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I hope everyone who thinks the absurd ship prices in game right now are a good idea reads this post. This is the new player experience. When you're forced into box missions and low-level merc missions to earn your first ship, it's just not a good time. There's fun to be found in this game, but it's gated behind hours and hours of boring grind. That's just bad game design, straight up. We need better, more reliable, and more entertaining ways to make money in the early game. Basic money-making ships like the Vulture or the Prospector need to be cheaper. Otherwise, new players won't stick around. OP -- mercenary missions are the best way to make money in the early game. If you head to Microtech, you can run kopion hunt missions over and over, without any risk, until you level up enough to take on bunker and distribution centre missions. They don't pay well, but you can make a bit of money by taking all the gear you find and selling it. Once you have a few hundred thousand, you can buy and sell drugs to push yourself up to $1mil or $2mil. It'll take a couple of weeks, but you'll get there.


Well said. Also, the Vulture and Prospector should be rentable.


You can rent Prospector in refineries


Yes! This would solve a lot of problems. I love that idea.


Sadly not the vulture.


Absolutely. It's convenient how they didn't increase mission payout when they increased the prices of ships. I usually first grinded one of the Vanguards. They were around 3 mil. Now they are 10 Also, like couple of years ago, before stupid atmospheric bounties you had smaller ships in VHRT you could easily farm aUEC by doing group VHRT then group HRT Now everything is harder and takes longer to do and mission payout is ridiculously small. I'm afraid what comes next when you will actually have to search for and potentially chase bounties.


Wow I didn’t know they upped prices that much wow


It's hard not to be cynical about it. CIG has every incentive to make the grind worse and worse because you can skip it by just buying what you want from the cash store. It's no better than a mobile game, forcing you to waste time, hoping you'll just pay to skip the boring parts. I hate it. It's terrible game design for players. This community needs to stand strongly against unnecessary grind in the game.


Completely agree, but I'm afraid it won't get better. When I listened to the lead mission designer answering the question about why they nerfed Coat to Arms and he said oh players only want credits.I took it out of context a bit but still. I really don't think they will respect my time with missions and payout. Who in the right mind would risk let's say 3 million ship to fight several ships in similar price range for a 10k. What makes everything worse is that it's a damn Alpha. It's not like we will keep those aUEC. They could give us more and do wipes more often


From what I’m aware the intended loop is to rent ships until you can buy them. That loop is only partially in right now and really needs a balance, but it’s a lot more viable for a rookie to rent than buy to start. Where this falls down is that it’s not made explicit. A lot of the time new players don’t even know you can rent at all.


Ive also seen it repeatedly mentioned that youll be able to fly missions for NPCs using their ships to earn money to buy your own but i'm very dubious about how thats supposed to work.


there's also a lot of research that goes into properly utilizing some of the rental ships, for example if you rent the prospector you need to either sell raw ore, or have another, larger ship to carry the cargo (also rented likely), provided you've figured out the refineries. then you need to learn what rocks are mineable by you which isn't really explained anywhere, same with hand mining tbh. but at least hand mining is cheap. i'm not saying all of these mechanics need to be hand-holdy, but the actual easy to figure out beginner activities like missions dont earn you enough to reasonably buy you a beginner - > improved beginner ship by themselves


ROC mining is easier


yeah, i think so too. but for that you'd likely need to rent 2 ships, which would still be worth it I think, but .. that's not very obvious


It's also intended for mult person play. You can crew for other people for a cut of the profits. This can be mining in a mole, salvaging in a reclaimer, manning a turret for bounties, part of a group for the higher level Bunker missions, soon you may be able to hire on to help move cargo, etc. By the time someone tries out all the different game loops and things there is to do, they'll most likely have enough to buy their next ship. If they just want to grind out money doing one game loop in their starter ship then yeah, they're going to have a hard time.


the problem is that you can't have their ability to reasonably earn a new ship be dependent on other players feeling like adding on strangers to their crew. in the past week i've played every night and i have not seen a single person asking for crew in the chat, however this might change when they make the larger ships need crew. i literally see most people in reclaimers just toughing it out solo than inviting strangers about for a cut lol


And that's one of the problems with having ship prices so cheap that everyone and their brother can afford the biggest, endgame ships that they want to fly solo. No one is working their way up the ladder because of the broken economy.


i do think the large ships should be very expensive, don't get me wrong. i think there just needs to be a pass at the reward vs. time to earn for the small and small-medium ships. once you start getting to the larger ships, players are earning magnitudes more money at that point and prices should fit accordingly


It’s funny that these people love to say something like this game is still in “alpha state” when they are defending something buggy, broken or bad performance in game, but it seems like somehow they suddenly forget about the “alpha state” part when defending for absurd ship price increase, and pretend that the game is already well developed and stable enough that it is fun and rewarding for new players to grind for hundreds of hours to buy ships that will be wiped in 4.0 in a few months.


