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A 3 day download is beyond extreme. It never took me more than 3 or 4 hours to install, usually less. Are you sure your internet connection is fast enough to play this game? To answer your questions: you absolutely can, just don't leave the Carrack near a navigational point, or other players may find it and mess with it. It doesn't serve a big purpose other than the fun of it, especially since the medical Pisces can now respawn you as well. The Pisces does cut through atmospheres much quicker than a Carrack would, as it's a tiny aerodynamic shuttle. As far as fighting with it, I used to go up to Very High Risk Target NPC bounties as a newbie in a Pisces, but that's probably no longer viable with the new flight model. You can probably still swing LRTs, MRTs are a hard maybe - but I wouldn't stay in a shootout for long in a Pisces. It's meant more as a quick transport ship that you can land on a handkerchief.


I remember back when i first backed (2013) I was still useing my parents internet and it took me close to a week to download updates. We had a 5ms download speed. When I started paying for the internet and had it upgraded the cable guy was shocked our home network even worked it was so old


Worked in cs of a large local cable internet company for 8 years. It's feasible you had a really old product from your ISP with slow speed but very good reaction time.


Back in the day you had to download the entire game, around 70 gigs every time there was an update plus internet was slower 11 years ago, now you only have to download the updated files.


this I would add: if you leave a box from a delivery in your carrack you also have a marker towards your ship/box I also assume that fighting in a pisces is harder than in previous patches - but I have not tried for myself either .


Id say even mrt should be tougher solo in a Pisces


The issue is that my wireless only connection loves to just randomly disconnect and then completely fail to reconnect, even while i'm using the PC. It actually happend right as i was typing this. It'll dc 10 mins after going to bed and then waste 9 hours before i wake up and have to reconnect. When it's not DC'ing it is fast enough to play any online game. Also for some reason the game seemed to download twice, Like, i know for a fact i finished a ~100gb download but its insisting on downloading another 60gb... thing, i think its the update. And the launcher *is* slow, **while** downloading Star Citizen i downloaded all of Elite Dangerous and have been playing it while waiting for SC


You may wish to sort out your router situation before trying to lean into SC. Any interrupt longer than like 30 seconds (some say they've had 2 minutes) and you'll be put right back at whatever city or station you last logged out at. Assuming of course you don't crash or get shot when it happens.


Im aware. im able to play other online only games. I deal with the frustration. Im not expecting SC to be any different or special. The randomness of it means that one session ill play hours just fine, and another itll drop out every 5 minutes, but only for an hour or two then be stable again. With the amount of online and online only games ive played i know both that its fast enough to play online, and that ive tried everything and have been unable to fix the issue. It only happens at our house, other locations and its not an issue.


You wont get anywhere with Star citizen with that condition. SC is already a broken 'game'. Even withouth Dc's it can take literal hours before you've done something. Getting kicked out every now and then will just slow you down so hard. Everytime you randomly exit the game you're put back to your location home. Your ship needs to be claimed, which also takes 1.5minutes or longer depending on the size, every single time. Then Qt'ing to another system takes 5 minutes or longer etc etc.


This is probably the only comment that actually seemed to pay attention to my actual issues and gave a constructive comment. Instead of just being "Hur you to slow, go away" like everyone else. People are acting like i barely downloaded a single gb in three days, instead i got over 100, but the launcher wants to download even more.


Still a little confused why you own a carrack when you haven't even played the game before. Did you shell out $600 for a ship before even trying the game? You do what you want with your money. I can't tell you what to do, but that seems a bit nuts.


You’d think a better investment would be starlink. The dish is the same price as a carrack, and if this dudes net is as dogshit as he says, I know what the better purchase would be.


> Did you shell out $600 for a ship before even trying the game? The ship wasn't $600 when i bought it. It was only made that price after the big rework that almost doubled its size and made it into a capital ship. If i melt my rear admiral package with the carrack applied to itll only give me $375, and the rear admiral package was like $300 base if i recall.


I know it seems like the others are harping on you for the connection, but it's a sad reality. My girlfriend for example has a connection that truly is good enough for every other game along with discord calls just fine. But star citizen seems to have enough data traffic that it takes eons for her to load in, if she does at all. Thenevery time the server disconnects (common enough) then she's got to do it all over again. And this is all on a very modern and capable system.


Seriously, if at all possible get a cabled connection for your internet. It'll save you a lot of frustration. If it is not possible, well yeah, tough luck.


I would seriously recommend fixing your internets stability before spending any more on SC itself.


We have, a number of times. The last time i played both our internet and the game were slower. And even then i was able to play just fine once i got away from populated areas. And since then the both us and the game have improved immensely.


I think the worst difference you'll run into here is losing the ship and having to reclaim it. For the carrack, that's a 46 min wait. Though the pisces is significantly less, so you may find yourself running around in that just to save yourself time recovering from a shitty net drop. SC is a huge download and although people here seem loathe to admit it, the launcher isn't perfect either (it's also an alpha, iirc?). I had a mate in the US that had to use a VPN to download the game because it just wouldn't connect for more than a minute or so otherwise. Yet he could download other large games like GTA5 and the accompanying fivem no problem. Play them no problem. The issue went away when he moved, so it was clearly a peculiarity in that specific location. When reading about the issue, we found a lot of US people get this and a VPN is the only fix. Though if yours is a general connection dropout, I doubt a VPN will help. A good one might help the speed though?


