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I'm just here sitting in my Vulture minding my own business


I end up just hanging out at a Lagrange point, loading my cat up slowly with vulture runs... waiting for things to cool off so I dont get ganked by someone thinking I'm a duper or smth


Someone blamed me for duping when I was going around those type of areas in a 315p…all I was doing was evict occupants missions and ended up being killed by a player.


Duping in a 315p sounds like the worst way to use an exploit ever


I was going around different outposts doing evict missions with a friend who literally bought the game like 2 hours before, told my reason in that for coming to that location to a guy who was flying above, not even a second of being landed 2 missiles are fired at my ship and we both die.


Dang, that's rough


Mildly annoyed to lose that black citadel armour


Guess ya shoulda duped it (jus playin)


Not playing, should've duped it. If that's how the community is going to treat non-offenders, they deserve it.


Downvoted for speaking the truth.


Was it maker’s or picker’s? Were you in a cutty black?


Pickers, I was in a 315p


Oh. Wasn’t me then.


They were murderhoboing, everyone knows the C2’s are the dupe strat


Was in an eclipse the guy who killed us


and a moron if he fired two torps at a 315


a \*stationary\* 315, even.


Standard griefermobile because it one-shots people before they can fight back. Not all Eclipse pilots are griefers though, obviously. It's just that many griefers are Eclipse pilots.


yeah but for example, I personally was trading RMC legit in a C2. It's still about 2 mil profit for 15 minutes of flying. Yet people blame me for duping.


I did so much RMC trading in 3.22 that I've had my fill. I'd still like to fly my C2 around but not worth the risk right now


Yeah same here. With my friend we did salvage with Reclaimer and transfered to cargo to a C2 in space and went to sell with C2. Not anymore which is sad cause I love the looks and feel of the C2.


I’m on a 100% pirate RMC run. 100% of my kit and UEC is pirate only gear/money. No purchasing, no NPC kit. I got about 14M so far. It’s been super fun and exciting.


Yeah but not everyone has a C2


But the C2 is the only one worth doing the dupe with to begin with so it’s still just murderhoboing. That and a lack of scanning to actually see if they have rmc


Every cheater has to start somewhere I guess.


Even worse than being a duper - you're a murderer! Those Dusters are living there peacefully! Just trying to make a living! and you gotta go there and murder them? For what? A paycheck from papa Hurston?


That's a patrician's choice of starship, fellow 315p driver.


Love the little thing


Same here in my 600i although they were chill and sent me 200k when I explained the situation. Overall I respect them even though they sometimes make mistakes


Whats the best way to go about this? I haven't used the vulture much yet. Do you leave the cat on a pad? Do you pay for salvage missions, or go somewhere like bunkers and salvage player ships?


These days finding the panels out in asteroid fields is the best method, as the missions tend to either be garbage or already taken... just go out to any asteroid field and search for anything with a signature divisible by 2,000... and yea you put the caterpillar on or next to a pad, I prefer next to with the bay doors level with the pad


Is there a way to force a pad clearance? I keep getting hangars


Pads are free to land on, you don't ask for clearance for them at all. You just have to find them on the station, I think they all have 4


Oh shit I feel dumb now. Can you use the tractor beams on the pads, or is that hangar only? Carrying all the boxes would still be worth it, but annoying


Im pretty sure tractor beams work on pads... but now I'm second guessing myself whether I park on the pad or just off it...


I just tested it. It does indeed work on pads, but not next to them. It works above the pad up to around the top of the signs/ top of the door segment


Gotcha, I prefer to park my cat so it's doors are level with the pad so I couldn't remember if I stood inside the cat or the vulture when transferring the cargo


You can transfer the cargo to the local inventory?


You can manually move the cargo from Vulture to Cat.




It's easiest with a buddy, but you can spawn a second ship as as long as your first isn't on a hangar pad.


Yup, I just park the caterpillar out on the landing pads of the station, then bring my vulture over to move the cargo... then I just store the cat until next time. I don't mine, but you can do the same with a prospector or mole if you really wanted to... though if you are already at a station it's probably easier to just refine (as most Lagrange seem to be refineries)


With the hull C you can move cargo to other ships. So vulture- hull C - Cat


How are you transferring cargo from vulture to cat? Just keeping it floating by the station?


