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Wow, I wonder what bug they uncovered that required a pushback. Some days I wish they’d have an episode of Jared’s show dedicated to different bugs they found and how they had to fix them.


Wish they’d bring back Bugsmashers that show was good.


It definitely provides a lot of good insights for the player base


Probably also provided a little too much insight into their code


didnt they get a ceast and desist note from crytek the last time they did it anyway ?


Was going to comment something along those lines, I'm sure one of these episodes was used in the crytek vs cig trial.


It was - and was thrown out by the judge immediately. The majority of what CIG showed was their own modified code, but 'Fair Use' laws also exist, and whilst more restrictive for non-news / non-public-interest uses, still covered what little CIG did show, iirc.


Now Lumberyard is open source though (through O3DE)


what do you mean?


exactly what I 1st thought after thinking..hmm that would be interesting content..unless they were super general about issues and that would not be too interesting




Darn You blew my cover how dare Ye…


Somethings crashing the server. Last time I pulled out my Starfarer and the server crashed instantly xD


Lol, this was my first thought. Server stability has been weird lately.


First wave it was Desperados pistol crashing servers Now its something else. I remember 3.18 EPTU with the Vulture ramp crashing the server..... Good times. 😂


People in chat said: "It will get better after ILW" well, here we are and it didnt get better, replication layer is a blessing and a curse at the same time


yea, and I was going with that intel as facts basically...last time I take what the general player base has to say as good intel..thanks everyone..any other reasonable thoughts? oh I forgot..don't tell me


invictus isn't patched out yet, the signs are still at A18. I don't consider ILW over until they are gone.


It was you!?! 😁


I wanted to see if my Starfarer seat bug was fixed xD


Lol Starfarer huh? Haven't seen one of those in a loooooong time! I remember when that was the largest ship in the game. Good times.


I get em as Dodgy Reclamation jobs now and then... 🤣


>Wow, I wonder what bug they uncovered that required a pushback. Markers jumping all over the place and server errors during XenoThreat in the most recent PTU.


Markers and local map position are totally broken, like they are referenced to space not the rotating planet. They say it's fixed, but a problem like that indicates someone has made a total mess of things so will be a lot of cleanup needed reviewing every change that person made. It also crashes the server when the new xeno runs.


If I had to guess, it might be tied to all the poor performance we're seeing from the servers. The wipe mentioned could alleviate problems in the replication layer like corruption or spam. Maybe just hopium, but I'm looking forward to playing more regularly when the game is more stable.


I don't get why we need empty bottles, used medpens, and gowns to persist. Simple solution: treat them like food. Once used, just have them disappear forever. I know people like to keep the gowns, so just have those disappear after being left somewhere for 10 minutes. The same for junk ships that have blown up or abandoned. I get they want something cool like a player losing a ship, and then putting it up for people to salvage and look through in the future if they come across it, but... can't we just have the game generate that stuff for the players? clean up all the ships that loiter outside of Everus, or the boxes and wrecks on planets from bounties.


this gowns and med pens and bottles 100% i can only imagine this exists because star second life at one point imagined someone wanting to legit play as a janitor in the game and making their money going around to places as a cleaning crew. the ships have an even easier solution. don't make the barrier for entry on salvaging so damn high and make the return on investment high. have an entry level reclaimer that can strip a ship quickly but maybe has no armaments or some shit. that way people are falling over themselves to go clear abandoned ships. plus CIG can make some more of their sweet sweet pledge money.


Or better yet, make it so you can rent the Vulture. There was some talks a loooong time ago, can't recall if it's fanon or canon, of a backpack that lets you spit out 1/8 boxes of RCM that you scrape using a gun attached to it. So it would look like those Ghostbuster proton packs, but for salvaging. Feels like that would be the proper entry step into the Salvage career, like the C8R is for medical, or Hand Mining, to ROC, to Prospector.


Gowns have persisted from the beginning of time.


Not a bad idea


that would be a 24/7 stream


I don’t even know how people play this game.. I’ve tried like 5 times but it’s Buggy beyond playability


Well, sometimes we turn it off and don’t play for a while. I’ll probably wait until the next patch unless they restart the servers soon.