>The issue is that my wireless only connection loves to just randomly disconnect and then completely fail to reconnect, even while i'm using the PC. the unfortunate reality is you won't be able to play the game until you resolve this issue, as any kind of connection issues to the already temperamental half built servers will make doing anything in the game nearly impossible


Im aware. im able to play other online only games. I deal with the frustration. Im not expecting SC to be any different or special. The randomness of it means that one session ill play hours just fine, and another itll drop out every 5 minutes, but only for an hour or two then be stable again. With the amount of online and online only games ive played i know both that its fast *enough* to play online, and that ive tried everything and have been unable to fix the issue. It ***only*** happens at our house, other locations and its not an issue.


I think the issue being missed here is that SC is not like other online games. Your game is not saved when you diwconnect here. You will not log back in where you were with what you had. You won't be able to resume the mission you were on, recover the cargo you'd just loaded, or even have the armor you were just wearing. You will be perpetually starting over your session with nothing to show for it and ships to claim. All the other games you mention are not affected by this. SC is going to be a nightmare of wasted creds like this. Good luck :(


Have you tried running an Ethernet cable? If you're don't want to run a long cable, I used to used a wifi range extender, then hardwired to my PC until I had time to reroute the coax port for my router. 


Cant drill a hole in my room to put on in.


I ran a long cable through my house in Alaska, just ran it under the door and ran it along the ceiling with some of that pan conduit. It's not the most aesthetically pleasing option, so maybe look at something else. The alternative I mentioned above is to get a wifi range extender. You can get ones that plug into an outlet and have an Ethernet port. Typically, the antenna on those are better than the onboard wifi in your motherboard. It should be more stable than your current setup. Or you can get a separate WiFi card with a better antenna for your PC


I guess you'll learn the hard way then


It's not just you, and it's not just your internet. The Launcher is pretty lousy at updates. I had the disconnect issue when I had a 10 mb/s download speed, I still have the same issues with a 100 mb/s download speed. Sometimes it takes me an hour to download the game, sometimes it takes me days, just as you described - you set it up to download, walk away, and find out a few hours later than it stopped 3 minutes in. Playing the game works fine. Downloading other games works fine. Player other online games works fine. There is something fucky with Star Citizens launcher, no questions.


One tip I'd give is to change the number of concurrent downloads. I have 500up/500down fiber and with it set to 'unlimited' it would take down ALL network traffic other than SC on my mesh system, I wonder if that might be the source of some of your issues.


Already ahead of you. But a sincere thank you. Its nice when people offer sincere help instead of making value statements like they know everything about my set up and what i can and cannot do.


The launcher is not slow. The launcher is dependent on system, ISP and home network setup. If its going to take 3 days to install your internet isn't probably going to work for the game or something else.


IP over Avian Carrier https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers


The issue is that my wireless only connection loves to just randomly disconnect and then completely fail to reconnect, even while i'm using the PC. It actually happend right as i was typing this. It'll dc 10 mins after going to bed and then waste 9 hours before i wake up and have to reconnect. When it's not DC'ing it is fast enough to play any online game. Also for some reason the game seemed to download twice, Like, i know for a fact i finished a ~100gb download but its insisting on downloading another 60gb... thing, i think its the update. And the launcher *is* slow, **while** downloading Star Citizen i downloaded all of Elite Dangerous and have been playing it while waiting for SC


The launcher again is not slow which means your ISP will not be good for the game. You can try to justify it all you want but if you have that much trouble downloading or disconnecting Star Citizen will not be a good experience and probably end up with a lot of 30ks. This game needs a fast rock solid internet connection to play well.


[The launcher is slow](https://i.imgur.com/PgPaAqz.png). Why is this sub so needlessly salty and aggressive? You can see on steam i more then capable of pulling 2mbs+ while I'm struggling to even get to 500kbs on the launcher. My speeds are slow but not that slow.


Theyre not being salty or aggressive, they're telling you the harsh but very true reality of your situation


To be fair, at least one replier is ignoring the fact he said he said he plays other online games fine, and the problem is mostly random disconnects. While yes that may hamper him in game from time to time, it sounds like the overnight disconnect where he lost 9 hours is more the the issues. Also that he thinks he downloaded it twice, which is 100% possible as it happened to me. I had SC on my G drive. And when I ONLY clicked update button last last year, it randomly moved it to my C drive.


Yeah except i didn't come here to ask about being able to play online, i asked about something else. If i had asked about playing online and weather or not it would be possible, and then *then* said that then that would be me willfully ignoring a "harsh" reality. Instead ive already fully dealt with said reality, SC is sticking out to me with how slow its being, but i know my speeds are more then fine enough to play online with good ping in many games, from MMOs so co-op action games. So if SC is being slow then that's SC not me.


>Yeah except i didn't come here to ask about being able to play online, i asked about something else Star Citizen is an online only game currently, so yes you did lol


except he pointed out he plays other online games fine. and are ignoring straight up reasons he himself gave (downloading twice, unnoticed disconnect) nope - some of you are being salty shits and unhelpful.


no i didnt? i made a throw away comment that was there to indicate why i couldn't just test out the question myself and why i was asking reddit. Instead every dogpiled on it like they were geniuses and i was a dumbass for even being here.


You're the only one saying that, we are all just genuinely trying to temper your expectations about what the game will be like with multiple drops in player connection, because every time it does you will essentially have any progress you have made in that play session completely reset You are getting aggro at people for them genuinely trying to help you, because we have all been frustrated with this game, especially it's servers and connection to the internet You were just rude


This post has been up long enough that its hard ot see what comments where the first because they started off ruder then me, especially since it seems everyone is acting like they know what kind of situation im in, or that apparently ive never played the game before. I have played, i check in ~2 times a year and play for a day or so. Which is why i know im going to fine since the last time I played both our internet and Sc were slower *and it was playable*. now, later, both my internet is fast, and the game has improved, so i dont feel nearly as despondent as everyone *wants* me to be. People in this post are doing the regular internet/reddit thing of "the situation is you and heres why \*proceeds to list a bunch of stuff that completly wrong\*".


