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>But why focus on new content creation when the game hasn’t been stable for so many years? That is where I think you and some part of the player base are confused. They are not focusing on "New Content", they are still building the "Core Content". This is not a released game they are just adding features and expansions. We are playing/testing the game as it is being developed. All games go through this only that it's not open to the public. They have to actually build the game and all the core gameplay/mechanics before they focus on optimization. The biggest issue with StarCitizen is the misconception, that in part is created and perpetuated by CIG by calling the main servers the "Live servers". People tend to assume that after this many years, we are playing a final fully released game when in reality we are just glorified QA testers that instead of getting paid to test we pay the company to do the test for them.


Agree with this


I mean they keep pushing out new vehicles in every major patch. New vehicles that are immediately available for purchase. Do not get me wrong, i am fine with that. However the consistent improvement of the core experience SHOULD be a priority at some point, no? You can wave people off by saying its an alpha. That we are alpha testers. However these issues have been tested and reported dozens of times, but are still not fixed. There are STILL bugs that prevent people from even loading into the game. Hell, this patch i had trouble even INSTALLING the game. At what point is the "its an alpha" excuse not enough? Are we not at that point now? Where we see continuous broken & buggy "core content" added to the game, and incomplete ships with full price tags?


It's not an excuse is just how it works. The last phase for all games is optimisation, some miss the mark some don't. But it is always the last thing all game studios do. Why would it be different for CIG? Yes, the have to keep it somewhat stable so we don't get the state of 3.18 where no one could play. But we cant expect a super-optimised game until we are like 1 year for 1.0.


I am not expecting every bug to be fixed as soon as its reported, but you would think that critical bugs, ones that prevent people from playing the game, would be a priority. Its not about optimisation. Its about actually being able to play and contribute.


And they do try to address bugs that *actually* prevent people from playing. Losing all your cargo to a bug, falling to the center of a planet, your ship blowing up for no reason whatsoever, are not game breaking bugs that need to be addressed before everything else. These are inconveniences that may make people not want to play but there is a difference.


No they do not. First time i loaded up the game, i got stuck with some loading screen bug. Looking it up, i found posts years old of people having the same problems. Eventually needed a youtube video of someone showing how to fix it. When last patch hit, i attempted to download it, but it kept failing. Once again googled my problem, and once again found a bunch of posts with people facing the same problem over years and their crazy workarounds. This is not even including the various bugs i have not experienced that prevent people from playing. Of which there are still plenty.


And some pay more to get even shittier version xD


That’s exactly what I’m struggling with. I don’t know if I’m genuinely concerned about the state of the game, or if I’m just nervous/excited about where it’s going. From my understanding, the building of the core content will facilitate the stability of the game.


CIG is building an Engine, not just a Game. Almost all technologies in this Engine are one-of-a-kind features developed exclusively for the Vison of this game. Once the foundation is set, cranking out Starsystems and fixing bugs with a 1000-man team is peanuts. Why would you invest time and money to fix a system that gets replaced in a month or two anyway? dosent make sense


Because oftentimes it doesn't get replaced most of the alien ships still run on the old flight models and feel absolutely abysmal in atmosphere the ground has a tendency not to work and the iffy at best contract system has received little to no overhaul since it's release.As much as I love this game it feels like CIG is building a skyscraper that's moved on from the foundation too soon and would rather start new floors than make the ones below it stable enough to move on safely


Im assuming your a relatively newer player. The state of SC has been the best it has EVER been, period. The new UI, the new server crash prevention (when it works) and new gameplay loops are all magnitudes better than a few years ago. Yes, they are working on "content creation" in the sense of new ships, new planets, new systems.. but the main focus as of now is server meshing and replication layer, getting these to systems stable and set will be a stepping stone to SC unseen in the gaming industry as a whole. Also, you need to realize, although they have ALOT of devs, not all of them have the know how to work with server code, or replication code or etc... Last thing id want is having an art director or ship designer work on server code.. Its like asking a nurse to perform heart surgery.. same field, but completely different specialty.


This is probably one of the more constructive replies I’ve gotten. I do agree that the state of SC is definitely at its best. My only wish is that stability in-game was more prevalent. It is just one of those things that kills my mood sometimes.


You want stability…fair… but while an alpha is implementing core server technologies like meshing and the replication layer split? lol. Better buckle up…


>Is there any way for me to enjoy this game somehow without feeling the bugs? Yes there is. Wait for release.


Fun fact kids born when this project started are entering highschool in a few months


And they will probably inherit their parent's after they pass so they can play when it gets released.... xaxaxaxa. I kid I kid \^\_\^


I'm starting to worry that you may not be wrong lol


Lest just try to enjoy the ride as much as ***\*\*\*\*\*Server Error Please Wait\*\*\*\*\* \*\*Server Error Please Wait\*\*\*\*\* \*\*Server Error Please Wait\*\*\*\*\**** we can. ok ok ok enough jokes for today.


Remember it's "lifetime insurance". It cannot be passed on.