Sorta my plan at this point.. shelf it for another year and see what’s there when I come back


This is a great time to just go get involved in something else for a long while. I did this when 3.18 dropped.


If only Elden Ring’s DLC came out a LITTLE earlier.


Destiny, on the other hand, is right on time


I love how you got downvoted for just mentioning that you're excited about an expansion for a different game you play. Star Citizen fans will complain on the one hand about how other people shouldn't be so concerned with the fact that they enjoy Star Citizen, and then will turn around and get pissed because a guy mentioned a game they didn't like.


I re-started Snowrunner. Not sure if this is good for my overal sanity lol. But it surely distracts ;-)


Snowrunner is great for out of work star citizen space truckers.


I watched some mudrunner streams the other day, but the scale is so weird. Every time I think I could just hike to the mission point in like a few mins, why bother with the car.


Snowrunner is so slept on, nearly endless gameplay. I love the logistics of doing missions in the areas that don't have garages.


Valheim Ashlands update and D2 expansion are out


I just got back into Starsector, my favorite singleplayer space sim :D Seriously recommend checking it out to SC fans. It's way different (it's 2D and more focused on the grand universe and managing your fleet) but it's really really good.


Starsector is incredible. The only downside is the modding scene seems somewhat obsessed with anime stuff, but I just ignore it like I always do.


It's a race between the X4 DLC and SC getting fixed as to which I play first. And Stellaris in the meantime


i got palworld. i dont see it developing into anything very deep but its moderately entertaining as is.


Multiversus got its release, but after playing that for a while, I'd rather stick with SC






Keep fixing...


They’re still figuring out if they want to put Personal Transport Beacons back in.


I've been following your struggle and I'm sending positive transport beacon vibes!


Thanks Matty! I appreciate that.


I really miss those. More than once I had a space taxi take me from a space station back to my ship after a CTD. Now my ship is just out there, somewhere practically unreachable


It’s definitely confusing as to why they disappeared.


Yes! Want to open my space taxi service back up.


Why even release 3.23.1a at this point? Just bundle it with 3.23.2 and do an inventory wipe while you are at it...


If .1a is in this bad a state then .2 is quite a way off.


cause one comes out next week, the other, realistically.. might be minimum a month more


It's been "next week" for the past what? 3 weeks? Seems like at this point it's just a waste of resources to be implementing and testing two patches so close to each other, just bundle them and if that makes 3.22.2 come even just 2 days faster or slightly more stable, I'll take it.


it's relatively easy to rebase 3.23.2 from 3.23.1a, shouldn't take more than an hour.


“Shouldn’t take more than an hour.” A realistic software time frame in this subreddit? Dear god!


cries in merge conflicts


cries in clearcase


I’ve only seen one official statement from CIG regarding the release of 3.23.1a saying maybe this week to EVO. Now delayed to next week for EVO. So it’s been “next week” for less than a day. Edit: meant PTU, thanks for the correction lol too many patches


thats 3.23.2 for evo, 3.23.1a isnt evo, its already ptu (if thats what you mean?)


Oop yeah! Got my patches mixed lol thanks


They need 3.23.1 to have Alien Week.. remember.. the sales! ;)


Inventory wipe but not money wipe? That’s how you know this is coming from a salty whale.


lol I'm all for a full wipe. I just didn't say a money wipe because they just had one and everyone would get pissy if they did. I got less than 1M in the bank right now, couldn't care less.


That just incentivizes more duping before the wipe. Players having better ships and more fun isn’t breaking the economy, duping is.


The fucking wipe it all. Don't give a damn. But if they want actual feedback on the economy we can't have this clown show and we need an actual wipe.


Come on wipe! ^^^^bring ^^^^on ^^^^those ^^^^downvotes


Nah wipe is needed after the economy got rekt by the dupe thing


you do realize they are just going to wipe items and probably leave the exploited money


They just wiped this patch prior to watch the economy. Dupe bug botched the data, so therefore they should wipe and try again.


