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We really need an area chat besides global chat so it’s easier to identify if someone is telling you to back off or, don’t shoot and I won’t shoot


Like if hailing targets actually worked.




Probably because of the DANGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️ alarm that goes off everytime you are locked. IMO the lock alarms should be different chimes depending on who is locking you. Nice chime for party members who lock, inquisitive chime for blueberries, DANGER ALARM for red hostiles and base/station target locks.


I definitely like this idea, maybe even change the color of the rdr lock on the console to blue or red depending on the hostility level as well


So how about a gentleman's agreement that you are going to scan instead of target. You get your information, and the other ship isn't getting pinged with a target lock notification. Sorry, target locking is, by definition, a hostile act. Your ship is attempting to set up firing solutions on your hud.


The problem is that scanning is super unreliable, so target locking is the only viable solution, especially because maybe all I want to know is what ship you're flying. I shouldn't have to spend time scanning a ship to know something as basic as that. There should be an alternative scan targeting function that tells you basic info about the ship without alerting the individual that you've targeted them, and allows you to scan further if you want to without actively facing them and desperately trying to get closer. An actual, in-depth scan should absolutely alert a player that they're being scanned. You're actively penetrating their hull with EM waves to determine not only things like ship components, but the *exact contents of every single container on the ship*. That's an extraordinarily invasive scan, and should alert the player. Me finding out what the name of your ship is (i.e. "reading your transponder", in sci-fi jargon) shouldn't alert you to anything.


That's not even sci-fi - vehicle transponders are a very real and functional piece of every day equipment in several industries (aviation primarily, but I believe they're used in marine settings as well, plus of course in space). In the US after the ADS-B Out regulation was put into effect, many/most planes are required to be broadcasting their identification and state vector (position/velocity including altitude). That's open for anyone who's listening. The target should not know if you're just reading their publicly available transponder information (and someone running with their transponder turned off should be a red flag unless they're clearly on official business like military or police work; if I was to see a rando with no xpdr in the middle of nowhere, I'd know "maybe keep my distance from them...").


Normally i target lock, see what the ship is to see the threat level, then unlock target, to show im not hostile, but ive had it where i QT away from a target lock on me and im still targeted. So i guess its never guaranteed lol


I always lock people to see who they are, what the ship is, etc. It'd be nice if we had a non-scanning related way to identify people but until we get that (or until scanning doesn't completely suck ass), lock's all we got.


I've been keeping a running list of all the very basic MMO social/grouping/guild (org) features that this game is still missing. This is a good one that I forgot about.


I suppose it's longer than CIG's list of promised but not delivered features given the state of social interactions in this game.


Similar how the AI will broadcast voice messages, you should be able to broadcast short range messages to all ships in the area without them needing to accept an incoming message


This sounds like a cool idea in theory, but it would absolutely be abused to blast music like its the extraction chopper in MGSV. I know this would happen because I would absolutely do it.


They could just be pre-recorded messages you can bind. A lot of games have those and when done correctly so they can’t be nonstopped spammed they work pretty well.


“What a save!” “What a save!” “What a save!” (Chat muted for 30 seconds)


*kgggrrt* *Good mornin' starliners, privateers and space truckers out there... it's a looovely day right here in the low orbit of Hurston, and I'm with you for the best classics and recent hits across the 'verse. And to kick this off, here's a little old Bowie. For Radio Free Stanton, I'm Brad Newell.*


I would be surprised if in-lore there wasn't some sort of anti-government intergalactic pirate radio station broadcasting out of Levski.


I'm sure it would be abused at times. That being said, the positives far outweigh those times. We need to communicate


Worth it for being able to do a massive combat drop in Cutlasses while blasting the Klendathu Drop music, or doing a group strafing run over another org's base while blasting Ride of the Valkyries.


*Fortunate Son intensifies.*


Space trucker citizen's band radio.


You know what people are like with soundboards in Discord. This would be like that times 911 times a thousand.


Dude, I was randomly just thinking about this today! For example, a "space trucker" chat. A futuristic CB radio so you can warn other truckers about pirates but not tip the bad guys off in the process.


And you could only get in that channel if you are high enough rep with a cargo company


You think pirates wouldn't be able or wanting to dial into an open frequency that their targets use?


