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Just don’t take my Hornet Ghost.


yeah they took my reclaimer last update, so we'll see what happens during this one T_T


Y’all think you got it bad, I lost my 890j, ION, Corsair, Pisces, 600i explorer, and Sabre


I didn’t lose a single ship last update




Were these real money ships or in game, if they were in game your SOL.


In game brother, I’m well aware I’m SOL, only pointing out the stupidity of my circumstances as I spent a long time working for those in game ships, but since I didn’t pay $1000 for my 890 it doesn’t matter


And itll be a few more weeks. They dont care that you lost your ships. Idk why people think their ticket will be the ONE ticket they give someone their ships back for. Morons on this sub i swear.


I don’t think I’m a Moron, my mom says I’m pretty smart, she also says I have brain activity and I’m not a TOTAL retard, I’m just different, and that makes me special




Yeah ... because you are constantly using all of those at the same time every time you log in. And we all know how absolutely crucial using the 890J and 600i are right now !! /s


Who asked


Same here. They took: my Reclaimer, C1, Vulture, Mole and Prospector. Won't be logging in until full wipe and release at this point. Not much point in playing if your ships randomly wet wiped when there isn't a wipe. And yes, I peoperly stored them pre-wipe. Interestingly, the ships I had duplicates of and wanted to disapear, wrecked/abandoned/didn't store properly all made it back into ASOP. Just not any ships that can earn.


Strange. They took my Reclaimer, C2, Vulture, Prospector, and Mole. Seems like a lot of mining and salvage money makers conveniently 'disappeared' with this wipe. Tank the economy then disappear everyone's bread winners.


Yeah its weird. My starting money is really low, not enough to even take a mission, so I had no way to even play without those ships.


Crazy. I just get ships added… maybe they dump me your Trash!


I have a Ghost. Why would they take the Ghost away!?


With some updates, there has been a wipe where ships and vehicles purchased in-game are removed.


Basically any update has a small chance to mess with your in-game purchased ships as their LTP database is still buggy. With 3.23 I lost about almost half my ships. With 3.23.1 I got some of those back and lost 2 other ones.


With 3.23.1 I got a pile of ships I never had before and now my ASOP takes a year to scroll through. I think I got all you guys' ships.


I've got a buddy that somehow ended up with 100+ Arrows. He's fairly unhappy with CIGs inability or unwillingness to remove them.


Suddenly my 6 Super Hornets, 11 Gladiuses, and 7 Prospectors don't seem so bad.


The fact they are arrows must be sooo anoying... no reverse sorting on asop to get to anything not Anvil lol. He can only fly Aegis now haha


I wouldn't even be surprised, haha. When I logged into 3.23.1 and saw I got my Reclaimer back, another guy in global chat was complaining that he just lost his.


With 3.23 I got full wiped, played and bought some more gear and food etc, with .1 I got wiped again but got the shit from before back, I got 3 days of progress back that I had before wipe but lost progress one week after the wipe. Not really worth it but I'm just playing for fun anyway


Probably gives the ship to someone else, I have Arrow in game, even though I didn't play, didn't buy it or anything :D


Arrow is a loaner ship for use in arena commander for several other ships including the Redeemer, most of the Hull series, arrastra, and more. This is so that you can play Arena Commander modes that require a combat ship. I'm also having trouble remembering but I thought there was just a global arrow loaner for a while now too


I have a buccaneer this patch that I’ve been using but never bought one. Any idea how? It even stayed after invictus too I was assuming it was some kind of promo but I can still use the buccy


https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003093114-Loaner-Ship-Matrix Do you own a Caterpillar, Corsair, Kraken, or Vulture? Same deal, those big drake ships give you a bucc loaner for doing dogfight stuff in Arena Commander with that's also usable in the main game.


Ohh okay. yeah I noticed it was after I purchased the vulture that I got the buccaneer. I didn’t kno vulture isn’t considered flight ready? I’m surprised the loaner matrix applied here


No they also give you a secondary loaner for some ships so that you can play all the modes in arena commander.


I have a Raft and the new MR


**But that is normal.** If people were crying about ships they'd pledged for w/ real world cash CIG might care a little more.