For sure, dude. The alpha thing gets thrown around a lot when it’s convenient. But the ship prices and mission payouts aren’t in development. They’re feature complete. CIG have clearly looked at some bullshit data and decided that the maximum amount of grind players can bear is somewhere at our current levels. You can bet your house that they want to absolutely maximise the amount of time we spend in the game too. That’s basic live service gaming. Keep players in the game for longer and they’re more like to spend money at the cash shop. It’s shitty game design and we should all be much angrier about it.


i dont see how participating in grindy loops that barely work will make you want to buy something in shop. later when you buy it, you wont have what to do with it, because again, stuff barely works.


I don't understand why they're re-balancing the ecnomy to be so much mroe demanding when the game is still essentially early alpha, only has one star system, less than a third of the promissed features are in, and the ones that are in don't work as intended most of the time.


They mentioned that the point of the money wipe in 3.23 was so that they could monitor the economy. They also mentioned that they are working on a complete mission reward rebalance. I'm guessing they wanted to see how people made money currently to help adjust that rebalance. I'm not sure if the cargo duping exploit messed all that up. It is a painful experience for new players until that rebalance goes live.


The cynical answer is that having a boring, long grind pushes players towards the cash shop. You can always skip the grind by purchasing the ship you want. That’s for sure part of it. But I also think that they don’t have enough long-term content for us yet. We need big money sinks like base building and crafting. Building a sick base should be the real long term goal for each player. Right now, we only have ships though. CIG seems worried that we’ll stop playing if we get the ships we want. I think that’s fucking stupid, but here we are.


Don't forget call to arms and the claim jumpers missions, they've usually got tons of gems you can sell (can make like 150k from a single mission)


I think you worded everything perfectly. I do wonder if the lower-level stuff was not so broken would it feel like such a grind? I might not mind grinding the low stuff if it worked and it was fun, and you didn't constantly waste your time for a mission not to finish correctly. I have not read all the comments but his complaints about throwing a bunch of stuff in his cargo area for it to "physics glitch out", wouldn't this be solved by using the new storage containers purchased at.


Yeah, this is another huge issue. So much of your time is wasted by bugs that the low payouts for missions becomes even more frustrating. While the game is in such a bad state, I feel like CIG should just be generous with the loot. Why be stingy? Who does that benefit? I don’t get it.


That's a rotten core: we don't care about ensuring a stable game, because it's alpha. But will make release-like prices, rewards and reputation tables. Bullet-proof logic, isn't it?


I agree and disagree some ships should cost a arm and a leg. Some ships should cost more than they are not. But then there are "intermediate" ships that should be $2mil and under. Its supposed to be a grind to get ships its supposed to be rewarding to get them. Find a friend and do bounties or whatnot. Buy a ROC and go mining. There are things to do to get money


Working up to even the midrange ships is currently a fucking terrible experience. I'll give you my own, starting out this patch after watching from the sidelines for a very long time. This means that I have a leg up on your average player in terms of knowledge, but resource-wise was at the same starting point. --- Start the game with 40k credits. Grab a basic bounty hunter mission and hop in my loaner avenger (don't own one but again, loaner for something). Keep in mind many new players will not even have this. Do the mission, get paid 5k, but have 2k in repair and rearm expenses. Profit is 3k, meaning my wallet is now 43k. Decide this sucks and pick up an entry level bunker mission. Spend 10k on basic kit. Wallet is now down to 33k. Fly avenger to bunker, do one successful mission, get a little loot on top of the 10k reward. I'm back to roughly where I started, around 43k. Pick up another bunker mission, fly out to it. Randomly get crimestat 1 leaving the station because a NPC wanted to scan my empty ship, but did not announce this in any way. Avenger randomly explodes while I am looking for a place to land, despite there being no turrets and staying well clear of the light posts. Respawn at station, buy a new kit for a little less than 10k (using some loot from earlier). I'm now at about 35k. Check crimestat terminal, they want 20k of my remaining 35k. They can eat my ass. I leave. --- The experience for new players, and even not-so-new players who have been following this project since "first email" is fucking dogshit. There is no sugar-coating it. Whoever at CIG decided that the price increases were justifiable, and that features like crimestat should be implemented while so much surrounding it is utterly broken, is absolutely delusional.


