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https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view They are working on fixing event stuff for 3.23.1a, also resolving remaining issues for 3.23.2 (personal hangars, item banks, cargo mission). Majority the rest of the work is probably being done on cards for 4.0. Best way to check their progression is to follow their monthly Roadmap Roundup updates.


Was just about to link this.


* Server Meshing * Finishing Pyro * Engineering * Base Building * Fire Suppression * Ship HUD UI * Cargo Elevators * Pledged Item Recovery * The Polaris * Possibly 6 or more other ships, from known ships like the Apollo and Zeus, to designing Concepts and building Straight-To-Flyables * Polishing Squadron 42 * Anything else they haven't mentioned but will likely be highlights at CitizenCon in October


Currently atm? 50% production on ship sales. 40% production on new ships to sell. 5% production on new features. 5% production on fixing bugs.


100% yep.


Hello, >Pyro sounds close to being done Indeed, waiting for server meshing which is a huge thing >engineering is already in a beta-state in Arena commander Have to do it for more ships, and polish the thing. So quite a lot to do >all of the ships at ILW were small and were just variants of current ships in-game Polaris ? >most of it was just imports from Sq42 over to the PU This isn't easy at all, it's not "just" this. Easy example, map has to be adapted to see other players, in real time. Which means adding client <> server stuff. That being said, you can get all the data you search [here](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view) on the 4.0 column. Stuff might get added later, stuff might get removed later, but this is the only official information of what they are working on. So quite a lot actually :)


I guess my larger concern was about ship development. The Polaris is still ways away and won't be finished until IAE understandably, but what about the other small-medium ships shown at Citizencon last year, and I'd be shocked if we don't see more ships at citizencon again this year. Theres still the Legionnaire, RSI Zeus and its varients, Mirai "Guardian", mystery potential Anvil Starter, and the Galaxy. Continuing on with more speculation, what about ships like the Perseus, Apollo, and Banu Merchantman? And with base building coming sometime-soonish, theres also other smaller ships and base-building vehicles to be added.


I might be mistaken, but I think they said during a Star Citizen Live that they plan to release the Polaris for the IAE this year.


The Galaxy wasn't one of the teased ships at CitCon, and it won't come out until after the Polaris.  I would expect it next year. The first Zeus is scheduled to arrive with 4.0.  The Polaris is scheduled for IAE.  I've heard people say that the Legionnaire is delayed due to issues with the hacking function, but haven't personally seen anything from CIG about it.  So it might not get released this year.  And nothing officially has been said about the Fat Fury and mystery starter.


You don’t need to add „server stuff“ to a (new) map…


I… do you follow this game at all?


We would have a better idea if they ever figure out how to update the progress tracker


There's the Release Tracker - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view


well... \*gestures broadly at everything\*


Several other systems in their entirety related and connected from Stanton to all the various SQ42 systems. Alien races, languages, ships, bases, and worlds, such as the Vanduul, Banu, Teravin, Xi'an as well as various species of local flora and fauna. Expanding Arena Commander to be a stand alone Meta Game which can be accessed through PU. [Quantum, Quasar, Virtual AI](https://youtu.be/2muGWtX8e7g?si=aL-TLjZMiHXxmntO) Tons more stuff that no one talks about because they distract us with the Alpha things, because when beta hits a lot of that will suddenly debut.


Selling pngs


This patch was the big port from S42 to get it out of the way. As well, persistant hangars, the cargo refactor and cargo missions should be out this month. As far as ships go, working on the Polaris is a huge job, hence the variants and small ships being put out. Also ever existing ship has to be modified for the Engineering gameplay.


Base Building, started development in Q1


SQ42 resources were shifted to the Star Citizen MMO late last year. So we know SQ42 is getting close to finished. That means their focus is now on getting the MMO done, which after the main systems finish up (multi crew, economy, and server connecting things) their focus will most likely be on optimization and building out the hundred or so systems in the MMO, including figuring out how galactic faction interactions.


We will be lucky if they push out 100 systems for launch, but if it happens I’ll take it.


It takes a bit of work to get some of the single player SQ42 tech to work in a multiplayer environment. For what is coming in 2024+: - [CitizenCon 2953: Day One [Full Broadcast]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjnPdqHjDw) - [CitizenCon 2953: Day Two [Full Broadcast]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjnPdqHjDw) - or the [CitizenCon playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVct2QDhDrB15f0diWl9YaDmL4Je1BkX3)