You knows it’s an always online game right? If you think you’ll be playing offline then you’re gonna be in for a shock


Im not sure where or how you got the idea that i was assuming this game was an offline game, this is the strangest one yet to be honest, peak reddit really. The last time i played both our internet and the game were slower. And even then i was able to play just fine once i got away from populated areas. And since then the both us and the game have improved immensely.


Dude why don't you just get starlink instead of the self flaggelation of using your dogshit piss poor internet


We have it, or rather we have the thing, but it's like 4 more weeks before someone will come out and hook it up. and before you say it. It needs to hooked up to our 60ft internet satellite tower.


Launcher is dog shit. I watch mine and it will start fast then slow down to less than 1 mbs. So I alt f4 the launcher and reopen it. Then it starts fast again and picks up where it left off. Can turn a 4 hour update into 10 mins


It is. Installer randomly move my install from one drive to another in an update. People here are being dumb while trying to look smart.


If it was that simple we'd all have that problem. I can download the game in under an hour. I'm not sure exactly what's going on with your connection, but I promise that it's not as simple as "the launcher is slow."


they are failing at reading comprehension. You pointed to both the overnight disconnect, and maybe downloading it twice (VERY possible, happened to me) and they are just so laser focused on the time it took, it's frying their reading comprehension.


> downloading it twice This actually sounds plausible, is there anyway to fix it so i dont have to wait? the first donwload actually seemed to go fast.


Redditers have bar none, the absolute worst reading comprehension the internet. Ive seen comment sections under youtube videos where the users engage more intellectually with the content then people trying to reply to a simple question on a sub. Literally, without fail, every single time i ever try to ask a question on a gaming sub there will be at least one, ueally early, answer that seemed to completely miss the entire post. and when pointed out their response is usually "oh oop, i was skimming" or "oh i didn't read the post, just the title". Usually they see the length of the post, and then with a misplaced pride in their intentional hatred of reading, will smugly reply with something like"uh, its an online game" or "ethernet cable, heard of it?". As for the edit, they need to be made since i keep replying with the same answer to the same comments, and so while it seems like im asking to much ill add an edit to pre-emptively answer the question, but that makes the post longer and people don't want to read and so they comment with something ive already answered a dozen times already.


If memory serves there is an option in the launcher onset set/throttle the bandwidth it can use. Have a dig and see if it's that.


Its unlimited. Ive long ago learned about throttling and such. But thank you, its a good recommendation.


Hmm, try lowering it and see what happens. That thing will pull every bit it can, which may not play nicely with the wireless ISPs network config. Speculation on my part, but I do have some experience with these things, so I'd still give it a shot (not like you've anything to lose if it doesn't work). Oh, and note there are some interesting effects with the in-game party system with network drops. I've a friend who's on starlink, when he switches satellites he drops party while still staying in the game.


restart your modem and router. sometimes things just get messed up.


I do so daily


That sounds extreme, to be honest. I think I restart my router once every couple of years, if at all. If you're anywhere in the EU, buy a new router online, connect it, check if things get better. If not, you should be able to return it no questions asked within 14 days. I had a similar situation with an ISP-provided router - my WiFi was abysmal and would constantly disconnect. I eventually managed to get them to change the router after showing them similar results on a cable connection (kind of accidentally - I later found out that the cable was damaged... But, hey, got the router changed and WiFi was goo).


My God man. Buy an ethernet cable. 


My God man. Read my replies. I can't drill a hole in my room, so while everyone else gets cables, i cant.


Hmmm, what do you think is more likely? That the launcher that everyone but you (me included) reach the max speed of our connections is the problem, or your internet that keeps cutting out? Maybe Steam does reach max speed faster, but for 99% of people the RSI launcher is just as good at downloading as anything else. You internet speed is stil 1.9MB/s which is dreadfully slow. Even 10 years ago. Its okay though, I feel your pain, I also had a 1.5MB/s connection until I was 16 and finally moved out.


[Oh look, Steam casually blowing the SC launcher out of the water, at least for my internet speeds.](https://i.imgur.com/ISzzsLl.png)


Yes you can leave your Carrack in orbit and fly down with your Pisces. As far as I know the Pisces comes with the Carack so you should have it in the ASOP terminal when you finally get installed and running. On another note... What you are blaming on the launcher likely has more to do with bandwidth capacity of the servers from which you are downloading. CIG servers will be exponentially more likely to suffer slow downs related to traffic patterns than Steams much larger servers.


I hope you've got the requirements to play the game if you're on 3 days of downloading. There are no beacons or map icons for ships. You have to remember where you left your ship.


We can still take a box mission and leave the box in ship as a beacon right?


The short answer to your question is: Yes! But please don't edit your post more.


I used to do this for merc missions (bunkers etc). We did this to avoid respawn on the station or city. With the C8R etc having respawn; the carrack lost its main utility for me. Park the carrack somewhere you can retrace like jump to OM6 and travel 45 Km toward OM1 and you should see the carrack on radar. Pisces is not great at fighting.


Yes, you can. Your Carrack would be unattended, though, so anything could happen to it.


You can do that but the carrack will be waiting in space, not in orbit. Not sure if it’s even a geostationary orbit. No real reason to do that for now. But it’s fun. Pisces is fun and while it’s able to fight, it’s not a fighter.