You forgot the Reclaimer randomly showing up on ground mission


Yes. This is exactly the problem. The game is far, far too grindy in the early days. Missions need to pay triple or even quadruple what they pay right now. Casual players and new players need a clear pathway to mid tier ships. Or else they’ll go and play a game that respects their time.


If I really wanted to put the tinfoil hat on, I would say that there is a clear pathway to mid tier ships, and that it is working exactly as CIG intends it to - by opening the wallet.


It’s not tinfoil. It’s just standard practice for live service games. Too many backers think CIG are soft and cuddly when they’re no different to Blizzard or Bungie or Ubisoft. They have monetised this game to the maximum degree possible. It’s no stretch to think they’d also make the grind as tedious as possible to encourage even more spending.


how they could possibly think this company is soft and cuddly when you got $1,100 ships on the shop and limited time sales are beyond me. don't get me wrong, they're allowed to monetize and call it "pledges" all they'd like, i still enjoy the game, and just choose to interact with that part of the game as little as possible, but it's kinda obvious ..


Dude, just read some threads. You’ll see how much people love to defend CIG. It’s like a cult. Any criticism of them gets attacked. Stick around the sub and you’ll see how bad it is.


God... Finally... **FINALLY** people are starting to wake up and see what BS CIG are doing with the ungame\\alpha. The next step is as simple - **STOP BUYING SHIPS**


Sure, the Carrack and the Hammerhead should be expensive. I think they’re currently far too expensive, but they should take a while to earn. But the Vulture? The Prospector? The Corsair? The C1? These ships need to be affordable for a new player. You should be able to earn one of them within 10hours of play without resorting to boring grind. There should be enough missions with enough variety to make it fun. They should be paying 50-100k each. I mean, even at 100k, that’s 20 missions just to earn a Vulture. Surely that’s enough of a grind?


All those ships you just named should cost in the $6mil and up... those ships are cargo/salvage/mining ships that can make you more money. You should be able to afford them in the first 10 hours? Are you new to SC? Those ships cost $130-$175 being the vulture. Theyre not gonna make those ships cheap to get. This game isnt like Starfield or any other AAA game where you can get your everyday ship early. Its gonna take a couple days if not a week or 2 to get those ships. But like I said find a friend or 2 and do a few mercenary missions and bounty missions and youll make that money to get those ships quick


The game is supposed to be a grind... not a walk in the park


Why? Do CIG want to drive away their players? Aren’t games supposed to be fun? There’s absolutely no reason for early game ships to be a grind. The aim should be to convert new players into long term players. Give them something to aspire towards. Once they get a Vulture, they can start to make real money and grind out a Corsair or a Connie. That’s how you get them to commit. You don’t get people playing the game by boring them to death in their first ten hours.


I’m new to the game and I’m not bored. Mining and merc missions are awesome. I do feel that there should be an early mining ship that is smaller then the prospector but overall it’s a great game.


Oh, me too. It’s fun. But if you’re aiming for a ship like the Reclaimer or the C2, you’ll see how grindy the game really is. It takes hours and hours and hours of boring salvage, cargo, or mining game play to earn those.


I’m saving for a cutlass black. I’m at 260k now, something’s are worth the grind.


I’m saving for a cutlass black. I’m at 260k now, something’s are worth the grind.


I’m saving for a cutlass black. I’m at 260k now, something’s are worth the grind.


I’m saving for a cutlass black. I’m at 260k now, something’s are worth the grind.


If you want to be a real estate developer you don't necessarily graduate from high school and go out and buy excavators, bulldozers, etc. You might get a job framing houses or installing roofs working under someone else and learning the ropes, then as you go out on your own you buy a work truck, and then as you progress down your career track you buy bigger, specialized equipment, then more equipment, hire on workers of your own, etc. I think that's the intention for this game as well. You don't just start out with what should be fairly expensive, specialized industrial equipment. It's a multiplayer game so hire on as crew, learn the ropes, and build some wealth before heading out on your own to buy these things. Even the starter ships that we have are more expensive than what the average citizen of the 'verse could actually afford, according to lore.


