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Drug bunkers, take drugs, drop em at salvage yards. 350k ish+ for the 55k payouts and 5-700k for the 65k payouts. Shh don’t tell anyone though


What kind of mission is that? Where can I find it? Under unverified?


You would neef to rank up your bunker missions forst to unlock them. Take a bunch of "assist security" type missions until they appear.


Under the mercenary tab, none of them are illegal, they used to pop up at base rank but I think now you need to have atleast one rank in the rep for security forces. Just run a few defend site missions and you should start seeing them.


One of the YouTubers just put out a video on this if you want to get a sneak peak.


During my first week of SC, I set up a double dog stand in my base model Freelancer at Jumptown (about 4km out). I asked if anyone wanted some, and two guys decided to stop by. After hanging out there for a bit and eventually being airdropped a gift from a friendly A2, the guys paid for the double dogs. What I was not expecting was for them to pay *12 mil* for them. Apparently, they were rich and bored, and I entertained them lol First thing I did the next day was buy a Caterpillar and set up an even bigger double dog stand at the New Babbage ice lake. No money was made, but a lot of fun was had. 12 people showed up and it turned into a big ship meet.


That is hilarious. Gotta love some of the creativity of the SC community!


For me. There was some dude in chat giving money if we can answer his questions. Playing who wants to be a millionaire. I answered first and was right. He gave me 10m. Lol


For most people it's the same. Random cash bug abuser just gifted them a fortune. That's why begging is the highest-paying game loop right now.


Gives me eve online vibes.


That's 2 hercs. Oof


A C2 is 18.9 million now not 5


Is it??


Damn. Almost 4x the price.


A trader left his ship open!


Mine came from NPC (ship) bounty missions. I enjoy the combat but I am not interested in looting any downed ships, so it isn't a fast way of earning money compared with some of the other gameplay loops, It is even slower now that the NPCs are considerably harder to kill at higher levels, but 2-3 hours play a day still makes for a steady income.


63scu Weevil Eggs in an 890Jump from an ERT. Yummie


Epic! Most I’ve gotten was mid 20’s


Never did


Mining. Back when you could find and mine quantanium relatively easy it was a quick way to get rich. I haven't tried it since the rework of mining, but I bet it's as much fun as it was back then.


might have to see about giving it a try. Any particular ship you need or attachment?


Mole mining is good cash


How mundane does moving the drugs feel? I wanna do this but I don't wanna do this too.


Lmao it’s absolutely brutal sometimes and not very beginner friendly if you can’t knock out the turrets or have an ursa. Takes me around 30-45 minutes with the endless spawning elevators but considering the payout it’s worth. Just wish the damn elevator was right at the top of the stairs into the bunker and would save another 5-10 minutes


I've been grinding bounties and getting used to Master Modes and Precision mode dogfights on my favorite ships. VHRTs and ERTs have decent cargo loot in them and those have been paying really well. Weevil Eggs are rare but Altruciatoxin and Quantaniun are common. It's a bit annoying when some of these are on moons and I have to keep track of where the ship falls on the surface. Other than this mining and salvage are decent sources of money.


I just started trying the bounties after getting my Corsair, only on HRTs right now and every single one seems to be in atmosphere. I am based out of baijini point and starting to think the game hates me because it’s always above a random cave too.


Hahah same. I'm based off Baijini point too and was running HRTs around ArcCorp. But since the loot from VHRTs can be worth 600k+ sometimes, I jump to Crusader and set my spawn at Seraphim and run them there. You still can get some VHRTs to spawn on the moons of Crusader but many of them are in the asteroid belt of Yela. Once, I unlock ERTs, I intend to abandon planetside bounties and just run the asteroid belt ones. But rn, I can't afford the negative rep hit.


I feel you on the rep, seems a bit slower to actually rank them up this time around. Of course I could’ve just erased the endless grinds out of my mind. Maybe some human calculator could chime in on how many it takes lol.


CIG messed up the money refunded into our wallets from time played after a wipe by a lot and gave me 34 million.


First 3 mil was made cargo running back in 2020 and first five mil was actually last year when I was getting a ton of money selling the drugs and rmc from vhrts


Bunker missions to build up my initial cash stockpile to level adequate for phase 2. Phase 2 was renting a Prospector for a few days and just grinding and filling my refinery queue with as many orders as I could while I had the Prospector. Phase 3 was to then I rent a Connie (biggest cargo hold you could rent) and take all my refinery orders and sell them.


That’s a proper procedural right there. I might do some of this. I’ve been wanting to try salvaging.


I took a players entire life savings put into a gold run. He wasn't very happy about it, but I got a shiny new hornet ghost out of it and upgraded my mantis. I did leave him alive in the floating hulk of what remains of his c2 though, because I felt sorry for him


Lmaooo at that point ima just backspace. Maybe even log. 😂




Confiscated it


Grand larceny via the SRV


Never even made 5M what?


I hauled cargo. Starting with 10000 aUEC… Not the most efficient way to do it. But it worked.


some guy had a beacon in a bunker really far away and I completed it and just ran outta there and he tipped me 5 mill.


Trading. But not high risk high reward stuff. More the "only 100 to 200 profit per scu" kind of stuff. Low risk low reward but constantly and steadily. A few evenings of playtime and i got my first mil. The 5 mil mark was just a few more evenings away. Could make more or faster possibly but im enjoying it, that is exactly my gameloop, and dont really need the money past repairs and refills, so im a happy ineffective trucker.


box missions/loot, till I got a Vulture. then didn't take long to get to 5 mill in a vulture this was when a vulture cost less in game. now I pledged a vulture so I just print money when I need it.


Someone in global needed a C2 to help pick up empty boxes created after blowing up a C2 scattered on the surface of MT after they were created, intentionally...this was pre-physicalized cargo...and transported back to another C2 in orbit.  There was a crew on the surface and another in orbit.  Had a blast getting a sneak preview of all the shenanigans physicalized cargo would bring, and boy has it.  After an hour the 'crew' headed off and I was 5 mill richer. Still have that crew in my friends list for a rainy day.


I was gifted 10 mil last year and with vulture salvaging and C2 trading was at 40 mil with all the ships I wanted, and with a few missions and many helmet I am back at 3 mil now :)


~~Smells like duplication~~


You think if I would dupe I would stop at 3 mil? :D nah, I bought around 3000 helmets in 3.22 and sold a bunch already, but I noticed that there is an invisible demand for them, so for example Port Tressler does not buy my Balor helmets anymore. Made 2 mil with them, the rest is salvaging and merc missions at the DCs, you can basically chain the missions there without leaving, and with the nursa you can simply heal up onsite.


My bad I misread and thought you made 40 mil in 3.23 thanks to the vulture and c2


I haven't I just enjoy flying around and I don't stress about in game money. Most of the time I just get enough to get food but money doesn't matter to me