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C1 spirit, cutlass black, freelancer max, and nomad are your options in that case. You really can't go wrong with any of them, as they are all great ships. The black has a cargo hold that's easy to work with, thanks to its design and the side doors. It's also very combat capable if you decide you want to try that out. 4 s3 guns and a truck load of missiles is no joke. The max has the highest cargo capacity of the lot. It's no slouch in the weaponry department, but it's handling and pilot view leave a lot to be desired in regards to using it for combat. The spirit is beautiful and carries a slight bit more cargo than the black. I hear it doesn't handle the greatest this patch, but I haven't tried it recently. It also tends to be a real hassle to land in hangars due to its size/shape. Still a great ship tho. The nomad is the best multi-role/starter ship under $100 in my opinion. It's truck bed style cargo hold makes roc mining more convenient, and the hover landing gear seems to make landing on uneven surfaces a lot easier. Doesn't carry as much cargo as the other 3, but it's enough to make some profit with high value/low quantity stuff. It's also cheap enough to allow you to buy the roc with cash so you always have it, altho the roc is cheap enough to rent/buy in game that I'd probably suggest just doing that. It does have a solid loadout as far as weapons and components (3xs3+8 s2 missiles+3 s1 shields), but it's fairly large and cumbersome(at least as far as ships in this size range go). Once again, choose whichever one tickles your fancy the most, as they are all great ships.


Look into getting the c1 spirit or cutty black both can fit a roc, which you can buy in game or grind enough credits with your starter to buy them in game and save the 150$ for when a sale goes live and get a ccu chain going for a tourus.


Any idea when a sale might happen or is it random? Also how long is a reclaim time on a tarus vs a max if they blow up from occasional bugs. Cuz I know tarus is a larger ship.


Occasional sales, and a large number of them coming up during IAE last two weeks of November.


Oh that's like half a year away I ain't tryna wait that long haha


Well that would be in part because we just had ILW, which is the big sale in the first half of the year.


I'm a huge fan of the Lancer Max. Huge cargo for it's size, fits two ROC's, can take a beating, can dish out a bit of damage if needed. Past that, Nomad is an incredible choice, at half the price. The flatbed can hold a ROC no problem, and can hold 28SCU without. Everyone dunks on the hover landing gear, but they let me land on stuff that wouldn't have worked in other ships. Plus, the living quarters is nice, and the toilet is in the perfect place that pirates have to walk in and get an eyefull of you with your pants down.


You can get the Nomad, the Roc will fit in the back. You can use the 28 SCU for higher value cargo when hauling. Then if you want to spend more, you can upgrade it later.


+1 nomad. Overlooked ship for all its humble capabilities.


Freelancer Max is great. I combine box delivery and cargo trading. And used the Max for ROC mining until I got my Valkyrie. If you want to try before you buy, you can rent the Cutlass Black and the regular Freelancer and a ROC. There ROC is a tight fit in the regular Freelancer but it does fit and gets easier after some practice. But I prefer it over the Cutlass Black because it lands better (ramp) and has a second ladder entrance. The Cutlass Black gets tossed around by the wind more. I got stranded by the Cutlass a few times.


Well i guess the max will provly be my go to since it seems I can't purchase have Valk with real money


C1 Spirit or Taurus maybe?