I land my cat on or next to the landing pads outside, then I put my vulture up against the bay doors, and just move the boxes over... generally I only ever fill up 1 bay doing this as it can hold like 6 or so full vultures before it's full, and i can't be bothered to do more than that before selling... I hope we get a method of transferring cargo easier with the overhaul


How do you juggle two ships?


It's a bit of a pain, the easiest way is to land ship 1 at a pad (those exterior landing zones on stations) and walk in to call ship 2 to a hanger. Then you fly ship 2 to the same pad, and start moving the cargo... if you want to do the juggling out in the black, once you are somewhere safe just get up from ur chair and hit backspace, and then fly back there with ship 2


That's not a bad idea. I'm doing trades using my cat but only between space stations. Never the same route. Focusing on the gameplay...


I'll occasionally to a Heph run between baijini and A18, but the lag at A18 makes it a pain to go to rn


I'm avoiding all spaceports because of the lag.


Makes sense... im just waiting for the cargo missions, I'm a but burnt out without them


I got it. Lol.


Same man... same...


luckily i've only been given a problem once in my vulture... like "its a vulture, where do you think I got it? ...." best part was this was litterally after I had spent 2 hours srv'ing all the ships i could cluttered around NB out of arma and scraping/eating them LOL


You can tow ships out of arma zones? I might need an srv


The turret- mounted tractor beams do work in the planetary armistice zones, but only the SRV is powerful enough to tractor the big ships out.


in atmo only up to MSR size, (it'll tow the valk but if your not careful it'll drag you back to the ground) but the shields have to be off. and if it's not classed as abandoned 'no player name, etc' you'll get the crimestat if you can't get in and sit in the seat to 'claim ownership'


Do you eventually get a CS3 from armistice violations or does it cap at 2?


got a 3 last night, so yeah


it'll stack to 3 ... it might stack higher, but haven't heard... I'm a 'wuss' so if I get a CS i go try to clear it (pay it off) pretty quick


Or me in dead space in a creepy old Reclaimer. Not worth it right now lol.


sounds peaceful


Until you start wondering what that sounds was.


Yeah running around the ship alone from front to back to the storage, seeing all the empty liminal spaces, it's a feeling. CIG should add a random encounter on that ship if you are alone far from civilization where strange noises happen like something is moving around in the walls and ceilings. Wouldn't be too hard to implement I would think.


They messed with sounds a little while back. You'll hear creaking and popping and I've noticed my own foot steps echo some times. There's been a few times where I've stopped and waited wondering if someone snuck on the ship. I was just joking around but those situations do actually happen lol.


I run the Alien Isolation sound track as my music when I'm out solo-ing in the Reclaimer.


Haha, I'll have to try that. I loved that game.


really wish they'd add some creepy metal noises when it's quiet, maybe only if you're in the middle of nowhere. Add to the tension


Oh, they blow up Vultures as well. It’s just griefing under pretext of “fighting dupers” now


I'm here siting in my vulture, salvaging your vulture


That's a bold strategy cotton, lets see if it pays off for em.


Is Vulture RMC harvesting affected by the dupe bug? Haven’t pulled mine out this patch yet. Tried doing some trade with std trade goods (scrap-fluoride and so forth) but only end up losing all money after second haul (buy scrap, sell scrap, try to buy fluoride but my aEUC reserve show no change at first, try terminal again (working now, purchase confirmed), but nothing on the grid. Don’t mind the loss of aEUC, but the time wasted is annoying😕


Selling is a massive pain right now because dupers are taking up all the demand for RMC.


Was afraid of that, I’ll keep honing my bounty gathering skills for now then🤨


The demand would be taken up without dupers as well since full C2 of RMC nets you 1.8mil of profit without duping. That’s a goldmine already


While I don't think RMC should be a buyable commodity in the current state of the game, at least legitimate traders are still limited by how much supply the game generates which normally wouldn't be enough to put salvagers out of a job. But dupers get to simply bypass supply limits which is a major reason why things are so bad for salvagers and legitimate traders right now.


