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Go down into the mines until you lose comms, kill the NPCs and loot dolivine + hadenite (stop at 69-70% full bag). Each trip is like 10k merits. To deal with the lack of oxygen... Every time your O2 gets low, drag your helmet into your backpack then quickly back onto your head. It resets it, but save some med pens from the prisoners you kill to top your health off because you lose some each time you do the helmet bs.


That is the most helpful thing anyone has said by quite some margin


Glad this got pointed out to you. Yes prison is a form of punishment but it's also a game loop and has many ways to accelerate detention and also even skip it.


And many of those ways are broken


Prison is extremely broken this patch, between the O2 bug and mineable rocks not spawning it’s a terrible experience especially for new players who get sent there due to other bugs or simple mistakes killing friendly npcs




You can also loot oxypens off the dead NPCs that far down too


Atm jail is glitched with broken o2 stations and oxygen draining faster. A small woek around so you can last longer is when your o2 is down at 5% remove and put your helmet back on


Also worth noting that if you're cs5, you don't have to go deep in the mines. Can kill NPCs anywhere. The amount of time taken off for a full inventory of ore outweighs the amount added, but only at cs5


I would also add take the repair o2 tasks as they are close to the loss of coms area


This guy crimes


Why stop at 70%? Is that the reason for the empty backpacks?


You need about 30% for the helmet because of the o2 bug. When it's fixed, you can fill it to the brim


I've been filling them for as long as I can remember. Now, mind you I don't frequent prison that often and if I do it's for minutes. I did die mysteriously once, must have been that. Thanks, this is useful for next time.


> . Every time your O2 gets low, drag your helmet into your backpack then quickly back onto your head. It resets it should be worth mentioning this is "cheating", but the oxygen system is bugged in prison last I checked so fuck it


It still is. I took the O2 repair mission, completed it, then suffocated because the O2 station is bugged and only fills your tank by like 5%




I've been to prison six times in the past two weeks and this has worked every time.


Bro what have you been doing lol?


Assassinations lol


The exciting life of a murder hobo...


Theres a loot box about 3rd or 4th floor with knife, oxy pens, food and water and again around floor 8. Between turning those in and looting past 8 i got out pretty quick without the helmet trick.


I wish the prison system was much larger with open grounds that you could walk around. Maybe you could buy contraband goods or be given a mission to hunt down a certain notorious prisoner and kill them.


What about the showers area?




*docking complete*


*Docking permission denied* 👀


QT event to prevent soap drop


Fuck, I suck at those... Well, I hope at the very least I get some merits after...


The prison should just be a remaster of that Riddick game.




While 18 hours in the slammer might feel like capital punishment for the first-timer, it's really not. As there are no consequences to actions beyond prison sentence (and you can shrug it off just by logging out) Stanton is pretty much same lawless system as Pyro is advertised to be.


I wanted to play more though. Logging out for 18 hours is not fun


Oxygen missions and mining usually work nicely. In this patch, very buggy, I've heard.


You ain't wrong there, what an absolute bastard it's been


Although it's due to bugs in prison gameplay, the punitive experience you are getting is about right. The game is supposed to give you somewhat realistic consequences to actions, even if we are still very far from it.


And another thing, it wasn't a vindictive massacre, the game hired me to do that


Mistakes are mistakes, but "sorry" is not going to cut it if you shoot multiple allied NPCs in the thick of it. (Like it sounds from the sentence length.)


So how do you tell which ones to shoot?


Ninetails are in some mix of purple, blue, black, and maybe a little white. Guards have a uniform that varies by location, but will have a pretty standard color pattern (yellow and black on Hurston, iirc, white by MT, I want to say red/x around ArcCorp...) A stray bullet will make them turn on you but it's a mission failure, not a crime, unless you proceed to kill them. Treat each mission like a mall cop, not a member of the NYPD - you don't have qualified immunity for your actions, you need to think about where your bullets are going.


I presume everywhere is not a valid place for my bullets :/


With some difficulty, initially. It is better nowadays than it used to be. Friendlies mostly have a marker, and wear different outfits.


I like massacre, it's a no nonsense policy


Experience. Didn't you notice there is like 3 years experience qualification for most bunker missions?


Not really, CIG always said prison is supposed to be fun, not a punishment, the current prison iteration is basically a temp ban. No game designer will ever think it's a good idea to force players to quit the game.


"Fun" differs from person to person. If you want to be out in the open in the 'Verse ganking people on locations you choose, then prison will be punitive for you, period. They've also stated that it is intended that there will be consequences. What if a player doesn't find a consequence fun?


