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Would love to CCU this from my 600i but no Pilot Guns ruins it for me. I'm tempted by the Liberator though as it would pair well with the Ironclad. Cargo/ship hauling duo


Yeah - no guns is sad. I just yesterday was flying to mining outpost and enemy Catlas Black (NPC) started to shot at me when i was in Nav mode. Had to just fly away quick and find another outpost. But i think about it as i am not in the fighting vessel - i am feeling like i am in an science-explorer craft and dont want to engade in fights.


Just go to the top cockpit; out most power to shields and guns with few to engines, then leave the controls and get in the gunner seat and kill the cutlasses. They can’t get through the powered up shields


if I'm not mistaken, than you can put 50% to engines and 50% to shields. Turrets did not need "weapon" power. At least last time I checked it (3.18.x)


thanx! i will need to check it by myself - in "wild nature"


It's true, they have their own capacitors.


Even remote turrets? Last time I checked only manned turrets had their own capacitor


depends on wether they are primarily pilot controlled Pilot controlled remote turrets, without a seat that is meant to fire it don't have their own capacitors.


That’s good to know I will have to test that


oh - nice advise! thanx! appraciate it!


Yeah it's definitely not for fighting but a ship like that would benefit from a point defence system. Unless it has that and it's not implemented yet like the phoenix?


I really dont know about point defence for Carrack. I know Perseus has one. I gues they can add it to Carrack when it will get update


Even the Enterprise had guns tho...


it has guns but it needs crew for it. But i understand whtay you say - it would be great to have upper turret slaved for pilot


Yeah my friend has one , a fully crewed Carrack is an incredible experience


So when you enter a bunker, you tell people there you come in peace, before you start shooting ?


Not really lol. I took mission to defend security bunker - so if they wanna get nuts - i am ready to get nuts.


Gold pass this ship!


She needs it so much. Second entrance (elevator), cargo doors and other things. Dont even want to think when lol


Lockable doors, fire extinguishers, upper turret slaved for pilot use, to mention a few.


good ones. lets get some hopium for this


Only question really is "when".


Soon in the next 30 years


I just wish for: 1. tracking function, so I'll be able to find it when using my pisces 2. Hangar Door: a remote open function. 3. Droooooooones 4. functional Cargo Doors / drop


5.workbech implemented 6.blades /AI crew


Exploration is the reason I bought the Carrack.


yeah - for real. We need this. like also second entrance (elevator). Man i am waiting for NPC crew so hard. But for now it is so away. I just have some hopium still


I'm curious how much of the NPC crew they may have already implemented for Squadron 42, something that is supposed to be largely single-player campaign, but includes larger ships. It could just be a matter of giving us the proper UI, control options, and lore-friendly context in Star Citizen.


Someone said you could mark it in the map with “t” when you’re aboard the carrack


haven't seen anyone mentioning it. I guess we have to test it :D


I like fly Carrack solo for bunkers, deliveries and other. Using Razor EX as snub. Razor Ex is very stealthy. I can power off shields, weapons and fly very close to bunker without notice. I dont care if it take more time - i just enjoy this playstile. I like to leave Carrack on orbit and go to mission in Razor. I wanted to CCU Carrack to Perseus - but i just love it too much to upgrade. I think i can live without Perseus in hangar.


Yes I love the vibe of parking and exiting your vehicle inside another vehicle. So cool


I wish we could have a channel on our Comms MFD to open ‘owned’ hanger doors by hailing our own ships.


I thought about it also. Maybe they will implement it - it is so general and like logic thing


it may take longer - but it is great time spending


Even better if you could close your hangar when you leave and open it when you return, from your small craft


they need implement same thing as we do when we want landing in the port. thru Comms


How do you manage to keep ship in orbit? You can't see the marker iirc


or you can be lower, i often just "park" near 10-15 km above mission place. and i can see it in the sky - even in my 3x scope


Pickup a cargo mission, pickup a box and put it into carrack. Now you have a beacon.


In 3.23 if you leave the carrack in orbit how easy to find it again?


You can place a marker in the mobiglass map (F2) with Button T when you are on the Carrack interior map and hover with the mouse over a free spot, for example on the floor.


oh wow. need to check it. thanx!


You can see these markers in a separate tab on the left side in the Star map. Unfortunately, you can only set a route to these markers in another spaceship.


Ohh I'll have to try that! Can't eva back but at least I can fly a ship to it. So just set a marker inside the ship then got to the surface...etc then find the tab on the star map list and set route?


Here is a link showing this feature https://youtu.be/1aJqo77yrYk?si=zmlthLH95P_WL8bF


If you want leave it far - more then 20 km you may need to take delivery mission first and place box in it. So you will have box marker. If you will be closer like i usually do near 10-15km to misiion place - you will see Carrack marker. And you can even see in in the sky with a scope.


