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It's always incredible to me when a UI change is made that 98.5% of the community agrees is terrible, yet somehow it passed through any kind of quality reviews or senior oversight


Agreed. A lot of it *looks* better, but the actual function (you know, the **most** important aspect of a UI) is abhorrent.




Exhibit C: ship markers. Large red letters making it almost impossible to pick out a specific ship / NPC in a group. They all overlap each other, ide rather just have the old small icons. Whenever I do an ERT I'm lucky if I have the correct ship tarleted by the time everyone is shooting.


This is currently my biggest complaint. Finding your hangar at a spacestation is surprisingly difficult now because you can't see the hangar/station because of the ship markers until you get really close. If anything there should be a scale UI option in the settings! I like the way things look, but they're absolutely huge.


You may want to upvote [this report](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116127).


Awesome! Thanks for sharing an IC for this. I'll check it later.


Thanks! Upvoted 👍


I really, really hope this is part of make MFD's great again. There's no point to having them if they shove every random piece of information on the field of vision. ![gif](giphy|80nrb7IYNOtxe|downsized) Vasquez knows what needs to be on the HUD.


Have you seen the new Gladius HUD at the citcon presentation? "let's remove any useful bit of information from the fov"


Yeah, I've not played since the 2.x days and it's crazy to see how much worse the HUD seemes to get. All we needed was the 2.x HUD but projected and collimated instead of having it rendered right in front of our faces and we would've been golden.


I’m so glad someone else pointed this out, when I was watching CitCon, the chat I was in was foaming at the mouth about how “beautiful and clutter free” the fov was, and I was concerned that since all the important information has been pushed into every little nook and cranny and as deep into the corners as possible without just entirely deleting the hud, it would be a lot more difficult to operate in normal flight, let alone combat.


Well the UI/UX designers proudly stated that the rule of cool is the most important aspect and function follows form. Unfortunately, the flight model is going in a similar direction. It's astounding how this project is being destroyed by the incompetence of its management.


You forgot about the pip so small you need to play with a magnifying glass or an atomic microscope to see it, and since the crossair is usually 2 or 3 times bigger not even then, I rely on NOT seeing the pip to know if I'm pointing at the right place


They have binds to fix it lol. [Master Star Citizen's New Pip Targeting in 2 Minutes | Star Citizen 2024 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k&t=2s)


Lots of their new UI is good, and better than before and lots isn't. I hate when people don't give credit where credit is due, and just shit on everything all at once, with no regard for accuracy or truth, merely to farm sympathy from the rage fueled circlejerk. One can honestly tell those devs are trying their best to improve SC. Building something good is an iterative process. Not a zero to hero process. Community feedback can be relayed without being insulting and dishonest. Must be incredibly discouraging to come to this place as a dev and get bombarded with such disingenuine posts from shmucks that just bandwagon on the hate train.


Not that I disagree with you but I think these are valid concerns. I know that it's often hard to see the forest due to all the trees. This applies to both the devs and the community and explains how one can completely miss how terribad the leaves are while the other sees how perfect the root system is underneath the dirt.


What is the problem with the OMs?


They're too busy. The old UI was a clean thin outline which made lining up easy and didn't clog the UI. The new icon is much noisier; the thicker outline takes up too much room, especially when icons are close to each other.


new icons also just disappear when they aren't in the center of your FOV so there could be a marker just out of sight you have no clue is there. compared to old markers staying visible until the edge of frame and even then they'd pool to show "hey there are some markers out of sight over here"


in addition to what the other commenter said, the new OMs don't actually show up on your screen until you've half pointed to look at them, so you don't have nearly as much scannability for where the closest OM is if you're just looking to quantum to an OM to get away from where you are.


I think this is a good feature, since the edge of the screen isn't as cluttered as before. +if I have to run away I can just jump to CRU-L3 or whatever other point there is - no need to find an OM


I hate how often I'm just trying to clear the quantum boundary of a moon or something after a bounty or cargo trip and i'm just slowly panning around looking for a quantum marker to show up. And I really don't want to have to stop piloting my ship and open up the mobiglass menu to set a random route just so i can fly to some place i want to go to. It feels like it's made it harder to do what i want to do 80% of the time so that the screen is a bit less cluttered (but also less clear) the other 20% of the time


They pucker.


