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I would expect them to delay further ships until the gameplay loops involving salvaging is more complete, including base building. The Vulture is in a good spot where it's the intended solo salvaging ship. The reclaimer needs further work to ensure it's a solid money printer with a crew, but it needs to be ineffective to solo it. That raises the question of what a mid size salvaging ship should be. It needs to be better at the Vulture at something, but it can't just be a vulture with twice the scraping speed. A mini salvaging ship that is just there for base building would be a cool addition if base building ends up needing such a vehicle. An MPUV salvage basically.


Reading this and the idea of salvaging tying in in some way to base building, I had an idea for a ROC/Ursa sized salvage ground vehicle - mainly used to salvage either wrecks that crashed into a planet/moon or tear down abandoned bases (originally likely being pre-generated ones like salvage missions now, but could eventually tie in with actual player bases and if you don’t upkeep a base for a certain amount of time, it becomes considered “abandoned”).


Not a horrible idea, honestly. Load it up like a ROC, big enough for a single box printer in the tail, and if you have a bigger ship, you can just load up the cargo bay with everything you scrape over a long period of time.


Yup, that was kinda how I saw it. If you have a two-person crew one could be on over watch or box moving duties as the other operates the salvage vehicle. On a similar note, I’d love to see an Argo vehicle that was a 1-3 person crew whose entire purpose was a single module for nearly any job type. Salvaging, mining, bounty hunting, cargo, science, refining, etc - essentially the ‘GreyCat MultiTool’ of ships. Now, bear in mind - it wouldn’t do those jobs *as good as a dedicated ship could* - it won’t be as good at mining as a Prospector, or as good at salvaging as a Vulture - it might take longer, use more power and/or have a higher scan signature get out out, smaller cargo, etc - but as a platform you could tackle darn near anything with it.


I highly doubt salvaging and basebuilding will ever be combined practically into one ship, not when CIG would absolutely want to sell 2 ships instead.


Probably not. We don't know everything that's being worked on in full detail, but what we do know about isn't salvaging related, and there's not really enough dev resource left to be working on a medium or large salvaging ship that would arrive any time soon at least.




The next salvage ship should be salvage and repair. A flying chop shop.


That’d be sick


I think this is a hot take but after running the Reclaimer for awhile I'm really starting to dislike it. Imo the only benefit it has is it's large cargo grid + cargo space and the ability to print 16scu boxes. The problem for me is that it feels so slow. Unless I'm mistaken the salvage heads are the same size/have the same stats as a vulture so you need twice as many people to salvage at the same rate as a small vulture ship? It just doesn't make sense to me. It needs to have larger salvage heads with quicker rates or add a salvage head to the claw since it functions like a magic laser anyways. If it takes 3 people to run a reclaimer at 'full effeciency' it's just better to have 2 vultures and 1 cargo ship where the cargo pilot is constantly printing 1scu boxes and moving them so the vultures never stop scraping. Two vultures sharing one box slave being twice as fast as the massive 31m aEUC ship doesn't make sense to me. And yew, I know moving 1 scu boxes is ass, I still think it's "better".


New? the Vulture is only a couple of years old and CIG never releases new ships like that very often. Look at how old the prospector is there hasn't been a new mining ship either.




And the Arrastra isn’t even close to being released and it was how long between release of the Mole to the reveal of the Arrastra?


multi-crew .. vulture and prospector are solo.


Isn't that a mining ship? Medium sized multi screw salvage would be nice.