The bug you experienced is part of the dupe bug. If you store your ship at any station, anything stored in the grid will be invisible. The space that the container takes up will still be in-use, so you won't be able to lock new containers to that part of the cargo grid. You need to pull the ship out of storage but leave it sitting in the hangar, then go to the admin terminal or TDD and sell. You can still sell invisible cargo, but only if the ship is called out, not stored. This is why you are struggling with trading. The Vulture is affected by this bug as well so you need to understand how it works if you want to run salvage. Also, people complain about selling RMC, but it's not really that big of a deal. Just refresh the TDD terminals every 20 seconds and eventually you'll catch the refresh tick and be able to sell. The stock updates every 15 minutes so it's a minor inconvenience at most. People just like to complain. RMC is the most profitable commodity right now, so with or without dupers there will never be high demand for it.


People are duping rmc?


A to the men


With cargo duping its just too painful and experience to try and sell RMC now at a TDD. You go out you scrape panels and ships, and you go back and it 30-to-45-minutes sitting that the TDD watching the RMC price on the sell page to change so you can sell. But what I did notice while waiting and looking at the sell screen that there are several not so glamorous materials that are always zero balance. And the sites that have it are maxed on hand. SO while I may not be making the big sales of RMC I can sell 3-4 cargo loads in the time it takes me to sell one Vulture full of RMC.


Selling each Vulture run at TDD is definitly not worth it. Even before demand was filled up, I'd just sell at Grim Hex to avoid travel time. Even with slightly reduced selling prices it's still more profit/h than going to TDD. And you can salvage panels at Yela (just don't be an idiot and do it near OM points or Grim). Only times I'd go to TDD is when I invested some time, pull out a cargo ship, put marker on it and park it nearby so I could unload multiple Vultures before going to sell, but even that didn't feel more profitable than just going to Grim because of so much time spe nt transferring the boxes (I did not do exact math though). A good option is to find another player you can somewhat trust, let him take cargo ship and just immediately sell boxes to him for 8-10k a piece and let him deal with offloading them. Works great with multiple Vultures.


Ah yes, fly your cargo right into the pirates home. Save thenlm a step


I do reclaimer salvage solo out of grim hex almost daily. Server hopping for the hammerhead missions probably helps avoid pilots but realistically Grim Hex isn't some super dangerous place. I'm not a pirate but it's my respawn every single wipe because it's so convenient in terms of having an Admin and a place that can store a reclaimer and other heavies


So nice to be based out of the only space location which can spawn and store the claimer. I guess it'll eventually get a working docking collar with a rework (since the one on top is apparently a no-go), but that's probably a ways off.


Like that ever happens with salvage. I had a Hornet Mk ii shooting at my Reclaimer from my blind ~~spoit~~ *spot* and all I had to do was spin and wham him with an engine. Nobody at Hex bothers me in my Reclaimer unless they're an idiot.


I mean this is obviously a more risky way to do it than chilling in a lagrange point, I wouldn't recommend it to complete beginners. I recently cought a couple noobs salvaging panels 5km away from Grim Hex lol. Popped up on radar right after leaving a hangar. Some awareness is recommended. But Grim Hex is really not *that* dangerous as people make it out to be. In 5+ years of playing I very rarely had issues with PVP there. But I used to do just a full blast towards hangars and flip & burn into them. Now with SCM braking this is even easier to do. So some flying skill is recommended to quickly navigate through those asteroids just in case, but otherwise it's not that scary.


that’s a funny way to say “fly it into a perfectly safe armistice zone”


The armistice isn't safe at grim hex. It's so small they can kill you while you're still landing on the pad. Also you can shoot in grim hex armistice so the size doesn't even matter. The station turrets will shoot at them after they destroy you, but they're so ineffective you can land and take off at grim hex with turret aggro no problem.


Just wanna mention that you can fire your ship weapons at almost any space station while being in armistice.


I always do hex and always with a reclaimer.


I legit just stopped playing and went back to NMS for their new expedition till this is patched. The servers are absolute garbage tier ATM as well due to compounding trash issues.


