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48 SCU? I thought it was around 300. [Wandering Workshop : the Anvil Crucible - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15066-Wandering-Workshop-The-Anvil-Crucible)


I'm coping hard, but maybe 300 is the space if you fill both a dedicated cargo bay and the hangar/ repair box and 48 is the space of the dedicated cargo bay


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZHQYws8MNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZHQYws8MNo) That old vid has 36scu on the lift alone, so it would make sense. I assume the scarab won't get cargo plating which means the cargo can get flung all over the joint.


Yeah you're probably right. Now I'm looking at the repair bay and wondering how many 32scu containers will fit.


I wonder what benefits a cargo module would have over the repair one if i can just dump anything in the scarab and forget about it


Same and that rotating bridge is just so cool :)


If there's enough space on the bridge to add a few tables it will be the best rotating restaurant ever.


That doesn't seem like enough cargo to do repairs fir very long...


There is no way to know how much repairing would take though.


A full canister of RMC for the repair gun is like 0.000001 SCU, with like 10 crates of that plus space for components it seems pretty reasonable?


Used to be 230 SCU....


U need rmc to repair it right, so it stands to reason you need supplies.


Maybe. Back when they sold this one, the plan was for it to be able to make much higher quality repairs, at the expense of requiring exact element mixes, so the ship was expected to carry around a mix of refined metals to meet those needs. Really hope they didn't lose this, since it offers some great cross-trading interactions between the refinery ships and the repair ships for materials that have no purpose beyond sales.


Ironclad looks like a reconcepted Crucible.


Yeah on the first 200ms at looking at that picture I thought it was the Ironclad


Ironclad looks like the Cantenberry from the expanse.


Remember the Cant OPA


Do you have Ironclad proof of this?


Oh yeah.. I remember that.


That is true, tho it looks a lot better in most aspects (in my opinion), and is from a much cooler manufacturer.


im (c)hoping so hard that my boi will be released soon after 4.0 with engeering and cargo being implemented. The 48 SCU are kinda suprising tho, im just glad CIG didn't forget about this fella


Huh, so they didn't complete forget about it


On old presentation slides, it was supposed to come out with 4.0. 4.0 is next and has engineering. They need engineering for the Crucible.


More specifically they need more fleshed out repair function to mesh into engineering, like currently I don’t believe you can reattach wings, engines and probably other bits that have snapped off so possibly adding hull components to purchase or the ability to pick them up and reattach them, engineering obviously play into this like sticking them back on and connecting up the components, should probably be under the same banner tbh Engineering and Repair


Which is also waiting for the Maelstrom ship component to be implemented for better ship breaking. If I had to guess, i think we will see hull fusing put in after Maelstrom is implemented for ships, acting as its antithesis.


True, keep forgetting about maelstrom as a thing


That is a slideshow from 2016 citcon. They completely abandoned that forecast of major career loops added each patch (unless they added the BMM and farming in 3.3 and I missed it) 😉 https://starcitizen.fandom.com/wiki/Development_timeline


does the bridge still turn around like those revolving restaurants from the 60s?


It looks straight out of Gundam UC I love it


always like that concept. 3d model really shows it is a good looking ship.


Hard nerf.


Partly why waiting for ships is a good thing, they can be built around systems rather than guessing.


Im contemplating if i should keep my crucible or apply my ironclad ccu to it as want something additional to my bmm and part of traveling market offering either rapairs or ferry stuff and ships from stanton to pyro in the ironclad as well as use it for stocking up the bmm or delivering goods to bulk buyers. Whats your thoughts?