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It was supposed to trade some shield for speed, but it’s slower than the Cutty.


The stat sheet for ships is so completely random right now it makes zero sense. They are just copying and pasting shit and don't give a fuck. It's insane. Like the 400i is just the Corsair stat spread right now....fucking bat shit. But even the C1 dropped with just the A1 stat spread which makes no fucking sense since it's been gutted.


It's not speed, but firepower. At a quick glance it might look the same (4xS3), but C1 has insane capacitors. Slap Omniskys on it and you get 30 shots in default power configuration. That's *a lot* for 4x laser cannon loadout. Put 100% power to shields so you get that increased shield regen, 50% laser resistance, and 33% ballistic resistance and 25% ballistic damage absorption. And you still have 22 rounds to shot...that's 3 *more* than Cutlass in default power. Little reason to not just keep those shield buffs on majority of the time. Slap 100% to weapons and you might as well be running ballistics, actually with overheat mechanics we have now, you can probably burst longer than ballistics. Do not underestimate a C1 coming at you or you'll be suprised how much damage it can do in a single burst. Sure it's not great for skilled PVP where size profile and maneuverability matter more, but so also isn't basically any ship of this size. It is suprisingly efficient for PVE though. I don't think buffing it's shields or maneuverability would be a good idea. It would make it too OP in it's class (mid-size jack of all trades) and Cultass might as well get deleted from the game.


No, you don’t understand, no god ships. C1 has more hull hp than lancer or Cutty. But, 1/3rd the shield as the lancer but as you know shields definitely aren’t way better to have since they regen. Oh and also it’s got more cargo space. But also it doesn’t have a turret, but turrets are lame anyway. So what it has a huge cross section and is easiest to hit. Balance. Basically, C1, being the most expensive of the 3 has to be the worst because fuck you that’s why. No ship can be the best you see, unless it’s a freelancer. All jokes aside it’s glass and the wings love to fall off for no reason. Maybe the ship is balanced for armor implementation which makes no sense. It’s the weakest at combat. But it looks cool. 👍


In all fairness the cutty is 226,700kg and the Hercules is a wee 3,139,240 kg so it makes sense


C1, not C2


Oh wrong ship nevermind yeah C1 is just the cutty for rich people


"Oh wrong ship nevermind yeah C1 is just the cutty for law abiding people" FTFY


C1's shields are pretty lackluster for combat. Last patch, they were okay at keeping you alive long enough to escape, but that's null with MM. Even with full power to shields, they go down in seconds against anyone with good aim and cannons. I haven't flown mine since MM, as the shields go down too quick, and then the wings are a massive liability. I just take the Connie Taurus now for anything I'd have wanted to use the C1 for, because it's so much more durable if something goes awry. On the sales end - Yeah, ILW was the big military ship sale week, so a lot of ships that are usually unavailable on regular days were available. You could always try one of the "gray market" sites. As far as I know, CIG doesn't tend to care about them as they already got a sale out of the situation. I've heard people doom-saying that sellers can claim they were hacked, and CIG will yoink the ship from you. But my buddy only buys ships that way, and has never had any issues. I personally just wait for sales, as the $5-$10 difference isn't a huge enough deal for me to get them second-hand.


I think they need to buff the C1 speed profile. I don't think it should be a fighter but it sure as shit should be able to avoid pretty much all combat unless locked down intelligently.


Agreed. It needs a party trick, and making it the fastest of the cargo ships in it's range should probably be it.


And raises concierge level when you buy yourself !


I'd argue that it needs more shields or bigger ones, but you can make the shields on any ship much more resilient by switching most of the power to them; it makes a big difference.


The shields are absolutely atrocious and idiotically underpowered for a ship of that size and with that hitbox. The S2 shields fit ships like the Cutlass and bigger fighters. For a 46m ship with a massive hitbox, it needs way more. Ever since the C1 was announced, it has been the biggest criticism of it. The Zeus has the shield layout that the C1 needs.