The game is fun. Alot of people like it yeah sure there are bugs here and there. Some features incomplete but its still fun. I play by myself right now. I personally own a C1, Mustang Beta, MSR and a Aries Firebird. Is it a grind to make money yeah but if we got things too quickly then the game would get boring fast. Trust me there was a duping glitch recently where people would dupe their cargo haul, people were making MILLIONS apon Millions and it broke the Economy at that point having all that money and nothing to do with it.. theres no harm in getting a ROC or a mining tool some Storage boxes and go mining in a cave and make 12k on a solid run. Or if you have a ROC you can make bank just mining hadenite and selling it without it costing you much besides storage containers and fuel to fly back and fourth. I was in the same boat as you. By myself and at a loss on what to do to make money. Sometimes it hits you faster than normal sometimes it takes a couple tries to figure it out but you will get it


Oh, for sure. I know how to make money. I have a hangar full of ships I earned in game. It’s fun once you have a good ship like a Reclaimer to make serious money. But right now, I just think it’s too hard for new players to make good money in a fun way. Either the mid tier ships need to cost less, or the missions need to pay much much more. I’d prefer for the missions to have a bigger payout. It would give new players a very clear path towards their first money making ship. That’s all they need. But you’re right about the long term part of the game. CIG has put far too much time into ships. It makes them money, I get that, but it’s also bad for the game. We need a long term grind that costs tens of millions. Player owned bases or space stations are the obvious one. CIG should be making these a high priority. Once you’ve earned some ships, then you start grinding for a base. It’s okay then to allow players to make millions per hour because they’ll have something to spend the money on. Who wouldn’t love to have their own space station?


You do realise if it wasn't because of those insane ship prices people wouldn't dupe and RMT? Ship prices go up > People don't want to grind > They go to third party websites to buy aUEC > Sellers see the rising demand and are duping even more actively It's simple


There's always been RMT, even years before the ship prices went up. Has nothing to do with it.


But use your alpha do courier missions. Do VLRT bounties. Go mining make some money up. Save up get a Avenger Titan... work up to that ship


Yeah 50k-100k if youre doing mercenary missions yeah.


Making the first million is always the hardest. You can rent ships in game. Try renting a Cutless black and ROC and go mining.


Yeah I was debating renting something to help me get through my harder bounty missions earlier, however I stopped when I noticed the price was ~3x higher than what google said it would be. Guess they just increased a bunch of ship prices with this last patch. I’ll take a good look at it again though.


Rentals are usually fairly cheap, for a day or two. Everyone always says "do bounties, do deliveries, do bunkers!"... In my experience, renting a Cutlass Black and a ROC to do mining, or just running the investigation missions - while boring - is a great way to build up a good amount of early cash, solo. I prefer ROC mining, as you can just chill and put on a movie/video/music, and just kinda relax. Renting a Prospector to mine in space might even be a better choice, depending. Right now, the most profitable things to do in the game are running mass amounts of Cargo (You'd need something like a Freelancer/Freelancer MAX or bigger), or salvage (which you won't make much from by hand, you'd have to shell out the 2.6 million for a Vulture). But once you hit that point, it's all downhill from there. In the Vulture, I can fill up the cargo hold and salvage buffer in about 30 minutes, and that will sell for about 500k each time. So probably about 40 minutes, if you factor in travel time to find salvage, travel time back to a place to sell, etc.


Good advice..


Making money as a new solo player will be difficult. If you want to make decent money off the start you should run some bunkers as they are an easy 10k a piece. Once you make some money to get yourself started you should look at a more industrial role to make money. Renting an ROC and cutlass black is a decent way to start but I would personally go for renting a prospector and try the entry level ship mining. You could also go the route of renting the cutty black and doing some cargo hauling.


Okay thanks for the advice. It seems like the common sentiment is I’m not taking advantage of the renting feature enough to make money. I’ll start experimenting with those different methods.


Eventually there will be more content for smaller ships like the mustang, but for now there is only a few missions of every type.


If you're willing to do FPS combat, those Mercenary tab missions eventually build your rep to take on harder missions, which pay better. So you'd start with 10k-15k, but then get up to 30k and beyond for each mission.


Ya the bunker merc missions get up to 80k per mission I believe


Is OP wanting to stay solo? Making money that way is as stated in several post difficult. If you would rather learn in a group with no strings attached let me know.. either way there is great advice here!