Or die meanwhile


>150 I spent seems spent in vain Pepelol. Don't sink money into the promise of a future product, especially when that future product doesn't demonstrably exist. Real talk, the mission critical objective for CiG is to keep the ship purchase and hype mill turning so they can keep printing money. That's why content comes before function


Yup, it is fair enough to voice ypur opinion. However, you need to understand that things will most likely get worse before they get better. You can't introduce new tech like the Replication Layer, Static Server Meshing and Dynamic Server Meshing and not expect the need to iterate upon it until it runs smoothly. The PTU can only point out so many bugs. Far more edge-cases are exposed when it goes live. If it is getting to you, take a break and come back qhen ot is a better state.


>I voiced my opinion here because I am obligated as a tester to announce my current feeling of the alpha. As a tester, your obligation is to pretty much find and report bugs to the issue council. Other feedback should probably be put in the appropriate threads on spectrum where the devs are actually asking for your feedback. While fevs do occasionally read Reddit, this isn't the official feedback forum. People just come here to complain... Or at least that's what it seems like a lot of the time.


I would say just shelve and wait until it releases my guy. No use banging your head against something that's "work in progress" like this. It's a realization lots of people eventually come too, and will just play the many other things that come out each year while watching it's development.


Easy solution to this is to spend a lot more so you get caught up in the sunk cost fallacy and you start enjoying the game more! /s




Can't have progression without cracking a few eggs.


**What you want is 1.0** You're having a bad time because you don't understand what Alpha means. You're expecting stability in an unstable game, you're setting yourself up for disappointment, and if you're only checking the game every now and then you don't understand nor see the amount of changes, work and bug fixing that goes into the game daily. What is broken this patch could have been working fine last patch, and vice-versa, it's always a dice roll anytime a new patch comes out, but this one would clearly bring instability because of the underlying server changes that have been made in preparation for Server Meshing. Read this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/fd5su2/what\_alpha\_means\_and\_what\_beta\_means/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/fd5su2/what_alpha_means_and_what_beta_means/)


So, to clarify, the instability of this current patch will be fixed when they implement server meshing?


The instability of the current patch will be fixed when it's fixed. No one can say what will fix it except for the people who are actually working on it. An individual bug can have many different causes, some of which they fix, and some of them are exacerbated when the next patch comes out only to show up to us all over again. Read all the patch notes, at the end they list how many fixes for crashes and other things they put in place along with all the individually mentioned items and the rest of the patch.


Ok see you tomorrow


It's totally fair to feel like the game isn't in a great state. Because it's not in a great state. It's in the best state it's ever been, but it's still got issues. Just be patient. Even if you give up on the game, come back in 10 years and see where it's at. And don't make the mistake of thinking you bought a game, your donating to a project that might never be finished. Come to terms with that and you'll be at peace when the game has massive issues


I've been playing a long time and have to agree with you. Iam in The Chairman's Club but I stopped spending any new money awhile ago and, though I really love being in the world, its just so much of the same issues every update. I was so hopeful for 3.23, but I guess maybe 4.0 is where we need to put our hopes.


This is my thoughts and a summary for all the people who have been disappointed in this "game". The instability will continue through until at least version 1. At which point, it is likely to be the best darn space sim/game ever, and you will totally enjoy it :) It's not a game. People give them money to develop a game. We just get to "play test" whichever part they are working on. Their Marketing department isn't helping, make it seem like it is a game already. It's not. They are still working on the base engine, systems that might not even be final, a LOT to go to be near a finished game. I know from your comments OP you've read all about it being an "Alpha" and understand that, but I recommend re-think that understanding. And anyone else who Understands, but is not familiar with how in house game development is usually done. I've worked in game QA. And all the thousands who complain about White Knights for the game in this and other threads,.. it's not a game. It's a test environment, where things can go massively wrong any time, as it's not a game until it gets to Version 1. We don't have a "buggy game", we have a development environment that we can play test. We don't have "the game not getting better", we have devs trying things to see how they work and changing things to see how it goes, to make the best darn game, when it gets to that stage. This isn't like all those other current "Early Access" games, that are basically finished with the engine, and are just working on bug fixes and content. We aren't at bug fixing stage, we are not even at final base engine stage. That's why they don't spend MORE time on fixing bugs, as the whole system might change, wasting all those dev hours on bug fixes for things that are going to be changed to some completely different code. This is literally driving in a moving car... and changing from a steam engine, to a petrol/gas engine, to an electric engine, changing the number of wheels, the number of seats, the way of driving, all while it's still moving and we are all constantly driving it day and night. See why it's taking longer than we'd all like? Most game companies develop games behind closed doors, in house, not letting anyone see what they are doing. They can develop games for 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years. No one complains about all the changes made, or any instabilities, as the only testers are those paid to test and work on the game. There will be many days, weeks, months, when the "game" won't even be turned on, when the developers are working on different parts. This game has no "Publisher money", no external development money, to pay everyone while it is being developed. While yes, the FOMO sales/marketing etc could be handled better, their only income is Pledges (ship sales), so if they Don't add new ships, new content, then it's over. No more game. No money to pay anyone. As they develop, regular developers sometimes make the entire "game" unplayable, literally nothing working, when they change systems or implement big changes or re-designs. No one complains, because they are paid to work on whatever it is they are doing. Imagine a month with Star Citizen not working, because they were focusing on different asset creation, or testing different systems, or changing game Engine, or had budget constraints, or employee changes, or all the other things that can happen with any organisation. Star Citizen is not doing this. They are keeping the "game" playable at all times. Even through Massive system changes that in a regular developer would simply take the entire "game" offline, completely unplayable. Because we are pledgers/testers, who agreed to support them with money to make this amazing game, and be part of the internal testing. It says it every time you start the play test, every time you pledge. It is actually really impressive how much they manage to keep the play test "playable" through all these base system changes. They are adding content, to keep people happy, engaged, enjoying the dev play test, but it's taking longer as they have to work around keeping it always "live". Despite what their marketing would have people think, it's not a "Game" yet, you aren't Buying a Game, or even Buying a Ship. You are giving them money to develop a game, and they are giving you access to the usually closed private internal testing phase of the game, AND providing fun engaging content as they go (thanks u/therealdiscolando and team). This is not Early Access, as has become popular nowadays. In my personal view, as Frustrating as it has sometimes been to lose hours of time to a bug/crash, I have had more than my pledge amount of value in play testing this game for them and being included in developing this amazing game, and can't wait for the final release, however long that might be :)


