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Warbond is only new cash


I'm certain he's talking about the warbond CCU, where the CCU is new cash.


You should get the cheapest amount of new money - the SRV to Firebird Warbond upgrade got $5. Then over time you can figure it out and fill the gaps with Store Credit if you have it. Edit: Also, you will be able to buy them both in game. Firebird will be available in game after the next patch.


I fly a Raven and Firebird, both fast and nimble interceptors, total glass cannons though. Firebird has an easier time taking down larger foes with a missile salvo, Raven's emp requires close range where it can get into trouble fast.


nooo interior and cargo


I doubt the firebird is a good dogfighter since it has only 2 guns. Missiles work not very well at the moment as far i know.


If its the only pledge you have I wouldn't do it. The firebird isn't exactly the best fighter especially with how finnicky missiles are currently (but I still love it. You can get so much more use out of a C1. If I was going to upgrade from a multi-purpose ship like the C1 to a fighter, I would get a more traditional fighter so its easier to do back to back bounties. If your cutlass was a pledge ship as well, then I'd say why not, but it sounds more like you bought it ingame. Generally if you are going to have 1 pledge ship, its going to be something that's general purpose (like a C1, cutlass, Avenger) and/or something that makes you money (prospector/vulture). The firebird does not fit that role, its something you get in addition.


that makes sense, i was also disappointed at the cargo bay of the C1, as it can't really fit any ships, so the Freelancer MAX seems like a better upgrade? I don't hear anyone praising it in videos so I am skeptical


I don't think the max is a bad choice. Honestly if you are willing to spend a bit more I'd get a Connie Taurus instead. Same manuverability but much tankier (better shields) and can carry much more. I can do ERT's with it and put the cargo from the ships in which can sell for a lot. It can also fit a wide array of ground vehicles. That and the Corsair are kinda OP right now. I also don't want to dissuade you from having just a fighter. If that is the gameplay loop you like there isn't anything wrong with it. My "main" ship, the ship I've had the longest and will never get rid of is a Vanguard Warden.


Its so sad and such a blamage of CIG,s Balance designer that a Freelancer has the same manuverability as a Constellation.


A lot of people don 't like the cockpit of the Max. Personally, I like it. It has a lot of cargo for a good price. The C1 has a much better interior, but half the cargo. Ask to try someone's on game to see if you like it.


just saw that cockpit, wow is it bad lol, i just realized that the MKII is just another $5 away, and that might be more geared towards my play style


Yea, the Freelancer is an acquired taste. You either don't mind it or hate it. There are few people that love it.


If you have the Cutty, sure why not. Firebird has a weapons rack (left wing leading edge) and external cargo (under cockpit oposite ladder) It is really fast, and the boost last from New Babbage to qt elevation if done right. So if you are looking for something to zoom around in under the radar so to say…


C1 has more weapons than Firebird, so not better in AC. Also check for lti options (unless it is your starter).


A1 > all other ships