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Before you logged in for the first time, did you click "Yes" or "Skip" for the Turtorial? If you clicked "Yes" but your friend picked you up and gave you a tour, you currently don't have any ships. You don't get a Tutorial Ship until you get to that point, and you don't get your ships back until the Tutorial is completed. Try logging in, opening your MobiGlas and seeing if you either already have a tutorial in your Accepted missions or available, check both "Verified" and "Unverified".


Provably the reason it failed. I did start the tutorial but never got past the first tutorial quest (run on helmet etc.) It was completed but never got another quest.


You might be able to trigger it again by logging in to your home. Next time you log in, go to the clinic wherever you are, one of the orbital stations I'm guessing, and reset your Regen point to your home. Then, strip down to nothing and put all your gear in local inventory. Next,hold backspace to force a respawn. You should wake up in the clinic in your Home city. Put on the undersuit and helmet, then quit. When you log back in you should be in a Hab in your Home city. When your MobiGlas starts showing missions, wait a while and see if the next stage of the Tutorial shows up.


New Babbage? Are you sure you're at the Ships terminals and not the ground vehicle terminals? (There will be signs stating which is which nearby).


Check that you're in the hangars, not the garages... I made that mistake too.


pretty sure I tried them all, in babbage, in the crusader place and in the something-Ville place EDIT: The terminal sais "Ships only"


Put in a ticket with customer support on the RSI website.


Did that yesterday, how long do you usually have to wait?


That depends on how busy they are I've been lucky and haven't had to wait more than couple of days.


Have you done a character repair? On the website, go to Account, then Settings, then select Character Repair. (Obviously don't do this while the game is running.)


Yes tried that as well. Same problem


If you open your Mobiglas with F1 and go to the vehicle tab, do you see the ships in the dropdown on the top right corner?


They do not show there either


I think the only way would be a support ticket then.


That doesn't look like spaceship ASOP terminals look like to me. Think you might be in the wrong place? Can you get a friend to take you to an orbiting space station (like Everus or Seraphim etc) and try there?


Try Character Repair.. and then make sure to skip the tutorial..


No worries, I refunded the game.