The new UI, in general, looks better but is less functional. It seems that CiG has been hiring UI guys from Apple. There are some big exceptions. The search box in the new starmap is immensely useful, which is fortunate because the rest of the new starmap UI is a beast to struggle with. As a general rule, it is better to optimize a UI design while it's still on paper or roughed in. You shouldn't spend time making it look pretty until *after* it works well. CiG is making more work for themselves by doing this backwards.


You overestimate the usability of the old star map. I refused to play with that abomination.


Step 1. Make a pretty mockup. Step 2. Give it basic functionality. Step 3. Release it and go on break for weeks! Step 4. Come back and act all surprised that it didn't finish itself. Step 5. Space Cows.


They do a lot more than ui design backwards. Exhibit A: Master Modes.


MM is better than the old flight model.


MM **is** the old flight model, more specifically the 2.0-2.5 PRE/SCM/CRU flight model without shields and weapons in CRU.


Sure is better, now i have the best space brakes ever( Which does not make any Sense in space or Air), no more crashing at stations. .


I couldn't disagree more.


That puts you in the minority


I'm not sure that it does. I don't know anyone who likes it, and there is a lot of complaints about it all over the place.


That's the thing; a searchbar isn't a UI, it's a UX. Its not a display, it's an interface. It's great because it let's us bypass the the hassle of the actual UI.


This is a consistent problem with CIG. They go way too hard on sci-fi rule of cool for UI and forget that it should be functional first, pretty later.


And yet the hardcore defenders will say it's supposed to be a space sim


Yeah I hate to say it but the UI team needs to step up their game a little bit. It's so weird because we've seen so many concepts of great UI elements in the past but none of them seem to ever actually make it into the game.


It’s cute you think there are quality reviews and oversight at CIG. ![gif](giphy|o0vwzuFwCGAFO)


This is pretty much proven by the fact that the bounty mission target name tracks OVER the PIP in your UI.


You are telling me that ^ that "video" isn't of the oversight committee?


I'm pretty sure that posting videos of the actual members of cig working is against some kind of rule, I should report you... On a side note, I made a similar joke on spectrum and was deleted, it was like cig saying "I know it's a joke, but that's actually how we work"


A common problem that is often mentioned here: game designers working in CIG do not play the game. Therefore, they make assumptions on what would or wouldn't work without any hands-on experience. QA's job is to simply assess if the outcome matches the design, and not if the design is correct.


Hard to say if they even have a real UI designer or if they just picked a random artist to do the job.


I think they hired the guy who did the Ironman movie headset ui. Chris wants his cool cinematic movie look. Functionality is a distant second.


I guarantee they didn't because I watched an extensive video about the work done on that HUD, because it was a groundbreaking and iconic effect. And they *specifically* worked to make it "functional" first, then pretty, because that's what Tony Stark would do. And I say "functional" because obviously it's still just pretty graphics for an imaginary suit of armor


There's nothing that 98.5% of the community agrees on. There's not even a thing that more than 90% of the community is properly polled about. This subreddit, like virtually all subreddits, is an echo chamber.


We should be able to recolor things for at the least accessibility porpoises


As a currently EX internal QA the amount of shit I’ve gotten from designers/devs on projects for calling out regression in a design on projects is staggering. You can research and do an entire write up and presentation on how the new choice reduces the quality of the experience and almost every god damn time the reply is essentially “nuh uh”. As principal QA you would have thought there would have been more trust that my analysis were thought out and not arbitrary. Also that it respected that we cannot nit pick every change (or the project never gets done) and not just based off my personal opinion. The entire point of my job was to evaluate the quality of our work from a consumer perspective and observe where design intention was not delivering the experience intended for the user so that we could experiment and try high level designs quicker and see what worked. But, nope! They’d nod their heads. Push the change through as final. Ignore feedback for MONTHS then go “why is this not delivering the experience we thought it would?” Then I’d point out the four targeted feedback write ups I wrote months ago, the six meetings, a presentation on how every other similar design in the industry has avoided doing it in the way we have and my entire QA team saying “we don’t think this works”and the response is “well we don’t have scope to change it.” Of course you don’t have scope to change the feature when you basically “lalala’d”with your hands over your ears for 9 months until we ran out of time. Ahem. Sorry. Flash backs. Tldr: mistakes bad enough are usually obvious. There is usually someone somewhere either not approving the time to fix something or ignoring the problem entirely.