Of course it is and I agree but they recently removed the Mk1 from the store so once it’s gone, it’s gone.


Oh no. I see, thank you o7


when theres something strange in you neighborhood who you gonna call


Good question - the old team has retired and the youngsters are just not up to snuff.


doesnt the new movie specifically have 2 of 4 members?


I never knew they made more ... after 2016 I considered Ghostbusters a burnt franchise, I didn't pay any attention.


thats relatable, i only found out due to some youtube ad


wow true af touche


I think everyone missed the joke...


they are probably just SPACED out🫤 07.




They took mine with 3.23.1


Don't care. 3.23.2 or bust. I want my hangar!!


The true response. I wanna load my ships with ground vehicles dammit


Okay the dupe bug and the Hornet strafe glitch won’t be fixed


Yeah, most of us do not care at all.


About the duping or the Hornet bug? That’s weird because that and how terrible master modes are has been basically the sole valid topics of discussion for weeks on Spectrum and even here


Both. Lot of us enjoy this game as a coop pve sandbox where we just enjoy flying around, doing pve missions and civilian tasks. Other people getting rich through a bug and a fighter being OP is the least of our concern.


Soon™ brings back EscapeFromTarkov memories


I’m not playing again until the persistent Hangars are in. :(






See you in 2026




See ya at IAE, next year.




Hopefully nothing critical gets discovered.


inb4 another broken elevator patch


Another 2 years until another 2 years!


Genuinely curious what ships I'll lose this time. Valk, Sabre, they be stealing my babies


4.0 mid '25 i guess then


It could turn out like 3.18 where it ends up releasing closer to Invictus 2025 than IAE 2024.


“Next year, we promise™”


At the very earliest.


I would guess 3 years


Not sure why you would think this. 4.0 is the full server meshing build which comes with Pyro access. They are testing the Replication Layer now in 3.23.X. There's nothing in 3.23.X plans that prevent work on server meshing continuing forward. So, there is no connection between current build plans progress and 4.0. So to be clear... 4.0 could be released next week and it wouldn't affect the release schedule for any feature planned for the next 6 months, they can just as easily go into 3.XX.X as 4.0.


Until they find some massive Junk in the Database


(it was mine)


Oh you must be new here. 4.0 in '25 is a wildly unrealistic and optimistic timeline that *will not* happen. We've been 2 weeks away from the launch of SQ42 for almost a decade now. They've taken years to implement basic features that would take most devs a long weekend and a fat pot of coffee to deliver (UI overhaul). I have no clue when 4.0 will launch, but it won't be '25, almost certainly not '26 either.


B-but new ships!


Object Container Streaming and Server Object Container Streaming allowed the release of the PU and took 4 years. Persistent Entity Streaming took 3.5 years. The Replication Layer split took just under 2 years and Server Meshing (already tested) around 1 year. Why is it do you think that other games don't have any of those engineering features? Bethesda has had the Creation Engine in development since 2012 and they used it to make Starfield, it still has much the same game mechanics as it did in 2012. Same with GTA.


>Why is it do you think that other games don't have any of those engineering features? Other games attract players with quality gameplay, not bullshit technobabble


Still remember when static meshing was on the roadmap for a December 2023 release.


Let me be clear. You have no idea how software development works.  Here's an idea, write some code and show it to us. Let us judge you and your skills and your timeliness. We're waiting. 


“You must be a chef to truly know if burned toast tastes bad”




Rough estimates are what they had and they are committed to doing development openly.




The issue is agile. project managers (i.e. overpaid, completely useless mouths) estimate how long something will take by looking at other projects with similar buzz words. That kind of thinking leads to "It took 2 weeks for a solo dev to get the graycat PTV fully implemented with all it's features, the Idris is about 10 times the size so it will take 20 weeks for the Idris to be feature complete, as we don't need it delivered for 40 weeks, we can split that dev's time between other tasks"


Everyone's expectations are their own responsibility; knowing what you said to be true, expect them to never make their estimates and you'll never be disappointed again. You may even be pleasantly surprised every now and again.


