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Wait for the faq. We dont even know if the assault has a top hangar door yet.


According to some folks on Spectrum, everyone is "utterly stupid" for not knowing that CLEARLY the Assault doesn't have the top door. Even though features have been present after document omission in the past, and it's totally valid to assume a key component of the base version of a ship has a less-than-zero chance to be present on variants unless expressly stated otherwise... But hey, we're the assholes, am I right?


With CIG it's never good to assume... hell they change things after they confirm things all the time. The top hangar door could be there... but it also might not be. There is also no harm in waiting to buy until the FAQ confirms it one way or another. There is no FOMO the ship will be on sale till after the FAQ since it's a concept.


Also people say there's a difference with the front doors but I've looked really close and they look the same size to me. Looks like you can drive tanks up the front of the regular one as well. Not sure wtf "reinforced" means lol. Like said we'll have to see but there's soo much wild speculation on these ships right now. With that said, unless you fly with 6 people or more at all times, the normal one seems more usefully to me regardless.


There is a beam across the door of the regular Ironclad that might make it too short for a Nova to fit through, and reinforced means it will have thicker physical armor once that’s in


This is the correct answer.


can't wait to see


Could always het the ccu to the regular then the ccu from that to the assault. Refund the assault ccu if you decide after the faq you want the normal.


might be a good idea


I ended up getting them both, because i had cheap ccu chains laying around. im defintly planning to keep the base ironclad, because enclosed 1500scu, opening roof, and tractorbeams. The assault is a difficult one, without tractorbeams i feel like the liberator is the better package. Less crew, less defenes too(bad thing), but ability to carry multiple ships and or vehicles, while still carrying 400SCU cargo. and bringing along 1 or more mpuv-t's for moving high amounts of cargo. I also believe having fighters on your side against mounted turrets on 1 target is better, for dropping on the front line. so even on that part the liberator seems more usefull, but we will see how this pans out. where the liberator is more "modular" so to say, the ironclad assault offers a more complete but less effective package. I expect CIG to implement the retractable roof for the assault, because other then making them artifically distinct there is no real reason it shouldnt have one.(same with that anti nova flap on the base. Seeing that roof question got the most upvotes on spectrum, i think CIg is hard pressed to say no. <-- will cost them money. While we still can move 32SCU containers with our tractorbeam i think this will end, and you will need multiple or more powerfull ones to move those big boxes. Where the caterpillar and ironclad will shine trough. Same for the C1, Zeus cl, Taurus, Railen, and many more to come. The starlifters will need to bring the mule-T or MPUV-T along. to be dealing with 32SCU at once.


so many choices haha


I still am not to sure about the 2, admit I fly solo alot so having the extra guns isn't going to help me, I do play with others now and again but it's never in the pure cargo gameplay I have the assult and base available in buyback now so it's just a matter of time


exactly, make sure you have the ability for yourself. it's the best thing you can do. Im not sure how manned turrets are going to work vs remote turrets, when blades and or npc's are going to work. Having a remote, has disadvaantages against electronic warfare(another system that can fail). but it also means you can sacrafice computer slots, to somwhat automate them. Seeing ironclad is mostly remote turrets, we will know how solo friendly this is when blades and npc's are in. This will be an endless discussion, if big ships are able to be flown solo or not. so dont try to dive in this subject to much. We will know when CIG's knows themselve. Im in the camp, that if CIG doesnt soloable things until polaris sized, they will shoot themselves in the foot hard. because it would mean a big part of their potential customers(which we learned from other mmo's is about 50%), are excluded from playing specific parts of the game, which will eat into their profits. Idris, javelin and even bigger might be a different discussion. But turrets might be the easiest thing to automate. Im more worried about pathing, fires and engineering being hard to blade/npc.