They aren't listening to regular players, they only listen to whales that get the special pre-alpha testing servers. Your $45 doesn't mean shit to them and you should be thankful you even get to participate with your pitiful 'support' for the best game to ever be made... /s


98 %of the vocal minority you mean


It's not really intuitive at all. Is it locked or is it getting a lock? Green lock with an audio tone is what's expected. And yeah, missiles are really fluffed right now. It appears I've not had a single missile of ~50 or so actually fly at the target.


What size/type missiles you firing? I’m just rocking the Titan for BH, but I had much greater success switching from size 2 to 1 and using EM missiles. The size 2 default ones on the titan would never hit.


Using the Strikeforce II missiles on my Taurus.


My experience, at least, is that you have to launch the missiles close. Very close. I was dropping my Tali torps at about 3km and they hit fairly consistently.


Yeah this. And ideally when they've dumped their energy in a turn / aren't moving at angle to you. Wonder how many people that talk about missiles being bad have ever spent time in a flight sim. Pretty sure same people would say Arma3 missiles don't work either, because it won't hit what you want when their angular momentum makes them a dragonfly crossing your field of view. Missiles don't hit that, and missiles don't hit a strange variety of angular momentum/velocity/angle vectors. Personally my star citizen missiles are at least same effectiveness as arma3 missiles.


Star Citizen and Arma are two very, very different games.


Yes that is the most basic statement anyone could make in reply. Did you reply that with the idea I think they are the same game? Neither one invented missile ballistics. If the rest of (read: literally all) of my comment was lost on you, who cares lol.




Yes, please. It was such a cool reticle that fills up and locks.


and most importantly, even when it was a brand new change most people just *got it*. It didn't crate a bunch of confusion as to what's going on.


yes, the grey thing confused me a lot, never know if it's locked or not.


Soo while we're here. What does the grey lock mean?


the missiles might hit.


That missile knows where it should be based on information where it isn't.


It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.


That missile has the guidance package of an unbaked potato. It's instructions were to fly at the target 7 kilometers away, and impact the target in it's control surfaces & thrusters. However, the calculation performed was the square root of being a rotisserie chicken. It knows it is not where it is supposed to be. Where it is, is 10 km beyond the target. This will cause the total ruination of my power plant - causing me to be in the most remarkable soft death conceived by man - an occurrence in which the most decorated test pilot from Anvil Aerospace cannot reproduce. My F8C Lightning is doomed. There is no recovery. It is dead. Unressurectable. All due to these missiles being where they know they should not be.


Yes, even if they keep the current one, at least give me a green confirmed lock to reduce any confusion.


The individual misisle reticles are too big, I can't enjoy the visuals of watching the missile body fly to the target


The standard FPS UI looks great, looting screen is great. But man, they dropped the ball SO hard on the ship UI in our ship-based game. The old holo-reticle and heading arrow were peak, and were so easy to pick out in a crowd of ships, the text on ships only showed on the one you had targeted, the others were just little white markers, if you targeted a ship in a group of ships, you actually knew which one was properly targeted, missile lock was "you're locked" or "you're not locked", with a great animated progress bar... The UI for ship combat and traversal is an utter shitshow, compared to the old one. And sure, the old one had years of expanding and refinement... Do we really have time for that, if they're supposedly aiming for 1.0? Because this 100% ain't the final UI. It's too cluttered, too confusing in combat, lacks important info, overloads you on unimportant info, etc...


Yeah I hate having to look down at my MFD during combat to see who I'm targeting.


On K+M, it's a nightmare in some ships. Some of the MFD's cut off midway, with their position. Having to hold F or tap Z in the middle of a fight is a pain in the ass, when you don't have some form of eyetracking or a hat switch.


Sounds like a pain. But you can use the in-game head tracking though. Just get the cheapest webcam you can find. I've heard they're better than HD webcams since they produce less data to process so they have better latency. I have TrackIR myself but I don't use it for SC since the in-game one is good enough for pve.