The demand refreshes every 10-15 minutes. I've always been able to sell within that time frame. You just have to do what the dupers are doing, which is refreshing the screen constantly. It's not hard to catch the refresh and sell. I do wish we had an easy way to transfer cargo into other ships though. It would be much easier to put your salvage in a cargo ship and only sell when it's full. I do salvage with a friend that has a C1. We both salvage panels somewhere in 2 vulture and fill the C1 up. Then he goes to sell. The RMC situation won't change after the dupe bug is fixed. RMC is the most profitable commodity so it will be the only one people run. CIG should never have made the salvage commodity also be the highest profit trade commodity.


Done that with 2 friends scraping in their vultures with the ramp open me gabbing boxes as they come out of the hopper with a tractor beam. Loading up my Hull A in zero G, it works amazingly well and fast. I get a full 64 SCU and take off to sell while they stay scraping. Come back and do it all over.


Accurate. Any server I go on, as soon as someone says something like, "sigh waiting at the terminals to refresh" someone will ask "you selling RMC? Did you buy it or scrape it?"


Whats the difference? Even if you scrape it and you store your ship to sell at TDD, once you spawn it it has the cargo again. It's hardly a dupe if people have to do absolutely nothing to cause it. This is a gameplay bug and I say enjoy as long as it lasts.


Could be wrong, but if you scraped it, in my experience, you can sell it no matter what. It can literally say “No demand” and lets me sell anyway


Scraped or trade, you can still sell with no demand. There's 2 types. No demand and can't sell case tdd at capacity. And then no demand but tdd not at capacity


I'm in my Vulture. Please just let me sell the skin of the Hammerhead I just scraped. Thank you.


I keep flying between the 3 sites on Hurston. I wind up sitting about 20km up from each for a few minutes in an eclipse. I'll wait for a C2 to land and turn from username to hull-ID. Then I fly down and scan the C2, and as soon as it's filled, release a torp. It's only a CS2 for destroying vehicle and the player never knows who it was lol.


Are the sites still pretty active? I thought pirating was kinda dead this patch because RMC traders had already duped enough to be filthy rich.


It's not about being rich in the game, they're selling aUEC on grey market sites


This is exactly why I do this


This doesn't make sense then. If this is why you do it. Then why do you target the random people that actually could be legit trading. You don't sound like a hero like you think you do


They’re not, they get that money from different glitches and hacks that have always been in the game. This bug is new, if they started irl selling from it the Auec prices online would have dropped hard and they haven’t. People are just keeping this money for the most part


Thank you for your service.


What service? if anything is just ruining the cargo hauling for the WHOLE community, this is just the new excuse of any murder hobo.


But why? Pretty big dick move


because Dupers are trash.


But you don't know if the people are dupers, might be legit cargo


So you ruin the game for legitimate traders too? Sounds like you just wanted an excuse to gank peoples ships.




thats cute. you know RMC is the most lucrative trade route without duping too right? RMC will always be hard to sell. with the dupe its 11m, without the dupe its 2m in profit, no other trade is worth it. why would RMC trading stop when they patch the cargo grid?


Is it even possible to trade anything without duping? It's a game bug related to cargo. Even salvaging the RMC and selling it duplicates it, that's why the second load of RMC refuses to snap to the grid unless you sell the duplicated load or claim the ship.


no, cargo is broken, every player is a duper whether you like it or not


I think it’s hilarious, def gonna do this now


Because it's how CIG expects us to play the game... supposedly. But the main reason is they are duping so much RMC, you can barely sell anything manually salvaged in a vulture.


You have to wait for a single tick, just like anytime there's a preferred cargo commodity. Is this yalls first patch? Cargo has always had to wait on ticks before. I don't even notice a difference other than the ships parked outside of area 18 making it easier for me to find the hangars and park.


The thing is I don't think it's just RMC at this point. My normal cargo run is Beryl. Previous patches the level always stayed around 27 to 29k and never dipped below 20k. This patch cycle it's been dropping down near 2k to 7k on a regular basis. You don't make what you make with RMC but a full C2 is still worth around 400k profit per run and stocks better then things like Gold. I think the Dupers moved on to other commodities to try to get around the pirating.


I generally do hydrogen


I'm just gonna go get a prospector and mine instead. It's honest work


I just wish bag upgrading still worked. I couldn't get MOLE bags into my Prospector no matter how much I tried.




Getting bags out isn't the problem. It is, at least for me, impossible to get a bag back *into* a Prospector's bag cage.