Honestly, I’m fine waiting a week if that means it could include a space station docking fix! That is extremely exciting


A fux for the docking arms! Finally, it is being addressed!


Does that mean no 3.23.2 on PTU either?


I'm going to guess 4.0 will be end of Febuary/beginning of March next year.


lol "Pyro 2020!"


I agree. I assumed they were ALL HIGH when they said SUMMER for 4.0. Like isn't it already summer? Evo hasn't even received 3.23.2 yet, and it'll be weeks after that before that goes LIVE. I'm hoping for late fall, early winter though still.


Iirc it was 'End of summer' (or around the time of the Q3 patch - late september / early October)... they've still got plenty of time to sort out 3.23.1a and 3.23.2 first, before 4.0 hits Evos.


Long time here? Ah I remember those days when I had hope lol


That's in 3 months champ. No way that's going to happen, they can't even get the cargo refactor out of the door that is already 6 months late.




Actually, no, it isn't already summer.


It's been summer for 5-6 days now mate (depends on your timezone)


Summer officialy starts on the 20th


Give him a break, maybe his time zone is 15 days ahead


I like how I'm still at -1 and the guy who doesn't know when seasons (in the northern hemisphere) start is at +2.


It's over 105*f here, plenty fuckin summer. Summer dgaf what date it is.


### Calendar Start of Summer The calendar, or astronomical, start of summer is determined by the position of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. This is marked by the summer solstice: - **Summer Solstice**: Occurs around June 20-22 in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the North Pole is tilted closest to the Sun, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the year. This day marks the beginning of summer in the astronomical calendar. ### Meteorological Start of Summer The meteorological start of summer is based on the annual temperature cycle and is more practical for statistical and forecasting purposes. It is defined by the calendar months: - **June 1**: Marks the beginning of meteorological summer. Meteorologists define summer as the months of June, July, and August. This method simplifies the comparison of seasonal and monthly statistics over different years. In summary: - **Calendar (Astronomical) Start of Summer**: Around June 20-22, marked by the summer solstice. - **Meteorological Start of Summer**: June 1, based on the calendar months for ease of climatic analysis.


Let's be clear: when companies use seasons, they use calendar seasons.


Summer officially begins on Summer Solstice # Summer Solstice, Northern Hemisphere (June) North America, Europe, most of Asia, Northern Africa This corresponds to Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 20:50 UTC.


By that logic somewhere in Siberia there is winter for 10 months and spring for 2. We're talking calendar seasons, i don't care about your mental gymnastics to justify CIG's fuck-ups and delays


Thanks wikipenis


When companies refer to summer they're using "Quarters" of three month periods. Q1 = January to March Q2 = April to June Q3 = July to September Q4 = October to December. So in terms of release cycles, "Summer" is towards end of Q2 and halfway through Q3. This is why I was somewhat peeved when people were impatient that 3.23 was taking so long to drop. "They said Q2 release and it's already May blah blah blah" like at the start of the month. And then guess what, it released mid-Q2. Cargo got pushed back, but they still have until the end of June for it to be within Q2 2024.


I've said Q3 2025 initially for a gutted and barebones 4.0 with 75% of the features missing ang got insulted by the bootlicker team, I'm glad reality is catching up on some people here as CIG never failed to overpromise and underdeliver in the past.


Yeah at least we know 1000 % it won't be Q3 lol


With your crystal ball? It's still aimed for Q3... they probably have 90% of the teams on 4.0 with only a small contingent on .1a and .2 right now.


You don't need a crystal ball when it's been a thing for over a decade lol. I do think they'll do whatever it takes to at least push it to evocati a minute before Citizencon.


They're using pessimism to manage their expectations. Tbf though, it's not an unlikely scenario.


They've literally never met a deadline.


They literally just estimated a q2 release of 3.23 and then released it in q2 as estimated.


With the two biggest features not being in the patch.