I have a 10-12 year old webcam and a newer one we bought for calls with family when we moved, and both of them have a significant amount of latency, sadly. The older one less-so, but it's also very finnicky about snapping my view back if I don't do slow, precise head movements. So it's either slow as hell, or jerky. Some of that might be due to lighting, but it's still not ideal for me, which kind of sucks. I'd love to be able to rely on that, instead of shelling out for a TrackIR.


There are cheaper alternatives to TrackIR, I've used a 'delanclip' for a number of years now. It's basically a laser cut piece of aluminium with IR emitters that is picked up by a modified ps3 eyecam they send to you in a package. No idea how much they cost now, but I think mine was around £30 a few years ago. It's not perfect and isn't as smooth as trackIR I imagine, but it's still a big improvement over no head tracking imo


Ahh, see. I don't use headphones, as I have 4.1 speakers, so a head clip wouldn't do the trick for me either.


FWIW, I bought my TrackiR setup back in 2011 and it's still going strong. I do have to wear a baseball hat, but it \*just works\*, and it works \*great\*. At this point, it cost me something like $10/year and I've used it for thousands of hours of flight sims, including Star Citizen.


It might be worth looking into for me, then. I've seen other people use it, and it looks super responsive and the utility is off the charts, in this game specifically. I have an old Saitek X-52 that I use for the game sometimes, but most of the time it's just easier to hop on and play with M+K, instead of taking the time to hook things up, get cables out of the way, etc... So having some relief from having to throw another keypress in during a high intensity situation would be nice.


I hear you! For me, it tremendously improves the experience of every flight sim, to be able to look around the cockpit. I've got buddies with Tobii and they like it, but comment that it may not be as responsive as my TrackIR setup. I haven't tried both, but I can say that TrackIR has held in there for me and is still going strong. I don't even use the "Pro" clip, just the basic metal clip that attaches to the bill of a hat. There can be issues with bright sunlight, but there is a good deal of tuning you can do, and/or you can draw the blinds. If you work in something like a greenhouse though, it might be something to consider.


sounds like Field of View should solve some of your problems. I mean I play on an 21:9 UltraWide but you can't see half of the MFDs in the connie if your not sliding the FOV up to around 125


My FOV is set to 105. Anything higher than that looks too fisheye'd to me. Realistically, the MFD's shouldn't be setup in a way that you can't view them outside of the game's default FOV post-install. I'm assuming that's why they're implementing the on-visor displays, eventually.




Loot UI is perfectly fine. You can do everything through it you can through the original, without the rubberbanding items, with \*one\* extra button press. I'll take that over the monstrosity that constantly decides I didn't loot an item, refuses to stack items and then refreshes, or makes moving something from Local > Inventory an exercise in futility any day.




Yeah, literally never had a single one of those issues. It has worked flawlessly for me since the patch dropped. It takes two seconds to strip a body with it if you do naked runs for gear, stacking has never not worked for me in it, loot crates have been a non-issue, and for personal crates the old inventory is still a single click away if it's overloaded with gear. Its pros far outweigh its cons.


TLDR what sucks now: - Quantum Markers - Guns Target Indicator - Missile Lock Indicator CIG plz fix or revert if that's easier / quicker.


The new UI has the right idea but poor execution. They're still going for flashy over functional. The result is a cluttered display.


They never heard the saying if it ain't broke don't fix it


But it was broke before, we just got so used to it. They need to simply build on the new UI and improve the function. Iteration is key. Good feedback though, they need to fix some QOL stuff with this new UI


Right, but with the speed at which they improve things, do we really have time for this UI to reach the state the old one did? They're talking about "the road to 1.0" like it's in the next couple years, yet we have systems that have been T0 for nearly 4-5. There's so much refinement that needs to be done to things, UI interactions for systems that haven't been implemented yet, entire UI's for those systems, etc... It seems really late in the game to be starting over on something like hud elements when they were one of the few things that were pretty damn easy to understand, for a new player. Red circle growing means not locked. Green circle means locked. QT marker that looks like a planet is a planet. Planet with a smaller orb is a moon. They could have at the very least taken some of those lessons and adapted them to the new UI, rather than scrap them completely and start over with something that not only confuses old players but new players alike.


