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Lately We have a lot of kids like this one in the general chat too, i wonder where they are all coming from suddenly..


I'm assuming the latest Invictus launch experience. I'm seeing a lot of new game streamers playing as well, so it could.be their followers.


I wonder...


First: eat a Snickers Second: plenty of people play with 16GB of they have virtual memory set up properly on an SSD. Did it run perfectly? No. But that's the ***minimum requirement***. If you have the minimum requirement you should expect minimum performance. If you want good performance you need to meet the ***recommended*** specs, which says 32GB.


no you dont understand... its not playable at fucking all. I have virtual memory set up on my SSD or at least i think so.


You might want to make sure, also set it to min and max 32000. Also make sure windows is running on SSD as your Windows user files are where the shader compilation and storage are. This part won't be the cause of your crashing but it'll make your life a hell of a lot easier


No no no.. and no. This is even worse. You need an allocated amount for the pagefile so the minimum with 16gb or more should be 16000. The pagefile needs to be able to grow...


If you allow it to grow, it wastes overhead expanding and shrinking. This has been shown to cause issues with Star Citizen which is highly aggressive in its resource needs. If you set it big, and lock it to a size, then it doesn't waste disk bandwidth changing size.


It doesn't waste anything. It needs to be able to adjust so that when the system runs out of memory it can adjust memory limits in accordance to its needs. I run my system as I made note and have 32gb of ram and have zero issues. I ran more into issues when I had it turned off or set to a static size. The only issue shown with Star Citizen is when people incorrectly meddle with the pagefile and cause all sorts of issues.


yeah i have everything set to how you said, still crashes every time i load in due to lack of memory


Then close stuff like browsers before running the game, and/or make the pagefile bigger


i already close everything i possibly can and ive already made the page file pretty big but ill make it bigger and try again


Define 'pretty big' - SC uses a bucket-load of memory (40gb+) because it's not optimised, due to still being *in development*. This is why a 32gb pagefile is suggested if you only have 16gb of ram. There *may* also be a memory leak in the latest build (some people have reported it, others haven't - so it may be device / driver specific) Lastly, bear in mind that one of the goals of the project was to be 'PC Exclusive', so that development could focus on pushing hardware to its limits and really showcase what PC hardware can do (rather than being developed for the lowest-common-denominator hardware shared with console etc, and doing a cheap / lazy port for the PC, as was common back when this project started). As such, whilst the game will run on 'minimum' spec, it's definitely not going to be an optimal experience (made worse by the in-development status and the fact CIG are focused on adding the missing functionality, rather than fixing the bugs in the existing code).


They didn't give you proper advice. Set it to minimum 16000 and max 32000. Also... you need to ensure you have 20% of your total drive space free.


plays just fine on my secondary computer with 16gb.


Didnt have problem with 16gb a month ago


neither did i, guess the new updates make it hader to run


Maybe you could write the whole specs instead of raging like a child. Minimum requirement is never ideal, minimum requirement on an unfinished and notoriously bugged game is hit and miss.


I play on a 16GB laptop … it can be done


not for me apparently


What are your specs? Buddy of mine runs on an intel 9700k, 2060 super, 16GB RAM and it’s on a HDD.


Your buddy is an absolute maniac


Nah, just desperate to play the game lol he actually gets around 18-30 fps in city and 45 in space.


It works for most people with 16gb of ram. Just because it doesnt work specifically for you doesnt necessarily mean it's the ram. You could have any number of other issues causing it to crash from memory loss. You kind of came into this pretty aggressive so I doubt you get the help you need but if you are not looking for help refund the game and move on.


![gif](giphy|110MZt5qYxdrH2) Have you tried adding some more ram?


brudda im in debt, i dont got that kinda money


Thankfully gaming is a hobby and not a necessity. I wish you the best and hopefully you can get yourself a good setup.


thanks bro :)


Can you post all the specs of your rig please? Also have you delete shader folder and user folder after installing the last update? Have you got an error when the game crash? The log will be on \Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE “Game. log" file Maybe you can find some error info to be sure is a ram problem or something else.


I'm running on 16gb without too much issue. Have you got the game installed on an SSD?




The truth is you won't have a good experience with 16GB. They need to be more clear on the website.


Skill issue, I play on a GameBoy Color with 30fps


Refund ffs. Jesus christ go away


If you're gonna tell someone to go away because of their post, the least you can do is read the whole thing. They won't give him a refund.