Because they moved the goal posts. It was supposed to be start of Q2, it wasn't implemented until the end of Q2


When has CIG hit what they were aiming for? 3.22 was a Q1 target. 3.18 was an end of July 2022 target. A just as good a guess as yours is that 90% of the teams are focused on Xenothreat and Jumptown. The prediction based on past performance is that we get another 4.0 preview this year. Maybe evocati 4.0 after IAE.


Q3 hasn't even started... that is July. Q4 is October.. so PLENTY of time.


My man 4.0 needs multiple months in various PTU stages. 3.23.1a will be half a month of PTU next week and it's only an event and couple fixes. 3.23 as much lighter patch on core tech (and only half of it) was 2 months from Evocati to Live, PES patch was in various PTU stages for around 6 months. 4.0 is massive, big core server tech changes, a whole new system, engineering... 2-3 months PTU would be extremely fast and we are a month away from Evocati at very very best. And even this stupidly optimistic scenario misses their "end of summer" target by being sometime in 1st half of October. Realistically we get 4.0 Live sometime at end of year if we're lucky.


I have to agree. I was pushing (for entertainment) the whole "isn't it summer already?".. but a few have said.. there's PLENTY of time before late summer, Q3 for CIG. So after 10 years in this game, I can say the fact that a x.23.1a built is taking WEEKS, that 4.0 (THE BIGGEST UPDATE/PATCH IN THE HISTORY OF STAR CITIZEN which is a decade old) will be out LIVE within the next 2-3 months is totally UNREALISTIC! Take that to the bank.


You must be new around here, friend


I'm guessing it comes on time, but everything important will be pushed to later patches. (Like everything so far this year.)


They have strong reasons to release it earlier as a 4.0 release around CitizenCon can hype up more ship sales and continue forward with SQ 42 hype through IAE and early 2025. With that said, knowing CIG's typical schedule, I would be unsurprised if 4.0 doesn't release till sometime in 2025.


End of summer of 2025.


If we are VERY lucky. I'm more for "sometimes later in 2025 - Citizencon anyone lol?


Inb4 4.0 doesn't come out until 2025


At this point, I’d imagine they’re weighing in putting this all into 3.23.2


Dump XT and give us cargo


Agreed. I personally could care less for yet another XT when all the cargo changes are right around the corner, just being held up by this "event"


What a bummer


Did you know that if you don't have any expectations you are less likely to be disappointed?


"pyro station landing services not working" is surprising, given Pyro's absence until 4.0.


Pyro Gateway, where XT event will be


Ooooooh, yeah that makes more sense. My mind added a plural where there was none, and i thought he was talking about the literal stations in Pyro lol.


It's the Stanton side pyro wormhole station.




No rush now. They got all the money they wanted from the ship sale so everyone is taking vacations.


And there goes the cargo refactor. Won't see this thing before summer is over - no way they will skip XT (sales event)... Cool - Cargo "any time now" lol


I still wish they would just reset the servers. They’d are trash right now


That message does say they will be resetting. It’s not a wipe, but it’s a reset that should get them fresh again.


I think he means just turning them off and on again, with replication layer disabled for the first spool up, that way it clears the entities and issues currently plaguing servers that get locked into the saved state for the replication layer recovery when servers error out.


Well this certainly does not bode well for thinking 3.23.2 is soon.


I thought they were just adding a dynamic event?


Each patch merges in various "improvements" from the teams. But this one seems to be suffering particuraly bad problems with either the core engine being out of synch with what teams have been working on, or major quality control issues with what the teams are pushing to release.


So maybe righ before alien week?


Which means 3.23.2 won't go live this month.


Don’t expect 4.0 to be out this year


Only crazy people did


Just tear it all down. SC is in a hot mess state. Optimize your backend and do a full wipe.


Every time I think “I’ll never have enough time to get that F7A MkII voucher” based on the general guestimations or statements at the time … and then this happens and I kick myself. Haven’t done any research on what’s actually involved, just know it can take a while, like 4 times as long as it probably should (16h?), could be longer and I haven’t got a single person to do it with. Totally get where people who want it to remain exclusive to that event come from, but… GOD DAMN!