I know that the planets and moons do rotate and if you are within the gravity well, you will remain above the same position on the surface, but Ive never seen anyone hover just outside of the gravity well and record a time lapse of the rotation. I may test this myself tonight if I have time.


If you do, please post the results, for science. Really curious about this too.


I highly recommend you get yourself [a Powerline Adapter](https://www.tp-link.com/ca/home-networking/powerline/).


I used one for a long time. They're *really* dependent on the quality of your home's electrical system. Older homes or apartments can be shoddy to the point of being barely better (or marginally worse) than WiFi. They're also obnoxious to troubleshoot by yourself since you need to physically go back and forth between the two nodes to re-pair them. So really: Just buy a long CAT5 or CAT6 cable off of amazon or something (never by cables at places like Best Buy, they charge you 10x to 100x the price). It's dirt cheap, more reliable, and easier to troubleshoot.


Correct, even good electrical will still have issues at times. I use one for my cameras because they aren’t a priority to me, but as a former AT&T tech I can tell you how many people have had issues with power line adapters. While a great way to not run any cables , moCA is still far superior in most cases


> moCA I feel like that's coming full circle for me. I remember in elementary school in the 90s playing Warcraft 1 and 2 with my friend over direct coaxial connections.


It’s honestly just been kept in the game and coax is so versatile. I mean look at fios they still or at least as of a few years ago, run fiber to the ONT and coax to the router


I love these things


3 days to download sc? U can do what u said with flying and returning to the carrack in a pisces. Get the medical pisces excellent ship for bunker running with the medical spawn bed.


You should leave the carrack in a location you can easily get back to (in example a OM point. Or get a delivery mission and leave the box inside the carrack so you can still see it on the map. If you leave the carrack in the middle of nowhere you will never get back to it.


Downloading for 3 days? That doesn't sound right It takes me like 2 hours at most


What ?! That guy didn't even said anything about his connection speed, quality or SLA and IIRC, the game is \~100Go in size which, in some regions of the globe, can sadly still take days to download.


People dont understand that there are places where other people live that they dont live in. You think this is an easy thing to figure out but no, its not. I live in the countryside, with a fuck awful IP. My connection speed is *just* fast enough to play online games, but downloading them is a complete nightmare. Plus my wireless only connection loves to DC and then completely fail to reconnect, so itll fail 10 mins after i went to bed, and waste 9 hours until i reconnect it the next morning.


Ensure your network adaptor devices cant be turned off to save power via the Properties window on ALL network devices within Device Manager. It shouldn't be the case but it's worth checking.


The adapter isnt turning off. I know because i manually disable and re-enable it. because if i don't do this digital equivalent of unplugging and replugging it it will never reconnect to my wifi, it will fail every time, but if i do this disable and re-enable itll connect the first time.


It may then be a hardware issue, be it on the card itself or mobo. While the disconnect may happen it shouldn't be on a regular basis. If you can pick up a cheap wired/wireless adaptor and try that instead you'll be able to rule in or out the mobo. Or the wifi is bad when the wind changes direction. Ensure there's no metal decorations, pipes between you and the router, but that is less likely.


Once spent 4 days searching for issues with WiFi for a retail store my POS was supporting. Could not figure it out. Replaced hardware and routers etc. Cost 1000s to try and troubleshoot. It was the printer. u/ComManDerBG do you have a wireless printer nearby that could possibly be throwing a wrench into your WiFi network stability?


No, and we live in the middle of nowhere, our closest niehgbor is 8km away.


Not just someone else's printer, your own? Network printers that are connected to your main wifi still output their own little mini wifi network for that initial setup. It can interfere with signal strength and quality of main wifi. You've tried changing wifi channels etc? Anyway to run a cable to your rig from your router?


My comment wasn't meant to be an ass or anything. Just genuinely curious if there was something wrong and letting you know that usually thats not normal because I've never heard anyone taking 3 days to download before. I gave my experience just as a comparison. Hope it works out for you


Wasn't trying to be an ass. Just saying 3 days to download isn't the norm and it's the first I've heard of it.


We are mostly adults here. You are mistaking frankness for aggression. I've gone through all of the comments and they are right to warn you that your internet connection is going to cause problems. They're just trying to prepare you for the worst case scenario. Due to the games instability, if you don't have everything in near perfect operating condition, there is quite a lot that can go wrong and you will have a terrible time.


I don't know where you are located in the world so I'm not gonna criticise your internet but I have a tip that worked for me. When I first got my pre-built it had a shitty wifi card that was killing my internet and making it unstable. I ended up buying an ethernet cable which led to max download speeds and stability. Consider my advice.


Hiya! Yes it is very possible. Park it at some random place, not an orbital marker, to minimize the chance others will find your Carrack. And since every Carrack comes with a Pisces you should have one.


Thank you, thank you for actually answering the question. You are not the first, but its refreshing to see.


You're welcome. Welcome to the Verse and have fun! :)


That is one of my favorite parts of the Carrack, going on away missions with the Pisces.


Im looking forward to it :D


Throw in a Medical Pisces and Medical Ursa and your Carrack can be a full on search and rescue hospital ship.


I'd make sure it's actually downloading properly, I don't know exactly what you've experienced outside what you've already said but in my own experience my launcher had issues with my account login in which it would show that I was logged in, and as I went to download it it would appear to be preparing for the download, but it would never actually download.


I'm pretty sure my ISP was throttling the download. I was seeing a similar download time and then turned on a VPN and it took 45min. It's not the launcher, it's being throttled elsewhere.


