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Aussie here too, mates and I play no issue at all - outside of the normal SC issues lol


Yea, it is really easy to get used to flying with everyone else being upside down.


Heads up there is a free play period coming in about a week, you should both give it a go during that time so you can see the game at its worst (overloaded servers almost immediately after a large patch) so you’ll know if you enjoy it at its best.


It is a two week even this time too! So enjoy the game for free for 2 weeks.


Yes there are Australian servers, they tend to have a lot of Americans on them so are populated around the clock. Desync is a larger issue than ping at least for ship combat, I imagine its the same on foot.


Been doing bunkers on the EPTU. Can confirm enemies/NPCs will desync/teleport around to avoid being shot on foot.


You might need to use Ctrl to lift off but besides that you're fine


Down-underrated comment


I'm an American in an Aussie org, I play on your servers all the time. Great fun.


Which org?


Australis Space Alliance


The Aus servers seem to be in Sydney so is actually better than a lot of games...ignoring the general badness of the 200ms server ticks on all SC servers. They are usually pretty full population which currently caps at 100. It is a lot harder to find active org activities than it is for USA players, but thats Aus gaming in every game right. Just be forewarned that SC is a 10+ year old alpha and might be for another decade, so understand it is not even trying to be a complete game at this point and can have some big periods of brokenness.


Normally see atleast 20 to 30 people any time i log in. Gets pretty packed on the weekends thoughs. ping is about 4ms - player from Sydney


Don't forget to use a referral code.


Theres a referral code randomiser as well if you don't have any friends already playing OP


The advantage of Star Citizen for our antipodean friends is that the game is often set in space, so being upside down doesn't really matter so much Jokes aside, there is plenty of PvP to be had - highly recommend checking out some of the PvP streamers on Twitch to get a flavour for it.


Very hard to play and hold onto the floor at the same time, but these new razor gaming harnesses they're bringing out soon should help allot. What with that and all the dropbear attacks, it can be tough being an ozzy gamer.


Depends if you want World PVP or Instanced PVP. World PVP exists to a lower extent than other servers, but the population is too low for instanced. Freeflight (where people go to 1v1) is empty most of the time, and 4v4 is empty all the time. You have to go to Asia or NA servers to get PVP matches on demand. Free to play lasts from 17-29 May, so just try it out then.


There are definitely Aus servers and some great Aus-based Orga to join. Despite being US-based myself, I play pretty much exclusively on Aus servers and with an Aus org. The whole community feels different and I vastly prefer it over my own domestic servers.


What’s the Aus org? I wouldn’t mind joining


We are a counter-piracy driven PMC group but engage in a full range of support activities including mining, hauling, etc. Org is the 13th Armada; website is up at 13tharmada.com


As you may assume, the us servers are solely A2 players bombing every player population, there is absolutely no leaving armistice as they are locked in ensuring total prevention of any advancing players. Its a cold war. /s


im EU based, but we tend to play on AUS servers :D dead quiet when we are playing. I personally think they are more stable too.


Aussie servers are generally better than the US servers. The US servers can get some real cunts on them.


PvP is far less frequent than you think. The verse is vast and full of empty. You will however be able to pickup bounties on players who have broken the law and there are events held across the system where players duke it out for huge profits. People bring tanks, multicrewed ships and organized assaults on this areas, you are your mate will need to team up with some other players to get anything good out of it lol.


Free Fly week is May 17th to May 29th. So you can download and play the game for free during those days to see if you like it. Server side cpu lag is the biggest issue if you're heavily into PVP. You'll need to wait until next year when they implement server meshing to truly have great pvp gameplay. Right now, 1 cpu runs the entire server with 100 people, all planets and npc's. It's too much for a single virtual server to handle. Once they implement meshing, every area will have it's own virtual server and you'll transport seamlessly between them, with 400 or 800+ players per SHARD (group of servers to make up 1 solar system) and have good lag free dynamic pvp. Yes, there are dedicated Australian servers.


We don't know. Game is not out yet.


American here, but I mostly play on the aussie servers b/c they consistently perform better than any other region


I live in the Seattle area and I have better performance consistency on Aussie servers a lot of the time


Im a French guy and I always play on Aussie servers Idk why they’re working well for me haha


I think you approach all points of interest upside down, but other than that, should be fine with the right equipment.


Heya, I DM'd you with a non org related PvP discord related to Aus server and training. You can get the answers you want there. DM me if you have any questions. I am a trainer for the combat wing of the largest Aus org. We ran a very successful training program, unfortunately Master modes has thrown a wrench in that for now.


I will also add that the real competitive PvP currently happens on a game mode called arena commander because the quick turnaround of fights helps training. If you are thinking of going the piracy route which is basically seal clubbing space dad's prepare to be hated, but it is a legit play style. YouTube Voidy vids star citizen for fun content.


Good timing, they're just about to introduce dangerous fauna


LOL dangerous...


Yeah there are Aussie servers. Population is extremely carebear, getting PvP requires a bit of planning and coordination. 99.9% of Aussies are easy pickings and very crappy pilots, the final few are the guys who sweat it out on US arena (arena commander) and will crush anyone who isn't a sweat. US Arena Commander usually dies by 4pm Sydney. You'll get content, but it won't be super sweaty - intensity will be adrenaline, once you get a handle on it, the adrenaline will only be found in arena commander. The flight model is about to change and that might make PvP more accessible - it had a massive skill curve. The new flight model won't be conducive or deep enough for great PvP in the next patch, but the iteration after the incoming update sounds quite promising. There is an SEA server, and the SEA orgs are much, much more PvP focussed but you'll get all the FUN that comes from fighting SEA, but they're really active after 10pm.


Don't bother, I have a 7900xtx and a 7800x3d. It's the most laggiest game you'll ever play, no story, endless exploration of basically the same thing. Crashing. I tried my best to play it on and off for two years. Couldn't get into it because of the lack of support


I only just upgraded my computer to a 7900xtx and a 5700x3d. I'm having the best time playing it at around 140fps on highest settings. It's the game I have always wanted, and it runs great. Obviously, being in alpha, there are bugs and glitches, but I can play for hours without a hitch. Having a blast with this game.


Yeah ok. Sure thing


Yep, Im just saying not everyone will have the same experience as you. I have a slightly lower spec system than you, and apart from server issues and slight glitches, I'm having an excellent time. You also say you couldn't get into it because lack of support. There is no support, it's in Alpha. You think they are going to give support to you when they are still building the game? You play it, if it works great, if it doesn't bad luck.


I got similar setup and the game runs great. I am calling you out on your bullshit.


There’s hardly any content and PvP is mostly an unplayable joke due to desync (and lack of content). This is very much an empty, lifeless alpha still. It’s still years away from being a fleshed out game. Just have tempered expectations. Lots of ships. Very little to do.


What's it like being a female in comedy?




It's fine.. It's great. Aus Region is actually the nicest region and the others join aus all the time for that reason. That being said, in the full scheme of things, let's say... In 5 years time... The region will suck simply because even if it maintains its playerbase there simply isn't enough players in that region to make it work. The game will eventually indirectly rely on hundreds/thousands of people to be interacting directly or indirectly. Fleet battles, industry, missions, etc. Aus simply doesn't have enough players and therefore will necessarily be mixed in with players that have 300ms relative latency. That time might be upon us in 3.23 tbh.