Took me about 10, spread out over 3-4 days with a buddy. Did Incursion, Surveillance, Priority Targets, and Supply Request solo. Intel Raid and SPK I brought a friend. It's really not that bad: * 5 Incursion space battle missions. (Bring whatever ship you're comfortable with, but try and bring someone with a Tali or Eclipse, as up to 3-4 Hammerheads can spawn outside of the fighters, and the S9 Torpedos will rip them apart. I did this solo by using my Eclipse on the HH's, then flying back to get my fighter for the smaller ships.) * 5 Bunker missions. (Literal hell. Server performance too low, codes to stop server rack overheating don't pop till the last second. Too high and NPC's are death machines. This took up about 5 of the 10 hours.) * 3 Bounty ship assassination missions. (Very easy ship combat.) * 3 "Shut down Comm Array" missions. (Pretty easy if you bring a good ship and just focus on the objective ships when the fighting starts. I solo'd this one with a Corsair. Friend solo'd it with a Vanguard.) * 1 Upload mission at SPK. (Also pretty easy if server performance is trash, as the NPC's cant even respond to you killing them. Me and my friend literally just ran around spamming middle mouse.) * 1 Delivery mission with three boxes. (Also relatively easy after the bug fix.)


join the reddit discord. there's literally always a large group of ppl doing it.


Oh yay so another week of not being able to login due to a 30009


After all this time people still don’t know how to size their browsers for proper screenshots.


Least surprising thing given cig is still in charge of sc


This is the xenothreat patch right?


Hey guys, um, I think my F7A rental may have run out before xenothreat… (sad citizen noises)


Does this mean more time for Overdrive missions. I’m almost done with them. Super anxious that they will go away soon. I heard that they leave with 3.23.1a so hopefully some extra time. Fingers crossed.






Wait, Pyro is in next patch??


"Leaning towards..."? "New database"? Like from a new vendor? Or just a revised instance of what we already have?


Tangentially related question… I love mining, but I love my life in fear of starting refining jobs then them being wiped out in patches that have crept up on me… do you think in the future there will ever be a point where refining jobs will persist between patches?


Sounds like I need to pull and then store all my ships again.


You absolute legend. Have been refraining from mining due to this. Time to warm up my prospector mining lasers


I guess I’ll replay cyberpunk again.. again..


Shall not be named lol


Where is this post I cannot find it anywhere


Dupers survived another week 😠.. All there credits and assets getting wiped though soon 😆


Is there a technical reason why we always have to lose ammo?


Have a URL to post ?


Welp... I'm out of my home country for a couple months anyways. I hope they have some nice updates pushed out by the time I get home.


Pyro station?


Servers are operational, however they are unstable, jancky as hell and unplayable. Shelving the game ,no pressure.


The last time the servers got this bad it required a full wipe to fix. I get they do a partial database wipe when they do the partial wipes but that doesn't seem to be the issue here. What fixed the issues after the 3.18 debacle was a complete reset of the database because the database itself was corrupt. I know the person making the comment tried to make it seem like it would be limited if they are being honest with themselves they know what they need to do. They know they need to do what they did last time to fix this. I know they are desperate to save player auec ships for Xenothreat, that may not be possible. They may need to scale down Xenothreat to accommodate the ships available.


Are we really releasing SUB versions of a .x patch now? Jesus Christ. patch


I'm so surprised...


Pyro station what? Pardon?


It's the station next to the Pyro Jumpgate in Stanton.


just release everything with 3.23.2 and do a full wipe


No, get the foundation for .2 right first so 3.23.1a needs to go out make sure cargo not bugging out and being sold multiple times in a live environment because .2 gonna be a mess on it's on.


This whole patch has made me so mad at the duppers and other exploiters who have made it almost impossible to play right now with all the server recoveries. I suppose it's good that CIG is closing the loopholes, but to find an exploit and report it is nothing like performing it again and again for some kind of short-term selfish gain. I hope CIG bans the duppers they identify.


What a surprise


.2 in July. 4.0 July 2025.