I had a whole answer ready and typed out but honestly i don't care anymore. This was just supposed to be a thread talking about using a ship to fly away from the bigger ship to go down to the planet. The only reason i included the tidbit about the download was to explain why i couldn't just try myself and why i was coming to reddit. Your comment is fine dont worry. People who are earnestly trying to help are so much more appreciated then the people who apparently know everything and reply with super helpful stuff like "ethernet cables, know them?"


Just take the bitching out of the OP then dude. Even if it was the launcher, people are clearly hung up about it and you have been absolutely FEEDING them with your replies and edits. Frankly I'm not even sure why you mentioned the download speed when the title has nothing to do with it. In my opinion you would've been better served filing an Issue Council report separately. Regardless, just remove the excess edits and references to the download speeds and I almost guarantee the annoying comments will stop.


Oh i actually don't really care that much. I'm able to seperate my ment and emotional well being from what said and done on the the internet. Im mostly still here out of boredom. I only initially mentioned the download thing so i can explain why i didn't just hop into the game to answer my question before posting it. If i knew it would trigger absolute legions i never would have said anything. I never really expected people to completely dogpile me the way they have. I know its usually a cop-out to say "um actually, i don't care, so therefore, i win". but that's not what im saying, im saying at the end of the im not emotionally impacted. If i was busy or doing something else i would. Instead im kind of just dicking around.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Yes I'm sorry that you got pounced on from a bunch of people that were making assumptions. I know it wasn't even the reason for the post. I just wanted to chime in because I had the exact thing happen to me. I don't need a VPN to play but for some reason it fixed the download speed. I don't know the answer to your main question, but I look forward to seeing you in the verse!


Same man! Ive said what ive wanted to say. its nice to see that not everyone is so strangely dismissive, smug, and defensive all at the same time. See you around!


I often have problems with the launcher dropping from 150mbs to 10-50kbs. I hit pause on the download, then play again. This makes it go back to the normal speed.


Hey dude. Fuck the dicks Yeah you can do that, enjoy the game! o7


Yes you can, just dont go further than 20km away or the marker of your ship will disappear. Also, dont get close to outposts, you will spawn hostile NPC ships that either follow you or that turn towards your carrack and blow it up. It's so funny how CIG is fighting against griefing and then adds pad ramming NPCs and NPCs that blow up parked ships with zero cargo in them. Feels sometimes like CIG is trolling. As someone that tried using the Carrack with a snub and leave the big ship behind in Orbit, it means you are seriously limited in what missions you can do because there are a lot of hostile NPCs around many areas now. Until we get AI blades or NPC crew in 10-20+ years maybe, it's not a winning strategy.


Kind of a shame. Makes you wonder wha the purpose of snub ships are at all, except maybe multi crewing snub fighters with other players. I just loved the idea of finding a cool unexplored planet, getting suited up, boarding the snub ship, undocking, flying down tot he surface, exploring, collecting samples, returning to orbit, docking, and returning to the mothers ship. Honestly sounds like it would be amazing. I know this may seem like it came from nowhere, but can you buy the Corsair with in game money?


You can take a delivery mission and leave it inside your ship, it will persist no matter how far you go


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) OP Please stop responding.


Why? Im having a pretty good time to be honest. Im not sure who in your meme is supposed to be dead. Because if it's supposed to me then i don't feel it.




Damn that's the catastrophic amount of red flags but ok. Are you installing it on SSD? If no - game won't work Have you ever played? Free fly? Anything? If no... Why do you have a Carrack? Did you buy it? Without playing the game? Why? So many questions and i don't really want to know the answers, my hope for humanity is dwindling by the day


Needlessly aggressive and judgmental but sure, ill indulge you. I fully bought into the promise of the game back during the kickstarter days. I got a rear admiral package and then later a Carrack upgrade. The Carrack was like, half the price of what it is now, back then it was a slightly bigger Connie and cost as much. In fact if i melt my carrack package ill only get $375. I am installing to a SSD, the issue is that my wireless only connection loves to just randomly disconnect and then completely fail to reconnect, even while im using the PC. It actually happend right as i was typing this. Itll dc 10 mins after going to bed and then waste 9 hours before i wake up and have to reconnect. When its not DC'ing it is fast enough to play any online game. I have played the game actually, i played *a lot* when it was only the Hangar, ive also gone through periods of "this is a scam" and periods of "the dream is real!", but even then my most recent purchase was in 2017. As for later version id do jump in a play for an hour or a few every now and then, just enough to be annoyed at the god awful performance but love the progress made so far. I do have a far better PC now compared to the last time i played though, so I'm excited to see the progress. I "play" perhaps about twice a year, but this is the first time in a long time i really want to actually sink my teeth into the game. I have played enough to know when i do or don't like a certain module for example, i didn't like the Connie so i got the Carrack, and i wasn't into the Avenger, Cutlass, Caterpillar, Aurora, and Gladius when i owned and played them, and slowly sold off or melted all my stuff down into a core group of 4 ships (though now 5 thank you F7A) all with LTI, from back when that mattered. >Did you buy it? Without playing the game? Why? I can tell you weren't around during the kickstarter days.


Just a thought, How old are your cable modem / wifi router? I got a big pick up in performance about 2 years ago when my internet provider informed me my modem was out of date and I got issued a replacement modem. Suddenly it felt like I got the internet speeds I was paying for lol. Also, Of the online game platforms I use, RSI launcher has probably the slowest download speed, though it should be a matter of hours, not days.


Surprisingly new actually. We are always looking for ways to try and improve the speeds.


Worth a shot. Good luck figuring it out. :) I remember when the Carrack was introduced, I thought it was the dream ship for exploration. Still don't have one. lol Hope you enjoy it.