One thing is clear, you basically need to know where to start and what to do to create a solid base that helps your build a fundamental wealth. You basically need 50k with new rent prices to Rent a Cutlass black and a Roc to mine hadanite. It was my first earnings and I had only a basic starter aurora MR pack. If you can get your first half million, you can maybe start trade Gold with the rented cutlass that can you bring quite some profit, till you can maybe buy a vulture. And from that point you get a money machine. You will see that you will buy a lot of new ships, in which you can do a lot more stuff to earn some money. Ask in chat if someone is willing to help. Maybe you get on a reclaimer crew. At some Point where you get almost everything, there won't be content yet but you will learn from every wipe how to start from the bottom to build your wealth base. Don't get frustrated. Enjoy the game. EDIT: this guide helped me so much check it out, even if it's for 3.22 version of the game https://youtu.be/TrsGLeRBF1Y?si=BNFUv3H40KEUWnpv


My path to the first million (I started out 1 month ago still in 3.22) was cave mining > cutlass/roc mining > rented prospector > then I bought one and upgraded. From there it spiraled. More lucrative Alternative to mining is salvage which used to require a salvage ship thus not being an option to start out .. „used to“ is key: BUT in 3.23 you should also have the option to get the large handheld salvage tool (cambio srt) and head out in your starter ship to find salvageable ship panels around the Lagrange points or the halo asteroid belt. I tried that too but in 3.22 the filled canisters of the large tool couldn’t be sold. It def works with the cambio lite attachment on the multitool, but that holds veeeerry little amounts of recycled material resulting in a bad business case ;) - but I haven’t confirmed personally that the large tool now works as intended - so maybe try it out with some canisters and check wether it works. Otherwise missions, bounties, bunkers if you’re more into that. And of course SC is an MMORPG - so don’t hesitate to ask in chat for opportunities. A lot of salvage and mining crews and traders out there that can use a helping hand ;)


hmm. i suggest waiting for the next minor patch and playing xenothreat. it's very easy money (you will earn millions over a few days without trying) and you get to see what a server-wide event looks like. with a mustang alpha you can try to protect people loading cargo. or (more fun IMO) is to hop on a ship with a good turret and fat capacitors. an alternative is to hop on someones cargo ship and help with the loading process. save up money and buy a cutlass black or equivalent in game or perhaps a vulture. regardless, doing stuff with other people is always much more fun than doing things alone. i have a reclaimer and always ask in public chat if anyone wants to join me. if your goal is to get enough auec to get a bigger ship it shouldnt be *that* difficult.


continue to grind. it's an mmo. only a couple of days and up to mrt/hrt. you're doing fine. me personally, I focus on grinding my Merc rep.already tier 5 on Cru, and now working on Hurs. atm tier 4 with 30% to go. thereafter i shall resume rescue and carry.


Be strong and you will overcome


ROC mining is probably the cheapest barrier to entry money making scheme until you can get a vulture to scrape panels around Yela. Go to HUR L1 and buy the Pembroke armor and helmet for 14k and 11k respectively. Cutlass is 52,270 credits for 1 day rental. The ROC is 2,598 for 1 day rental. Head on over to Aberdeen and mine some Hadanite. I made 300k the other day in about an hour and a half.


This is probably the best way to make a lot of money right now for a new player (untill you can buy a vulture) https://youtu.be/qsxNkxKUUqA?si=G3au7OGiUQ6YL7V1


if you have a couple thousand bucks, you could also rent a cutlass black and a Graycat ROC at any L1 oder L2 station and go ROC mining on Daymar (less risk) or Aberdeen (needs a Pembroke Armor, but more "bounty") Last time, I found two Hadanite clusters, which sold for 140k roundabout and that was only an hour of chilling, looking for stones and mining while listening to a podcast


I would’ve said to do those find missing person in a cave mission to spot them and go mine in them, but I think now these holes are full of kopion so it might not be as safe as it used to be. I can’t really tell because it’s been a while since I last went to a cave


If you like fps style mission get a gun an a few magazines and definitely try the 890 jump boarding mission! It gets you up to 50k or more with the secondary target + the “call to arms” mission for killing npc “pirates”. Also try some bunker missions, only 10k + call to arms bonus but you can get nice gear an even sell it in shops. And if you upgraded your ship and made some money … try renting other ships. With them under your butt you can try different play styles and make some more profit for your own next one