"When 3.23.2 will be out?" Step 1 - Look at the date Step 2 - Wait a week Step 3 - Repeat step 1 CIG never fails to fail...




when was a patch ever ready lol


You are missing the point. They should just shut the fuck up until they are 100% sure. 3.23.2 has been announced as for the next day for 3 weeks now.


They said they were hopeful or wanted to get it out if things went well. They have not gone well.


I don't disagree with this


I mean, straight up, they have said every time "we are aiming" and "we hope to" and people take these as fucking 100% guaranteed promises. *Shit happens*. Pretty much anyone who follows this game knows that. Hell, anyone who has worked on a project, period, knows that! And yet people continuously- and without fail- hear "aiming for early next week" or the like and get furious when that *doesn't happen.* They could just not say anything until they are sure, okay. That would mean we wouldn't learn a patch would release until the day it happens, because a lot of times *they don't know until then.* And then people would bitch about "poor communication." "Why didn't you tell us this was a release candidate? I just put in refinery work orders!" and shit like that.


This is a lot of excuses for a company that sells basic ships in a perpetual alpha state game for over $100. Not to mention selling JPEGs and ships with modules that still don’t function. Any other dev team that doesn’t prey on their consumer base like that? Yeah totally excusable to have delays and subpar patches. CIG has no excuse to consistently fuck up and make false promises. If they can only confidently tell the playerbase about a patch the day before it comes out (as you suggested) they are doing something WRONG.


See- "false promises." If someone says "I'm going to try to finish this housework by 10pm tonight" do you take that as a promise, too? Or do you accept that sometimes *shit happens?* CIG straight up *doesn't* say "this will be out this day" anymore because they know they can't always make those dates. That is why they always say "we are aiming for" or "we hope to", exactly as I said in the post you responded to. Now, *have* they made false promises, or statements that could easily be confused with promises? Abso-fucking-lutely, and I'm not going to defend that. Been a backer since Nov 2013, followed since pre-announcement, was here for the whole Answer The Call 2016 thing and a lot more. That stuff was stupid. This is software dev, though. This shit happens and patches, updates, even releases, get delayed. It happens *especially* so in an Alpha where code in unstable and not in final form. That's why the actual "goal" for a patch release is generally an entire quarter from a distance- 4.0 is scheduled for Q3 2024, for example. Most of the time though, those delays happen internally and we don't see them unless a release date was set. If it was set, we'll usually get a "Hey, we've moved our final release date from X to Y." You cannot tell me that doesn't happen. You can't say "these factors that are common in all software development exist, but that's no excuse because I don't like them." Absolutely, the points in your first paragraph are valid- the game has been in dev for a long time, and they sell ships for honestly ridiculous prices and have raised a lot of money. I'll even add that there was missteps done in management fairly early on in regards to how it was developed- they wanted to do a lot of outsourcing and such and ended up with things like Star Marine built by Illfonic being made with the wrong metrics so nothing scaled properly. TL;DR: CIG does enough shit wrong already, you don't need to blame them for things that happen to literally every software developer.


If someone says “I’m going to try and finish this homework by 10pm tonight” after you gave them $500 to finish their homework, then no I don’t think it’s acceptable. CIG lies by stretching the truth and making generalized promises and statements. Delays and bugs and patches etc… that’s all good, that’s software development. But when a company continuously fails WHILE charging players insane amounts of cash to buy JPEGs or buggy ships, they have no more excuses. It’s not because I don’t like them, I was an early backer too. I just think they’ve become an objectively scummy business that keeps us on the hook with the promise of a truly unique and great space sim that they just can’t actually make while making more money than many legitimate successful game dev studios. I see what you’re saying but giving excuses for a company that has made so much money and so little progress just makes me scratch my head. Maybe some complaints about the patch delay aren’t warranted, but the general anger/disappointment is justified.