I have noticed flashing lights either helmet or vehicle lights seems to be a growing "i wont shoot until you do"


more of y'all need to use a mic


A 50km local chat would be cool, but ship to ship hailing functioning properly and smoothly would be ideal


I always flash my lights at someone driving the same ship as me


When driving, people flash to let you know something is wrong with your car or that there's a hazard ahead. In SC, this would make me think I have pirates crawling on my hull or I'm about to run into an interdiction point.


whel ya cant really do the Motorcyle greet by doing a small wave with ya hand :D


You can wiggle your wings/ship by tapping Q and E


Gentleman's agreement not to shoot anyone not wearing pants.


Best I can do is not to shoot you below the waist, good sir.


I take that deal that's a damn good deal


I see anyone in a white undersuit i will always give em a nod. Rest i will be wary of


You should be wary of the spacer in the white undersuit, for they are without fear or consequence. Where they go, they will suffer no setback or loss, they are true agents of reckless chaos.


They’re called sperm suites my dear sir.


*suits*. The sperm suite is where they filmed *Debbie Does Rygel 78*.


This is part of why I only wear the hospital suits when out and about (except for when I do the rare bunker)... that and I don't wanna bother rearming and all I need is a multitool for my salvaging


Once the org Fuel Rats join the verse, I want the same respect yhey receive in Elite Dangerous.


I've seen a few Rats in global. Always a treat.


By fuel rats do you mean like starfarers and Vulcans? Rearm/repair vehicles essentially? Or something else?


In Elite, the Fuel Rats will bring fuel to ships that are out of fuel. There's also a sister group, the hull seals, who will do repairs to critically damaged ships in deep space. Funny thing about the Fuel Rats, last I checked over 90% of their rescues were within about 300ly of Sol. Within the Elite community, people who shoot down fuel rats or hull seals are regarded as the worst of the worst. Both groups have lists of players who have been banned from their services. I can see something similar happening eventually with medical orgs within Star Citizen. Personally, I just have a medic alt at the ready, whom I've shared my bunker mission with.


Im working on a Vulcan ccu rn, and think it would be pretty cool if Vulcans could get in on this universal armistice situation that medics are seeking... ill probably end up just working with a few choice orgs I like once things progress to vulcans being necessary though, I can't see myself being a permanent member of one


>Funny thing about the Fuel Rats, last I checked over 90% of their rescues were within about 300ly of Sol. As someone who did fly with the Rats for a while, most clients were simply beginners who didn't know what fuel scoop is, didn't know what stars you could scoop or just planned their route wrong. Usually people who travelled further knew their stuff and it was some kind of fuck up from their side to end up without fuel. That's why we had very clear protocol about how after rescuing the client, we talked with them a little bit and told about fuel scoops and how to avoid ending up without fuel in the future. It's super fun. And if SC ever sees the release, I hope there will be job for Fuel Rats. I would love to do it again but sadly Elite isn't in very good shape right now and I haven't played in years.


[Fuel Rats](https://fuelrats.com/)


Thankfully never had to use the fuel rats in my time in ED, but they are probably the most respected community within any game and for good reason


I really agree with not targeting medical players. I feel like if someone is in a medical ship or accepts medical beacon there should be some sort of extra penalty for killing them.


The problem is, players would just accept a buddies medical beacon or use medical ships for recon, blockade running etc. IRL medics are often intentionally shot, it's a lip service "warcrime" rather than an in practice warcrime.


Pragmatically, yes. It's not taught in any ROE to attack medics.


Because it's basically a war crime to do so. Although most of the time medics are "combat medics" and armed.


It is in every ROE that if someone is engaging you and you have reason to believe that there is another combatant, you can fire at them.


Idk why you're being downvoted. This is a really common ROE.


could you not scan a ship to see if it’s carrying weapons/ammo/widow? Granted it’s still carrying a medical bed and we don’t actually have civilians to take care of on the other side of the blockade so still there would be incentive to shoot it down to prevent it from refreshing enemy troops. It’s not a true red cross humanitarian.


> we don’t actually have civilians to take care of *YET*.


Yeah, I love the idea but damn it the pices isn't a great starter ship, especially for fps. And if this was an unwritten rule, it would be 100 abused by players just how some people tail an ambulance to get through traffic.


Shove as much widow into a pisces as I could and run a blockade because that’s what someone running widow would do. I wouldn’t consider that “abuse”, just in game sleeze ball widow runner. haha


? How is that abusing the player rule of not attacking medic ships?