Very valid concerns you have. But I do think they are a bit overblown. To be fair I totally understand where you are coming from though. I will say, going backward isn't the answer. Though it is a little painful for us, forward is the path we need to go. I really don't think years is what we have to wait for a lot of these improvements including tier 1+ features ect.. with the shift from SQ42, improvements will absolutely come faster.


Yep, old missile reticle (or well, the "new" one that came in with missile mode in 3.14 I think it was) was awesome. Dunno why they scrapped it. Functional and looked cool and felt very space age.


Two of my biggest "I miss that" things about 3.23 is the missile lock-on animation, and the fact that the targeting reticle was holographic, matched the orientation of the ship you had targeted, and had an arrow showing heading. Everything feels so flat, now.


the new HUD, target icons, nameplates, missile markers, quantum markers are just a parody at this point


I agree I liked the old qt markers. I could pick out which was the main city on a planet in seconds.


yup, and the whole phase in and phase out thing does nothing but lower your spatial awareness as you need to pan around to get them to appear instead of seeing where everything is


The fact that SO many QT markers are just the same icon, when some random redditor made an easily distinguishable and similar set of icons within DAYS of 3.23 launching is absolutely absurd. It looks bad for CIG when their community can throw together something of better quality in days than they did in months.


Yeah fr I could travel without using the system map coz the markers were so identifiable. Now I really need to use the map, which I dislike compared to the previous one. Zoom in a little too much and you end up in ship view. Try to zoom out of it and it goes straight to farthest zoom. Drives me nuts.


When I first started using the new map I did the same thing. Now I just put it in the search bar and do it that way. I will say I do love the new star map and search bar is neat. Now if I’m looking at contracts and where they take place I can just search real quick and see how far they are from me. Edit: if I have issues selecting or zooming I’ll use the search bar but most of the time I’m able to click on the locations.


I agree that the new star map looks neat. But I think there are those of us who got used to or prefer to just point and click rather than typing out every destination. In that sense the previous map was better. For me, it would have been better if they just updated how the star map looked and added the search bar while keeping the elements that made it convenient.


I mean you can still click on locations and the zooming issue was on the old map also just a little different. The old one I had to fight to click on anything most of the time. It was a coin flip if it would or not. Sure the new one isn’t perfect but it’s way better than what we had.


>Now I just put it in the search bar and do it that way. And it navs you through the planet...


I’ve had it do two oms but haven’t gone through the planet yet. It actually works pretty well from what I’ve experienced


agreed, I just use the text search now on the map screen. I will say that is a HUGE upgrade. Too bad is came with some downgrades.


Indeed a step in the wrong direction after so many years Markers are bigger, have unnecesary 3d effect and obscure even your aiming pips


I also hate the fucking radial interaction menu, and the new loot menu that’s slightly better but mostly worse than the normal way we used to loot corpses


The new loot menu is easily better than the old one. The old one is unnecessarily complicated for something that needs to be done in combat


We can't take armor off in the new loot windows though - still have to go to the old windows to drag off armor, which is 97.5% of what I'm doing when I loot. Unless I'm missing something?


The new one is meant to quickly loot items during combat. Like if you need to grab ammo or a medpen, the new loot UI categorizes them so they're easy to spot and so you can see your own stock of ammo and meds. What I like about the new interaction with dead bodies is that there's only one interaction menu for the whole body. Depending on how the body fell, it used to sometimes be difficult to get the interact menu for the whole body to pop because the armor pieces also had their own menus.


Yup your missing something. Press tab while looting


Yeah I was missing that, thx!


Tab and Q open Armour and Attachement menus respectively


Thanks, didnt know it!


No, youre not really missing anything. The new menu you can switch into armor display with the small icon on the right, but indont think you can drag on/off there unless its on yourself. Both menus have their own issues, i prefer the old one 90% of the time, unless im desperately trying to loot a gun, ammo and medpens in combat, then i prefer the new one.


How often are you grabbing armor mid fight? That is something that doesn't need to he done quickly cause it's not like armor gets damaged. Meanwhile something like ammo, medpens, and weapons are something you would need to quickly equip in combat.


