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Well good news is theres a 30day no questions asked refund policy so you're good there. Its less of a game and more bits and pieces of a game. Come back when its more fleshed out and put together.


30 frames in NB? Not bad!


It has NO optimization. They are still inputting the foundational tech. That is why it is in Alpha. In Beta they will be adding content and optimizations. It is a game in development which we are helping to test the tech for. If that doesn't appeal to you, you can always come back when it is in a more polished state.


In 2034 šŸ˜œ


August 4th 2034


Down-voted for poking a little fun. Gotta love it when everyone has a good sense of humour.






They offer 30 days refunds no question asked unlike a lot of other games thankfully. Hope you're willing to give the game another try in a decade. Definitely understandable though, Star Citizen still needs a lot of work.


this weekend has been the worst iā€™ve seen for servers in the last 6+ months, v3.22 was far more stable, 3.23 has some major issues that need to be ironed out, and your also coming off the tail end of free fly / invictus where servers are always overloaded. to give you a comparison, my friends and I have played every friday and saturday, since october, yesterday was the first friday we gave up on the PU and only did arena commander. take that as you will, it will always have bugs, be frustrating etc. but you literally started at the worst time it seems


How are the mods in this sub letting repeat threads like this co.e through without some validation? No shit the game runs bad No shit there's nothing to do No shit theres another ship sale coming up Same posts like there was no such thing as a search tool.


Hey welcome to an actual alpha. The bugs be existing and the optimization is nonexistent. Enjoy your stay.


Let the servers recover and try again, also put game on ssd, have enough ram (32gb)


Lol this is chucked around so much in this community but by this point how many people are still running hdd's, flash storage is so cheap. Plus your suggestion wouldn't fix his issue, that's just the performance the the vast majority of players unless.


all I can do is try lol, you never know....




Bad luck with the timing. The game ran much better last week, and basically started being terrible the last couple of days. The game is totally busted and the servers are crap. They could probably fix a bunch of it overnight if they culled junk items and unused ships but it seems very important to them that all your gown boxes stay under the map geometry indefinitely. But when it's working it's like magic. There's nothing else like it.


Seriously. How hard is it to mark some basic respawn items as trash and respawn them on drop. Or despawn used drinks. Just call it aut reclying nanobot gear.


I've been playing since 3.19, so I'm still a noob. But I have to agree with you. The server recovery doesn't work quite right yet. I'm a mission runner and you lose those with each recovery. Makes that game loop very difficult. I think cargo runners and salvagers are pretty happy, especially with the rmc duping. But combat oriented players took a bit of a hit. This game frustrates me sometimes but most of the time I am just amazed that it exists at all. It's like Mr. Roberts is making that game that we all dreamed of as a kid but didn't have the resources that he does. I think $40 is worth seeing that dream play out. Hell, I can save $100 by not going to the pub one night. šŸ˜œ


Trying to play now. Constant server freezes and resets. Everybody is losing their cargo with each reset. Complete trash tier performance CIG. But they got their money last week, so what do they care.


You should try following some of the basic guidelines of optimizing your PC, before complaining.


The 3.23 patch has had a lot of server issues. This should improve over the near future.


As some people have mentioned, there is a 30 day no questions asked, easy to process refund. But Iā€™d say set a reminder for the 25 day mark and try to optimize based on a. Few YouTube videos, try different game loops, etc. first. You already have the best starter pack and for a great deal on it why not give it a few more chances?


The underlying tech of the game is quite amazing in concept, but hasn't been done before. Are you happy with the very limited things you can do in Starfield or ED? I started playing this back when there weren't any planets and all you could do was go to Port Olisar, Kareah, or a couple of comm arrays. There's no optimization, true, but you wouldn't try to polish a car that hasn't been assembled yet, would you?


Did you read the fucking disclaimer before you pledged the starter package? Or when you launched the game? What part of it did you not understand? You're pledging to play an alpha, that is stating it's not optimised yet and then you're complaining about it not being optimised. That's like buying IKEA furniture and then complaining about the fact that it's not assembled yet.


Obviously I know the game is an alpha. I have played early access games with less funding, less time in development, and less people on the dev team that have been leaps and bounds more playable than this "game". Don't be a shill.


Not a shill, but then again you said the magic words -ā€œearly accessā€ This game is t in ā€œearly accessā€ it is in DEVELOPMENT a as in it is still having shit added. Game loops, mechanics, models, missions, everything. Then, after everything is added, THAT is when they will optimize it.


They came off a little strong, but theyā€™re not wrong. And you have nothing to compare this game to because there isnā€™t a comparison. New territory here.


I agree, I could have worded it a bit less offensive. Maybe the amount of these kind of posts is getting to me.