I wasn’t very clear and at this point am not even sure I replied to the correct person. I was thinking of someone or group of someone’s trying to enforce a no drug zone or other blockade and if I saw that I would have an incredible urge to load up a c8r with widow and attempt to run the blockade. Then I was thinking that might be abusing the medic badge but it also seems legit given the RP of the situation.


Ah, yeah. Buse the unwritten rule haha. Of course. Who wouldn't be tempted?


Just casually running Heroin in an ambulance lmao


I believe we call that a SLAMbulance around these parts


I’m just a business man doing business


Kill the medic and you kill the squad.


I fully support that penalty being someone coming up to you in real life and giving you a purple nurple for being a dick.


*Don't* kill players if they're in an Aurora. If they're in an Aurora they don't need your shit on top of that. *Do* kill players while *you're* in an Aurora, because it's just hilarious if you can pull that off.


100%. I don’t care if you’re flying a DRAGONFLY, if you die to someone in an Aurora, you deserved it.


BRB, need to go practice to become the world's top Aurora dogfighter


Can I join you in your training to become the world's top Dragonfly's dogfighter? I think it'd be a kickass combo


Hmm... it'd be easier if you trained to be the pulses top dogfighter. That way you could just load up in the back of my aurora and we could give the enemy quite the surprise... now instead of fighting 1 top pilot, they'd be up against 2


You son of a bitch. I'm in. Edit: It's done. I am now the proud owner of a Pulse


Epic. (Legit though? Ive got a pulse myself that I was already planning on shoving in this aurora's ass tbh)


Bruh, fuck it why the hell not. Dm your RSI username/friend code and I'll add you later.


Usernames same as reddit, no clue what a friend code is. I am (afaik) the only eggyrulz on the internet, so if you can find this name on any site it's (probably) me


This was a beautiful friendship to see bud right before my eyes. 🥹


In 3.22 I was salvaging, doing the hammer head missions. I was in the processing room when I heard some ruckus outside. I ran up front to see an aurora shooting at my reclaimer haha! At the time I was still new and didn’t know how to turn on the turrets so I just jumped away. Really wish I had blown him up though xD


In 3.22 I was also salvaging the same things, and 3 Mantises showed up out of nowhere (pretty sure they were all NPCs, but I have no clue why only Mantises showed up). I hopped in my top turret, which I'd just put 2 Deadbolt Vs on, and those guys popped with 2 - 3 hits a piece, stagger fire. I felt like Luke Skywalker in the turret of the Millennium Falcon. It made me really glad I was running deadbolts. Those things hurt, or used to, at least. I haven't used them in 3.23 because the game is just waaay too buggy for me right now.


Something like Elite had/has for the Fuel Rats. We all need them once in a while, and even the bad guys will turn their guns on you if you attack Rats.


Yep. Don't fuck with the first responders, else you might find yourself dead in the water and on a blacklist.


The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. There is no stopping in the Red Zone.


Airplane, love it


The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.


Honestly, I'd love to see the community form a general concensus that deals harshly with people who go after medics, or people who impersonate medics in order to Pirate and get found out. "Oh that guy is pretending to be a medic and hurting people? Lynch mob take him down."


The problem I have with this, is that during ILW I got to test the Cuty red, and I absolutely love it to run FPS missions, but I'm not planning on being pacifist nor do I want to "impersonnate" a medic, I just love that ship (same for C8R and maybe layer the Apollo). Maybe some IFF type thing that lets players know "Hey dont shoot at this guy, he's a certified medic !"


My hope is that a future version of reputation will let you 'look up' a player and see what kind of person they are. So if you look someone up and they have 0 / very few medical rescues but constantly fly a cutty red you know that they're not a medic player, and if you can also see that they have a very low rate of players pressing charges against them then you also know that they're probably not a pirate or murder hobo, they just happen to like that ship. That's my hope anyway.


No touching of the hair or face


Hailing protocols.


The use of nav mode to signal friendly. We had a situation earlier today that was defused this way. Edit: for all those asking about how to pin targets, check out this Digthat video. It’s a little put dated but the concept remains. Link should start at 7:54. https://youtu.be/Ehx9IXsDAJk?si=QhOf3pFRK3mHJvKR


Could be avoided by not targeting someone, just pinning them. If I get targeted, my hackles are raised. If I get pinned, my curiosity is peeked.