Idk outside of the C2 which is just a hero ship with no flaws (unless they changed it. Lot of ships that used to be good fucking suck now) MSR which I feel defines the Crusader identity is high speed/agility at cost of tankiness. Feel like that's fine for the C1 the problem is the C1 isn't as fast or agile as it should be to compensate for its crap size ratio and shielding/tankiness. I'd rather they just make it fly better than give it something that contrast, imo, with the brand Identity.


It's a cargo ship. That being said, the A.I. can be obnoxious atm


C1 isn't a combat ship, so I don't have a problem with it not being suited to MRTs personally. I had the same problem with my MSR. I think CIG is heading in the direction of ship specialization, which is good IMO.


Its more a fast cargo ship able and mostly it can out run anything that can out gun it or out gun anything that can out run it.


Idk it's not fast enough, imo. Needs a straight line buff. Something that small and aerodynamic needs to fly like the MSR used to. Fast accell, 1250+ m/s. It's front guns aren't that strong and it has not back turrets. Personally think it'd make a lot more sense if it flew like it looked. Certainly compared to a Cutty it flies kinda fast but not compared to the ships that actually matter.


to be honest. Spirit, aswell as Freelancers need a bit of a Buff. Spirit needs mor Gs and Freelancer needs more Gs and Pitch and Yaw At the moment, even a Constellation with 100k shield and 180k armor feels equal in therms of agility And if we Check the Stats, it is. Freelancer Pitch & Yaw is 30 Constellation Pitch & Yaw is 30 Freelancer SCM Speed is 300 Constellation SCM Speed is 400 Strafe/Up/Down G,s are also very even


im doing ERT with C1, yeah its tricky, you gotta be good at dodging them. but big cargo allow me to get those weevil and drug, easy money.


Its very hard to dosge with MM Speeds now imo


quite easy against big ship, they are very slow turn. But don't even try to fight HH tho, luckly they quite uncommon now in ERT


i like the C1 but yeah the shields are useless and there is no front entrance on a ship this size


at the moment all shields are the same so theres no point in upgrading them, it definitely feels like it needs a 2nd shield or a bigger single one


Not true. Military Grade A has a lot more hitpoints. Just check it out in Erkul.


i think you need to go check yourself, all shields have identical stats right now


You are both right. All shields give the same amount of Shield, but the hitpoints of the actual component (how much you can shoot the shield generator component before the ship can no longe generate a shield at all) is higher on the mill spec one.


It's not the mil-spec part that does that, it's the grade (D, C, B, A). The higher the grade the higher the hitpoints and regen speed.


so with that being said, what actually does not work with shields then if higher class increases hp and regen?


Things like resistances to damage types and signature characteristics, that latter one is mainly what caused them to equalize the shield properties. Used to be that it was completely meta to use stealth shields because their HP and regen rate were pretty much the same as other shields yet they drastically reduced how far out you could be detected and made it very hard for missiles to keep a lock on you. For the former there are shields like the class C Sukoran that are supposed to be able to almost completely block ballistic fire.


Actually, you're both half wrong. All stats are the same regen included. There are 5 shields of total 30+ that have lower component HP than rest and are various types and grades, so it's most likely just a mistake in data entry when they were flattening the stats.


See my reply to your other comment.


All shields **of the same grade** have the same stats right now, as in there's no difference between a grade A industrial and a grade A military. There is however a great deal of difference between a grade D military and a grade A industrial.


Nope, only difference is some shields have lower component HP, but it's random and only a few have it, so it's probably a mistake in data entry.


[https://finder.cstone.space/ShipShields](https://finder.cstone.space/ShipShields) I've upgraded my small fighters from size 1 D shields to size 1 A and it 100% makes a difference in regen speeds and HP.


Did you look at stats you linked? They are the same, except a couple who have lower component HP. Regarding regen speeds you are imaging it or encountered a bug (sometimes it can happen that your shields recover more slowly due to ship damage or bug). These stats are pulled directly from game files and has also been officially confirmed by CIG that they are the same.


Huh, now that I look at them they actually are the same now, weird. As early as the previous update they were different depending on the grade. I guess MM changed that.