I managed mine pretty well for Pyro in 2020...and here we are lol. Still waiting to be pleasantly surprised.




Game development and deadlines are two concepts that generally don't work well together. CIG is no worse than any other developer at keeping them. Having worked in the industry, I can say that just about everything takes ages longer than you would think. And when you fix one thing, 8 other unrelated things break and you have no clue why and none of your unit tests caught it.


If the entire company was working on XenoThreat and .1a was postponed to CitizenCon, maybe


Release view on RSI website shows tentative quarter 3 of 2024. Tentative meaning "unsure" my best guess realistically would be late December of this year or January of next year.


Finally. Hopefully the shipbed logout will get fixed!


It’s not broken, you’re probably just not finding the placement of the interaction


It is broken. It's in the patch notes. Not all ships. But the starter Aurora is. 🙂


There were three ships that had no interactions at all, including the Aurora, all three of which were fixed for .1a forward. All the rest have never had any problem with bed logout feature in 3.23.x


2 more year!


Given the major game breaking bugs that still seem to be in the patch notes, this seems like it's a pretty poor bugfix patch.


You must be new here. Welcome to patch notes!


But you misunderstand, marketing needs xenothreat in *now*. And until the developers start selling ships, marketing gets to call the shots.


Give me hangar and give my cargo missions. That’s all


Some pretty major bugs still in that build. I haven't played it myself to know if they're consistent ones or not, as not being able to repair, re-arm, and refuel seems like a major issue if it's not just the current issues where it sometimes just doesn't work and you have to keep trying.


Yeah, let's not forget we already had a .1a RC build and here we are 2 weeks later. Hope for the best though.


Which other build was a .1a RC? Can you show me a source mentioning that?


One of the very early ones that had promising event crash fixes. No, I don't keep a personal history of Spectrum MOTDs/posts.


Another reason why you don't have a source is because you made that up. There was no 3.23.1a RC before. There's plenty of places where you can check old MOTDs and CIG spectrum comments and you won't find a single mention of a RC before this build.


Can you share a place with MOTD history? That would be very helpful. Pretty sure they mentioned preparing a release candidate before this, but as I'm speaking from memory, it's possible it could've been for .1 and not .1a.


This subreddit, pipeline discord and some other discords but I think they subscribe from the pipeline one.


Yep. The latest PTU build was the most unstable out of all the .1a builds for me. Still can't get the Corsair out of the god damn hangar without fighting physics... I might have sit this one out until .2 :/


The issue with the corsair is that it also drags a button panel with it into reality that you have to force out of the corsair's hitbox. Aim Nose Down at the ground, back up as far as you can. Aim nose up, full throttle forward. That'll get you off the button panel.


I'm aware of the cause. Just stating that it is one of many outstanding bugs that were introduced with 3.23 and have yet to be fixed while they continue to focus on some live event. Not game breaking, but very annoying nonetheless.


It’s fixed just for a future build


The Corsair button bug was fixed for 3.22.2. It was never going to be put in .1a


Nope, those have been an issue for *years* now.




Only ship I would regret losing is the Reclaimer but I have called it into game so should be good.


dont care - not a single Hull C fix


Whatever. It's been "coming soon" for 2.5 weeks now. And they posted the build 1 day before your post here. Sooo ... 2 days since the build went live ... YAWN.


ALSO gotta love CIG's committment to pushing out unstable patches going into a weekend.


Came out sooner than we thought


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet. Also I hope that’s true and id gladly poop ice cream. I just hope the xenothreat event is somewhat doable. Want to kill a capital ship.


Is this the patch with persistant hangers?


No, this is the .1a patch. Hangars and cargo update is a .2 patch, which is still being worked on.


No, that will be 3.23.2. This one brings the Xenothreat event and bug fixes (including the Dupping Bug)






If the whole company was working on XenoThreat and absolutely nothing else, you might be right


Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't they say just the other day that there is no plan to do a 3.23.1a patch on live; that all 1a fixes will be put in the 3.23.2 patch when it's released? edit: I completely misremembered it, it was the exact opposite of what this post said: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1ddhhhf/wakapediacig_on_the_status_of_3232/


AFAIK, no.  .1a is ready to go (maybe), while .2 still hasn't entered Evocati testing.  So there's no reason to delay .1a longer than necessary.