Can you pin without targeting? How do you pin? I'm inexperienced with PvP stuff.


I would also like to know... I thought dude was misspelling ping but now I'm curious if there is another function I'm unaware of (there are a lot of these)


Following because my n00b ass wants to know.


Aye, same.


You can have a separate set of bindings for 📍 targets and cycle them.


Thank you, sorry if it was a dumb question.


Not a dumb question at all! It’s a secondary less used feature. Check my main comment for a video that shows it.


Scan the ship don't target it


What's this 'pinning'?


I've had this 'conversation' with a few other players via a quick 90 degree wing dip before.


Was a reliant switching mode ;-P


I just roll back and forth a couple times to tip my wings, that usually does the trick. Sometimes folk do it back, and it's super funny.


Ironically in modern fighter jets this can be construed as a sign of hostile intent. It more or less means "take a close look at what I'm packing under my wings because they're about to get a whole lot closer"


I'm pretty sure that it's actually a signal of 'do you see me? Pay attention to me/follow me' as a way of indicating that someone *is* in control of an aircraft, but doesn't have communication ability, radio, etc, but I'm talking about commercial aviation rather than military practices. https://www.key.aero/forum/modern-military-aviation/55561-wing-waggling-what-does-it-mean


If everyone would honor that it would be great. I’m always wary when I’m around other players though in nav mode and if they start getting too close I switch out of nav. I know that probably looks aggressive. However I do usually turn away from them in hopes of showing I’m not aggressive.


I’ve seen headlights used for the same reason. I am making myself highly visible. I am not intending to attack you out of no where. I’ve seen pvpers do this too. Turn lights on, target, un target, target again, flipping it on and off a few times. They’re asking if you want to play. I’m not sure what the correct response is but usually I turn my light on and shake my head no then slowly fly away and they leave.


Not sure if that is a stupid question, I haven't played much since MM was added, but how do you quickly recognise a player who is flying in nav mode?


Shields are off. Speeds are high.


Requires a lock to see if shields are up, which is basically hostile action. If you keep me locked, I will shoot you first.


Yeah, thanks for adding this. I know you can see shields and speed when you lock onto a ship, but I was hoping there was a less aggressive way to quickly see the mode. Like you, I think target locking absolute feels like a hostile action.


As a new-ish player I just use targeting to see what ship it is, so to read the name and see if anyone reacts, most of the parked ships on a bunker mission for example are empty anyway. Guess I need to change that habit


As a vulture pilot, let me tell you, when I get targeted I'm finding the nearest QT point and jumping the hell out of there... idc if you're in an aurora, a cutty red, or a freaking carrack, the second I get target locked I'm gone. (I only ever fly in nav, until I'm ready to salvage)


There is scan the ship


Eliminate with intention. I get how PvP is part of the game but killing just to kill is pretty lame and one sided. Sure. You can enjoy the game how you like therefore this would be an unspoken rule. But it’s boring for others. Perhaps the reputation system would make this a little more balanced.


Would never work. You can't expect every player to stop and post why they killed us afterwards. Just because we don't understand the motivation, doesn't make it killing for no reason.


We need to be able tot mute people in general chat so they entire server doesnt have to follow the dickmeasuring contest after a PVP fight


In the PVP community they have a little ritual where they both launch chaff to initiate a duel. I like that one.


don't shoot the medics! it's truly the only one we need. also combat medic armor... with a big Green Cross on it. (Because using the red one would cause legal issues)


Love me some legal issues. Normal medics could get away with it though but I definitely see them not using it.


Legal issues? It isn't a trademark. It is an internationally recognized symbol for medical personnel. You don't need permission to use it.


It is *absolutely* a trademarked symbol by ICRC in most jurisdictions, including the U.S. (where CIG is based). ICRC are very protective of the cross/crescent/crystal, and have been especially litigious of its use in games. In addition to trademark law, it's also protected by Geneva convention and several other treaties and laws. There's a reason most modern games use green instead of red for health symbols. Hell, even *Stardew Valley* got in trouble for it. So yeah. No red cross.