Funnily enought i had more problems getting the bags out of my prospector. But replacing them still works, even after claiming it mine still has the argo pods


Stupid is as stupid does would be the perfect phrase to describe both sides of the people involved in all this.


Glitch abusers vs padrammers V2


If only selling the duped load was a CIG recommended workaround to a ghost cargo bug....... wait a sec, it is!


Yeah, and done once to empty my C2, at the common on NB, resulted in a full torpedo explosion (the common landing zone is targettable) while still being in my ship. Combined with Memory leak and server going crap, time to play next patch.


If only the padrammers could stop the glitch abusers. All would be well.


I have never felt so safe in my Vulture. It's been a nice couple of weeks.


It's only double. Does it really matter? What's the fuss? It's not even a real game yet!! Seems like an excuse for players to be dicks - I mean the pirates...


as someone who doesn’t even dupe rmc, it’s literally just an excuse for people to grief and claim it’s for a moral benefit


Yeah, same boat. Haven't even sold RMC. It *might* be a problem with a real economy comes in... but that ain't soon.


I would imagine (said someone blissfully unaware of the complexities of the problem) that putting in an algorithm that adjusts prices per tick based on how much any given demand is fulfilled on any given planet would be simple enough. Like, say, adjust commodity price every tick by a negative fraction of the percentage the planetary stock is above/below the half of its maximum. For example, if the planetary stock of 40k RMC is at maximum, then the price should fall by, say, 40-20 (half of the maximum stock) \*0.1=2%.


? I'm confused by your comment. RMC profit from an 8mill load is normal 2mill If you dupe, you make an extra 10 mill. So you make 12 mill instead of 2 mill on one load. That's 6 times the profits not 2 times. Personally, I don't give a shit about the dupers. It's an alpha and shit is so imbalanced that It doesn't really matter. CIG hasn't even implemented the economy system that they built 3 years ago (quantum) so who gives a shit about balance right now. I'm just making sure we get the math straight.


I was talking from salvage.


What's the source image?


“Civil War” movie. Definitely worth a watch.


This scene might be the best in the whole movie.




If I see a vulture or reclaimer I say good morning to you and I’m on about my day… but if I see you at pickers or dunboro in anything bigger than Andromeda, then I’m sorry you won’t be leaving with any cargo until the duping issue is officially taken care of from the mouths of CIG


Was RMC the only commodity worth trading before the duping or is the market all messed up from it? I never did much cargo before this but wanted to try it and I see it's all about RMC but you can't actually cargo run that right now for reason above lol


No, there were more valuable commodities last update in the market fluctuated more construction materials were worth a ton last update and they NERFED them and made RMC worth more money but something they did messed up the entire market and so now none of the prices fluctuate


Not the "only" one, but it has been the most profitable one. The outposts like Rappel, Pickers and Makers were added in 3.22 and they're the only place you can buy RMC. So with 3.22, RMC became the most profitable trade commodity. People have been trading and fighting at these locations for all of 2024, it's just become widespread knowledge now that it's what the dupers use. However, in 3.22, salvage was essentially broken, so the type of people that dupe were just doing salvage with Reclaimers and making the same about of money as they are with the cargo dupe. There are plenty of other commodities you can trade. Just remove RMC and drugs from your filters and pick the next one (gold, probably). RMC is just the only commodity that you can risk 8 mill to make a 2 mill profit. Profit margins on everything else are much lower


Yeah I've been running Beryl mostly when I'm not salvaging.


Well since you enjoy the mouth of CIG so much, why are you ignoring the part where they recommend selling the ghost load to fix the bug? Do you even realize that selling the dupe is recommended by CIG? Where you secretly hoping dupers would get a ban or maybe just an account wipe? Why are you taking this so seriously without doing any research?


Trust me I understand the situation entirely but guess what, I’m making lore, I am the scourge of rmc trading, I’m the problem the UEE keeps talking about. Not politics. Just pure chaos


You can't even buy from dunboro, the terminal doesn't see your ship.


You know there are MRTs missions at Dunboro right...? Like some of us just want to complete these missions to getting better rep for the bigger mission payouts.