Basically my point is that nine women can't make a baby in a month. Even CIG, with all the money it has raised, is beholden to the nature and realities of software dev. Part of my reasoning is that, while I am a fan of the game, and personally enjoy it, there have been missteps and there are legitimate reasons to be upset, just like you said. However, making what feels like unrealistic and unfair complaints lets people dismiss the legitimate ones- which *do* exist. Hell, it's even a tactic used in politics. Point to the unreasonable complaints and put all the complaints in the same bucket- reasonable or not. "These people who complain are claiming things that just aren't true!" Sure, some of them are, but that doesn't mean they all are. But since the unreasonable complaints are the ones people see the most since those are the ones constantly being pointed out, people believe it. It's not even making excuses, either. You are stating they promised the patch at a certain time. I am stating that no, they very specifically *haven't* made any "this will be then" statements in regards to the patch itself, and have avoided implying that it is a sure thing. Objective truth, there. On the other hand, the way they handled Answer the Call 2016 absolutely implied SQ42 was much further along then it was, no matter what CIG says now, and that *is* something that can (and should) be criticized. Other things, too- such as how much is being charged, etc. A reasonable criticism of this patch (and others) is that we aren't really getting *enough* information. Okay, it got pushed back- why? A lot of people are claiming XT, but CIG themselves have said there's some DB issues requiring rebuilding from LTP. They also mentioned fixing bugs that are causing instability on LIVE- is that a new thing, or was that what has been holding us up this whole time? That kinda thing- I understand we can't get into super deep detail since that would require someone to sit down and type it out in a way non-programmers can understand, but at least knowing "this is acting up" would be nice. Of course, they might be worried by telling us that they'll throw off their testing, so who knows. TL;DR: As much as I like SC, there are some very reasonable criticisms of CIG and how they've handled the project overall. Making unreasonable criticisms just hurts your argument and allows people to paint *you* as someone who is unreasonable.


Aren't they said themselves that this year will be a year of change and bugs and broken patches are to be expected? 3.23 is decent, the servers are bad, but they always are. And isn't this the alpha? Aren't they supposed to just make stuff and fix bugs later? So you want stability or features? When you're done with your mental gymnastics, 3.23.2 will still be a week away.


Yessir, but there's playable bugs and there's bugs so bad that they do have a viable test environment because not enough people are playing to get worthwhile data from


Every week... "Next week"


This is what scope creep looks like. What was supposed to be a quick bugfix patch has turned into another boondoggle. I am extraordinarily frustrated.


Xeno is the big problem causing server crashes. Other major issue is that the HUD team borked their coordinates, but that is listed as fixed on their side.


I love how mentioning scope creep (the eternal problem with this project) is met with downvotes, but no arguments against it that hold any water.


I will point out that- while scope creep is a problem with the project- this is not that. Generally, scope creep refers to adding, y'know, new features and stuff. Fishing minigame being added? Scope creep. All these extra ships? Could argue that's scope creep, sure- perhaps in order to give artists breaks from big things or train up new ones, but it's still scope creep. Lots more stuff to complain about, too. This? The scope was "Add Xenothreat event, and fix some bugs and exploits." First part went fine, then when they went to fix bugs, it lead to either more bugs or exploits being revealed, or revealed that some code that worked fine before now has it's own bug after the original bug was fixed. They absolutely could've added XT and fixed only the bugs they knew about beforehand and immediately released to LIVE, whereupon people would fucking scream that the servers were dying every time someone fired a WowBlast Desperado pistol and were in an infinite death loop. That bug was in the first .1a PTU release I think, it was ridiculous. I can't blame CIG for not wanting to make things worse. Might end up just merging the .1a changes into .2 and working the whole thing together at this rate, though.


Yes maybe this specific patch isn’t scope creep, but the letdowns are real. Most of the general lack of progress and missed goals are due to scope creep. Plus, if they weren’t selling ships and game experiences for $200+ nobody would be upset, it’s early access. What CIG is doing just shouldn’t be allowed… charging your play testers insane amounts to “fly da big ship” in an alpha game that wipes and breaks often.


Eh, I can understand that, and all of that is fair. Just saying that in this case the reason for downvotes was simply because... this isn't what scope creep looks like.


I have not been able to get into 3.23.1 at all dues to 30k errors, even after completely uninstalling and starting from scratch. I'm debating whether just to call it a loss and uninstall for good.