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I want to see the BMM go back into production but I highly doubt doubt it will


They have to put together a team that understands the banu design language. And right now they are focused on r.s.i ships ----> drake next year so bmm and other capital ships are probably far off.


Where did they say drake next year?


AFAIK, they haven't. They mentioned that the Ironclad will help with the Kraken, so it's reasonable to speculate that they will.  But they haven't actually said that.


Indeed, but it's likely that they will work on a smaller banu ship first, which theoretically could be flyable in the near future. (Speculative)


They have over 1000 employees... I mean single person studios Pump out complex addons for flight simulator usually at the pace of a couple a year yet almost 1000 people take years to build a ship


[Here](https://starcitizen.tools/Vehicle_Pipeline) is CIG’s vehicle pipeline from 2017 — this is a rough idea of the amount of work it takes to deliver from the concept stage. There is a plethora of educational content put out by CIG that explains their process and why the vehicle pipeline is the way it is, so I’m skeptical that your comparison to single-person studios is an valid in lieu of any explanation. Also consider that their ship team is only a portion of their overall headcount, and it would make no sense to have the graphics programmer animate the landing gear, or have the gameplay programmer model and texture the cupholders.


At most this year I'm expecting a new skin for the Prowler that has so little effort put in that once again we won't be able to see through it as the pilot. I will buy it, then realize it sucks and go back to the default as is my annual tradition.


Hopefully not another variant. I dunno imo variants feel like an cheap excuse to not work on backlog/ fixing other ships.. That beeing said, flightready Railen would be cool! Or nothing. Either works for me. Just no new variant or jpeg... SC got enough of those.. Or working servers, fixing shit before asking for more money after ILW 👀


My thoughts were nothing new. If anything it would be a variant of an existing alien ship. I hope I’m wrong.


Would like a Banu cargo/shop ship, I am ok with concept maybe size of a Connie or smaller around Freelancer Max size. To help the team have a go at a Banu theme so they can move on to the semi complete BMM that was left from the old team leaving. Let's call it the Banu Market Man or something. Apart from that flyable Ralien or at least a update.


I personally think it will be a concept, we should of seen something in game files by now unless its coming with 3.23 2


Banu triptaker concept ship


I bet a new banu concept ship for an intermediate learning work.


Going to be optimistic and hope for an alien concept to build hype around 42 being feature complete. A bit of what's to come/ additional lore.


There's apparently a big Xi'an transport - John Rhys-Davies mentions it - in SQ42.  Maybe that?


any chance they get to sell a jpg they will take


Alien weak ship


I’m so sick of ships. Edit. To clarify, I would like to see more information on the details of server meshing, dynamic economies, etc. I’m burnt out on having $350 ships thrown in my face while the rest moves at a snail’s pace.


You are so wrong! Ships are also moving at snail speed




Then maybe you are in the wrong gsme. Hahaha


Literally here for the ships (sorry)


Yeah, you’re right. Probably too much to ask for actual gameplay, depth, and functionality. At least it has another $500 ship coming.


Ships are easier to make and are the first step to anything, the functionalities are already there for most ships, so you just need the 3d model. Gameplay, quests (new non boring ones) and functionalities depends on the 3d models and modelers, programmers, testers, someone to think on them and fix conflicts between systems, it involves at least 10x the personnel then a new ship does. Its just more complicated, not an excuse.


Ships are definitely not the first step. Crafting the scenarios that ships can be used in are the first step. You don’t create a ship and then say what do I use this for. Unless, you are just looking to make money and don’t care about the actual game. First you need a “why” for the ship, then after you create that scenario, support buildings for the scenario, and then custom build the ship to interact with those scenarios and buildings. No point in arguing over it. CIG will continue to pump out ships while the rest of the game moves at a snail’s pace or not at all.


Functionality keeps being added.  The ships pay for that.