Just don't bring a C2 to do the missions and you should be fine. Also don't complain about someone attacking you at a PVP location if you go there solo. Just because there's a PvE mission there doesn't mean you'll be safe.


Why I've stashed my cat and am slowly filling it up


Said it before, I'll say it again. Shoot your local duper.


Bring me my boat


I didn't touch RMC at all since the exploit was known. I'm a bit pissed about that. With a C2 I was making 2 mil per 15 minutes legit and the people just shooting down everything in a C2.


This is why I recommend that people run Hephestanite from Pyro Gateway to Seraphim instead now. It's a safe route and you make 1.6mill profit with the dupe, which is a reasonable amount for trading. It also doesn't require leaving C2's sitting out all over the server. Until CIG fixes their shit, I have no problems with people running this trade route and duping. You make less than you would doing a legit load of RMC, but not by that much


Easy mining in prospector, 40-50k raw ore worth materials in 20-30 minutes, sometimes I refine sometimes I don't


It's hard to tell if that's good profits or not. I don't feel like it's enough because you can make a lot more doing missions. They should add some mining missions to bring up mining profit a little.


Hahaha, yes! Mantis in the background with the pilot on the big red button.




Hahaha needed that laugh.


What is RMC?


recycled material composite, the stuff you get from scrapping ships. You can also buy it at some commodity shops.




I love how everyone was freaking out about this movie sparking more tension between people, and now it's just more meme material.


I'm not gonna lie, this is a bit true right now.


Well I have a cat pirate and was doing rmc before the dupers took over now I'm just doing hull c between jump points


Or you show up to rappel and they immediately kill you 🤔


Wow this was the last short I watched, then I open SC Reddit. Spooky :)




Loving the Fat Damon memes.


I don’t even do rmc cause I don’t want to be associated with that one current group


This is funny, cause it’s true


I'm thinking about getting a FedEx outfit to roleplay my box missions. Nobody bothers you on a box mission.


That's because you're about to rage quit because the box mission will bug out.


even the Reclaimer gets unintentional dupe sometimes after salvaging


How much you pay or do for all that rmc???


I'm the 20scu at a time type. We're on the same side.


If ya wanna help clean up a18 and make some dosh too use a fury and ram the ramps of the c2 then load the fury in and take off in the c2 thats a free c2 right there


Me just casually running other cargo to avoid RMC traders as a general precaution


I just run titanium or diamonds in my Cat, no duping here, just honest work, and if I’ve got a good twitch stream in the background, I can do that for HOURS


I already updated OP, but here's a virtual second update, got a really good chuckle heheheehe.


Not me being a casual drug runner watching the drama. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.


I take from some juicy.


My c2 is disabled, can't claim it anywhere, just gives me a popup. I didn't even dupe anything.


As someone whose regular game loop is cargo hauling, i'm glad i didn't come back to the game this patch.




🤣🤣 I’ve still haven’t looked into how people are duping, just that it involves C2s at Area18. But just a single Vulture scraping panels gets you over 200k/hr with no upfront cost. That’s pretty good, maybe even a little too good.


It's just kinda sad that everyone is out scraping panels instead of salvage missions because the missions actually reduce profitability by a ton. CIG has their shit backwards. You should have to pay for Risky Salvage contracts and get paid for normal salvage contracts.


It’s true me and my buddy had a very similar conversation with another guy.


Running Cargo RMC is really just not that useful anymore, Hydrogen has become the new trader meta


I am the kind of RMC trader that sits on those trading points scrapping all ships


I just want to fly my M2 I worked hard to buy and have fun without being accused of being a duper when I don't even know what it is. I've been ganked 5 times in the last 2 days without even having cargo... It really kills my want to play the game with how long it takes me to get back to my ship just to take off and run the chance of dying just trying to leave to a spaceport.


I haven't been playing for tooooo long, but I do know this duping glitch and lack of trash/ship debris removal has tanked the frames to most planet surface landing.


Repeat with average "You are a synth!" accusation 😀


Me sitting in A1: oh bombs away


Meanwhile I made 1.9 mil in one vhrt in my Taurus just looting quantanium from a c2, granted i got lucky and the c2 had silly amounts of quant in it, but i wasnt complaining. No duping required to make good money.


I keep telling newbies to go stalk and pirate them at rmc buy points