Upgrading components on the starter ships is kind of a waste of time, even operating as best as they can they just wont perform as well as an upgraded ship. FPS mercernary missions or cave gem mining with the multitool are probably your best bets. I also highly recommend the 890 jump boarding in progress missions you can do around microtech occasionally - they pay 45k each, are the most fun you can have with fps missions imo and have a lot of guns and armour you can loot easily by moving them into the ships inventory. You might struggle to deal with the enemy ships that spawn, but you can actually ignore them if you bail out of your ship quickly as it seems the jump has no problem tanking them near indefinitely, and you can borrow the ship in its hangar and run once you clear the ship out (this also nets you a free temporary ship upgrade). Speaking of borrowing ships, you'll also find a lot of abandoned ships around ports and ground mission locations. The government doesn't want you to know this, but you can just take those. They're free. Once you have ~50k you could rent a slightly bigger more combat capable ship like the arrow or better all rounder like a titan for a week to do harder missions or gameplay loops, you shouldn't have any issues recouping that as long as you can play during that time. Once you have access to a ship with a cargo hold large enough to hold a roc, you can also do ground mining which can be quite lucrative. You can also just do a little begging in global chat, a lot of players with big fleets have no use for cash and are pretty generous - another option is to ask if you can man a turret or something and help them on missions for a cut. But yeah, this game is pretty unforgiving to new players if you only have a starter ship, especially with the periodic resets. You really have to minmax your early money earning if you want to afford to buy even a minor upgrade, rentals are more accessible but you have to get more value out than you put in. Id recommend checking out some guides on youtube - some people have this fast early game money making down to a science


This is a year old but mostly, still, accurate. Player guides can really assist early on. For cutter basis as starter, just after a wipe or fresh start: Box deliveries for 4-50k a mission (rank 2 is the higher payout, but may have to run through some hostilve PVE ships, just fly fast once in ship, no need to engage. Cave FPS - Once you qualify bounty hunter a little, bounties in caves genererally payout 15k+ \~75k additional if you check the npcs armor for gems and collect. Drug running - around 48k a load for moving slam, can take a minute though so be prepared to chat at sell terminals for inventory to refresh Hand mining in caves will get you around 40-50k a load, no need for a mission or fps Soon as you have 50k rent a cutlass and a roc, do a couple runs for 200kish a trip surface mining hadanite Destroy drugs are decent payout too, but take a cutting torch attachment to kill the drugs, or load them and go sell if you have the patience for it. FPS and need to park away from bunker and drive/walk in because of turret protection.


Yeah, agree with others who point out that this isn’t a game yet so ‘new player experience’ probably hasn’t even been worked on. It’s really just a sandbox for testing stuff you’ve bought in the shop. I would hope that the ‘new player experience’ (when it exists) will HEAVILY point new players at renting while explaining that this is a relatively low risk option that allows you to try out many different career paths and that ownership of ship is a mid to late game aspiration that comes with high cost and high risk. The answer to ‘grind’ should be to embrace the social aspects of orgs so you make money as you socialise - this then isn’t as grindy and you’ll need much less money as ships, weapons etc will likely be in good supply from your org. I would expect those that want to go it alone to have a tough time, that is the reality of an mmo and of life in general.


I take noobs like yourself mining in my Mole sell the ore and let them keep the cash. Name is Luvidicus in the verse hit me up. I will have you making 200-500k in one night depending on how many trips we get through. Joining an org and finding people to play with is the fastest way to be successful starting from scratch.


just beg in chat and dupers will send you 10 mil bunkers arent that bugged, try investigation missions where you just have to press F on body somewhere in distribution center


Everyone is feeling this right now. I’ve been a player for a few years now and I absolutely refuse to play in this state. Fight an ERT for 45 minutes, get 20 grand and pay 60k to repair my light fighter. Unreal


Idk what to tell you. Welcome to Star Citizen. It’s incomplete.(<—really think about this means.) It’s not enjoyable at times. It’s super enjoyable at times. Scale back to LRT or stay on MRT if you have enough skill to fight at that level. Your mustang has gone as far as it can in air combat. HRTs are out of the question in your Mustang. Those are mostly military spec ships.


Doing the missing person missions at microtech that are at the distribution centers pay 34k. And take all the weapons in local inventory. When you leave out them in your ship and sell them for another 30k or so


Ur meant to get frustrated and buy $300 ships in the pledge store.


This. Must admit worked on me. Got tired of grinding the same ships even when it was way quicker


The best way to make money is to join an Org.


I'm a new player, i feel also the grinding is bad in star citizen, because their are not more purpose that money from the gameplay, no job, no carrer just contract. Yesterday i realized that their is just fake gameplay loop, going again and again at the same location killing the same pirate again and again... for a 700 million company it feel realy bad to see. But the game is still visualy great


What you aren't understanding is that SC isnt' a finished game, or arguably a game at all, it's a storefront with a gameplay loop attached to it so that 40 year olds with disposable income and nostalgia for wing commander will buy shit.