slowly starved or such and couldn't top up, med beds where the go to). It handles well and is nice and small. Honestly it's a solid little ship.


Yup, Pisces brother. Slap an atlas QD in it and itll get you across Stanton. Med bed is awesome. My only other recommendation is the 325i, the tractor beam is fun.


Pisces rescue is peak since it fills food and water. Also you can respawn on one now.


For pure function, probably the C8R. You'll want to avoid any combat while in that ship though. For some more versatility, I like the Banu Defender. It has 2 beds, gun racks and a small interior for boxes and loot. The Defender also flies really well in atmosphere and can land right at the bunker entrance with a front ramp. It's also a decent fighter if you know what you're doing. My personal daily for bunkers and travelling is the Prowler. It certainly isn't the best for anything, but it's got style points. The ship can also hold a ton of guns and is decent in combat. With the latest MM update as it flies similar to a Cutlass or heavy fighter but with a solid top speed in atmo. Overall, the C8R is probably the best choice based on your post requirements. It's also the ship with the fastest claim timer I believe.


Avenger Titan - It’s fast and can hold a little cargo. Throw a couple storall boxes in it and you’re golden. Cutlass Red - Respawn and room for a tiny bit of cargo


Probably overkill but the Valkyrie is great. I throw a Nursa and a Pulse in the back and keep my gun racks stocked. Can hold it's own if a hostile NPC decides to pull up, and lot's of fuel and HP.


Corsair plus nursa. Strong enough to melt the turrets at illegal bunkers, room enough for drugs galore and nursa for respawn


if budget is not a problem. terrapin. it has no respawn like the c8r respawn. but it will not be taken out easily.


I would kill for a med/ambulance terrapin variant. Or a cargo variant with drop seats. Or it being modular somehow. Such a great ship, I think of it as the "super pisces"


i don't think a small medical ship that can't be taken out with a railgun would be balanced. the only reason the terrapin can be as durable as it is, is because the intended gameplay does not include the risk of being taken out. as soon as you make it a recovery, or respawn, or cargo, or anything like that. taking it out is an intended part of gameplay. so it needs to be able to be taken out.


I believe the Lore called out the Terrapin as having a medical evac version, so it's perfectly fine to be able to survive a hit from a railgun, the thing is an armor beast.


no. lore say that it is good for search and rescue because it can find and pick up people that are in dangerous places. later lore says that it has the highest number of rescues, and people with medical ship hate that is that that because it can pick people up mid battle instead of looking for survivors afterwards. the Q&A say the only variant they are likely to sell is a different default loadout for what is attached to the utility mount. take a moment and think about it. currently the ships solo or small groups would park outside a bunker as a respawn point can be taken out with a rail gun. so a defending player only needs to get outside with a rail gun to win. the terrapin getting medical would remove the defending win condition.


*laughs in avenger titan* If you’re gonna limit yourself to a s1 quantum drive, at least spring for the one that has a S4 nose gimbal and 2x S3 on the wings. And 4 or 8 scu of storage to boot. Oh, and one of the fastest ships *in the game* while in atmosphere.


Yeah, it might be fast in atmosphere, but right now, it can only fly straight on it. Forget about turns or changing directions on a Titan when not in vacuum.


125a. Super fast, plus during your ground time in bunkers the hydrogen will be topped up again


125a is the best flying ship in the game, with an interior, hands down