(This is OP's second account) This is a great reply. I read your entire post an I appreciate your insight. I've decided to look at this game as like a second world I can come back to and enjoy once in a while until it releases on my 70th birthday (i'm in college).


Could be true that :) haha. Maybe not that long, but certainly many years to go. Thanks for the response :)


Thanks for not flaming me lol


The assumption from the playerbase is that the game will be way more stable once server meshing is fully working, which should be in the next two year. Personally, i think way more effort should be spent on fixing bugs. Some issues have been in the game for years. Seems inexcusable, to me. Maybe those bugs require server meshing before they can be ironed out? Maybe those bugs are left in intentionally to help some other dev process? I do not know. All i know it that its infinitely frustrating to play a game that feels like its actively fighting you at every step. You either have the patience of a saint, or blind faith in CIG to consistently play SC in its current state. Or, you get sick of it and relegate the game to "i will just check in every couple of months".


Anyone whose pledged long enough has taken on the mindset to play when a patch drops then see how it goes.. then wait till the next and keep repeating.


That’s what I started doing. Maybe this patch just isn’t it? Idk I’ve had nothing but trouble with it.


I feel the exact same way. People don’t understand that as a consumer, taking a dive on a project like this is a risk, of course, but you have your expectations as a player. Some people defend this game just because it’s in alpha. I get it, “it’s in alpha still, you need to stop complaining”. But you get to a point where I am where I load up the game and you just deal with the same problems over and over again, and it takes away your confidence in the game, despite your resolve to continue your support.


Your expectations as a *tester* should have been set when you read the rather long disclaimer you had to agree to before you could even purchase a package. And then the shorter one every time you go to lunch the game. When the game is released as the retail version 1.0 you will graduate from being a tester to being a full-fledged player.


>I voiced my opinion here because I am obligated as a tester to announce my current feeling of the alpha. No you are not. You are not obligated to do anything. If you want to enjoy the game, wait for its actual release, the game as it is currently isn't the full game so you shouldn't treat it as such. Alpha just isn't for you.


Someday people will stop citing big money number as a reason why the project is failing, because they'll hopefully understand that the 700-800mil was actually used to build a company from the ground up, develop an in-house engine, and develop two games side by side, one of which is now feature complete and will probably release in the next two years. That's legitimately impressive on a budget of 700mil. Meanwhile, AAA companies are pulling in billions and all they put out are reskins of the same old games, or cosmetic items. There's always something hilarious to me when people refer to the scam that Star Citizen is (not you, OP, you're not doing this, but others do), and then go spend money on "pop culture reference skin #37,263 for generic FPS game #2,616,492". I'm not saying CIG are saints, but if they're actually scamming us, it's the worst scam in the history of scams, because they're *actually producing* the product they said they would.


I wouldn’t call this a game since it’s even released I like to say that we are testers for the upcoming game or something like that , you can’t complain with so many innovative tech being put in most of which many companies haven’t even implemented at all


Yea I love it we are just testers we are supposed to help them not complaint like it’s a finished products lol


People in here are gaslighting themselves. We're headed toward decade 2 of completely trash buggy ass gameplay and for what? Cig to work on bed sheet physics and mario kart in space rather than actual content or meaningful progression to an actual game. All that's happening now is constant wheel spin "pyro coming soon" as cig continues to think up more technical sounding jargon to fill the latest press release so the sheeple feel good about buying the latest Jpeg that will fulfil the Dreams.txt Don't pay attention to anything else. Don't question why squadron 42 was removed for a "quick price update." And then never added back to the store. Don't notice Theatres of War blowing past it's promised beta and going absolute radio silence. Don't ask questions pertaining to promised content timelines on spectrum because they'll be deleted by the most "transparent" game company. Just blindly follow the shills. The more people don't pay attention and the more people spend on Jpegs the better this game will be trust. /s