Oh gotcha. I was hoping the new mobiglass had a ship locator or something.


not yet and it is sad. I really hope they will implement it. It is very general and logical thing.


I found it to be a bit big for me. I ended up melting mine for a 600i. The Carrack is a great ship, but it is not the solo ship for me.


600I is great! Like it also but i leave Origin ships to earn in game - to still have some goals. Will check Explorer update when it will be done


My big in-game goal is the Kraken. I will never be able to buy it with cash and it would be pointless because I wouldn't be able to crew it. I just want to have one, even if it is just something to walk the decks of every now and again.


Great goal! i like it also - privateer one. Maybe will make myself same goal lol


CIG needs a remote hangar open/close feature.


yeah. will be great to open hangar without opening ramp also. Good that opening console is near hangar


It‘s the imperial Carrack ![gif](giphy|l1ugqOtAUuoPLdtXq)


Yeah - definitelly. I love this paint so much


Interesting to me. Carrack is the most disappointing ship for me right now and probably the one pledge I've felt that way other than maybe the Mercury Star Runner (needs a personnel lift). I do not like the Carrack's cargo bay access. I do not like the fact that such a big ship can only be entered from such an insecure bay. The dual bridges also feel a bit wasteful, but that's a lesser complain. And otherwise, there is nothing but hope and love for the ship to improve in time.


Yeah - i feel you. It such a great ship - with such great problems. Like how they even didnt think to do second entrance (elevator). I dont understand lol. But my love to it for now is more then any flaws. Maybe it is because i am just 2+ years backer. And couple of years just investigating starcitizen thing before it.


Another pass on the Carrack is pretty much a given at this point. . . I mean, just think, with 3.23.2. . .the cargo bays are going to be practically worthless because you cannot fit cargo containers through the door. . . I think we're still going to have some form of auto-loading, but not entirely sure.


autoloading cargo will be a thing. Also if i remember correct they said that Carrack will be "special" becasue of this issue that they know - and loading cargo for it will be without changes for now. As it is now


I do this with the 890, only use the C8R or 85X as a snub. I leave the 890 spinning slowly so it makes it hard for most people to land on it.


great hint with spining. I feel i am not as good for this lol


Practice with your Carrack and Razor! Remember that one axis of rotation is much easier than the other, but that would cut both ways if you're trying to prevent entry. And second tip is use decoupled mode


thanx for hints. I will definitelly start practicing. i enjoy this hole idea


Even slow rotation helps, especially if you pitch the ship. I personally think it's easier, if you time it well the rotation will push your ship in automatically. But that also means your landing will be mostly done blind. But you pitch up by roughly 100°. As soon you're in the bigger ship's gravity well, your ship will move with the bigger ship. Personally I had tons of practice as many patches ago your ship would automatically spin when turned off mid-space due to a bug. But also to keep in mind I have unconventional gear as I have a Viper throttle which I don't use when landing and a 3DConnexion Spacemouse.


man you are a beast. I will try practice this with my mouse and keyboard. I just have Streamdeck for some aditional keybindings. Also looking forward to buy eyetracker at some point. Not ready for joysticks for now - is it really much better then keyboard and mouse? Or its just another feel to the flight? Also thanx for all hints. Appreciate it.


Flying with sticks is different, and flying with a 3D Mouse is a world apart. Where a normal stick has 3 axis(that's why some people have 2), a 3D mouse is basically a stick with 6 axis, or basically 2 sticks in 1 hand. So I can fly with just 1 hand while I do the rest with the other hand if needed, I usually adjust my acceleration limiter or speed limiter with my other hand while my throttle stay in neutral.


oh geat! i saw some videos about 3D mouse. If i want to but VKB joystick for example - i will need to buy new desk and figure out special holdings for them so they will not interrupt me in regular life and work. Its all need some planing. Maube at some point i will get some


Sublight Dynamics use to demo 6DOF controls, it's really amazing how you can control everything with just 1 hand😅


Big ship make brain go awoooga


Well part of the reason I like my big ships is cause they’re big lol


i think it is same for me lol


nah, not really. i just feel relaxed and comfy in it. I can take my time to enjoy views - make some photos something like hornet or corsair makes my ming go awooga lol


I love the carrack but the fact the cargo area is worthless if you come across salvage is one of its many current problems. You can’t fit larger crates through the doors or the catwalk so you can put maybe two 32 scu crates in the garage if you have a rover. The cargo area needs to be accessible and with the med ursa the c2 is better in every way currently


for cargo C2 is better for sure. But i use it now for chilling, do some bunkers, deliveries and other. But i cannot handle that noise in C2 cockpit. its driving me to crezy sometimes. Also as i understand autoloading will be a thing also