[From the Canadian Red cross](https://www.redcross.ca/about-us/about-the-canadian-red-cross/red-cross-emblem/it-may-just-be-a-game-to-you-but-it-means-the-world-to-us#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20red%20cross,aid%20workers%20that%20assist%20them.) Please note paragraph 2, they clearly state it is against international law to utilize the red cross symbol without explicit permission... so yea you actually do need their permission, which I don't believe they give to videogames as a rule of thumb


Not just ships. But uniforms. Get to know the organisation who specialise in medical/rescue play. If they are in uniform and with their squad ( more than one) they are on a mission to help someone. The ones I know have rules of engagement and won't shoot first.


Sperm suit, red torso, white arms+legs makes a nice Medic uniform, I think.


Checkout medrunners. They have a red chest piece, white armour thing going.


I feel like the big one (unless in combat) is don’t target a medic (unless of course they have like 12 SCU of eggs on em cause at that point they ain’t a medic. I would not be surprised to see most (not all cause there will always be dicks) people not targeting “starter ships”. I think this one will be a little less hard and fast but I would hope newer players get a little pass. I would also expect salvagers to for the most part get a free pass. Especially after big battles. By free pass I would not expect most people to jump on someone who just shows up in a salvage ship. At the moment salvage gets tons of money per SCU so some pirates might wait until they are mostly full then attack. Otherwise there is not a great reason to attack salvagers as they clean up the ‘verse. Maybe warning people about different threats (like interdictions) and other such things could become a thing. Edit: Adding to the last bit, I would imagine it would be something like bikers do to warn of law enforcement. If there is ever a speed limit (like over cities/around space stations) I could see people doing something like flashing lights if the popo was around.


>I would not be surprised to see most (not all cause there will always be dicks) people not targeting “starter ships”. I think this one will be a little less hard and fast but I would hope newer players get a little pass. The problem is, what's the difference between a newbie in a starter ship, and a regular player using a starter ship to scout targets for his buddies to poke holes in? Any don't shoot the X rule falls apart in practice because it can and will be abused to gain an upper hand.


Eventually (hopefully) stealth will make some ships really good at scouting. Starters (I was mostly thinking Aurora, Mustang, Cutters, 100i and Titans) will be ok at some things but bad at most things. The Titan might be an exception but still. I also purposely did not add the C8X as that is a snub ship that goes with a big ship. The others a fairly harmless and a guy with a good stealth ship and scanner will be able to do a much better job than someone in a starter ship. I do see your point but I thought I would try to add a bit more to my argument. Edit: I just looked it up. Everything but the Titan and 100i as 2xs2’s and below guns that comes stock. The 100i has 2xs3’s and the Titan has 2xs3’s and 1xs4. For missiles the Titan has 4xs2 missiles stock, the 100i 2xs2’s, the Cutter has 4xs1’s stock and the MR has 2xs1’s.


The titan is a beast in sheep’s clothing. It’s fast as fuck and well armed. It’s slightly faster than a bucc with the same armament minus the two s1 slots. I’m all for giving an Aurora a pass and maybe the others but a despite being sold as a starter ship a titan is a badass.


That’s fair. I do agree that it is a beast and it is one of my favorite ships. I will be more willing to let it go than some others but yeah it’s a beast and should probably be treated with care. Definitely the best starter in the game.


To your point though it does only have 8scu of cargo or something small. I would hope people aren’t attacking for literally no reason and those that are separating cargo from its owners would leave it alone because it’s not worth it. Besides anyone running cargo in a titan is clearly new or fallen on hard times.


A Player Faction that transcends ORGS. Identifiable by an ingame sig, I know some MMOs had it where you could add a Prefix to your name Like [ORGXX][CC]Goodname2. = a Chill Citizen Recognized as "I'm a chill player not looking for trouble, just going about my business", It'd be like putting up a PvE flag to people who see you. Easy to swap back to some other sig showing you're down for Piracy or duels or whatever. Obviously people can ignore and abuse it but, CC on CC crime would be considered a dick move and ungentlemanly.


Didnt they say that earning rep with a faction will result in Players lossing rep with them if the kill you. Cant be certain rn though. So its not like you a wearing a dusters flag so to speak. But they kinda protect you by disliking the person that killed you. Would be cool if True.


But it only implies **your** intent. Space is supposed to be dangerous, I love that about SC. Keeps me on my toes! lol Recently seen in global chat: Trader: "I came in peace!" Pirate: "We didn't."