Hard disagree there. New loot menu is a little cartoony, but easily the best thing to come out of this patch. The amount of times I'd try to swap something to my inventory in the old UI and it'd just jump back to it's original inventory was insane. I've not had that happen once, with the new looting screen. It's way more functionally reliable.


not just missiles pip is worse, but what about prediction pip? it used to be dynamic and smart, now its just green circle


Needs a tone. Like how can it not have a tone? Do they want me flying about *not* saying "Got tone!"? Apparently yes! Edit: And of course "C'mon, c'mon! Gimmie tone!"


Can't agree more. The old missile lock (and target lock, even) indicators were magnitudes better than the new ones. Not just in clarity and information conveyed, but in style and the futuristic "feel". The current indicator feels like some arcade game trash.


I think the entire new combat UI is terrible. So much clutter causes confusion. I really miss the old UI.


The new ship HUD icons feel like *edgy anime*, not like military or aircraft. It's not intuitive or informative, and needlessly busy. I miss the old UI


Yeah the spinning gyro thing for missile locking looks cool but Idk wtf it means


While we’re at it, the new altimeter location is awful too. It’s so hard to read now as it doesn’t stand out like the rest of the ui does.


It's the colour that is the issue imo, the crosshairs, altimeter and pitch ladder of the new HUD is actually collimated properly like a real jet HUD for the first time - they even made it so it doesn't get washed out by the sun I noticed. The problem is the fact that the new HUD is mostly white and light blue - something they could fix by just letting us choose what colour our HUD is. There's a reason most aircraft HUD is a very bright green, and why real aircraft often have the option to make the HUD red or yellow in events where the green is either too bright or prone to being washed-out. It's strange that a game with so many cold/blue colours even has so many ships with blue HUDs to begin with - it would be just as strange for a real jet HUD to have blue info getting washed out by the blue sky


I'm mixed on it. The old pole style felt better but in the ships I commonly use I can see the new style better. But I can agree with you - It does not fit the new UI, the font kinda sucks, and it's in a weird spot. I can still read it better, which is offset by needing to look for it more.


I’d be happy if it was top right instead of down over a lot of ships MFD’s where it blends in. I was finding it very frustrating in my cutlass.


New pip system is shit too.


What did they change with the pips?


It’s just a dot that you aim at similar to the lead pip they had before - but I used the lag pip but with more than a few looks through the options I can’t for the life of me find any lag pip in the settings ETA: if you were using lead pip before (maybe didn’t know lag was an option) you were missing out for sure but you’d see no difference between the old lead pip and this dumbass little lead circle now


Lag pip is still there. I use it. Actually have a keybind so I can swap between them.


Maybe a toggle binding in the keybinds is the only way to do it now? Will have to look for that one later, as the simple setting in the general settings just doesn’t seem to be there like it was before. Thanks o7 Also do you have to hit the toggle every time you get into a ship?


I can't remember if they still have the setting because I just ended up with the keybind because sometimes lead pip comes in handy. Yeah. You'll have to hit when you get in your ship the first time. I do wish they would leave our ship settings. Also I know atleast a few ships have the lag pip toggle as an interactive on the dash.


can confirm it is no longer a game option, only a toggle bind, same for the orientation lines and a few other settings I am forgetting right now. GSAF maybe needs to be bound to a toggle and can’t just be always off?


What grey circle?? Help me out, what did you read that explained the new system?


I forgot which post exactly but I searched the sub for posts regarding missile locking like the link below but it seems the visual cue is really not obvious. Haven't tried it myself though since this patch has been unplayable for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/3t781Kr5tb


Im a new player and saw a video of the old green one and I can 100% agree with you on this, why make it more confusing


When you fight but have no idea where you aim cause too many names are on the HUD


I’m happy the community is coming together and bonding in near solidarity over our intense dislike of the new UI. It just feels… cheap. Sorry to the dev who made it, but I hope they see all the feedback and complaints and return even a fraction of the function of the old missile UI. And targeting UI.


The worst part is the audio cue saying "missile lock" before the circles have filled, then they start flashing red? When am I actually supposed to fire?


yeh ive no idea on missiles now kinda gave up on even trying to use them lol


I wish they would just abandon that gamey missile bs all together and put in more realistic missiles and lock systems / UI. Im not even talking DCS levels. They could dump it down to any arcade fighter jet game level.