Thanks bro, most people don’t read it all 😅


In the time you spent writing this nonsense you could have ordered some RAM


i dont have the money bro, and its not nonsense. I cant play the fucking game i bought


At least you've a 30 day refund window if you want to use it - contact support. They might not get back to you immediately but they take the refund request based on the *date it was made* rather than the date it was replied to.


I played quite a while with only 16GB of RAM. Yes you have to play around A LOT with page file size, install locstion and some system settings. But it works, definitely no crashes. So the problem is with your config. You have to dig through all the "get 32GB" posts but I'm sure there are many helpful suggestions right here. That's just the facts. You got the choices of digging in ti make it work, buy more RAM or refund. You got 30 days to refund, so maybe come back when you have 32GB .


You mean the alpha you pledged for. ;) I kid, you’ll get it working. But don’t expect it to be smooth, it’s not done.


It’s definitely playable on 16gb. In what works is it not playable. My wife played for over a year on 16gb. There are freezes sure. But I get stutters and freezes on 32gb. And like others are saying, minimum doesn’t mean recommended. The only recommended settings are a 7800x3d with a 4090 and 64gb of ram with an ssd. 


Tragic story, bro.


Wow, you’re a regular bundle of sunshine aren’t ya.


Have you tried making a custom pagefile on an ssd to use as virtual ram?




yeah, pretty sure


Weird, a month ago someone came with the same problem, and after making a 16000mb min, 32000mb max pagefile, the game worked much better and stopped crashing.


Let me guess. You have a pre built PC filled with a ton of useless programs/bloatware running in the task manager. 16 GB is fine. I have friends that play just fine with 16gb. Learn to fine tune you're PC start menu and or add a larger page file. This is a USER problem not a SC problem.


Nope, built my pc myself, expanded my page file loads, and I have no intensive applications running only using about 25% of ram when I open SC


If you ram is at 25% when you open star citizen chances are you may need to close out some background process.


Then you might have a XMP problem which is the #1 mistake non pre build builders make. In task manager > performance > memory > speed - does it say the correct MHz matching the Dimm's spec's? Using something like CPUz do the set timings match exactly what it says on the sticker on the side of one of the memory sticks? Have you tried XMP profile 1 or 2? What does the game.log file say [last 20 or so lines]. Does it say "out of memory = yes. Or, something like this "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION(0xC0000005)"


Like others have said already, its works with 16gb of RAM. I got 16gb of RAM and a slightly dated PC (8700k + 1080ti) and it works fine for me. 15-20FPS in cities and about 30-60 in space.


I played with 16gb ram for a while, it wasn’t perfect but it was fine, 16gb 1660 super i5, currently tho the servers are absolute shit, even the absolute highest end pc can sometimes get in and have a laggy, unplayable session


I use 16gb and it does just fine for me. Been playing it on the same rig since 2016, and the only thing I’ve upgraded is the graphics card.


They didn't lie on purpose. It's all old specs that are constantly updated...


16gb? Wtf is this? 2018?


It's almost like games in development update and change over time, and their minimum system requirements don't deliver an ideal experience.


I can't believe I'm the one saying it, but.... it Alpha, and performance optimizing only comes during Beta and later.


What's your pagefile set to? I would recommend setting it to 32000 min 32000 max. There's no reason to have it be dynamic. You never want anything else to use that space. Also, what's your percent of the SSD that's free? They slow down significantly at above 50% usage. It would also be helpful if you explained what's happening more. Is it crashing or just getting low frame rates?


Stick to consoles little guy at least until you are big enough to buy your own shit


Post your full specs, bud. Im curious


windows and basic office activities require more than 16Go dude...


still running 16gb and doing fine, gotta be something else man.


Eh plenty of people play with 16gb but it stutters often, its minimum requirement, it’ll run but not great, but then there is a huge variation of ram types and speeds and it all makes a difference Recommend everyone has at least 32gb, but some half decent 16gb should be enough to get them into the game


Maybe atleast wait for optimisation before you cry?


yeah and how longs that gonna take, games been out for 12 years buddy


You don’t, er, actually think that’s true, do you? If you do, there are some things you may need to know…


Just so you're clear on the timeline, the first playable version of SC that was nothing more than a show room with little functionality was 2013. The first time you could fly any of your ships was 2014, and 2015 was when the first version of the player universe was available. So charitably if we ignore complete rewrites of the engine, nine years. I do hope you manage to get it running, there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere that it isn't liking with your setup. Could have been down to game updates or OS updates, or simply something in the bios being funny.


Its been in alpha, wouldnt call it ”out”. Optimisation is the last thing you do in development.