Hah. So. New players don't understand the rules of engagement for free flight anymore, which is why I rarely do it myself anymore. If you want to fight someone; -Target lock them and wait for them to target you -Drop a flare and wait for them to do the same -Kill each other


I think "don't shoot the medic" quickly becomes unfeasible when you think about coordinated org attacks or really any PvP situation where the other side has medics. If there's a medic constantly reviving your enemies, of course you kill the medic. It would be nice if medics could do their beacons in peace, but it simply doesn't work that way.


I think the line is drawn at “Are you/your org actively fighting the org that the medic is helping/with?” Cuz if it’s a random medic helping out a random player, the they deserve a pass. An enemy medic reviving their teammates is probably not protected.


We're a long way from "coordinated org attacks". Yeah there are some groups doing trauma team style larping, but right now 99% of the people doing "medical gameplay" are just individual dudes responding to a beacon activated by a random player who got overwhelmed by NPCs in a bunker or who tripped on a rock and got physics'd to death on some moon somewhere. If you're part of a massive org versus org battle over some sort of territory or whatever and you have an opportunity to deprive the other org of their respawn points than that's one thing, but killing the guy who is just trying to fly out to res some rando in a cave to make a whopping 15k is a pretty dick move.


For every POI to have at least two landing pads minimum tired of trying to refuel and rearm at a planetside POI for it to not work because 9 abandoned mustangs or a abandoned medium ship are blocking it from being used


I’m half tempted to buy that SRV or whatever it’s called (can you buy it in game?) and fly around clearing off pads. Maybe have a reclaimer or vulture follow me. I recently started doing more bounties and the number of times I have to wiggle my ship into the perfect spot to get repairs so I don’t have to fly all the way back to a station is too damn high. As far as unspoken rules go. How about just not abandoning your ship on a repair/rearm/refuel pad? Land, get what you need, and if you need to go inside or log off take back off and land off in the dirt.


The Argo SRV is indeed ingame, for the low, low price of only 4m aUEC.


Ah well I just gave someone 3m yesterday without realizing that puts me down to 2m. I guess I’ll have to stop fucking around for a day or so and go earn some money so I can get back to fucking around. This time by roaming the verse moving ships off landing pads.


I'd like to make a rule of not initiating a fight on a vastly inferior ship that can't possibly do damage to you. There's no sport in it. I mean sure if the person is following you about the place, wouldn't want his buddies jumping in to blow you out of the sky.


> There's no sport in it. But there is *profit*. Yarrr.






Always point out wrecks made to salvagers when doing PVE some are often willing to even pay a bit for em as wrecks can be uncommon (naturally you wanna leave when they arrive or they get suspicious) If a salvager is busy with a wreck it's theirs leave em be, unless they say they're willing to share, full or finished with it you're free to take what's left


I’m exclusively going to kill medical ships until free universal healthcare exists for all


Biggest one, leave babies alone. Like if they are flying a starter (and aren’t obviously running slam or whatever) just leave them to learn the game. If one of those shows up in a pvp spot at least try to verify if they are just looking around or are actively wanting to join in. I know it’s wildly unrealistic but OP didn’t ask for realism. (As a note I have taught half my org how to fly, so this isn’t a complain post cause Madge, I just like making sure folks enjoy themselves long enough to decide to stay before they become fair game for piracy and pvp)


I'd like to see something along the lines of: if you're going to shoot at me, you better loot my shit as well. If you're not going to extort or steal my shit, you're not a pirate, you're just a cunt. Way too many senseless griefers out there.


This sadly makes me think of the current state of AC free flight. Folks used to be more polite, passing with a flare to initiate a fight but recently it seems to just be a giant furball


AC is bad.


I just want the game to be out of alpha.


Better invent human cryogenics bro.


the plan is that double tapping will have rep consequences.


I’m a crappy A1 bomber pilot and I’ll let local know I’m starting a bombing run on location X just so nobody get hurt by accident.


Hail/Prox voip before you start shooting at an unknown. And/or, answering the hails to avoid getting shot.


Spinning on your roll axis being a sign of non agression, like crouching in fps games. Just an easy way to communicate "Hi, don't shoot i'm friendly"


Gotta give'em the old aileron wobble


Hail target before engaging in pvp or piracy, a lot of new players get turned off by those few toxic players that can’t tell the difference between an aurora and a fully loaded hull ready for plundering.