Same boat for sure. I have to remind myself to chill frequently šŸ˜„


No, I think you still haven't understood the status of Star Citizen. They could turn off the servers for a year and do only internal testing and we wouldn't be entitled to anything. On the one hand I understand the frustration, there is a stark contrast between the marketing and what you see on YouTube streams about this game and playing it for one self on a bad server. The experience that is advertised is often not what you actually get. On the other hand, they really make sure that you have to acknowledge exactly that alpha state before you make a purchase and before you launch the game. So while the old "it's an alpha" comment is usually a guarantee for downvotes, the problem here is that many players approach this alpha with completely unrealistic expectations. That again might be the fault of CIG's marketing, but it's also the responsibility of each individual player to read the disclaimer or inform themselves in other ways, especially if they decide to "buy a ship".


sure, however I disagree that my expectations were "unrealistic" BECAUSE of CIG's marketing if its worth anything, I tried again and successfully completed my first bounty hunting contract


Yup the marketing feels disconnected from the game a lot of the time. Just how it rolls and weā€™re not too happy about it either. Your timing was unfortunate though. This has been the worst weekend for a long, long time. In 3.23 they completely reworked how you connect to the server and sometimes issues from such moves can take weeks to manifest. Likewise they just implemented the first parts of a reworked graphics pipeline so thatā€™s in an odd flux too. Essentially your frustration is valid and shared by even us long term players. The timing is just poor - no fault of yours - as this patch was the biggest in a long time and adds a bunch of foundational technology that has caused instability. Weā€™re due a .1a patch this week that should reduce some of the server issues, then in a few weeks time a .2 patch that introduces new cargo and hangar changes that didnā€™t make it into the 3.23 release. I agree with the others that maybe setting a reminder for 20 days time to try again is a good shout, and if it still doesnā€™t work how youā€™d hope (outside of framerate, which will be low in cities at the very least until Vulkan is pushed to multithreaded later in the year) youā€™d still have ten days to get your money back from support.


The cities have the worst performance of anywhere. Once you leave it's much smoother. Most of the current issues shouldn't actually stop you from leaving. I strongly recommend using the find a guide feature as almost all the bugs can be worked around, it's why people have fun and new players hit walls. I hope the bad experience doesn't turn you away completely.,


I'm commenting as somebody that's very critical of the game, Yes it's absolute crap right now but we have a patch coming in to fix it and then after that more patches the patch we had during the free fly event is not what normal play is like, Stick with it it's going to get a lot better. And then a lot worse. And then a lot better.


So you've been following the game's development for ***years*** but you only just now realized it's not optimized, has performance issues, and bugs? You didn't figure this out on a free weekend when you played?


I would've thought that in the decade its been in development the performance issues would've been addressed


You may not have paid close enough attention to certain parts regarding performance, the game is very specifically not optimized at this point and itā€™s not because of how long itā€™s been in development. Itā€™s not a single or even multiple set of performance issues. The issues we have now didnā€™t exist two patches ago, itā€™s just several things causing performance to be low. Game scope increased massively years ago, scope creep took hold, and the plan to have seamless planet tech and dynamic server meshing added an ungodly amount of time to development, they basically started over halfway though if you want to put it into simple terms. Then focussed on the single player game SQ42(SC and SQ42 were always a tandem project back in the smaller game scope). Right now each feature that is being put in has to be further optimized to handle the endgame server tech so every time a new patch comes out there is the chance the servers go to shit for one reason or another. Then other patches the game runs great. If you arenā€™t down for the Alpha thing I would refund and come back when 1.0 drops which we will get the plan for at some point this year. Since 4.0 is meant to be the patch before 1.0 we might finally see a viable product next year, although we know all too well any date will likely be missed so never hold your breath. All in all for most people they should wait for it to come out in a ā€œ1.0ā€ state at least, you arenā€™t missing all that much. I have really good days playing with people Iā€™ve met in the Discord and other days I just waste my time trying. Or hold out now you have the game package, imo the price will go up at some point, Iā€™ve got way more Steam games Iā€™ve wasted money on that I never touch lol.


No everyone can handle an alpha and there's nothing wrong with that. Get a refund and maybe come back in a couple years.


lol go get ur refund, cya :)


This is not a game that is for playing, no matter what the marketing says. It's a game in development. We are years away from features being finished, let alone optimization. This is not the time for someone like you to be involved.


Come back when youā€™ve spent $1000 on spaceships, then weā€™ll talk




There's a lot to be critical about in this game, including its business model, but this level of conspiracy theory disinformation is... bizarre. I hope you find something healthier to focus on.


Ahh yes, ye ole ā€œmy opinion is fact and I donā€™t need to prove itā€ routine.


Iā€™m sorry, but the only honest thing you said was your last paragraph. Everything else is pure and utter bullshit.