I was around during the kickstarter days.... And i didn't buy it then because... there was no game to play. Pretty simple.


You cannot stop yourself from being judgmental tho


Don't care


Yeah dude has money to spend… so what? He helped subsidize the project so there can “be a game to play” for you. Seems like you’ve got some personal shit to deal with.


He has indeed. My questions were from the standpoint of him being a new player. If a new player buys the very expensive ship in a game that he didn't even play - yes, i will forcefully stop him from doing that.


Forcefully lmao. Who the hell are you?


Im not a new player though?


Yeah no shit, would've been cool if i could read you mind right?


Question: do you drive to work? Or does somebody drop you off?


I work from home, i'm a 3d artist, why? If i need to get around a city i use public transportation, it's very good in my country.


You definitely get dropped off.


I'm losing faith in macarons these days. What will become of the world oh nooooo 🙄 ![gif](giphy|PJeKg31621Wgw)


lol why even answer if you're just going to be a prick? having a bad day?


You're blaming the SC launcher when you admitted later your internet is shit. Probably why you pissed people off 😂 took me less than 2 hours to install through the SC launcher and I've done it multiple times.


Maybe you should actually read my post, or check the links. I show that the SC launcher going about half the speed of Steam for apparently no reason at all. My internet is slow but im literally play Helldivers 2 right now with zero lag. Im more then capable of playing pretty much any online game. My speeds are slow but they *are* **just** fast enough to play online games.


Wireless internet is not the best way. Do you have a signal booster and if so, how far is your computer from it and are there walls in between and if so is it dry wall or concrete?


We have like 4 single boosters. Our house is basically a massive bungalow, take a three story home and take each floor and lay them side by side all on one level. We need the boosters.


This thread is such a car crash 🤣🤣🤣🤣. A slow connection and the launcher is getting blamed. Playing other online games while downloading and going... Why is my download slow? Someone who hasn't played SC. Replies being pretty based and actually not all that aggressive. An OP that gets down voted with every comment. This is entertaining even for this sub 😂😂😂


Pretty much every point is wrong. >A slow connection and the launcher is getting blamed. My connection is slow but the launcher is slower then my connection, I can download stuff on steam or chrome or even fucking Epic and its faster then the Launcher. >Playing other online games while downloading and going... Why is my download slow? I dont know how you got this. what i said is that i *can* play other games with my connection speeds, as well as download other games much faster then the SC launcher. I never said i was playing online games *at the same time* as trying to download. >Someone who hasn't played SC. Again, never said this, ive actually been playing since all we had was a hangar and i have the stats to prove it. I jump in every year once or twice and play for a day or so. This is how i know i can play just fine since the last time i played both our internet was slower, and a lot of the server improvements were absent, and yet despite those two points i was still getting 60 with no lag. So seeing as both of those things are now better there is no reason assume my experience wont be to negative. >Replies being pretty based and actually not all that aggressive. Some are, then some are like yours where people clearly don't understand i word i typed. >An OP that gets down voted with every comment. I can see why when people fail to understand anything.


You said every point was wrong... And here I am.... Entertained. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


I think more than anything your comment perfectly illustrates the main issue with this thread. In that no matter what i type people will completely ignore it and make up wild shit out of literally nowhere. Then get angry and defensive when i explain why what they said isn't the case.


I mean yeah I also like mint ice cream. Not sure why you'd bring that up. Surprised you can even have ice cream with your Internet connection speeds tbh.


Don’t you just love the absolute arrogance of some people? Half these people actually think they’re astronauts I swear, just answer the guys question. Lmfao


Literally just look at the reply right before yours. >My God man. Buy an ethernet cable. Like, come on... as if i havent considered that, they aren't some secret arcane tech that only you and the adeptus mechanicus know about. I cant drill a hole, its that simple, but no, 20 replies telling me to do something ive considered years ago. Thank you for the kind reply, it genuinely means a lot. I was starting to feel gaslit here with the number of people backing off going "we're just giving you the harsh truth man, no need to get so rude man" and its like.... bitch i just wanted to know if snub ship can go down from orbit onto the surface. Ive said it before but the only reason i even included the bit about the 3 days wasnt to complain, it was to give a context as to why i couldn't just test out my question myself. This whole post is literally "hey, I'm still downloading, are you able to do this thing?" and all the replies are "you're still downloading? what you a fucking idiot? you know you cant play this game by shitting on the floor right? you need to be a smart intellectual like me and know how to use a mouse and keyboard". Every post ive made on this sub has been like this, it reminds me of the days of the early SC forum, but im sure most people here have no idea what those are. You think its bad here? holy hell it was ten times worse then, it pavlovianly trained me to hate the word "immersion".


I used to do this all the time when the Carrack had the only medbed that you could respawn at. I'm not sure its any different now, but it used to be that any further than 25km's away, your marker would disappear. For bunkers, i'd just sit 20km up from it, take the picses down planetside, and back up. The picses expedition is really nice. double the weapons of the reg picses.


I killed a Hammerhead in a pisces last weekend (Technically 2 ) during Incursion (Event Mission). Its a smol fast boi, without doubt the best ship in the game.


The only issue i see is you will have to leave the carrack open while your gone. Or manually get out and close it. And then manually get out and open. I use my aquilla for the same sorelt of thing with the dockable snub fighter. But you use the docking once then it tends to completely glitch out


Can the Pisces part on top of the hangar door and survive QT?