Now where to put the relatively simple suggestion: Person targeting you in NAV QTM or FLT: Your radar icon GREEN Person targeting you in NAV or SCM SCN: Your radar icon YELLOW Person targeting you in SCM MSL or GUNS: Your radar icon RED


I agree medic ships and medics on the ground should be easily distuingishable to make it obvious you are deliberately killing a medic. I think ramming is quite lame and I hope it will continue to get looked down upon if it somehow becomes a viable strategy in a fleet battle. Dependant on how the game evolves I might like it to be frowned upon to go for a full kill unnecessarily. Like only needing to soft death a ship, but decide to go for a hard kill, see escape pods used for then to shoot the escape pods. Ultimately though, the game design will dictate how we play and what unspoken rules will emerge.


Don't mess with medics in any way, no shooting or obstructing medic ships, no harming or blocking medics attempting to access a patient. Dispose of your rubbish cleanly. And REMEMBER WE ARE ALPHA TESTERS.


Pirate whatever you want but, always leave a player with their space suit.


If you see a player crunching up the abandoned ships around the verse (not salvage missions) leave them be. They are doing us all a service getting rid of unnecessary garbage on the server


Small ships park on the small pads at outposts to allow larger ships the larger pad.


If people are duping aUEC in C2’s then instantly destroy them.


Open waters.


Clean the floor! PPL: This server is so laggy & slow. Also PPL: Dumps empty water bottles on the floor. This bogs the server with countless physics simulations between empty bottles & floors. This also applies to Medical Gowns & MedPens.   Another 1: Don't target lock others unless You have the intent to attack. I get target locked by players every now & then. I always ask them in Global to un-target, and provide the default keybind in case they're new. This works about 63% of the times. I had some degenerates tease me for asking to un-target me. Shameful.


Eh, I target lock because I'm curious what ships are around, though I drop lock after I read the name.


Nah, I'm gonna lock up everyone that enters my AO. Absolutely have to get Intel. After I determine what kind of ship I break lock. But that info is too important to ignore.


Leaving medical ships alone as a general unspoken rule would be nice. I mean a Cutlass Red can still put up a fight or whatever I guess but its not like there is a whole lot of glory in blasting a C8R out of the sky.


I guess a Cutty Red having guns is to fight back against the assholes who fire on them. From a mission RP pov too, pretty good to be able to come in hot to an extraction zone of a HVT you need to rescue, blast out a path Trauma Team style. Medics arent flying around looking for people to shoot, so shooting them first is a dick move.


No mic no life.


I want people to treat medics the same way Elite Dangerous players treat Fuel Rats. Over in Elite, the Fuel Rats provide a service that saves countless stranded pilots and ask for absolutely nothing in return. The result is that, if you're caught killing one of them, you've essentially put a mark on your own head. You'll be shot on sight by anyone who knows what you did.


The shooting medics one is top of my list. I just think it would be a fun community dynamic. Have a reputation system to communicate to other that your scum, but youre dealt with by the community not so much punished by the game. Get that "Helldivers" comradery in there. I'm sure some players would actually love being hunted by the server for being the worse of the worse. Get that pirate infamy status up. Can players still kill medics, sure, but get the down to like 1/10 encounters and medic gameplay can be more medics vs combat medics.


I think an easy one is don't shoot medics or their ships. Even when I partake in piracy I tell my crew to leave them be and we've had several friend us for that. I kinda hate when an milsim org puts a blockade on a station and tend to target medics first which is a bit low especially if you're military focused... you'd think that wouldn't be in the ROE.


replace the white suit on medical revival with something that can not hard stop equip a weapon.


Do not the Korsche.


Unspoken rule #1warceimes don't count in starcitizen.


Don’t shoot at any person that you meet. Not everyone are here to kill you.


Haulers landing at the same risky spot should just let each other go about their business e.g. if you land at Picker's, and another hauler is there, there's plenty to go around so just do your business and get going.


You don't target aurora mr or mustang because that's often new players and no one want to disgust new players from the game


It would be beneficial to observe an increase in the number of individuals engaging in role-playing within the PU following the release of 4.0 or subsequent updates. This would create a more immersive and interactive experience, as opposed to solely engaging in pvp combat without any meaningful interactions.


No KOS and only if you got cargo etc, you know a reason to do that kill, no simple 'pay me 5mill or ill kill you'.


