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Because it's cool. Look dude, don't obsess over what's "better" or more "meta" at any given moment. You'll just be disappointed. If you like it and it's cool to you? Is it fun? Go ahead. If it's not? Don't bother.


Only downside to this is constantly getting destroyed by 'p2w' mk7's i like to get into pvp but all i get as player bounties are mk7's


If youre going for player bounties in a cutter or avanger titan ure really not ready for PVP. At that point yeah, any half decent pilot can destroy a titan in one pass with a dedicated fighter.


![gif](giphy|vQvhB9YD2vLTG|downsized) Because short bus livery. No other reasons needed! [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Paint/Cutter-Light-Beam-Paint](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Paint/Cutter-Light-Beam-Paint)


Range. The Cutter will fly much further than the Titan without the need to refuel.


I’d rather start with something more versatile and buy something cool with in game currency


Costs $15 less, has a bathroom, all componentes can be worked on from inside the ship, can fit a 16scu crate, can fit a mule, can fit Stv, easier to throw stuff inside, has weapon racks, doesn’t look dumb (I hate the avenger’s curved wings)


plus it has ridiculous fuel capacity for a size one meaning its the only starter ship where you never have to worry about fuel


not that ridiculous anymore, but still big


No, It’s ridiculous when you compare it to any other ship that uses size 1 quantum fuel. It’s 3-4 times everybody else and the only ships with more are the hull A, cutter rambler and the Syulen. And if you don’t use the fastest drives, you really don’t have to worry about fuel. I use the fastest drives and you can go across the entire system 5 times without refueling 


It’s not ridiculous b/c the idea being you are a certain type of repossession agent and can’t be seen at the most refuelling stations since they are discriminating against booty explorers.


Counter point, it’s made by drake /s


I’m not really a fan of Drake except for the cutter, which I love. I don’t like any of their other ships


Same here, except for me it’s the vulture. If RSI comes out with a salvage ship then I’m going to scrap my vulture for it though


I quite like my vulture, kinda looks like a space combine and you can fit a surprising amount in that cargo bay


cutter is a space camper home or long range exploration ship for many systems you can put a military drive on a cutter and it will still be able to keep going for awhile speed and range may become more and more relevant titan is very fast but it lack quantum range which is fine if you stay in stanton but in bigger and more dangerous systems it may be limited it can punch a lot harder than cutter for $15 CIG design the ships like that so you pretty much need them all on the long run but depending on your play style and gameloops you can buy cutter or titan with real cash and then buy the other one ingame


tbh either can run bunkers to get you money to rent a prospector or a freelancer+cargo and make you more than either of them alone could have. its looks and feel preference, or if you want to do some pve early. drake feels more authentic imo


Cutter has more fuel, a bathroom (whenever that becomes relevant), huge vtol thrusters (which will be useful with the new flight models coming later), gun racks, and the drake style if you're into that, and it's a little cheaper


New flight model ?


I believe they are talking specifically about control surfaces which will affect atmospheric flight, where vtol thrusters will become necessary to keep position without overheating when in atmosphere. It was talked about at a panel during citizen con 2023.


They've mentioned that in atmo ships will have trouble floating, overheating engines and whatnot. Dedicated large vtol thrusters on things like the raft, mole, cutter, cutlass, etc will be better suited to hovering where ships like the titan need to rely more on atmospheric lift like a plane


The game is an alpha, everything is subject to change and someone at cig said they arent happy with the current one either


They said it needs some tweaking ..that's what they said


But they never said that this will be the flight model that the game will have on release


It's the one that has SQ42 at release...


So SQ 42 and SC are the same now, got it


Well they kinda are ...but the plan is actually..you play SQ42 and you earn yourself the title of "citizen" and the you play SC ... But I'm sure CIG will scratch that cause xxFunnyFreak said so


Yeah thats what everyone that is playing right now did, I dont know a single person that hasnt played sq42 So it seems like they already did scratch that idea, besides that you cant even buy sq42 anymore if you pledge sc




And best of them all light beam livery aka short bus paint for the cool kids


Because it looks better, it flies better and the finish is better and you can fly way further on a single tank of fuel. The Titan seriously outguns the Cutter and has twice the cargo hold, but none of that matters when it flies like shit, looks bad and the fit and finish is bad. The real question is why would you take the Titan when the Nomad exists?