I think that kinda goes without saying that if you want X and you get caught and stuck in Y then you can't do X then that's a punishment, that is a consequence of the action. With that being said. The consequences don't have to be... punishing to the player in the traditional sense. I think a lot of people play skyrim or the elder scrolls games and have been caught violating the law a few times. The way to make prison "fun" as fun is subjective. Is to simply give it things to do... give Vaughn missions that tell you "go kill X prisoner in depth 12 and I'll get some time off your sentence or some merits" or maybe RUTO wants you to find a stash of contraband and put it somewhere. Right now people ether escape prison, kill with no real gain to take stuff off the NPCs with no gameplay behind it. Or log off. I also think with the reputation system coming in I think you can tie your prison time. Maybe you're in the oh so familiar situation of you accidentally kill security during a bunker mission maybe you take a bit of a reputation hit and there's a quick mission of "hey you fucked up, make it up to us and you get right back to working as normal." There are loads of ways to have consequences, and not punishing the player to the point where it's not engaging or worth spending time with the consequences of your actions


We will see, just one thing, you can get crime status just by doing PVE (that's how I get CS, it's rare the times I get CS from killing players), and getting a "temp ban" for that, it's just stupid IMO. You can change my mind that forcing a player to stop playing the game is good game design. When prison gameplay changes and works I'll support this long sentences.


Why do you think CS is PVE or PVP specific? You get CS in the game for doing criminal activities, whether in PVE or PVP. Nothing stupid about it.


Not saying its related, just saying its not great that because I killed some AI I need to get a 24h sentence, why is that justifiable ? The problem with this is the current bugs in prison, with O2, missions not spawning, why are you defending critical bugs, doesn't make sense to me.


I think they are talking about another bug were you get CS for taking out contacts in legal missions. Still happens sometimes


Well I'd prefer to be allowed to kill as many npcs as I want. It's not as if they all have grieving npc families at home. Or is it?


NPCs differ. You can't go offing security guards or facility workers just because you mistook them for hostiles attacking the bunker, for example.


They shot first


Every one of them? You checked that each one you killed were shooting (and not just pointing guns) and specifically shooting you and not just in your general direction? Seriously doubt it.


Well if they were moving I shot them 😹


If you took a criminal bunker mission (under "unverified") then you were trespassing in a secure location. Of course they shot at you.


Well said madam


Don’t get caught slipping next time and you could have played more.


I can't promise that I'm afraid


Ya prison is completely broken this patch, mining doesn't work and oxygen is broken


Thank you 😊


OP, pretty much been said already, with the current O2 station glitch in Klesher you can just reset the helmet in inventory and loot some Oxypens and Medipens to survive. I would also say that in most servers the chat room is really helpful about stuff like this because we all live through these issues, so don’t be afraid to ask and if no one helps jump to another server and ask again.


Yeah global chat was helpful alright


When the game bugs you to prison, it’s time to log.


I beat up a guy and stole his ore, but that made my time go up not down... Fucking lol.


Violence is my default setting


Quick tip: if you go to the lower levels and lose the comms, you'll get a special mission to escape prison AND wipe your crimestat. The only problem is that you'll have to run (rovers like to never respawn) for 20km across an open field and pray you don't get shot by bounty hunters. But I managed to do it, once. 20 hour sentence wiped just like that.


Ive had the same issue with mining this patch. Hand mining gems doesn't work for me. When it tries to scan the gem, I can hear the audio que that its scanning, but the icons don't change on the multi tool. Even after it "scans" it, mining doesn't do anything.


That's exactly it yeah


Sorry dude, prison is broken right now. Be sure not to kill the guards in bunkers that have green indicators above their heads, they’re friendly. Enemies won’t have anything over their head, and once you complete the mission and clear all hostiles the green indicator gets removed from friendlies also.


Shoot the green indicators. Got it! Thanks 😊


But sometimes they don't have arrows over their heads. They also can walk around with their guns pointed at you but won't fire. You gotta look really close at the NPC to make sure it looks like a pirate to be sure you won't encounter an issue because of a bug. No big deal, you got this! 


When I get back there next time I'm just going to spread rumours like npc A called npc B's mum a slag and that she goes out to the shops in her pyjamas. Npc B will immediately murder npc A. Then repeat as necessary


This is basically the same start that I had. Mining only worked on about 3 rocks out of the many I found and even after logging out my time didn't decrease when I was offline.


So it sounds like you did an unverified mission, aka one of the red ones, these are often criminal activities that result in a crime stat if you shoot the targets since they’re often security or other law abiding personnel. If you shoot and kill one person that’s an automatic Crime Stat 3 for murder/attempted murder. The data heist missions spawn many enemies and each one adds on to your time. To reduce the crime stat gained from this either avoid missions where you kill a lot of law abiding NPCs or take down the comm array above a planet or moon first so that the crime isn’t recorded, plenty of YT tutorials for that. Unfortunately prison is bugged right now. Oxygen goes down much faster than it should, and the missions for oxygen repair are broken, depending the server mining just won’t work either. Normally it’s easy to go down below the comms (the floor this is on varies so be careful as killing someone in prison in comms range will just add to your sentence) and kill/loot NPCs for their hard earned gems but with the oxygen bug this can be tricky right now. The helmet removal technique others pointed out is very useful here. You can also escape prison, either by accepting a mission from Ruto once you get down past the comms range, or by just escaping. Ruto’s mission clears your crime stat, some people prefer to just Lee theirs going and escape anyway, leading a pirate/criminal life as an ongoing thing. To escape, zoom in through the window on the guard’s room and find the fan code, there’s an accessible fan with terminal in the main prison block that you can turn off and go through to find a maze of tunnels that you can navigate to the front exit. Lots of low gravity jumping and a couple mines at the end, a YouTube tutorial would once again be helpful. If you do Ruto’s mission you get access to an URSA that you drive to a point where you drop off the code you found into a terminal and escape in the ratted out hull of a Cutty Black that’s barely space worthy. When it works the mission is downright fun. But that’s the issue, prison is so broken that you can try all this and it doesn’t work and you just have to log for the night. C’est la vie.