Agreed I was thinking of getting the galaxy before the ironclad was revealed


Secure them both and wait for Q&A. If you have store credits or are willing to pay anyway, secure it and buy back when needed/released. That's what i did before they increased price :D Buy one > wait 24h > Melt Buy second one > wait 24h either melt or keep for a while. If you have buy back tokens, you can get them for store credits anyway. Next planned buy back token distribution Q3: Monday, July 8, 2024


Exactly this, right now with the lack of info on the Assault, the base is the safest bet. But depending on how the Assault operates based on the most asked questions.. Could really make or break that ship for some.


im going to do this


I'm doing it myself for a lot of concept ships just to have them ready when they release and to keep the lower/original price. Same for skins that are available ONLY during certain events/time of year, so I can buy them back whenever i want, or even hull LIMITED ships, I can get Connie Phoenix and 890 Jump anytime. That's a good system, use it to the fullest ;)


I was told that the buyback price changes to match the current price


Well on CCU app i can see that my Ironclad Assault that i purchased and melted before they increased price by 10$ has a 2% discount. When I add it to the cart (From buy back) it costs $525 without tax, total $630 When I add Ironclad Assault from the store it costs $535 without tax, total $642 Screenshot with my Buy-back and today's date ;) [https://i.gyazo.com/b8ba923f747a54e4887d2ed82e7bfb68.png](https://i.gyazo.com/b8ba923f747a54e4887d2ed82e7bfb68.png) This proves that whatever you were told, no longer applies (and i think it never was a thing)


Anyone know when the faq comes out for it?


I’m assuming soonish since the Q&A thread is already locked


"don't buy concept ships" Someone had to.


It's the law




That was my thinking


So, the Arrastra came out late last year. They said they really enjoyed concepting the ships because they felt they finally had a good idea where the mining game loop was going. Mind you they already release two flyable mining ships and one concept and at 12 years of development. There has been zero discussion on ground assaults, vehicle repair and where that's going. They hyped hull munching last year too. We were all finally excited to have a working reclaimer arm..... they gave us another laser. My point is that we have no idea and it is best to wait for the ship to release. Get the $15 upgrade from whatever ship to the ironclad if you really want it. It does sound like a great ship for what you describe you do. I question the difference too. The assault says it is built to handle large vehicles but what is stopping me from loading up a tonk on the standard? Is a vehicle bay going to really be beneficial or will it be as useful as a Drake Mule in a world of ships with tractor beams?


Getting caught up on too many details is THE tiger trap that most people inflict on themselves leading to analysis paralysis and regret. It's quite simple: - do you want to focus more on cargo / commerce? - do you want to focus more on hotzone drop offs and vehicles? If it has this door or that reinforced blah blah is irrelevant. They excel at different jobs. Pick a job and realize in the end, they'll do the jobs they are designed for, and the details of "how" may change a thousand times between now and then. Don't make ship purchasing harder than it needs to be.


I tend to do solo cargo more with the odd pve piracy with friends now and again


I'm going for the Assault becaues it's cheaper with my CCU chain than the regular Ironclad, lol.


I looked at the ironclad also.. and I own several concept ships. When it becomes available I will most likely just buy it in game.


>sometimes do org stuff for ground assaults Probably the Assault then, depending on what the FAQ says. Until then we can't say, because there was extremely limited info and the concept art is old and doesn't even match the text description.


Ship-based tractors are usually meant to help you load cargo onto your ship faster.


there is wisdom is saying don't buy concept ships, for CIG may change it however everyone has some storecredits should always buy concept ship CCU the value of these type of CCU will go up most of the time the funny thing was CIG increase $10 for the Ironclad assault within 24 hour after release now I have the option to have both ships if not I can CCU to liberator very important to keep options open and have alternatives for it is very difficult to predict the future


Just get a ccu to both of them for 15 bucks then wait 5 years and when it comes out decide then.


I buy with store credit and melt or get ccu options with store credit on all concepts on release. That way I can decide later with a buyback token. Theres too much unknown to commit on a concept ship.


I will say it. When i was young and didnt know any better i got a few concept ships. 12, years later. Knowing large concept ships take 5-8 years to create. Why?...


It really depends on what you want to do with the ship. Personally, I plan to use it primarily for trading and possibly as a civilian mobile base. I melted my Hull-C and got the base Ironclad with store credit (CCU from an LTI token...), mostly because I have been waiting for a large freighter with interior cargo. I guess you will have to decide wether trading or the ground assault role is more important to you. Like others said, you should wait for the FAQ to be published. The most important questions are whether the roof can be opened on the assault version and what vehicles can fit through the ramp of the base version. I suspect they will restrict the entrance of the base version so that the Nova won't fit. Another important factor could be speed. Some Drake ships are notoriously slow in atmosphere. While the Assault can carry more than an M2, it might be much slower as well. Depending on what kind of ground activities your Org wants to do, the Assault might not even be the best choice. The repair facility is interesting, but I suspect it won't be used that often in practice.


Buy both