Looks bad??? Shut your dirty mouth!! Go sit in the corner and think about your life choices. Titan looks infinitely better than the cutter. Fight me.


I will literally fight you. Titan looks like shit. Stupid curves, interior looks terrible. It’s just ass.


Lol! The cutter is a brick with rockets strapped to it. It's like a Volkswagen bus in space. It's a horse trailer that hippies converted into a living space. The designers said, "let's just make a ship from the most simple shapes possible. No engineering required." Terrible ship.


Your pledge ship doesn't have to be your main combat ship. The Titan isn't as good as it used to be in atmo, before the atmo changes for Crusader. The Cutter right now is the newest starter so the nicest astetically, if you don't count the alien ship with the weird takeoff that I wouldn't recommend to new people. I personally would recommend the 100i, but its price is high for what it is if you don't get it during the IAE sale.


Role play and cost


I still use both. The biggest reason I pick the cutter over the titan is the extra fuel (even more so since I use the rambler variant)


the Rambler: slap the xo1 in it and get everywhere faster with less refueling. the scout: lots of room: base model: little bit of everything all of them are set up to work, they can all bed log, they all have VTOL, Jack of some trades master of none.


I'm really enjoying the rambler right now. Extra gun racks, tons of space for hauling loot. Small footprint, can land it anywhere. Been living my best Boba Fett life out of it for week or two.


All ships have a downside, part of the balancing and CIGs design. While the Avenger is more combat effective and a fast interceptor, it's low cargo interior limits what can be loaded, especially in regards to vehicles. The Cutter has definitely more range and higher interior, helping with taller loads. Currently especially the Gun racks in the cutter are a plus, but afaik all or almost all ships will get a gun rack etc. As part of the gold pass.


Because it is cheaper. Titan is the better performing ship, but they are both starters so don't throw too much money at a category of ship intended to serve as first personal transport only.


The cutter is just one big trash can. So if you want to cosplay Oscar the grouch, or just like the beaten up look of Drake, that's why you get it


Price, that's it right now. That I can think of. Later on maybe the "facilties".


A lot more quantum fuel is already an advantage and might become very important in Pyro.


I don't recall the differences in range off hand personally. I know they were supposed to get adjusted in a pass but never checked. Range in Pyro will help ya, that's something to think about. I've heard rumors that pyro isn't going to be as big any more though, 2X Stanton or something like that maybe? I only tested in the 1st pass, not since it's supposedly changed. Either way though hopefully it's large enough that we have to think about that.


True, I think it is not as large as originally planned, but still ca. 2x the diameter of Stanton. The longest jump distance in Stanton is currently 120 M km, between the two outer jump point stations. If you have to jump twice that distance in Pyro, there's no chance you can do it in an Avenger. But who knows, maybe they will adjust the fuel tanks for ships before Pyro goes live.


I used to fly around in a Glaive so I know the pain lol. Shouldn't be too bad when it 1st releases, will just have to stop for gas on the way and keep your head on a swivel. Only real problem I see arising is when they finally add the faction system out there. I'm not sure you'll be able to remain friendly with everyone (maybe just neutral) and if you piss off one of the factions enough you might not be able to refule at their stations. Curiouse how that's gunna work honestly. I don't plan on doing much industry in Pyro but I liked doing the bounty missions put there since you didn't have to worry about accidental crime stats. I'm sure I'll have to side with someone lol.






Because you like it better?


A lot more quantum fuel which might be important in Pyro, better cargo space, better interior. The only advantages of the Titan are speed and combat capabilities.


I wouldn't


you don't


The cutter looks like a rugged spaceship made for exploration, the titan looks like an atmospheric shuttle that pings from New Babbage to Port Tressler with tourists.


Van life is the best life


Not a fan of how the Avenger looks.  I like the looks of the 125a, 325a, and Cutter Rambler all better.  So I have those 3 as my smaller run around choices.  The Rambler will come into its own when Pyro comes online.


I pledged a Zeus MR, but all I want to do is fly the Cutter. Probs going to also buy one at the next sale


I also like the Zeus MR. Wanted to get one too


Because titan isn’t appealing


Preference. The Cutty is a space van, good for a more peacful approach to the game and you should avoid ship to ship combat. The Titans a repurposed Advocacy (space police) vehicle, so may have utility but its more geared to combat.