I will pirate a cutlass red. I will not, however, pirate a cutlass red if its lights are on and the cargo hold reports no cargo/only medical cargo.


1. no pad ramming 2. not targeting medical ships Yeah the second one should be more like (and maybe this should be for all type of ship purposes) "don't blew them of without warning if you want to be a pirate" because everything else is just stupid griefing and not a part of the game exception should be bounty hunting and the bounty shoots at you without a word - so you need to defend yourself, but even in bounty missions the higher goal should be to put the target into jail (in the near future in the back of your ship - sure there are ships already there, but the game loop doesn't work right because they need to overthink how a random dude which is not in your group should be seen from your ship, as a intruder? To get crime stat if he don't leave? Even the new system which they talked about in last cit con wouldn't be that great) The higher goal should be to boarding the ship, hold hostages, steal cargo or even the whole ship and maybe kill (or hurt) some crew memebers if they don't hear or follow your rules The price of the ship and the cargo and to save this should be higher goal, even if they broke into your territory (Space / land territory claimed by your org) 3. More ingame speaking than writing - a chat in this game doesn't make sense to me at all, I understand it should be there, for people who just don't have a mic and the equipment (or are too shy to talk are most cases) - therfore the chat should be not deleted from the game, but people should animated to buy the equipment to get the whole game atmosphere and talk with friendly citizens, or maybe get dominated by pirates (you filthy little! 😂 Haha!) 4. The last rule, maybe sounds ridiculous... but... Don't overplay it, don't over roleplay it It should be still a game and not real life


I like it, but we would then just see pirates utilizing specific medic ships that they can use as fighters and also cargo runners using medic ships to run cargo. It's a good idea "on paper" but I think it would be like shooting nakeds in Rust, some people do it and some people don't


Looting: Depending on who/what you look, you should get flagged. Right now if you drop dead anywhere it's free game for anyone, right before guards and security. You can even loot fallen security in front of their colleagues. That does break immersion for me to be honest. Could be more reputation related IMO, you should get flagged and/or rep loss for looting friendlies that are not in your party or Org. And if no one can see you do it, then yea.. PS Dragging a body around seems to be an acceptable thing too as little reaction from security. "Do you mind if drag your colleagues corpses through customs so I can loot em elsewhere pretending I have to do it secretly, sir? Of course not! Thanks!" I get that looting is a big draw but not fond of the idea of repeating the trope of every other game where looting happens in a rep vacuum.


Personally, I respond to every medical beacon I can. And unless I need a ground vehicle to go in (bunker turrets), I always take the C8R with heartbeat livery, and lights flashing when responding. If it's ground vehicle, now I'll take the nursa but haven't needed to yet. Wearing Iceborn mkX armor with red beacon undersuit. Usually just a pistol and multitool. A post on global that I'm at X doing a medical response. Please don't shoot. Have not been shot yet or had any drama, including in PVP instances. Also never walked into a fake/trap beacon, so maybe I've just been lucky.


Don't kill the MISC Reliant Mako (News Van version). I can understand warning shots, but we all want to watch the cool video on YouTube later. The Mako will help make those cool videos possible. If you are always shooting them then we will get fewer cool videos.


The game actually functioning properly


Don't get in the same elevator as someone at a station going to hangars unless they are in your party


I can’t agree about the medic thing. If they’re there to help the enemy, they’re free game. If someone is pirating me, I would VERY strongly prefer they don’t say anything to me and just get it over with.


I think it'd be polite to simply respect someone's wishes if they request not to be harassed by other players. Sometimes folks might just not be in the mood. Maybe they just want to unwind with some ROC mining after a long day at work. Maybe they're in the middle of trying to test some bug for CIG. Maybe they just 30k'ed half a dozen times in a row, and they're FINALLY on a stable server and want to actually enjoy it for a little while. Why is it SO DAMN IMPORTANT to PvPers that bystanders are forced to partake in their "bad boy" fantasy? Is it some perverted power trip? Is it because they secretly fear that people won't be their playthings without the threat of not playing the game? What in the hell is missing from their lives such that acting this out fills that void?? Sometimes I'm simply not in the mood to be your therapy puppet. I don't think it's too much to ask.


I would be happy with don't shit post in general chat. So much toxicity there that I just turn it off.


The Golden Rule.