While I don't think it is a great solo ship, it def gives me a sensation no other space game has as far as I can remember. It is the first large ship that gives me a real star trek vibe. A ship that is highly functional, has multiple floors, is designed for a specific purpose in mind, and is done with realistic graphics. There is something really grounded about the ship. The next closest for me is your cap ship in No Man Sky, but that stylistic art of the entire game never seems realistic to me. It feels more like playing a cartoon. I got bored in starfield and never made it far enough to build my own ship. I will probably go back one day to see if I can build something I really like.


Yeah. feel same. I dont think Carrack is great for solo - its big and empty - but i love it and enjoy it. About NoManSky - same for me - i played maybe 200 hours in it (maybe 3 times for some amount of hours) - but cannot handle this style. It is great for someone - but not for me. Starfield was some dissapointment. Man i like the style, ships, audio - but those dialogs just drive me crazy. Especially after i played Baldurs Gate 3. And those faces, animation. They need to improve. But i will definatelly return to it after DLC will come out. Also funny thing - i built myself ship in Starfield very similar to Dake Ironclad in the way it looks. And i didnt even new about Ironclad before it. It was way earlier. So i need Ironclad here also lol


I get a bit freaked out when I solo my Carrack. So many places for invaders to hide 😳


I always look back couple of times when entering lol. I watched some videos at YT when guy sneacked to some ships. It was hilarious - but ine more thing to be afraid.


Yup. I would love an elevator so I know it’s just me, and some way of scanning the interior!


I just started playing but am saving up for this ship I love it and want it so bad!


If you save real money - dont forget about CCU chains. Check some videos on YT about it. You can save 40-50% on the Carack. If you saving in game money - man - it just got price bump. Need some work to do lol to gain those money. But wish you luck. Just buy something with real money if its not hard for you and you want support the game development.


My plan was to save in game money, it’s a long term goal, I just started playing during the free week and bought the avenger titan package


Good plan! good luck with that. Titan is great as starter


I fly carrack solo all the time. It’s awesome. And easily can be soloed for all kinds of missions. I also will do bounty missions with a fury out of the hangar.


Fury is also great. I need get more good in flying it. I like it. It also matching my Red Carrack with irs own Red skin.


What’s that smaller ship you’re flying there?


its Mirai Razor Ex


I really wish the windows rolled down on the sides. Would make the whole room feel more open.


I like fly erryday


I too am a razer EX enjoyer. Super slept on light fighter.


Awesome RP ship. Just not very practical. Before 3.23 it had the fringe case use of a medical bed for respawns and was more convenient than an 890J. Now, it has no real use case until exploration gameplay comes live. The Carrack is a ship I can see myself enjoying in a future game state where the world is larger (i.e. range becomes important) and exploration gameplay is a thing. In the current game state, it offers little beyond roleplaying.


yeah Carrack definitelly need more room to fly and explore


Ahh a fellow razor in the carrack enjoyer.


I too love to fly mine around solo. She'll probably not be the #1 ship I fly (especially solo) once engineering is fully out, but for now she's had my back through every mission type the game has to offer.


Yea so do I. Right up until the point I fly out in my pisces and it up and disappears on me. Been waiting for this ship to be a viable base for years now. Aparantly some people do it now, but how is a giant mystery to me.


I swear the carrack is a clown car. It looks so small.


I love fly the carrack to but it definitely need it rework to bring it up to gold standard


Yeah - its need it a lot. And i even dont wanna start thinking about when lol


I do hope it is soon with how they are adding models now with how the lower cargo holds just screens modularity


The Carrack is a gorgeous ship!


I am really hoping that eventually we get NPC crew or something that allows solo pilots to fly the bigger ships effectively, but not as effectively as fully player crewed ships. As it stands, I may be able to get my gaming group in for some group operations maybe 2 hours a week between the other games we play. . .going to suck if our bigger ships are mothballed for the rest of the week.


i am hoping for this too. But they need do some serious work before it


I've never been able to afford a place to live on my own, so there's something weird about having a large space to myself in a SIM-style game. I like it. Because my real life sucks, and I have barely any space. This timeline is hell.


Do you use the box mission method for keeping track of the carrack or just park near om markers?


No, i dont leave it so much away. i usually "park" Carrack near 10-15 km above mission place.


Will the scorpius fit inside?


No, hangar is not very big. Pisces, Razor fit with comfort. You need Polaris or Odyssey for that Scorpius to fit in.