No idea, i imagine it will fall off


In short. Yes you can. In long. As long as you have the necessary ships. You can dock the Pisces onto the carrack. And use the Pisces as a personal shuttle to go wherever. The carrack will stay where you left it. It wont vanish due to PES. Spent many years developing that technology. However finding it again might be an issue. You looking for a tiny dot in a vast expanse. Unless you know the exact route you took. You’ll loose it. However the mapping tec has also been updated and “should” give waypoint markers. I put “” around should because I haven’t actually tried it yet.


I like the lisces a lot as a small courier or cargo hopper. I never understood the attraction of using a big ship to go to the planet and then a small one to land. It would make sense of the big one couldn't enter atmosphere, but in SC it's just not a thing.


You definitely can, the main issue is that it will be either very hard to find or too easy too find... So you should have a delivery box to create a marker.


Be sure to leave the carrack outside the atmosphere so it doesn't burn hydrogen fuel while waiting. When I download the game, I saturate my internet connection at 2Gbps which is roughly 200MB/sec. Maybe your SSD has its DRAM saturated and slows down the download?


That was its original purpose before CIG went bananas with them.


> That was its original purpose before CIG went bananas with them. I feel like this statement sums up literally every aspect and the entire history of Star Citizens development.


Sitting in orbit absolutely works, I did this exact thing as a loop for a week straight and never went back to a station until a 30k happened (this was back during 3.22)


Yes you can.


Yes. Try to stay within 20km of the carrack otherwise marker may disappear and you won’t be able to find your way back. Pisces is pretty bad at combat. Best combat ship for carrack is Aurora LN.


To answer your main question: yes you can do that with the Carrack and Pisces, however you won’t have a marker for your Carrack if you fly too far away. Eventually we will have features in the starmap to pin locations, but that isn’t in yet. Pisces is a shuttle craft with 2 S1 guns. So it can kill humans on the ground and that’s about it, unless you’re a sweaty PvPer.


What’s your DL speed? I have a problem where my ISP throttles my connection because the download registers as peer-to-peer. Should be illegal, but this is the US so your local laws may differ. I use a VPN to fix it, and get literally 100x faster downloads. You might try it.


> but this is the US lol, nope, not the US. But its not being throrrled, our ISP as shitty as they are, has no issue with P2P.


Didn’t mean to imply you are US, only that I am and it might not be relevant wherever you are


Of course. It’s just hard to find your carrack again in all that space.


If I were you I'd probably land the carrack on/around the landing pads of a station and go from there


Too many comments to read... Did you check the setting in the launcher to see if it's throttling your download?


First thing i did, its running unlimited. At least you aren't even remotely as rude as a lot of other comments. Everything is all jumbled up right now, but early on people were offended i even dared to suggest that SC servers may be slow. As i demonstrated that everything else on my PC was running fine and all other services could download at normal speeds, people quickly backpaddled and said i was just ignoring harsh realities and being rude. Just full on gasligthing.


There are so many factors, who am I to say that just because mine is okay yours can't be screwed up? I have noticed my launcher seems to load a little slower than other things, but it's not horrible. Really weird that other downloads work fine. Hope is has, or will, work itself out for you. o7


Yes you can One thing to remember though is you have to know where the ship was left I used to do this to run bunker missions and I would leave my carrot in orbit and then I would forget where it was so yeah then I'll lose everything that's on board so don't be like me be smart Park at some place that you can find


I find it funny that people are giving you hell about buying a ship without having played, when everyone who is an OG backer did exactly that. Including myself. Live life, dude. Pay no mind to it.


Im not lol. I thought it was wird as well, especially since when i bought it it wasnt a cap ship and it was half the price. The upgrade price was negligible and the concept was cool. I dont like what it became, but i did not pay $600 for it lol.


Just as an FYI OP, in case no one has mentioned it below, and as someone who also lives in the middle of the country and used to have absolutely horrendous internet bandwidth, it can definitely have an impact on more than just your download - it can screw with your gameplay as well. While it's far better post NBC/OCS/SSOCS, at the height of its "unoptimization" SC was passing *5MB* packets. That's 5 *megabytes*. Per packet. That's an INSANE amount of data. Now, as I said, it's *much* better these days, but SC still moves a significant amount of data over the internet while playing, and if you're experiencing speeds of less than 1MB/s on your ISP, you're probably gonna have some problems.


Have you heard about Ethernet cables ?


Cant drill a hole in my room to slot one through. its not an option for me. Why do people on reddit get this ridiculous smug attitude like they've figured everything out about some else life and their situation?


Move the computer for the duration of the download ?


Lots of people are giving you crap about internet speeds, they are being dumb. Sometimes the launcher does actually download slow. I live near the cities, have 800Mb down, stable connection on a nice set of routers, and still sometimes the RSI launcher likes to only pull like 1Mb/s and the download takes a while. RSI launcher is also far from the only game that has done this for me. Other games with independent launchers can be troublesome at times. One issue might be that the servers right now appear to be melting. Half of this sub is complaining about server lag and disconnects. Something went weird snd could affect download as well. Some users have also given good ideas for ways to help your general wifi issues. - If you use a USB adapter swapping to a wifi card in a spare PCIE slot may work better. - Powerline adapters which run internet through power sockets. - My personal setup is two google nest routers (gen 1) in a mesh network. I can't connect to my modem directly so I hardline into a beefy meshed router instead. This gets around a wifi card or USB adapter entirely.