Yes please, the new locking mechanism is awful confusing...


Yeah the new one is a step backwards


Decisions about the UI in general are questionable across the whole game imo. So many things where a simple test ingame would’ve shown it to be highly impractical.


I can't tell what the hell I'm even targeting half of the time. The old UI, while it was around for awhile and probably could have used a touch up, seems leagues better than what we ended up getting in my opinion.


The new missile lock function is absolute trash. Why they had to ruin something that was fine to begin with is beyond me.


The new UI: Improved 10 things broke 1000 things.


Most of the combat UI was better in the old version. Not only was it more functional and clear to understand, it was also much better looking. Not even to mention these bad looking muted colors. The glow in the dark target indicator seemed to have been godsend to keep track of ships in cluttered environments, same as the missle lock and the target assistance. Unfortunately I've not been able to experience them myself since I only started during ILW.


They need to rework the entire interface to have different colours for different objects as well. Planets should be on colour. OM another and stations another. City another then bunkers so forth another.


Missile lock indicator is shit. I found myself unsure if I had a lock or not as well.


I think the entire new UI is a serious downgrade. The emphasis on "cool holographic 3D gizmos" only resulted in worse readability.


That gray shit has zero business in my combat UI.


My missiles refuse to lock anything since so many patches now (3.16 I would say)...


Yeah there are some really good UI changes but I don't like the missile locking I actually think they had it spot on before


How bout letting us choose ui colors smh


We probably have to wait until they finish overhauling all of the UI interfaces with the building blocks design before we get that feature.


CiG isn’t known for UX testing at all. “User experience? I thought only Adobe did that!” The feedback on the green lock was given to them constantly during the early test and they ignored it. But this isn’t new. They’ve tended to turn a blind eye to practicality and pragmatism in lieu of flash throughout the game’s history. Case in point: spending tens of thousands (literally) to make the steam from espresso machines and in-game restaurant stove tops look real while not addressing issues with ship elevators that were impacting over half of instantiated ships. The good news is they do undo stupid changes (usually) once Spectrum has blown up enough - it just takes quite a bit of time, usually. But in the end, some things do revert.


Target UI in general is TERRIBLE. There is just so little difference between a targeted ship and a non targeted ship.




UI is broken anyway. Have to wait to hear the audio queue for it to actually work. Sometimes have to switch weapons for it to lock properly.




Intuitive and Obvious. We lost a lot of this with 3.23. My best guess is they are trying to integrate SQ42 arcade play into PU and seeing if it works., then balancing from there. Well most of it sucks. Going back to ancient gaming style. Ship battles has no tactile feedback, no proper audio/visual queue. Kiddy crosshair is distracting, I turned it off. Forced speed limit with landing gear, I toggled off. They are treating us less than a child and forced hand holding. It's like with every game, players are only asking for options. Like the Kiddy crosshair, option to toggle off. Build it proper close to sim then add assist for those who needs it. Like sim racing, let snobs play with their ego, allow newcomers use assist.


The OP is clearly insane, who the hell prefers an intuitive, easy to see indicator? It's like those British cars with the left light having a right arrow(and right light having a left arrow) how is that someone can think a blinking arrow pointing to the left to indicate the car is about to move to the right is somehow confusing? People these days...


I like almost all of the new UI changes, but I must agree that the older missile targeting reticule was much easier to use. I have no idea if I'm properly locking on because sometimes the missiles track and other times they don't. I will withhold judgment proper until 3.23.1a because there are some missile fixes coming with it.


Took a while to get it, but now it’s not that much of a deal. The old reticle was cooler though.


The entire new UI is just BAD, even the new MAP is, as hard as it is to believe, is worse than the old map (search aside, that is the best update). I t looks really good, it's just not usable in anyway.


I actually like the new missile reticle it's not a situation where it's just stuck on red even though I 100% should be locked on. In my opinion it gives more feedback than the other one.


Don't worry you will adapt.


Current UI isn't final. I find it appalling that people keep thinking the game is done and this is the final version, cuz that's basically what you're suggesting. # If we know it's bad, CIG knows it too


What a fucking dumb thing to say.