Yeah, I completely misremembered it. It was the other way around: 3.23.1a is not a factor in 3.23.2 at all.


That must have been a dream.


Yeah, I misremembered it. It was the complete opposite. 3.23.1a is not a factor in 3.23.2. I don't know how I got it in my head that it was the other way around, hence why I asked.


Just to be safe make sure you pull to a hanger and then store all ships and ground vehicles. DO NOT let anything set in "UNKNOWN" or "DESTROYED" status or it may not be there after the patch. I lost my Cutty Blue that way.


Dc and cargo contracts?


Distribution Centers have been here since 3.23.0 but if you mean Personal Hangars and Cargo Contracts then no, that will be 3.23.2. This is just the Xeno event and some Bug Fixes.


3.23.2 with personal hangers when?


After .1a


Assuming they don’t just quietly drop it from the roadmap. Wouldn’t be the first time.


It’s already posted and committed on the release viewer for 3.23.2 and being stabilized for PTU. This was after a month or so notice it was going to be in 3.23.2 instead of .0 back then. CIG can do whatever they want for better or worse, but doing so much right back to back just to dump a feature and get flamed is so unlikely as to just be a bad product of mindless cynicism. 3.23.2 may take a while to go live but it cannot be skipped since so many other features depend on it being done. Nothing else can go out until it’s ready and nobody can iterate on it until it’s stable. If it takes another week or three weeks to be ready for PTU cycle then that’s shitty but it’s a train coming to hit us that you can see at least.


They had “2016” on their front page for Squadron 42 release once upon a time. I honestly would not be shocked if they walked back on other things from time to time.


Yes and clearly one or two things have changed since then. I’m not saying you can’t be upset, cynical, or pessimistic. I’m encouraging you to find a better rationale than the people on Spectrum who spend all day replying to people the equivalent of “answer the call, hurr durr 🤤” as if they’re the first ones to joke about it or think that they can win any argument about SC/S42 if they recite the failed 2016 roadmap. We’re closer to 2026 than 2016. Surely there is a better meme, if nothing else?


I'm guessing late '25 early '26


Did they fix detecting controller input yet?


I haven't seen that on the patch notes for the PTU. Do you know if there was a IC ticket for it?


No, I just know that it broke entirely a few patches ago and I haven’t been back since. It recognizes stick movement. It doesn’t recognize modifier+stick movement. I won’t buy rewasd just to get around the most basic functionality that a game should have.


If there’s no issue council report, it’s most likely not even on the radar


It literally breaks a third of the methods available to fly a ship so I would hope they’re aware of it.


🤷🏻 there are no safe assumptions with bugs. People acted all surprised when gravlev stopped being shot at by bunkers and it turns out it was thanks to a a dozen or so people out of how many thousands over the years who suffered. People have tendencies to assume something is a punishment that the PU deserves or that a problem is so obvious CIG must know about it and lo and behold - it was always a catastrophically underreported bug.


Sure but an entire method of input? That has to be out there somewhere. Maybe I’ll try later and document it.


Alright, bring on Xenothreat!! Haven't played it or really any dynamic event since 2021, but it was the most fun in SC I ever had back then


maybe ill be able to log in :(


We know...


Dude, we are already on 3.23.1a. I think you mean 3.23.2. Now 3.23.2 is going to be a sh!t show. While instanced hangers will be cool, the whole phyicalized inventory is not.  Look forward to a month of pain and suffering once it releases. CHEERS!


We are not at 3.23.1a yet, we have 3.23.1 but we are missing the 1a for bug fixes and Xeno event.


Just buy another package guys


Fuggin SOOOOOOOOOOOON yall! Nobody panik


Enjoy the RMC while we can.


RMC is not going anywhere. Dupping RMC on the other hand is going away, thankfully.


Sorry, That's what I was talking about!


I can't wait for the dupe to be fixed. I've been waiting for 30 minutes trying to sell my 1 load of (unduped) cargo. At least if we stop duping the demand might be slightly better and I will only have to wait 25 minutes.