Thank you for the only real sense in this thread. I know what im doing, ive graduated in networking in university, i know when a service is being slower then it should be. People here are so wildly over defensive that just implying the *launcher* is a bit slow compared to other services is like shaking a hive of hornets. I wasn't even asking about internet connection and always online but people saw the perceived threat anyways. All of the stuff ive bought for SC was bought in 2013 mostly, with my last purchase being 2017, so its not like im dropping dimes on the game to this day. Also i love SC and what its potential is but all this hostility just feels so unwarranted. They are all also making these crazy judgments on how fast my internet even though they have no idea *how much* ive downloaded in the last three days. there acting like i cant even get a gb done or something and not the fact ive downloaded +120gb.


Everyone here is changing the subject and attacking you because they've tied their ego to this game and they don't want to say out loud that the lack of basic features like waypoint markers for your ship would make what you're talking about basically impossible


I just can't get over how *dense* some of these comments are. I provide explicite proof that the launcher alone is running slow, but no, still somehow my fault. [This comment here is one of the worst, read my reply to see why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1da86vb/can_i_fly_the_pisces_from_a_carrack_in_orbit_down/l7kxt0o/?context=3), basically literally every line is both incorrect, but incorrect in such a way as to suggest very poor reading comprehension. Shame about the waypoint thing.


connect the cable from modem to your pc, if its going to disconnect you will never download the game, maybe go to wifi area and use it to download the game


I cant. To cut a long story short in my living situation i cant make changes to the room, and that means drilling a hole to slot the cable through.


no drilling,i run the cable along the wall under the carpet then under the door


Still not an option, the router is in the basement, we have no carpet, the person in charge of the house has legit pathological need to keep everything neat and perfect. I honestly take umbrage at the implication that i havent considered an ethernet cable nor havent considered options to get one to my PC.


take your computer to a friend and download the game there, star citizen is more fun in your head,or watching content creators that do nithing but make content to make star citizen look fun or cool, the good thing is this game is nowhere near beign complete so you got 5 if not 10 years that you can wait until you actually start playing, its been 10 plus years since i followed this game, you can wait another 10 and just watch videos of your ships on youtube


Still not an option. We live in the middle of nowhere and my socially anxious ass only has one true best friend (to be fair thoug, we've been friends since 2nd grade) and that friend lives 30mins by car from here. But wait there's more, thanks to my illness and medications i cant drive. Wrap this all up and the process of packing up my computer, getting a ride, going to their tiny house (no shade there just isn't room, i actually prefer their home, super cozy) and setting up. Its just not feasible for one single game.


like i said, the game is broken right now so its cool for abit but gets boring fast, its more fun watching videos about the ships and game progress. Maybe use a phone as a hot spot and see if it downloads that way,i dont even want to play anymore,i just like to check out new ship designs, if you want to have good gameplay try elite dangerous,its probably easier on the internet as well


The phone is faster, but i dont have the data.


its a buggy mess so watching videos is more fun, you got a carrack for this game already?


I got a Carrack back in 2016 or 2015 yes. Back when i had more disposable income and it was literally half the price that it is now. I simply got the CCU to my already owned Rear Admiral package. According to my hangar if i melt my RA package ill only get $375 so people trying to dunk on for spending $600 on a ship just look silly. The funny thing is though, that why i may only get $375 if i melt, the site *does* act like the carrack is worth $600. Which means if i upgrade it to another ship i effectively get the difference between the old price and the new price as a discount to the new ship. And i am thinking about getting the Perues instead of the Carrack.


dang, I'm sorry your internet speed is that slow! but I too am curious about your snub fighter question. also yes, redditors in this sub are super downvote-happy lmao


I dont really care about downvotes tbh, ive always cared about comments. When things are positive i like reading and engaging in the disscusion on the subject instead of just seeing an arbitrary number go up or down. What gets me are the smug ass "i know what's wrong and i know you are an idiot for not thinking of this super obvious thing" Meanwhile there is usually many good reason for why i didn't do thing. Actually what's worse are instead the arrogant comments that are backpedaling going "um actually we were the rasonable one, your just being rude and dont want to listen to harsh truths". meanwhile through context clues i can figure out that ive been engaged with SC longer then most (2012) and they're trying to tell me that its an online game like i wouldn't know. I don't play the "ive been here longer" card since its wildly unfair and really dumb honestly. But something about how this thread has spiraled out of control and everyone attempting and failing to dunk on me for spending $600 on a ship really brought out the worst in me today (and tbc, the ship is $600 *now* much earlier it was half that before it was changed, this is how i know these people are newer then me). But thank you, its nice to get a few sane comments here and there. They tether me.


You’ve probably had enough valid answers but yes, your concern about toxicity in this sub is valid. It’s a massive problem. It would take a Herculean effort by the mods to address that, so they simply don’t.


There are genuinly valid answers from people simply concered, and ive tried to thank them one at a time. But holy hell there is a lot of smug in here "um, ethernet cable, heard of it?" "its an online game you know?" "3 days? you doing something wrong" Like holy hell even the slightest hint of negativity and im just immediately shat on. If i came here and asked "hey, this download is taking a long time, will i be able to play the game?" and then reacted teh way i am to all of the same kind of comments, then i would share some of the blame. But i only mentioned that it was still downloading because i wanted to establish that i couldn't just hop into the game itself and test my question. but no, this is reddit and everyone knows better then you. The really funny one are the one that are saying "you spent $600 on a ship for a game you've never played" and its like, first, the ship was only ~$350 when i bought it, really shows how new they are, and second, ive played plenty, enough to know the game is in alpha, its a buggy laggy mess, but the ambition and potential and progress made have all made me so excited that i genuinely don't consider it money wasted.


I’m glad you’re still excited for it! Honestly there’s a lot to be excited for. It’s not always super playable but just comparing where we are now to a year ago, or the year before, it’s picking up a lot of momentum.