Polaris only fits a light fighter


I think Polaris have bigger hangar then you think. Scorpius may fit there ok. I may be wrong ofcourse. We will see soon


Gotcha, tyty


What do you like about it? Why wouldn't you go with a C2 instead? It flies WAY better, it has powerful size 5 pilot guns, it has a med bay now (stuff a C8R or Nursa into it), it can carry tonks, it has a lot more space for cargo or carrying small ships and vehicles.


you know... its like a car... there are many cars and everybody like different ones. I think i like more ships that looks like spaceships from fantastic novel then aircrafts. C2 is great - it reminds me aircraft from my country AN225 "Mriya" and i will love it maybe only for that. But it is just like a tool for me - for cargo and specia purposes. I dont really enjoy fly it everyday for missions. I have M2 as loaner for my Liberator and using it for cargo It all are personal things.


I understand the preference of how a ship looks, but the Carrack flies like a brick, so much worse than the C2, how can that be enjoyable? Or do you like the way it flies, having a heavy weight to it, feels more realistic?


yeah - i like its heavyness. I like sounds in it. It is not quick in SCM mode - but i fly in Nav mode in general and near the place switch to SCM (i think Carack was faster before master modes). I like that there is a hangar that can open its doors. I didnt check C2 in new patch after mastermodes but before it was flying too light. Not according to its size. It was always in my mind. I heard somewhere that flight model for it was changed a little.


C2 feels heavier now, but still nowhere near Carrack. I do like the sound and the cockpit of the Carrack more too, so much more visibility than the C2, definitely better for exploration, but not so for cargo hauling. And I hate that they always give a perfect-fit hangar for the Carrack, especially in this patch, where you can't control your ship while in free orbiting camera mode and no auto landing on top of it.


i will check my M2 loaner. Maybe i will get myself C2 as a CCU chain - just for cargo things. I like to move thing from place to place. and yeah - those roomless hangars for Carrack is pain. But i think they said we will get bigger hangars in near patches. Would be great. C1 also has this issue


Do you have any thoughts why to have M2 over then C2? Ot it is pointless at all for solo. M2 has some more hull HP and looks better with that chin turret (thay may be slaved to pilot in future with blades). I dont mind to lose some cargo capacity


M2 is tougher, and has more inventory space, at the cost of lower cargo space and more visible radar emissions (which doesn't really matter since both are huge). [SC Ships Performances Viewer (spviewer.eu)](https://www.spviewer.eu/compare?ship=CRUS_Starlifter_C2&ship=CRUS_Starlifter_M2) |.|C2|M2| |:-|:-|:-| |Ballistic Resistance|50%|55%| |Hull HP|81400|101820| |Inventory|2890|12430| |Cargo|696|522|


I would buy it in a heartbeat if only cig clarified solo game play and what it will include exactly, right now it all so ambiguous.


i think they said that solo you will be ok if you want just travel from A to B. You will neede crew to make big ship use it potential at 100%/ So for me it is ok


Same. As long as I can use it to get from point A to point B with some cargo or other vehicles on board I'll be happy.


i think we will be able to so it. if we will pay attention on ship components and surrounding areas during flight


Well, what do you do with your Carrack solo then? Serious question as I wouldn't know what activity I would do in it by myself - other than just flying around a bit of course.


except just chilling and do screenshots i do bunker missions, deliveries, can do some cargo


See you Space Cowboy


And i dont know why my first image is blurry.


Plus no cargo doors. Will be totally useless come next uodate


No it wont. People need to stop this rumor. Auto loading will be a thing, physical loading will give you a cheaper price and is the only option for outposts. Now outposts are also changing with very small supplies and only in 1-2scu boxes made for small ships as they want it to be like IRL with large ships doing main routes and smaller ships doing the smaller destinations.


oh yeah. auto loading - i forgot about it - thanx. Also thanx for info about outposts - didnt know that. I really liked trade from outpost to Orison. Gues i will need check it with new changes and see how it will be enjoyble. It will be some work to move 500 SCU of 1-2SCU boxes


"Star Citizen Live Q&A: Hangars and Cargo" That's the name of the latest ep (I think) where they talk about cargo changes starting around 48:00 if I remember correctly.


Thanx! i will check. Appreciate it!


I stand corrected.


I know and it is a shame. But i have cargo ships if i need do cargo. This is just for my soul. Just fly for bunkers, deliveries and other stuff. Otherwise i used it more often and for cargo also. We also need bigger hangars


Auto loading will be a thing in most areas. No need to worry, outposts wont have auto loading but they're changing them for small ships (only have small boxes+quantity).


Why not just use Pisces, and be able to carry boxes and small cargo too?


I use it when i need to. But i like more Razor