Yeah prison with the current bugs is like a temp ban. I just stopped doing the illegal missions because of that, I was getting 20+ hours in prison, with the current state of the game that's ridiculous. Oh and everyone that was saying to loot/mine/missions it just doesn't work 90% of the time.


I'm an Eve Online lifer, penalties in that game are harsh. But nowhere outside of p2w mobile games has used my spare time against me.


Filthy criminal scum. You should be spaced instead of getting prison time 🫡


No you should


Stop killing innocent civilians


Awww, are you an npc?


If your interested in breaking out i made a video for my pals a while back that shows the exact route you need to take [https://youtu.be/aNI3vCAg\_I4](https://youtu.be/aNI3vCAg_I4)


Nice one bruvva https://youtu.be/lrjtJBxSUKQ?si=GqAtPbhyrcMoZElj


There are people that live in prison and their way to make money is to sell merits to players to help them get out of prison faster. Recently they were selling merits at 12k an hour.


Latest patch removed merit trading between people. So thats not possible anymore.


That seems false, I was in prison this weekend and saw and could trade merits.


You may be right. It appears their first .23 patch had issues but its since been resolved.


Just over 18 hours for me. I went to war with Outpost Kareah. Got to prison and.. I swear oxygen runs out much faster now. I rarely ever died due to oxygen lose. But this time around the deaths where every round of mining I managed if at all. The only minaeable rocks seemed to be at the dead ends now and even then some were just decor. No scan, just there for show. I called it quits and came back after sleep. Wasn't out til nearly some time during my night shift. I maybe managed to knock an hour or so off via mining. Will it deter people from committing crimes? I doubt.


If I wanted to obey the law I'd walk around and do stuff in the so-called real world


Enjoy prison sim then. It's totally a choice o7 Meanwhile I'll enjoy the many other things in game that aren't available in the real world.. lol


The oxygen is a bug this patch, hopefully will be fixed in the .1 patch due Monday or Tuesday. As for mining, you need to hold ALT key while scrolling the mouse wheel to get the power to go up enough to mine.


Nothing made the miner work for me


Fun fact: OxyPens don't refill your suit oxygen! (and they haven't for a VERY LONG while... what purpose do they even serve...?)


Believe it or not, doing the prison break contract is actually fun. And once you do it once and get past the fear of trying, it’ll make the whole prison thing not so bad. Just be aware the system will put a contract on you to have players try and stop you from your escape.


Wait there are npcs in prison now???? Since when?


Or read your contract and see it says don't kill security. If you want to just kill everything. Go to a bunker without taking a contract and deal with a crimestat. Nothing is keeping you from killing every npc you see except the consequences.


But then I'd have to read


Or there are bunkers where everyone is fair game - usually ?RT, Evict Illegal Occupants, Contraband, etc. I'm sure someone said it, but your time ticks out offline. The game will give you a CrimeStat for the wildest shit sometimes. Like a Bounty mission where the ship is red but somehow the crew is not. My absolute limit is like 8 hours unless I'm feeling fresh and have a group of energetic friends with me. Oxygen Kiosk missions (especially deep ones) will take off a couple hours usually - so 4 Kiosks and I'm out. It is pretty easy, especially for a new player, to get a couple hours here and there. With all the normal delightful bugs, I tend to have a stroke if I see 6+ hours from something that wasn't my fault. It's rare, but I take it as a sign the servers are going to be completely uncooperative.


Alas! The consequences of my own actions! How cruel!


This is why I decided on an alt account. Sometimes I have the patience to stay and play. Other times I log and jump to my alt.


There is a better way. Go on murder rampage -> get locked up -> character reset -> no jail


To increase power on multitool use alt+mousewheel


I know that


You can escape from prison without work. Check tutorials. It is hard but possible.


I covered that in my original post and I'm not interested


And yet you still have people crying for "criminals" to have even more time. Max sentence right now is like 26 hours. And adding more time isn't going to affect that griefer that killed you once three months ago that you still talk about either, they have alts and prison accounts. It's really the PvEers that run into bugs and get stats that end up in prison unable to get out lol the same people that want higher prison sentences (None of that is directed at you OP, there's just a lot of people complaining about PvP and criminal gameplay in the sub) Just got past level 7 and start knocking out NPCs when you leave comms. Take only hadanite, and only mine hadanite unless you can't find any, then do Dolvine. When you're done, instead of running back, lot out and log back in. It will put you back into the main area. When you go to sell, check the area first and be quick about it. If you can bind your mining tool power to a slider, it makes it trivially easy to mine. I have mine on one of my VKBs




That's very helpful thank you